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Abortion, 44–45, 49–50
Abrajano, Marisa, 44
Affordable Care Act (ACA), 127
African Americans
2012 election, role of in, 166, 167 table 8.4, 168
environmental attitudes of, 219
government, views on role of, 37 fig. 3.3, 38 fig. 3.4, 39 fig. 3.5
group identity of, 103
Latinos and African Americans, influence of, 166–167, 167 table 8.4, 168, 170
median age, 57 fig. 4.1
party mobilization (2008), 59, 60 fig. 4.3
popular vote share of, 136 table 7.1
population and voter registration, growth of in California, 178, 178 table 9.2
self-reliance of minorities, views of, 35 fig. 3.2
shift in partisan preferences, 232
as voter mobilization target, 57 fig. 4.1, 59
voting and registration record of, 53, 54–55
voting turnout probability, 58–59, 58 fig. 4.2
Alvarez, Michael, 44
American Community Survey, 2010, 40
American National Election Studies (ANES), 36, 46, 49, 50, 59, 99, 103
The American Voter (Campbell), 148
The American Voter Revisited (Lewis-Beck), 148
Angle, Sharron, 142
Arizona v. United States, 154
Latino electorate in, 80 table 5.1, 81, 119, 169, 188
Latino influence in, 123, 146 table 8.1
mobilization in, 122
responses to candidate statements on immigration, 159 table 8.3
SB 1070, 27, 28 fig. 2.5, 29 fig. 2.6, 132–134, 134 fig. 7.3
Arpaio, Joe, 156
Asian Americans
median age, 57 fig. 4.1
party mobilization (2008), 60 fig. 4.3
popular vote share of, 136 table 7.1
population and voter registration, growth of in California, 178, 178 table 9.2
self-reliance of minorities, views of, 35 fig. 3.2
as voter mobilization target, 59
voting turnout probability, 58, 58 fig. 4.2
Associated Press, on Latino vote in 2008 elections, 109
Axelrod, David, 129
Bachmann, Michelle, 197
Barreto, Matt, 5–7, 179, 207
Battleground states
Arizona, as possible addition to, 169
influence of Black and Latino voters in, 167 table 8.4
Iraq War, opposition to, 97
Latino influe
nce in, 124
Obama, support for in, 99
outreach to Latinos in, 155
survey experiment in, 158, 159 table 8.3
votes cast in 2008, 110
Bendixen, Sergio, 82, 95, 104
Bennet, Michael, 141
Bowker, J. M., 220, 226
Bowler, Shaun, 57, 180, 181, 182, 219
Brewer, Jan, 132
Brown, Jerry, 139–140, 182
Buck, Ken, 141
Bush, George W.
as beneficiary of “moral values” issue, 44
blame of for economic recession, 41–42, 99, 162
interest groups, influence of in 2000 election, 109
Iraq War, misinformation about, 96
Jesus Christ as most influential philosopher, 48
Latinos, outreach to, 174–175, 179, 232
military families, support of by, 95
percent of Latino vote for, 33, 41, 51
Bustamante, Cruz, 4
candidate favorability (2008), 87 table 5.2
Citizens Redistricting Commission, 184
Democratic Party in, 176–187, 180 fig. 9.3
gubernatorial race, 2010, 139–140, 141 fig. 7.5
House districts, party composition of, 183–184
Latino electorate in, 80 table 5.1, 81
Latino influence in, 115 table 6.2, 146 table 8.1
Latino population in, 20, 20 fig. 2.4
Legislature, party composition of, 184–187
population and voter registration, growth in by race/ethnicity, 178, 178 table 9.2
Proposition 20, 184
Proposition 187, 140, 177, 180–183
Proposition 209, 177, 181
Proposition 227, 177, 181
Republican Party, decline in, 176–180
vote choice in 2008 primary, 89, 89 table 5.3
Campaign competitiveness, 112–113, 120, 120 fig. 6.9, 121 fig. 6.10
Campaign Media Analysis Group, 122
Campbell, Angus, 148
Campbell, Jane, 83
Carmona, Richard, 169
Castro, Fidel, 19, 102
Castro, Joaquin, 169
Castro, Julian, 169
Castro, Raoul, 102
Catholicism, 21
Central American immigrants, vote choice of in 2008 elections, 102–103
Chavez, Cesar, 218
Chico, Gerry, 84
Cisneros, Henry, 86
Clinton, Hillary
advantages of as primary candidate, 81, 88, 89
favorability ratings of, 84–85, 87 table 5.2, 88–89, 109
Latino outreach strategies of, 80, 86, 88
Colombians, percent of Latino population, 23
gubernatorial race, 2010, 138–139
Latino electorate in, 80 table 5.1, 110–111, 164
Latino influence in, 115 table 6.2, 146 table 8.1
Latinos and African Americans, influence of, 166–167, 167 table 8.4
responses to candidate statements on immigration, 159 table 8.3
Senate race, 2010, 141
shift from Republican- to Democratic-leaning, 190
Contreras, Raoul, 82
Cook Political Report, 196
Cordell, Ken, 220, 226
Cuban Adjustment Act of 1995, 23
Cuban Americans
demographic characteristics of, 21 table 2.2
distinctiveness of, 23–24
percent of Latino population, 17, 23
percent residing in Florida, 20
as political refugees, 19
Republican partisanship of, 33, 102
US population of, 18 table 2.1
vote choice in 2008 election, 102
Current Population Surveys, 40, 116
DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), 152, 154, 162
Davis, Gray, 180
Dawson, Michael, 30, 60, 103, 148
De la Garza, Rodolfo, 109, 114, 124, 164
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), 152, 154, 162
Democratic Party
in California, 176–187
constituency of, 137
environmental issues and, 225
immigration issues and, 200–201
Latino vote relative to non-Latino vote, 119 fig. 6.8
Latino voters and, 4, 31, 33, 43 fig. 3.8, 50, 143, 170, 231
midterm elections, 2010, 128–132, 135, 136 table 7.1, 137–138
Democratic primary, 2008
electorate, Latino voter share of, 91
ethnic ties, importance of, 90–91
favorability ratings of candidates, 84–86, 87 table 5.2
Hillary Clinton, advantages of, 81
ideological differences of candidates, 81
Latino outreach strategy, 80, 86, 88
Latino vote choices, 88–90, 89 table 5.3
Obama administration, results of inaction by, 129–130
primary schedule, change in, 80, 111
racial prejudice, claims of, 82–84
Demographic trends in US, 1–2
Denham, Jeff, 184
Deportation, 147, 150, 151, 152, 154, 162, 202
DeSipio, Louis, 24, 114, 164
Dinkins, David, 83
Dominicans, 17, 18 table 2.1, 19–20, 21 table 2.2, 23
Dorn, Roosevelt, 83
Doyle, Patti Solis, 86
DREAM Act, 134–135, 142, 147, 150, 156
DREAMers, 151, 162
Dunlap, Judy, 83
Economic recession, blame assessment of, 41–42, 42 fig. 3.7, 99, 153, 162
Elections. See Presidential election 2008; Midterm elections 2010; Presidential election 2012; Midterm elections 2014
Environmental concerns
air pollution, 221, 225–227, 228 table 12.1
climate change, 221–222, 222 fig. 12.1, 223 fig. 12.2, 228 table 12.2
immediate health threats, 220, 225
local and global motivators of, 226–227, 229
partisanship and, 223, 224 fig. 12.3, 227
support for carbon limits, 228 table 12.3
Environmental deprivation theory, 219
Environmental issues, gap between Democrats and Republicans on, 225
Environmental racism, 217
Evangelical Christianity, 232
Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, 174, 113, 164, 196
Florez, Yvette, 220
Black and Latino voters, influence of, 166–167, 167 table 8.4
Latino electorate in, 81, 117, 188
Latino influence in, 110–111, 115 table 6.2, 123–124, 146 table 8.1, 164, 166–168
Latino population in, 20, 20 fig. 2.4, 23, 80 table 5.1
Obama, support for in, 99
Republican Party in, 127
responses to candidate statements on immigration, 159 table 8.3
shift from Republican- to Democratic-leaning, 190
Foley, Elise, 145
Gallup poll, on repeal of Affordable Care Act, 209
Gelman, Andrew, 166
Georgia, 114, 169, 170, 190
Gerrymandering, 197
Giannoulias, Alexi, 138
Gore, Albert, 109
Graham, Lindsey, 189–190
Greenberg, Michael, 220, 226
Guatemalans, 23
Guerra, Fernando, 6
Gutierrez, Carlos, 156
Gutiérrez, Luis, 86, 91, 152
Hajnal, Zoltan, 99
Harris, Kamala, 138
Heck, Joe, 197
Hickenlooper, John, 138
Hierarchy of needs (Maslow), 218
Hispanic Institute, 142
Hopwood v. Texas (1996), 174
House districts, comparison of by race/ethnicity, 198–199, 198 fig. 10.5
House of Representatives, district-level analyses of, 199–200
HR 4437, 175
Huerta, Dolores, 86
Illinois, 80 table 5.1, 81, 83, 122, 138, 164
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, programs of, 150
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, 16
Immigration issues
in 2012 campaign, 147–154, 149 table 8.2
DREAMers, protests by, 152
enforcement, 150, 154
importance of, to Latinos, 143 fig. 7.6, 149 table 8.2, 150
Obama administration and, 150–152
political parties’ actions, perceptions of, 135, 135 fig. 7.4
potential attribution of blame, 194 fig. 10.3, 195 fig. 10.4
Republican Party and, 127–129, 135, 153, 155–157, 162–163, 174–175, 189–195, 194 fig. 10.3, 195 fig. 10.4, 200, 233
responses to candidate statements on, 159 table 8.3
Romney’s position on, 153, 155–156
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, 175–176, 181
Indiana, 111, 115 table 6.2
Iowa, 79, 81, 164, 167 table 8.4, 169, 170
Jackson, Frank, 83
Johnson, Cassandra, 220, 226
Jones Act of 1917, 24
Kaiser Family Foundation, health tracking poll, 211, 212
Kerry, John, 44, 95, 96, 108, 112
Kinder, Donald, 34
Kirk, Mark, 138
Kirk, Ron, 83
Kobach, Kris, 156
Latino agenda, 4–5, 173
Latino Decisions
2012 election exit poll, 45
2010 Latino vote, estimate of, 138
budget deficit poll, 42–43
civil union recognition poll, 49
Democratic primary voters, survey of, 88
DREAM Act poll, 135
enthusiasm gap between political parties, poll on, 130
environmental attitudes, survey of, 220–224, 222 fig. 12.1, 223 fig. 12.2, 224 fig. 12.3
evolution of Latino views of the Affordable Care Act, 207
factors in voter turnout, focus groups on, 63–65
founding of, 6
gay and lesbian rights poll, 49
group identity, evidence of, 61
housing poll, 40
immigration reform debate, Latino attitudes on, 191
improvement in enthusiasm for Democratic Party, poll on, 203
Iraq War poll, 97
Jerry Brown, estimate of Latino vote for, 139
Michael Bennet’s votes in 2010, estimate of Latino portion of, 141
nonparticipation in electoral politics, focus groups on, 55
Obama’s intentions regarding immigration reform, poll on, 151
propensity to vote, study of, 67–71
on Republican vulnerability in California, 183
SB 1070 polls, 27, 133
support for President Obama, poll on, 152
Latino America: How America's Most Dynamic Population is Poised to Transform the Politics of the Nation Page 26