Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology

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Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology Page 56

by Ally Vance

  His one hand covered my breast as his mouth trailed down my cheek, my neck, and to my nipple. He stared up at me as he pulled it into his mouth, sucking on it so hard I damn near combusted right then and there.

  He grasped my hips and moved to his knees, not breaking eye contact once as he pulled my skirt down, leaving me in just a pair of black panties.

  “These need to go,” he gritted out, and then the sound of material tearing echoed around the room. “Mine.” His palm moved to my pussy, covering it entirely as he repeated, “This is mine.”

  I groaned, trying to keep my eyes open, but it was becoming too much watching him touch me.

  “Say it,” he demanded. “Tell me you’re mine, Kloey.”

  “I…” I gasped as his finger pushed inside me and his thumb rubbed against my clit. “I’m yours.”

  “Damn fuckin’ straight you are.”

  He pumped his finger in and out, adding a second one as the burning at the bottom of my stomach intensified. I reached for him to keep myself steady, my fingers pushing through his short brown hair.

  I was close, so damn close, but then he pulled away. He left my body just as quick as he’d pounced on me.

  “What…” I blinked, trying to come to the here and now, and just as I realized he’d been pulling his own clothes off, he grabbed me again, this time picking me up and thrusting his cock inside me.

  I hadn’t been expecting it, but he didn’t care. He took what he wanted, and I gave it to him willingly.

  “You’re so damn tight,” he murmured into my neck, his hand working its way down between us again and rubbing against my clit.

  He moved us around the room, thrusting as he went, but it was when my back hit a wall that he went faster, harder, rougher. And…I liked it. I liked it more than I ever thought I would.

  “Tell me again,” he ground out, bringing his face level with mine. His eyes darkened, begging me for something, and I knew exactly what he needed. I may not have known him yet, but our souls knew exactly what the other one needed.

  “I’m yours, Nixon.” He growled, his body tensing as my orgasm threatened a second time, so I repeated, “I’m yours.” He slammed inside me again, my orgasm taking me over completely, and I knew right then that nothing would be the same again.

  I’d come here knowing he would cause my life to veer off track, but I didn’t care.

  He pulsated, his cum spurting inside me, and his stare focused entirely on me as he whispered, “You’re mine.”

  About Abigail Davies

  About Abigail:

  Abigail Davies grew up with a passion for words, storytelling, maths, and anything pink. Dreaming up characters—quite literally—and talking to them out loud is a daily occurrence for her. She finds it fascinating how a whole world can be built with words alone, and how everyone reads and interprets a story differently.



  Books by Abigail:

  MAC Security

  Fallen Duet

  Unseen Underground


  Faith Ryan


  My heart beats wildly as I run faster, relishing the chase almost as much as the capture. The man’s footsteps pound the pavement hard and I smile with glee when he looks back over his shoulder to see if I’m still behind him.

  You won’t get away that easily. I maintain just enough distance between us to let him think he has a chance of escaping from me. He doesn’t, but this is much more fun.

  He turns the corner and I follow him into the alley. His terror-filled eyes meet mine the moment he realizes he’s run into a dead end, and a wall is blocking him from going any farther. The bitter smell of him pissing himself reaches me over the garbage littering the ground, and I wrinkle my nose at him in disgust. Pathetic. His obvious fear and weakness when faced with someone like me is another mark against him, solidifying my need to remove him from Tate’s life. Tate doesn’t need someone who isn’t strong enough to fight for him. He needs someone like me.

  “What do you want from me?” he sobs, tears and snot dripping down his face. The sight of it is disgusting. What did Tate ever see in him?

  “I want you to stay away from Tate.”

  The man looks at me in confusion. They always do. Why can’t they understand how important Tate is? He deserves so much more than they could ever give him. Men like this one are why I have to take things into my own hands. I gave him a chance to do it himself, but he didn’t listen. He even went to the police to try to stop me. I don’t blame him, though. He doesn’t understand what he means to me and what I’m willing to do to see him happy. Soon he’ll see I’m the only one who can give him what he truly needs.

  I pull my switchblade from my back pocket and flick it open. The street lights don’t illuminate the alley very well, but the small amount of light is just bright enough for the man to see the glint of the blade. I stalk closer and he backs into the brick wall. Raising the knife, I slice across his throat and watch as the black-red fluid pours from the cut. I’m sure there are easier, less violent ways of removing these men from Tate’s life, but I’ve concluded that this is the only permanent solution. The only one hundred percent guarantee they will never return.

  I do this for you, Tate. Everything I do is for you.

  Chapter One

  One Month Later


  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” I ask Tate as he adjusts the tie around his neck.

  “No. But Stuart’s a good guy, he wouldn’t set me up with some creep.” His green eyes shift to the window and he breathes out a sigh of relief that the curtains are closed.

  “What about your stalker? I could drive you, so you don’t have to go alone.”

  “I can’t have another guy drop me at my date, Corvin.” He drops his hands in frustration at both my words and the mess around his neck. I automatically reach for the silk material and untangle the intricate knot he’s created.

  “I know it’s not ideal, but wouldn’t you rather be safe?” I ask as I deftly secure the tie at his neck, then smooth the material over his chest.

  “It’s just some creep following me around. I’ve never actually seen him, and he hasn’t done anything to suggest I’m in danger. It was one note months ago. Other than the chills I get when I think he’s around, there’s nothing to suggest I should worry. You shouldn’t either. I’ll be fine for an early dinner date. And yes, Dad, I’ll call you when I get there and when I leave.”

  Tate steps away from me to check himself in the mirror. His sandy colored hair is slicked back, with not a single hair out of place—it’s the complete opposite of its unkempt, yet sexy natural state. Tate’s beauty is understated. Part of it comes from him hiding behind his work, and part from his natural shyness around anyone other than me. He’s adorably awkward and clumsy. Most guys don’t appreciate the man he is, which is why he’s resorted to accepting blind dates set up by his coworkers after being ghosted by every date he’s arranged from online dating sites. He’s desperate to find someone, but his stalker has discouraged him from going out socially and finding a date himself.

  Tate and I have been friends since middle school when I punched out Bobby Wilson for tripping him in the cafeteria. Bobby was a bully, and while I couldn’t save all his victims from his special brand of torture, I made it a mission to do what I could. I still remember the way Tate’s green eyes had shimmered with barely restrained tears. I’d invited him to share my lunch with me that day, and then the next, and the day after that. Before I knew it, Tate was following me everywhere. I didn’t hate it, so I’d started striking up conversations with him, until eventually we became best friends.

  I came out just before we started high school. I was determined to have the best time and be true to myself, and I’ve continued to live my life the same ever since. Tate, on the other hand, took his time. He slowly came out of the shell he kept wrapped around hi
mself, with only a little—okay, a lot—prodding from me.

  “If the guy turns out to be a freak, or a loser in any way, call me. I’ll take you out to a movie, or dancing, whatever will make you feel better.” I cringe at how desperate I must sound.

  Did I forget to mention I’m head over heels for Tate? Well, I am. Have been since our junior year. Of course, he doesn’t see me or feel the same way toward me, or this date wouldn’t be happening.

  “You’re going to jinx it if you don’t stop being so pessimistic. I really think this date will be a good one. Stuart told me a little about the guy and we have a lot in common.”

  Tate turns to me and holds his arms out and gestures to himself, silently asking how he looks. He looks good… too damn good. “You’ll do,” I tell him instead of any one of the many compliments floating through my mind.

  Tate rolls his eyes. “You’re jealous because while I’m out possibly meeting the man of my dreams, you’re stuck here with your hand.” He snickers at his own joke, snorting a little as he tries to control his laughter.

  “You’re not that funny, T. Besides, I could go out and find myself a guy to bring home if I wanted. But, I won’t. I’ll stay home just in case you need rescuing, because that’s what friends do.” And it has nothing to do with the fact that I am jealous, just not in the way Tate thinks.

  The laughter fades from Tate’s face and a more serious expression takes its place. “You’re right, Cor. And you’re the best friend I could ever ask for. I’m sorry for taking you away from your social life.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You need to meet the man of your dreams, and I’m here to protect you from anyone who’s not him.”

  Tate stares at me for a moment, his mouth opening to say something, but he obviously changes his mind. A few beats of silence pass before he finally does speak. “I think my stalker may be getting bored.”

  I get mental whiplash at the change in subject. “What? Why do you think that?”

  He shrugs. “Just a feeling. He was worse when I was steadily dating, but this string of bad dates I’ve had the last few months seems to have caused him to back off. I can still sense him sometimes, and I still think I can hear his footsteps when I go for my morning jog in the park, but it’s not as”—he waves a hand as he tries to think of the word he wants to say—“urgent, I guess. More like he’s there out of habit. I don’t get the same sense of dread as I used to.”

  “Tate.” I wait until he meets my eyes before I say what I need to. “Be careful. I know I was the only one to take you seriously about him, but I won’t hesitate to get the cops involved. They might not believe you, but they’d have to do their job if they got a call.”

  He nods, then grabs his jacket from where it’s lying across the bed. “I’ll be careful, I promise, Cor.”

  I sure hope so.

  Chapter Two

  I watch Tate leave his lovesick friend behind as he climbs into his car for his date. I’d thought I had broken his interest in trying to find a man. He’s a romantic at heart and longs to be with his one true love. I’ve seen the way he looks at the couples he passes, or in the movies he watches when he’s home alone. But none of these fools he’s gone out with are worthy of him. No one is. Well, his friend possibly, but Tate’s too far in denial to see what’s in front of him.

  Even if I think Corvin could be good enough for Tate, I still have to see what happens when he comes face to face with me and what I’ve done to protect Tate. His reaction will be all I’ll need. It’s the only way I can know for certain that he will always keep Tate safe, to put him before his own thoughts and needs like I do.

  I want to reveal myself, but the timing isn’t right. Not yet. Tate won’t understand. I need to wait a little longer before I approach him. So, instead of making myself known, I content myself with simply following, watching, and sabotaging. At least I’ll get a decent meal tonight seeing as this date is at an upscale steakhouse, rather than the parking lot of a fast-food joint. I didn’t even need to get rid of that one, Tate did that all on his own. Of course, I went back to be sure he’d never be able to bother Tate again. One can never be too careful. Some people don’t seem to understand the meaning of ‘no.’

  I smile at the memory and follow Tate to the restaurant. I’m already planning out how to get rid of whatever man is waiting in there for him. I’m not expecting to see the man who smiles at Tate with familiarity, but I should have known. He’s shown increasing interest in Tate over the past few months, though I’m glad Tate has been mostly oblivious to his flirtatious advances.

  I sit back to watch, anger boiling in my blood at the thought of Tate being with this man.

  Chapter Three


  I follow the directions the GPS gives until I reach the lavish restaurant where Stuart arranged for me to meet my date. I’m nervous and I have to wipe my sweaty palms on my pants before heading inside. The hostess smiles in greeting and I give her my name.

  “Right this way, Mr. Browning. Your guest has already arrived.”

  She leads me through a sea of tables and customers to a table tucked into the back corner of the dining room. It’s cozy and romantic. I’ll have to let Stuart know what a fine job he did choosing this restaurant and setting up the date. It’s very impressive. But it makes me worry that the man needed so much help from Stuart to be able to set up such an amazing date to begin with.

  My date is sitting with his back to us as we approach, so I can’t see anything but the blond hair on his head and the white of his shirt. His grey and blue pinstripe suit jacket is hanging on the back of the chair to his right.

  “Gentlemen, your server will be right with you.” The hostess walks away as I round the table and shrug out of my own suit jacket and place it on the empty chair to my right. When I look up to greet my date, I’m surprised to see Stuart sitting across from me instead of a stranger.

  He chuckles at my response. “Not what you were expecting, huh?”

  I shake my head and finally take my seat. “Why didn’t you just ask me out?”

  “Would you have said yes if I had?” He raises a brow at me.

  Would I have? No. He’s my coworker, and while it’s not explicitly against the rules, it is frowned upon. Getting involved with a coworker just seems like a disaster waiting to happen.

  “It’s okay, Tate. I know it’s not because you don’t like me. But sometimes, you need to take a chance when you see something you want. This is me, taking that chance.” Stuart smiles and it draws my attention to how attractive he is. How had I never noticed before how sexy he is? And my God, those dimples. I return his smile and we settle into comfortable conversation.

  I’ve always gotten along well with Stuart and I find it relaxing to know I can be myself around him. Well, as much as I can be around anyone who isn’t Corvin. He’s the only one that gets to see all of me, for now that is. Once I meet ‘the one’, he’ll get to see those parts of me, too. Stuart is kind and funny, and I think he could be Mr. Right if I give him the chance, but it’s way too soon to tell.

  The evening passes quickly with great food and engaging discussion, and I find myself disappointed when it’s over. I wouldn’t have gone out with Stuart under normal circumstances, but I’ll admit I enjoyed our time together and I hope we can do it again soon.

  Stuart insists on paying for the meal and walking me to my car like a true gentleman. The night is crisp and cool, causing me to shiver at the slight breeze in the air. Stuart seizes the opportunity to wrap his arm around me as we make our way to my unimpressive silver sedan.

  I take my keys from my pocket and pull from his embrace, turning to thank him for such a wonderful evening. “I had a nice time tonight.”

  “Nice enough to want to do it again next Friday?” he asks with a smile, flashing those delectable dimples of his at me.

  Part of me wants to say no. The same part that would never have accepted a date from him in the first place. But maybe that part of me has been wron
g all this time. Saying ‘no’ and following my own rules of moral merit has only led to me being alone. Maybe it’s time to take a chance like Stuart said.

  “Yes. I’d really like that.”

  “Great. I can’t wait.” Stuart leans in and I have a momentary flash of panic that he’ll think because I said yes to another date it means he can take advantage of me, but he only presses a quick kiss to my cheek before backing away. I wouldn’t have minded a kiss, but I like to take things slower than most people. “I’ll see you in the office on Monday.”

  He waits until I’m inside my car with the doors locked before he heads off to his own vehicle. I’m giddy and a little buzzed from the wine at dinner. I can’t wait to get home and tell Corvin everything about my date.

  Chapter Four


  I scroll through the movies on the TV screen, not really paying attention. My mind is on Tate and wondering how his blind date is going. He’s been gone for a while now, much longer than any of his dates have lasted in the months since his stalker came into the picture. I can’t decide if I’m happy or not that it seems he’s found a date worth staying out late for.

  When I hear the key in the front door, I quickly click on a movie, fast forward a bit, and pretend that I’ve been watching it. I cringe when I realize I’ve put on a romantic comedy. I hate these cheesy romances, though I will watch them with Tate on occasion. His love for them makes enduring them bearable.

  Tate walks into the room, tosses his jacket on the back of the couch, and flops down beside me. I pause the movie and turn to look at him. He has a dreamy smile on his face, and I decide I’m not happy at all that his date appears to have gone so well. In fact, I’m thinking that I should have taken my shot long before now. Even if it wouldn’t have worked out between us, at least I would have known, instead of feeling this painfully deep longing for my best friend and the crushing regret over not acting on it. Now it looks as if my chance may be gone forever.


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