Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology

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Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology Page 106

by Ally Vance

  Slowly I turn around and face him.

  His eyes no longer dark, but now a bright green.

  As I stare at this man, I know everything has been in vain. The truth finally revealed, and the last act played.

  Loving that man had sealed my death.

  Because I knew with every fibre.

  Today was the day I died.


  Chapter Nine


  The way Romeo whispers my name makes my stomach clench and lips pull into a snarl. Remy died years ago. When Romeo betrayed me. When I watched my family butchered in front of me; heard their screams and saw the blood that still stains the floor. I might not have taken my last breath that night, but I had lost my soul. My heart disappeared underneath the rage and need for revenge... I was the perfect storm. Appearing calm, you couldn’t see what was being unleashed underneath the surface.

  “You were looking for me and I was right beside you. How does that knife in your back feel?” Every word is slowly pronounced. I want him to hear the promise wrapped in every letter. But I didn’t want to kill him straight away, no, he would suffer. He would know everything I’ve been through, every gory bloodstained part of what his poisoned lips caused. I watch as he licks his lips, and a habit he does when he is nervous. I hate that my eyes track his tongue. That my mind and body haven’t caught up with the fact he’s the cog that started all this. It was him. The boy I couldn’t get enough of. I could still remember his taste, how heavy his cock felt on my tongue. How we had felt like petrol and fire together. Romeo was all I ever needed. Then he fucking betrayed me. Left me in the darkness alone, letting my burning rage and hatred lead the way.

  The look of lust in eyes, that he’s unable to hide, should make me sick, instead it brings pleasure to my balls as my dick twitches. Maybe I could have some fun first? Use every one of his holes until I am bored, then put one between those blue eyes. I try to control my breathing, clenching my hands to stop them reaching out and grabbing his hair and forcing him to his knees. To worship my dick, choke on it, watch the tears fall from his eyes as I cut off his air supply, pupils dilated in fear. I move around the kitchen, pulling a knife from the rack, twirling its blade on my thumb as I raise my eyes.

  “You're not going to die.” I feel my lips curl. “Yet.” A dark laugh falls from my lips.

  As if the sound pulls Romeo from his trance, he blinks, looking at me as if only now really seeing me.

  “How?” That one word, three letters, snaps something inside of me. I send my fist flying into his face, catching his temple. I watch his eyes roll before he falls to the floor. I grab his legs, pulling him through the kitchen, down the hall to the room I know he has for holding people. His own torture chamber that now he gets to be up close and personal with.

  Placing him in the makeshift holding pen; it is big, 6 foot by 12 would be my guess. The front is all glass, reinforced. Just a toilet and concrete floor. I spark up a cigarette, taking a seat, waiting for him to come around.

  Screams pierced the air, waking me up. It took two seconds to realise they weren’t a wounded animal but came from my parents’ room. I had been a part of the violent world my father lived in. Something had happened, and my father had come home, tears streaking his face. He had walked right to me, kissed my head and within an hour we moved to a secret location. For the last month, we had moved around, but this house we had stayed longer. Only last night, I broke a rule and rang Romeo. Fuck, I missed him. I know he’d never betray my trust. We were going to run away together; this wasn't a crush it was deep seeded. If there is a reason I was born, Romeo Russo is it.

  As I walk out into the hall, Sienna is standing there shaking, a look of horror over her face. Those deep blue eyes turn to me, shining bright with fear, just as Enzo opens the door. Tears run down his face, biting his lip so hard blood trickles down his chin. I lift my finger to my lips as I raise the gun my father had given me a week ago. I had even practiced, so I knew how it worked and had a good aim. “Hide.” I mouth. Sienna blinks before grabbing Enzo's hand, racing silently down the stairs.

  I walk towards the screams that had become low moans and groans, placing my ear against the door, instantly recognising the voice as my father.

  “How?” his voice hitching, as if in pain and taking every piece of energy to force out that one word.

  Gianni answered. “Your faggot son couldn’t keep his mouth shut, told Romeo where you were. Told you we should have killed him.”

  All the breath left my lungs. That's why we were running because they had found out about my relationship with Romeo. It wasn’t welcomed in our world. The price, death.

  I watch through the gap in the door as they brutalise my mother. As they slit both their throats. Feeling the blade as if it has gone across my own skin. Romeo had betrayed me.

  Chapter Ten


  I wake to a throbbing in my head, only taking two seconds to realise where Remy had put me. In the self-made cell. My head is still buzzed: Dante is Remy! The same guy I died alongside when my father told me his whole family had been murdered. The guy whose grief still cloaks me like a blanket, suffocating me with memories. The reason no one has been able to get close since. Only now, my heart feels like it’s been dug out of my chest; bleeding with no way to stop it because everything in me told me my father had lied. There is only one reason Remy killed them. It's easy to see, now I understand the darkness that crawls beneath the surface is revenge. It fuels him like oil to a machine.

  My family was responsible. Roberto, Gianni, and even Alec had been there that night. What I didn’t know was why or how? Or what it had to do with me?

  But I knew one thing: Remy wanted to break me piece by piece, slowly destroying me. It wouldn’t matter how much I screamed, he would ignore my yells until he was ready.

  It’s mental torture; was he coming back or leaving me here to slowly die. Where no one would hear my screams, my pleas for mercy in my self-made crypt.

  But I was fucking sick and twisted because a part of me didn’t want to leave. I want to be here because it meant being near the only man I have loved. I craved to have his hands cover my body, be that in pain or pleasure, I would take it all. Knowing he is alive, that his heart still pumps, sends a wild emotion through me. Knowing he had been watching me for years, sent a shiver of desire down my spine. I was his prey, and I should have been scared. I had seen what he had done, but it excited me, sent a dark ripple of pleasure through me.

  I felt him approaching before he appeared.

  “Are you ready?”

  The dark way he says it has the air in my lungs disappearing as my dick twitches. I don’t answer him as anger also mixes with the pleasure. We had both changed in the years that had stretched before us. I was no longer the guy that followed him like a puppy. His death had changed me. The same darkness that covered him, also drenched me.

  I knew what he wanted from the dominant way he stood; my submission. But I wouldn’t give it up easily.

  I watch as his lips curl, like he finds my residence funny. Every step he takes towards the glass, I match. It had always been this way between us, drawn to each other, and even in the darkness we saw each other.

  He opens the door, a sick twist of his lip. “Get on your knees.”

  “No.” The word is out before I can stop it. But watching Remy’s eyes dilate, the flare of his nostrils, it is worth anything that follows.

  The pain across my scalp as he digs his fist in the strands has me hissing between my teeth.

  I fall to my knees, looking up at him. “You're scared.” He grins.

  I shake my head. “Never,” I grit between my teeth. Only it isn’t the truth. Remy has always scared me. The power he held over me. How much I felt for just this one man. How deep those feelings went. Like we were tied together; a force more powerful than anything human.

  “Do you know how many years I’ve watched you? How many times I’ve gotten close enough to slit y
our throat?” His words come out raw.

  Tears sting the back of my eyes. “I didn’t know.” Revealing my truth, but knowing Remy is too blind to see it.

  He spits in my face. “You told them where we were.” I frown, not understanding. Then I remember ringing Remy’s phone, and the desperate messages I had sent. When he finally called, he told me where he was. My father must have bugged my phone.

  “I’m sorry.” The weight of the words, resting on my shoulders.

  Chapter Eleven


  Seeing Romeo on his knees, that look of fucking pity in his eyes, makes my whole-body lock tight. How dare he fucking pity me! I wasn’t weak! He had stolen everything from me, and I had survived and avenged my family. Made those who had hurt them die in agony. He was the weak one, fell in line just like daddy wanted. Every dream he told me, whispered in the safety of our cocoon, he achieved none of them. He became everything we both despised. His father.

  Tightening my grip, I lift him off his knees slamming him against the wall, smirking as he grunts. Knocking the breath out of him, I use the time and strap his wrists above his head. No doubt to hold prisoners. The steel cuffs locked into the wall with no give in them. I’m almost impressed.

  Romeo growls, swinging his leg, catching me in the stomach, causing a grunt to fall from my lips. I return a punch to his own, causing him to curse.

  “Try that again and I’ll break your fucking legs,” I growl, waiting for him to nod before strapping his legs down. Standing back, I admire him, he’s almost star fished, and my dick grows at the sight.

  I watch how his jaw clenches, his eyes flare in fury as I stand so close, and I can feel his breath over my skin. I grab his jaw, forcing his eyes to mine. “My little plaything.” He fights my grip, shaking his head. When I pull the knife out of my pocket, he catches it out the corner of his eye. His whole body goes solid, but his eyes turn to me, almost in a dare.

  Only I don't do as expected, instead I cut his top off, the material falling in shredded strips between us. Next, I go to his trousers, doing the same until he is completely bare to me.

  His cock hard and angry makes my brow rise, and I slap it with the flat part of the knife, stealing his breath, that part of his body so close to the blade. Feeling my own dick grow, I place the tip of the knife along his cheekbone, down to those poisonous lips, stopping myself from going any harder when a droplet of blood falls down his chin. I carry on, using the blade to smudge the crimson into his skin, tracking its movement. Tracing the tip across his neck, leaving a red mark. Drawing the blood to the surface but not cutting the skin. Our deep breathing matches as I drag it further down his chest, around his dark nipples, turning the blade sidewards as if I'm going to cut them.

  A whimper leaves Romeo’s lips. When I lift my eyes to his, the sight makes my heart stutter. The look of fear and pleasure written all over his face is like a drug to a man like me.

  I move the blade over every ripple of muscle. Going lower and lower before touching the coolness of the blade to his shaft, hearing another whimper as his dick twitches. Moving the blade to his heavy ball sack, turning so it’s sideward and more of the metal touches that sensitive area. I watch as they draw up, and his breathing turns to pants then just as his eyes flutter shut, I slice his thigh.

  “Fuck!” comes from gritted teeth, pain overtaking the lust.

  “Did I say you could cum? Take pleasure from me?” Romeo bites his lips, shaking his head as blood trickles down his leg, as his eyes beg for more.

  I fall to my knees, looking up at him before I lick the blood that fell from his veins like tears. Savouring the metallic taste, knowing it's my betrayer’s, my enemy’s makes it that much sweeter.

  Something in tasting his pain, soothed my own. Like our pain had joined, just like our soul’s had all those years ago. I rise to my feet, keeping my eyes on him as I grab a hold of his cock, wrapping my fist around it, and I pull and twist in a way that brings pleasure. Watching as his eyelids fall, the hitch in his breath returning, and the flutter of his pulse beneath the surface. I press my thumb in the wound, making him scream in pain, in pleasure that has no place to go. It mixes with the pain. I’d learnt that pleasure can be more painful than any pain.

  Chapter Twelve


  My body doesn’t know what to do; to beg, come closer or get away. All my senses become hyper. I can smell the testosterone that is escaping his pores. Can taste the danger and anger that's coming off him in waves. That dark look of desire in his eyes. Another scream escapes my lips, only Remy thinks it's in pain, the truth it is a roar for more. I was borne open for a man that wanted to kill me. He had already drawn my blood. Giving me so much pleasure that I no longer knew if that's what hummed beneath my skin, or if it had all turned to pain. My body is confused, and the look in Remy's eyes told me he knew exactly what he was doing. Playing my body like his own personal instrument. Making me exactly what he said. Making me his plaything.

  I swear he could see it in my eyes, how much I hated him, craved him.

  My body begged for the pain, the pleasure, for him to consume me. To break the distance the years had taken. To join our darkness.

  Hot lips covered mine, the metallic taste of my own blood sending a shiver through me. I can't bite back the groan as his tongue sweeps against mine. This time I submit, letting go of everything, except the feeling he is giving me.

  “Do you know I still hear their screams?” he growls against my lips before biting, breaking the skin. When he pulls back there's blood on his lips. He rubs my swollen bottom lip, pressing hard enough to hiss. “All because of these poisonous lips.” His eyes flick to mine before I hear the click, and with my ankles still held apart, I fall to my knees with a thud. Pain shoots through my legs and up my spine, and before I have a chance to gasp a breath, Remy’s thick cock is pushed between my lips. Hard as diamond and throbbing, heavy and warm on my tongue. I could easily bite down, show him pain. What it's like to be on the receiving end of it. But the sick twisted part of me wanted his cock, loved how he grabbed my hair until my scalp tingled. The way he hit the back of my throat, blocked off the airway, forcing me to swallow him.

  “Take it.” The growl vibrates through him, all the way, and I feel it in my mouth as he pushes deeper, holding me prisoner. I can do nothing as he fucks my mouth, already feeling the soreness at the back of my throat from his violent thrusts. Tears fall thick down my face, and I should be ashamed, planning his death, only I feel alive. Like a boat lost at sea, Remy is the lighthouse that shines its light on me. Maybe it's the thought of dying that thrills me or knowing Remy has broken me. He is breaking pieces of himself too, and when this is over, if I survive, I’ll sew us together like Frankenstein. Only I won’t question my existence like he did because mine is in front of me. All that damaged broken man is mine. He always has been.

  I stare at him from the floor, covered in blood and cum. “Remy.” He freezes at his name, then unclasps my ankles. Standing he turns to me. “Finish yourself off.”

  My hand goes to my cock, fisting it, but it's not the same. Not now I’ve had his touch again.

  “Please,” falls from my lips like a last prayer.

  “No.” The word cracks like a whip across my skin as his eyes stay on me.

  “Sir, please.” The words stumble out, begging for something I know only he can give me.

  At that word, he moves closer, his eyes turning from green to nearly black with desire.

  “Master,” he whispers across my heated skin before grabbing my cock. It only takes a few hard tugs to find my release, my back arching, and a sharp roar leaving my lips. By the time I come back around, I’m alone. Already I miss my tormentor, my master.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I can’t get the look of Romeo's eyes out of my head; it keeps playing on loop. That desire, need and something deeper, rooted to my very soul. I walk into his office. What are you hiding?

  I pull down al
l the books. Picking up a photo frame of him and his father, smashing it on the ground and using my boot to squash the glass. I wish I could get my hands around his neck. Be able to watch the last breath leave his body, but he’d already died when I had been accepted into the family as a soldier. He got an easy death in his sleep, something he never deserved. I sit down on the chair, pulling open drawers filled with properties the family owns and businesses, from bars to whore houses. There is also information and deals they have sealed with the other crime families. The bank statements with more numbers than I ever seen. There are also folders on all the men, including my own. I open it, smiling that not one person picked up that Dante Summers from Manchester had died twelve years ago. I had used everything from a man I met once at a bar and fooled one of the biggest crime families in London. All the technology they had and none of them knew they let the enemy walk right in. Like the trojan horse, I had entered the enemy grounds and won my war against the Russo’s.

  I feel around, stopping when my fingers run over a small button, I press it. Another compartment drops down, lifting it out, I smile wondering what secrets this box holds.

  I press in Romeo’s date of birth, only to be denied access. The light is just breaking the horizon as I’m still trying all different codes, when I stop, narrowing my eyes. Grabbing the box, I walk down the hall to the cell.

  “What's the number?” Romeo doesn’t even stir, his breathing slow and peaceful. Unlocking the door, I walk in, kicking his foot, making him stir. He lifts his head, eyes still sleepy, hair sticking up and lip swollen, dried blood caked on his skin. “What’s the number?” His eyes shift to the box.

  “No.” comes out more forceful than any word he has spoken since he came here.


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