Grant: A M/m BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 3)

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Grant: A M/m BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 3) Page 7

by Shaw Montgomery


  “How did your date go? Are you proud of me? I didn’t tell…Well, I didn’t tell much, and I kept my mouth shut when it counted. Garrett was very proud of me! Do you want to know my reward?” Wyatt bounced into the shop like a hurricane on steroids, nearly knocking over Mrs. Jenkins who’d stopped in for gossip, or, as she’d said, “To browse around, dear.” He hadn’t found her chairs yet, but she was innocently browsing around the store again.

  Her eyes lit up as Wyatt bounded in. He was the real reason she’d been stalking the shop lately. Carter knew how to keep things to himself, but Wyatt—not so much. “Hello, dear.”

  “Sorry, Mrs. Jenkins.” He looked suitably contrite, although Carter knew he was desperately holding back his curiosity.

  “That’s all right. You were very excited about something. It’s understandable.” Her voice was soothing and warm, lulling people in so they’d spill their guts. Wyatt fell for it every time.

  He leaned in close and whispered conspiratorially, “Carter had another date with the insurance guy. He didn’t call last night complaining that things ended badly, so I’m thinking it went very well.”

  “Oh.” She turned to smile at Carter. “And here you said nothing exciting happened lately.”

  Wyatt was starting to look like he’d realized he’d overshared, but before he could decide what to do, she charged ahead. “It’s so nice things are going well. They’re such a nice family.” She gave Wyatt a wink. “I’ve heard most are very take-charge and…strong-willed.”

  The little pause let Carter know she’d been tempted to say something else. Knowing her, something naughty. He’d thought the guys had been fairly discreet, but evidently not enough to fly below Mrs. Jenkins’ naughty band of ladies. The smile on her face, deceptively sweet, let Carter know she didn’t mind.

  Wyatt was looking at Carter, frantically trying to ask for help. He clearly wasn’t sure what to do. He’d overshared before, but now he looked like he was backed into a corner, not sure what to say without getting into more trouble. Deciding to save his friend, Carter spoke up. “They’re a very interesting family. I’m enjoying getting to know him.”

  “So things are going well?” She smiled and reached out to pat his hand. “You didn’t seem to have that good of luck with dating, and we were starting to get worried.” She perked up and her smile seemed slightly wicked. “We’d even thought of introducing you to Maggie’s baker’s boy. He’s an interesting thing, and we thought you’d do well together.”

  Carter knew he shouldn’t, but he had to. It was just too tempting.


  She nodded and tried to look very innocent, but he knew that was when she was at her most devious. “He’s another…strong-willed young man, you might say.” Then her voice dropped, coming out at a low whisper. “He has tattoos and some very interesting items that he carries in a backpack when he goes out on a date.”

  What the hell?

  “Um.” Carter wasn’t sure what to say, and he really didn’t think he wanted to know what “interesting” things the Dom carried around. “I’m very happy with Grant, but thank you.”

  “We’ll keep him in mind for someone else. He might not be ready to settle down just yet, and his parents might need time to adjust.” She shook her head and shrugged. “They think he’s seeing the woman who owns the used bookstore, but that’s not believable. Maggie saw him talking to a very cute young man a few weeks ago. It was evidently a very passionate discussion because the young man kept blushing. She wasn’t close enough to hear the exact details.”

  Carter was stumped again.

  Wyatt knew exactly what to say. Losing his fear of oversharing quickly, he straightened. “Does he have a tattoo of Chinese symbols going down his left arm?” He pointed to his forearm.

  “Yes, he does.” Mrs. Jenkins perked up again, ready for the good gossip.

  Wyatt gave her a knowing nod, but didn’t exactly say the man was gay. Then he leaned in and whispered, “He’s an interesting one. I’m not surprised the guy blushed. I know someone who…dated him for a while.”

  Her eyes lit up like it was Christmas, and Carter just watched as the flighty gossip and the busybody went at it.

  “We had to do some research to figure out what some of the items Maggie saw were. It was enlightening.” Mrs. Jenkins nodded. “A man like that needs to be settled down and have someone to devote his…attention to.”

  Wyatt shrugged his shoulders but seemed to be agreeing with her. “It’s hard. He’s supposed to be very nice, but some…qualities are harder to find in a partner.”

  What the hell was the man into?

  Mrs. Jenkins nodded again and clucked her tongue. “We’re going to find someone to fix him up with. Once we find the right young man for him, then we’ll start working on the parents.” She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. “With his backpack, they have to know. If Maggie could get a peek that easily, they’re just playing dumb. Not very enlightened of them, but we’ll work on it.”

  Wyatt smiled, but he seemed at a loss what to say. “I’m glad he has you on his side, ma’am.”

  She beamed at him. Then, giving his arm a pat, she headed for the door. “I’m late for coffee with the girls. I’ll see you gentlemen later.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Wyatt seemed a little relieved to see her go.

  “Thank you for stopping by, Mrs. Jenkins.” When she was safely out the door, he turned to Wyatt. “What was that all about?”

  Wyatt blushed and looked around. “Um, I probably should have pretended I didn’t know him. Right?”

  Carter barked out a laugh. “Too late now. What is he into that she and those outrageous old ladies found so interesting?”

  “He’s a Dom, but he likes puppy play. He probably had a leash and plugs in there. Maybe some knee pads. I’m not sure what they had to look up; it could have been anything.” Wyatt shrugged. “He’s a nice guy.”

  “Well, the ladies have evidently adopted him. I just hope he’s ready.” Carter shook his head. Those crazy women were going to find a pup for a Dom. It made him incredibly grateful he’d found Grant before they’d turned their focus on him.

  Wondering what kind of guy they would have picked out for him would give him ulcers.

  “That’s just…”

  Wyatt nodded. “Weird. Those ladies are strange.”

  Carter had to agree. Before he could say anything, Wyatt seemed to remember why he’d come to the shop to begin with. “Your date! How did it go?”

  Moving around the room, straightening little things, Carter tried to keep his response simple. “It went very well. We had a nice time.”

  “Carter!” Wyatt wailed out his name like he was exasperated.

  Laughing, Carter gave in. “It was wonderful. We picked out something, and he seemed to like…my things.”

  Wyatt giggled. “Of course he did. Garrett said Grant loves lacy things on sexy guys. You’re his dream come true.”

  Carter blushed and looked away. “I’m not sure about that, but I’m not quite so worried.”

  “Does that mean you did more than give him a kiss goodnight?” Wyatt walked over and leaned on the counter, elbows braced on the wood and his head in his hands, a hopeful expression on his face.

  “Possibly.” Carter wasn’t the natural oversharer Wyatt was, but he couldn’t hold everything back. “I tried something on for him, and let’s just say he liked it a lot.”

  “Which one!”

  Wyatt’s enthusiasm was contagious. Carter smiled, and he knew it looked slightly wicked. “The black outfit with the lace, it has the boy shorts that go with it.”

  “Oh, I love that one. It will be perfect.” Wyatt’s delighted expression dimmed. Tilting his head, he leaned closer. “So you’re really coming to the club?” Wyatt sounded skeptical. Not that Carter could blame him.

  “Yes. It seems like it. I’m still not sure how I feel about it but…I’m going to try.” Nervous did not even be
gin to describe how he felt about going there.

  Having everyone see him dressed up. Having everyone seeing him as a submissive with a Dom. Having to see everyone else. It was all too much when he started to think about it. So he’d been doing his best not to.

  “Everyone’s nice and open-minded. It’s not going to be as weird as you think. Well, it might be weird, but not the bad kind.” Wyatt was very earnest and Carter didn’t want to burst his bubble, so he nodded and tried to give Wyatt a smile.

  “It will be fine.”

  “Grant will take good care of you. It’s easy to see how much he likes you.”

  Carter wasn’t sure how he felt about the idea that Grant would take care of him. There was a lot rolling around in his head. Knowing he was submissive in bed and experiencing it with a real Dom and not just a bossy wannabe was difficult.

  When Grant had taken charge the previous night, it’d felt right. Carter had felt cared for. Maybe that’s what Wyatt was trying to say. There would be time to figure everything out. Grant might charge in like a bull, but he wouldn’t push Carter too far. It was clear he was going to shove Carter outside his comfort zone, but he wasn’t going to make him go alone. As he’d firmly announced the previous night, his Dom was there to stay.

  Chapter 8


  “Why are we here?” Grant cocked his head to give Garrett a curious look.

  “What?” Garrett glanced around the living room. “I thought since Brent and Bryce took the guys out it’d be fun. We already talked about it. You know why you’re here.”

  Grant laughed. When Garrett had first brought up hanging out since the other guys were going to dinner, he’d thought it would be fun. What he hadn’t expected was to be eating pizza at Wyatt’s while he was out. “Wyatt knows we’re here, right?”

  Calen was laughing so hard he was having a hard time holding his pizza. The plate kept tipping, and Grant expected it to go sliding to the floor any minute.

  “Why would he mind?” Garrett was honestly confused.

  “Because he’s not here.” Grant thought that was obvious, but he was starting to think Garrett was hiding something. He’d known Garrett was spending a lot of time with Wyatt lately, and that Garrett had stopped enforcing the whole “taking things slow” routine. However, making himself at home while Wyatt was out for the night seemed a bit much to Grant. He couldn’t imagine being that presumptuous with Carter. It made him think the two men were a lot deeper into their relationship than they’d admitted.

  Garrett looked around again and shook his head. “It’s fine. It’s not like I asked Wyatt to cook or something.”

  Calen snorted. “Five bucks says he offered.”

  Grant had to fight back the urge to laugh. “Of course he did. And I bet the idea of Garrett ordering pizza made him nuts.”

  Garrett frowned at them both, but the truth was too easy to see. Shaking his head, he took a bite of his pizza and mumbled, “I’m not letting him cook for us on his night out.”

  Calen laughed. “I’m telling your mother about your table manners. She’d have a cow.”

  “You do and I’ll tell her how miserable you made her sweet baby Brent. She won’t care about my talking with my mouth full then.” Garrett grinned at Calen’s wince.

  Ignoring them both, Grant turned the conversation back to what he was curious about. “How often are you over here?” Grant had a nagging suspicion it was more than he’d expected.

  Garrett shrugged. “It’s more comfortable and Wyatt cooks better.”

  “You mean he cooks, period.” Calen managed to catch his breath long enough to respond before laughing again.

  Fixing his shit with Brent had improved Calen’s mood, but it hadn’t improved his sense of humor. Grant frowned at him. “We’re not that bad.”

  “Yes, you are.” Calen snickered.

  Ignoring the hyena, Grant turned to Garrett. “How often?”

  Garrett looked like he’d rather not answer, but he knew when he was cornered. “Most of the time. We’re actually talking about moving in together and getting rid of my place. I’m never over there anymore, and he’s already started bringing over my pictures and stuff. He wants it to be my home, too.”

  “Before he even meets Mom?” Grant knew the look on his face was wicked, but he couldn’t help it. “And before some kind of collaring ceremony?”

  “Don’t tell her. She keeps talking about coming home early. If you start telling her shit like that, she’ll be here tomorrow. You really want her butting in on your relationship with Carter?” Garrett frowned, clearly conflicted about the idea of having their mother home. “Besides, they’ve talked on the phone, so it’s not like she doesn’t know him at all.”

  Calen snorted. “That won’t count at all with her.”

  Garrett frowned at him. “It counts.”

  “Not if you move in together—and if you do that without something more permanent she’s going to kill you.” Grant could almost see the explosion. She’d go crazy. “You’d get the lecture big-time.”

  Garrett shuddered. “I’m not going to piss her off.”

  They’d all gotten different versions of the same lecture growing up, once they’d come out and admitted their sexuality and D/s preferences. Basically, it was a lecture on being a responsible Dom or making sure they picked a trustworthy Dom. Between that and the sex talk, it was like baptism by fire. They’d all gotten over any natural shyness quickly, because she wasn’t one to back down on something she felt was important.

  Grant loved his mother, but something about her innate need to dominate and her mothering instincts made her…overwhelming. Helicopter mothers had nothing on his mom. She had a hovercraft complete with spy glasses and guns. Having her home would be great, but there was no way she would keep her distance from their private lives.

  Calen stopped laughing long enough to nod and turn the conversation around to Grant and Carter. It was hard to tell if he was honestly curious or if he wanted to give Garrett a reprieve. “Speaking of you and Carter, how is that going?”

  Garrett leaned back against the couch. If Grant had to guess, he was glad to be out of the spotlight. “Wyatt’s excited, but he’s worried for Carter.”

  Grant wasn’t sure what to say, but telling them to mind their own business didn’t even occur to him. “I think it’s going good. I’m not going to try moving in with him tomorrow or anything.” He gave Garrett a teasing grin. “He just needs to accept that I don’t mind who he is. He attracted more douches than Brent did.”

  He’d been doing his best to make sure Carter knew he was serious about them and that he liked what Carter wore, but he knew it would be an uphill battle. Carter knew who he was and what he wanted, but he’d had so many guys shoot him down that Grant thought his confidence was battered all to hell. Grant knew he just had to keep showing Carter honestly how sexy he was and letting him be himself when they went out.

  Some people would always have a problem with them, but other than a few looks when they’d gone out, it hadn’t been as bad as it could have been. Overall, the communities closer to the city were more welcoming than they had been when they were younger, and he hoped it would keep moving in that direction.

  Thinking of the local area brought something else to mind he’d been meaning to ask the other men. “You guys have a strange lady come in to get insurance quotes last week?” His clients were all over the map and he did a lot of business policies which attracted a different sort, but she was more interesting than usual.

  Garrett and Calen looked at each other and nodded. “Little Southern lady? Bossy and asked a ton of questions?”

  Grant nodded. “None of which had anything to do with the business.”

  They both nodded again, and Calen spoke up. “Lots of crazy ones about your family. It was more like an interview than an insurance quote. She even insisted Garrett and I both sit in on it. She wasn’t going to budge on that, either. It was like trying to move a very polite brick wall.”r />
  Grant smiled. “Definitely an interrogation. You guys get the feeling she knew more about us than she should have if it were just about insurance?”

  Garrett nodded. “I’m not sure I’ve ever been asked about who I was seeing. I wasn’t sure how she was going to take hearing I was seriously involved with a man, but she was surprisingly…”

  He trailed off, clearly not sure how to explain it. Calen spoke up, not conflicted at all. “Gleeful. She got a kick out of it. It was weird.”

  Garrett looked like he wanted to argue, but he didn’t. Grant had to chuckle. “Yup, sounds about right. She asked who I was dating and had all kinds of questions. She never even asked about the policies or costs.”

  Calen glanced between the other men, then settled on Grant. “Did she buy anything from you?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. Just said she enjoyed meeting me and she thought I was a good fit.”

  Calen grinned. “We got something like that, too.”

  “Some people are weird.” Grant was serious, but Calen found the comment hilarious. As he was laughing so hard he couldn’t catch his breath, Grant and Garrett both just watched him, wearing matching confused expressions.

  When Calen could finally speak, he gasped out, “Some people,” before laughing again. Grant reached over to take the plate away before the pizza went everywhere. That just set the nut off even more.

  “How much have you had to drink?” Garrett was leaning toward Calen, a stern expression falling over his face.

  Calen snorted. “Completely sober. You guys are just hilarious.”

  Garrett looked over to Grant, and they both shrugged. Sometimes it was just easier to ignore Calen than to try to understand him. “I worry about your sanity sometimes.”

  That didn’t help.

  By the time Calen stopped laughing, the pizza was cold and Grant’s beer was hot. Taking his trash to the kitchen, Grant went back into living room only to see Garrett and Calen whispering, heads close together. Straightening quickly as Grant walked in, they tried to make it seem like they’d been debating what movie to watch.


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