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Darkfall Page 12

by Denise A. Agnew

  “Yeah.” He couldn’t help the begging. “Come on baby. Fuck me!”

  She did, riding him hard. He tightened his hold on her hips and bucked upward, powering into her. She cried out, shivering around him. He felt her body tighten on his, rippling as orgasm broke her apart. Ecstasy racked his body as he shouted in bone-melting pleasure and came inside her with pulse after pulse. He gathered her close, allowing their breaths to slow as he savored remaining inside her. She kissed his forehead, his nose, and finally his mouth. He plunged his fingers into her hair and powered into the kiss, thrusting his tongue deep. When they broke from the kiss, she lifted away from him. She assured him she’d be right back, and he heard her enter the powder room. When she returned a few minutes later, he’d pulled his pants back on and stood. He held his hand out to her, and she clasped it.

  “Come upstairs with me,” he said, not wanting this to end yet.

  She carried her clothes with her as he led her by the hand upstairs.

  Once they were upstairs in the master bedroom, he drew her to the side of the bed and kissed her. He wanted more from her, to make her forget what they’d gone through and to pretend for awhile they were out of this apocalyptic mess.

  When he released her, he dumped his vest, holster and the rest of his clothes on a chair. His boots dropped to the floor. He drew her into his arms and closed his eyes, feeling her hard nipples teasing his chest and the soft touch of her hair as it brushed his shoulder.

  He drew her upward and urged her onto the bed. They tumbled onto it in a tangle of arms and legs, kissing like they didn’t have a tomorrow. Her touch caressed him everywhere, even as he brushed kisses over her face and tickled her earlobes with his tongue. She giggled a little, and he liked the girlish sound. As much as he wanted to fuck her right now, he wanted to love her slowly and thoroughly far more until she’d never think of another man. Easing down he cupped her breasts and feasted on her nipples. He suckled with lavish attention, learning her needs as she writhed in his arms and begged for more. He took his time exploring each nipple, tugging each one again and again, gently pinching. He slipped his fingers between her thighs and even though their combined wetness made him insane, he pulled in a deep breath. He wouldn’t rush. Instead he toured down her belly until he reached her mons. He urged her thighs open so he could scent her delicious, warm arousal. He parted her and settled in to taste. With long, slow exploration, he tongued her. He lingered, breathing deeply as he tuned in to her every gasp and sigh. He gently thrust his tongue inside her, eager to hear more of her pleasure.

  “Ian,” she gasped.

  He smoothed his thumb over her clit and slipped two fingers slowly into her. She moaned, her hips moving as he settled in to lick her clit. He flicked his tongue around and over the sensitive bud, encouraged by her frantic reactions. He eased his fingers in and out, caressing with steady strokes. As her cries escalated, he continued the torment. After teasing her for long minutes, she shivered, cried out and came around his fingers. God, how he wanted more of that.

  He crawled up over her body, and with a one movement slid deep within her tight embrace. He couldn’t take it slow this time, as the fever to take her came fast and without mercy. His hips pumped as he fucked her.

  “Harder,” she cried out.

  He smiled and did as instructed, unable to stop the incredible need. The silky wet clasp of her around his aching flesh drove him wild. He powered deep, his breath rasping as he allowed the sensual rage to blind him to everything else. He heard her scream out her orgasm, her flesh pulsating around his cock. Seconds later he let go, his body shivering and quaking as he shouted. When he sank down next to Penny and pulled her into his arms, contentment enthralled him. As his heart slowed, she palmed his chest with slow strokes.

  “Ian, that was…”



  “Oh, yeah.”

  What else could he say? Did he even know how to say it? Sex had never been this good. Life, despite everything happening in the world right now, had never been this good. He ached with an inner heat that had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with wanting her in his life forever.

  Tell her. Just tell her.

  Yeah. Now is the time.

  He disengaged from her arms, and left the bed just long enough to locate the flashlight on the nightstand, and turned it on so he could see her face. He hovered over her. “Not exactly romantic lighting, but it’ll have to do.”

  She smiled, and his breath caught at her beauty. Her hair was tousled in a mess around her face, and she was the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes upon.

  “It’ll do?” she asked, lifting one eyebrow.

  “For this. I’ve been a fool waiting so long to say this, but while I was standing out there in the waiting room it hit me so hard. I love you.” His throat barely allowed him to speak. “I love you, Penny.”

  Her grin grew wide, her eyes turning moist. “And I love you. I think I always have. When you were gone so long and I was down in that bunker alone, my imagination went crazy. The things I thought could have happened to you…it wasn’t because I would be alone if anything happened. The thought of you hurt or even killed…” She shook her head. “It hurt so much I could barely think straight.”

  He kissed her lips softly, his own eyes watering. “A woman’s never cared about me that much. I…it’s a new feeling. When I saw Gonzales on top of you, I knew I’d do anything to keep you safe. It’s all that matters to me. All those years ago, I should never have let anything come between us. I was a fuckin’ fool.”

  “So was I. It took an apocalypse to get that through my head.”

  “People will say this is too quick,” he said a moment later.

  She caressed his face. “Do you care?”

  “Hell, no. And I promise you this: When it comes to us, I won’t be so thick again.”

  “Ditto, Scotsman. I think that’ll be your new nickname from now on. How does it feel?”

  He smiled slowly. “I’ll take it.”

  Happiness exploded inside him, expanding in his mind until he couldn’t remember feeling sad. Apocalypse be damned. He couldn’t remember when he’d ever been this happy before.

  “I want to be with you always,” she said, drawing him down into her embrace.

  “You’re stuck with me.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  And they fell into another kiss.

  Chapter 10

  Penny and Ian entered the hospital the next morning, relieved their trip across the city was uneventful. Things had calmed considerably in Bangor, with common sense and calmness prevailing more often than not. Penny hoped Phil and Gillian could leave the hospital today, though she doubted such a wish would prove realistic with their injuries. Ian had checked his weapons at the security desk just as she’d checked hers. They didn’t like giving up their weapons, but the only personnel now allowed to have them inside were hospital security and city police.

  “There’s Sam,” Ian said as they entered the nurses’ station.

  Sam came forward, all smiles as he hugged Penny and shook Ian’s hand. “Well, look at you two. Fresh as daisies. I take it the house was just right?”

  Penny couldn’t keep the huge smile off her face. “It was wonderful. Thank you so much. I slept like a rock.”

  “Good deal,” Sam said. “You heading to see Phil and Gillian?”

  “That’s the plan,” Ian said.

  A few moments later they were off to Gillian and Phil’s room. They entered to find Gillian and Phil being examined by a doctor. They backed out with a mumbled sorry and a wave from Gillian and Phil.

  “They might be in there a while,” Penny said. “I’m dying for some coffee. I think I’ll go see if there’s any in the cafeteria. Do you want any?”

  He cupped the back of her neck and brought her close. “Not for me. I’ll wait for you here.”

  She smiled and accepted a tender kiss. She gripped his vest and
held on tight. “Mmm. Almost as good as coffee.”

  He grinned. “Almost?”

  She patted his vest as he drew her even closer until she was plastered against his side. “Okay, better than coffee.”

  He leaned in to whisper in her ear, his breath across her skin sending a wild tingle through her. “Not better than sex, I hope.”

  Heat filled her face as she shivered all over with delicious awareness of his hard arm around her, and the melting heat in his eyes. “Ian MacDaniel.” She tilted her head back and dared look at him. “Not better than sex with you. Never that.”

  He kissed her forehead and gently released her. “Thank God.”

  She waved at him. “Back in no time.”

  As she made her way to the cafeteria, which was on a different floor, Penny could still feel the heat his flirting generated. Lord, the man is hot. From the corner of her eye, she caught a fleeting look as a male figure in a hospital security uniform went away from her and around the corner at a run, and it surprised her. She shrugged and entered the cafeteria. The place was practically deserted. She ordered the biggest coffee they had. She stopped close to the doorway and took a sip. She gasped because it was too hot, but the slight burn was worth the caffeine. Sighing in relief, she slipped out of the cafeteria. Penny hadn’t gone more than a couple of steps when a rush of medical personnel, men and women, came running around the corner. What the—

  “Run!” One of the women said as she swept past Penny.

  “What’s going on?” Penny asked in reflex.

  Before she had a chance to move, she quickly discovered why they ran. A man emerged around the corner, dressed in nothing but his hospital gown. His eyes were wide, wild and filled with hatred.


  He held a gun, pointed right in her direction. She froze to the spot, paralyzed by instinct. She knew if she moved, right there and then he’d take her out. This cannot be happening. Not here. Not again.

  An alarm blared in the hospital, and she started. A male voice came over the speaker system. “This is a lock down. Repeat, this is a lock down. All hospital personnel and patients, shelter in place. There is an armed gunman in the area.”

  The alarm continued and so did the voice, repeating the instructions. She didn’t dare glance around to see if anyone else was in the hallway with her, her attention fixated on Frank. How had he gotten the gun? Fear ran a fierce, wide stripe right through the middle of her.

  Determination and antipathy made grooves in the skin along his mouth, his frown so deep and eyes so dark. She wouldn’t get away alive this time if she didn’t think creatively and fast. She held on to her coffee, unwilling to make a move under the threat of gunfire. She stayed silent.

  He moved toward her swiftly, grabbing her around the waist and hauling her back against him. “Well lookee here. Isn’t this a lucky break? Now I don’t have to go far to look for you.”

  Not as far as I’m concerned. “What are you doing, Frank?”

  “Taking what’s mine.”

  “Which is?”

  He pressed his hips against her, and she squirmed in his arms. “Stop it, bitch. You aren’t getting away this time.”

  With a tight grip around her throat, he maneuvered her down the hallway. Before they made it a few paces, two security people came around the opposite corner with Ian bringing up the rear. While the security people had weapons, Ian didn’t. Her gaze caught his and held. His face was iron, his mouth registering an anger so lethal, she knew Frank would regret this.

  “Put the gun down and let her go,” one of the guards said.

  Frank’s humorless laugh rumbled behind her. “Not a chance. Hey there, Ian. Come to rescue your girl? She’s going to do what I want for once. Just this fucking once I’ll have satisfaction from her. And none of you can stop me.”

  “What is it you want?” the other guard asked.

  “First I want that jackass behind you to leave. Now. Or I just plug her and be done with it. Then we’re going to back away slowly and leave this building. You got it?”

  Ian’s hard expression never altered. He lifted his hands slowly. “I’m out of here. Backing up slowly.”

  Penny knew he must have a plan. She didn’t know what, but she trusted him implicitly. After Ian backed around the corner, all of her senses seemed to heighten. Seeing Ian had given her a measure of relief. Time slowed to a pitiful crawl. Frank’s rapid breathing filled her ears. She drew one deep breath after another, trying to slow her racing heart. She didn’t want her muscles to shake and didn’t want Frank to know the way waves of terror tried to rise. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction, and she would find a way out of this. A hundred thoughts ran through her head at once, including knowing that Ian must be plotting to free her some way, somehow.

  Trust me.

  She remembered his plea, and it rang crystal clear in her mind. She would. Oh, yes. She would.

  Frank inched backwards. Time crawled at an excruciating pace. His grip loosened around her shoulders, and that gave her some hope. Maybe she could yank free? If she tried that, he might shoot her. No go.

  “Where are we going, Frank?” Her question was hushed. “What are your plans?”

  “Out of here. Anywhere.” His breath rasped in her ear. “You’re going to pay. Pay and pay.”


  He laughed. “Well, first I’m going to fuck you and then kill you.”

  His words, enunciated in cold tones, sent a harsh shiver across her skin. This time it sounded like he meant it.

  “You don’t want to do this,” she said.

  “I do want to! Don’t tell me what I want to do!” he screamed the words so loud she winced.

  Okay, maybe talking him down wouldn’t work. Think. Think.

  She decided maybe appealing to his mercy or to his sense that he’d won might work. She didn’t have to work hard to make tears rise, and moments later they poured from her eyes. She drew in a sob, half real and half fake.

  “What the hell?” he asked. “Are you crying?”

  “I’m sorry. I just…I didn’t think it would end like this.”

  “Neither did I. But it’s your fault. All of this shit, everything that has happened to me is your fault. Get it? Your fault.”

  The tears kept coming. They were laced with soul-ripping anger.

  Just as they reached the corner, something instinctive told her what would work. She sobbed again, this time highly exaggerated. He loosened his grip a bit more.


  She tossed the coffee cup back towards his face, hoping it didn’t burn her, too. With a yell he lost his grip on her, and a second later hell broke loose. She swung around, ready to meet her fate, whatever it might be. Ian had Frank in a grip, flipping him so that his back was to Ian. A growl came from Ian’s throat as he anchored Frank in a choke-hold. Frank flopped in Ian’s grip, reaching up in a frantic effort for freedom. She heard footsteps rushing up behind her as guards came to the corner, weapons still drawn. She half expected them to tell Ian to let Frank go, but they didn’t. She stared in horrified fascination as Frank thrashed and then went still. Ian dropped him to the ground and stood over the man, his breathing barely altered as he stared down at the man’s body.

  “Shit.” One of the guards moved toward the man. “Did you kill him? Where the hell did you learn that?”

  Ian moved towards Penny. “Boy Scouts.”

  “Guess I should have gone past Eagle Scout,” the guard said.

  The other guard checked Frank’s vitals. “He’s alive.”

  Ian gathered Penny against him as she rushed into his embrace. She closed her eyes and buried her face in his shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held on as if she were dangling over a cliff.

  “You all right?” he asked, his voice rough.


  “That was one hell of move, Miss,” one guard said as the other handcuffed Frank.

  “How the hell did he get free in the first place?” Ian

  “The guard stationed in the room unhooked his restraints so he could go to the bathroom,” the guard who’d handcuffed Frank said. “He knocked the guy out and took his gun.”

  Penny groaned into Ian’s shoulder. “Just my luck he saw me. I’d like to stop having bad luck now.”

  Ian tilted her face up. “Come on; let’s get you out of here.”

  “Yes, let’s,” she said.

  Chaos was all around them again, with cops and medical personnel rushing the area, and all she wanted to do was get the hell out of there. Ian marched with her around the corner toward the oncoming rush of people inquiring about her health, asking questions. They brushed them off and Ian kept his arm around her shoulders like a shield. She slipped one arm around his waist and held tight.

  “See if I ever let you get a cup of coffee without me again. I can’t take you anywhere,” Ian said.

  She glanced up at him, startled. “What?”

  A smile tilted his handsome mouth. “You heard me.”

  “Too bad, Scotsman, I still want that coffee.”

  His laugh was short and rough, but he steered her back toward the cafeteria.

  * * * *

  After the drama with Frank, they returned to Phil and Gillian’s room. Penny had a cup of coffee that she sipped repeatedly. Nothing had tasted this good in a long time. When they explained what had happened, Gillian and Phil couldn’t wait to get out of the place. The doctors had told them they could leave anytime, and they were ready. Before long they’d all piled into Sam’s car.


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