Scarred Warrior: (Dark Warrior Allaince Book Four) (Dark Warrior Alliance 4)

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Scarred Warrior: (Dark Warrior Allaince Book Four) (Dark Warrior Alliance 4) Page 28

by Brenda Trim

  The plan was risky, but if they worked together, they might be successful. The plan had to work. If not, he didn’t plan on leaving the burning building. He couldn’t go through a single day without Shae in his life.

  Zander stood up. “How does this work?”

  “You’re going to have to watch and learn. There’s no time.” Gerrick was grateful that he had gone through this before or he would not have been able to time-trace under the circumstances. He was also thankful that Evanna had come into his life because she was the one that helped hone his ability.

  He laid Shae’s body on the floor and stood up. “Keep clear of me. I have no idea what will happen if someone is touching me after I begin.”

  Gerrick closed his eyes and went inside his mind. He had discovered his ability when he was a stripling and asked his mother what was in the locked box he’d discovered in his mind. Even at a young age, he knew it wasn’t something everyone possessed. Thankfully, the trait ran in his family and she was able to explain that he was a time-tracer and he should never open the box unless it was a dire emergency because using the gift carried severe consequences. He reached mental fingers to the lock, not giving a second thought to what the consequences might be of going back to save Shae.

  In his opinion, the Goddess could pay it for him. He cursed her for putting him through this not once, but twice. There was only so much one male could go through. Ultimately, he knew he would be the one that suffered, but he didn’t give a shit. He would gladly pay any price to have her back.

  He unlocked the box and flipped the top open. A burst of white light filled the room and when it subsided, the room was moving in slow motion and it was almost as if Zander and the others were ghosts. A heartbeat later, everything was going in reverse at a speed too fast for Gerrick to track. He closed his eyes and waited for the world to settle around him.

  He blinked and found himself standing on the stairs right before he jumped and took out several demons. He quickly closed the box and locked down his power. He looked up and saw Shae was alone, but that wouldn’t last long. Bhric and Rhett were in the middle of the fury demons, but weren’t moving to help Shae.

  Kadir appeared in the next instant and Gerrick jumped, calling out to Shae. She turned to him, but wasn’t able to avoid Kadir. Still Bhric and Rhett didn’t react. What the fuck? A sickening thought struck Gerrick. What if they didn’t remember his orders? After all, he was the only one who traveled back in time.

  Kadir asked him about the amulet and Gerrick knew his time was running out. If he didn’t save Shae this time, he wouldn’t be given another chance. He dropped the sword and pulled a sgian dubh from the back of his pants and threw it at Bhric’s back. The warrior roared his rage and Kadir was momentarily distracted.

  Bhric turned, eyes black as night. Gerrick winced as a fury demon bit into Bhric’s shoulder. “Get Shae from Kadir!” he yelled, seeing the moment the Vampire Prince saw Shae. Gerrick sighed in relief as Bhric surged into action. It wasn’t a done deal, but he had hope of saving Shae this time.

  Gerrick was running across the room, pushing skirm and fellow warriors out of his way while looking for Kyran. He needed him to sift and get Shae to safety. He spotted Kyran down a hall next to Mack. “Kyran!”

  The warrior looked over and Gerrick pointed to Shae. “Get her.”

  Chaos ensued as Bhric lobbed ice missiles at Kadir while Rhett fought the fury demons. By that time, everyone was aware that Shae was in trouble. It was good to be part of such a loyal group, Gerrick thought, as the focus shifted to keeping the enemies at bay while he tried to reach Shae.

  Kyran appeared behind the archdemon with his sword in motion before Gerrick knew what was happening. Blood bloomed across Shae’s shoulder right before she fell to the floor. At first, Gerrick thought they were too late, but then he saw her crawl away from the fighting.

  Disbelief stunned him. He had fucking done it. He had saved Shae!

  Gerrick reached her side and pulled her into his arms at the same time Kadir disappeared, leaving behind his severed arm. “Oh my Goddess, Shae. I lost you,” he sobbed into her shoulder.

  Soft hands that he never thought he’d feel again cupped his face. Shae lifted onto her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. "You haven’t lost me, but we’re in the middle of a battle,” she quirked, flashing him the most vibrant smile he’d ever seen.

  She was right, now was not the time. Just because Kadir was gone didn’t meant they were out of danger. “This time, don’t leave my side, Shae. Do you hear me?”

  She picked up a chair leg and swung it at a hellhound. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  “I love you, Red.”

  She stuck the makeshift weapon through the hound’s ear and grimaced. “I love you, too, Gerrick. Just sayin’.”

  Gerrick handed her his knife, his heart swelling at hearing her declaration. He kicked and punched, disabling enemies for Shae to finish off. His side ached and his strength was waning. He had used up his reserves time-tracing and was going to be useless in a minute.

  He pulled her behind him and they made their way to Zander’s side. “I want that arm for a souvenir,” Shae told Bhric as he used Kadir’s severed limb to club a fury demon to death.

  Bhric chuckled. “I knew there was a reason I liked you.”

  The floor looked like a toddler’s finger painting with all the black and red blood. There were so many bodies strewn about that it made being efficient nearly impossible. Shae jumped onto the carcass of a hellhound and fought from that position. Gerrick was going to lose an arm himself if he didn’t pay attention, but he couldn’t keep his eyes from straying back to make sure she was still there.

  They were down to the last few lesser demons and all the skirm had been killed. A pus demon and a hellhound tried to run out the front door, but Bhric froze them in place. Frozen drool was hanging from the hound’s jowls, making Gerrick chuckle. It was such a different culmination to the battle than before where the house was burning around him while he cradled his dead mate.

  Somehow he didn’t think it was a good sign that things were going so smoothly and he wondered when he would pay for using his ability. He decided not to worry about that at the moment. They made quick work of the remaining enemies and Gerrick had Shae in his arms in the next instant.

  He took her mouth in a rough kiss. He was crushing her to his chest, where he realized her soul had returned. He kissed her with all the anger and elation that was tearing him up inside. She ran her hands up his back in calming strokes. He felt tears behind his closed eyes and welcomed the persistent burn of his mate mark. The bond was there and stronger than ever.

  He broke the kiss and buried his face in her hair. Cold sweat covered his skin with the remembered loss. He listened to her heart thud strong and sure beneath his ear. She was warm and lush and alive in his arms. He would never forget the feel of her cold, lifeless body. It would haunt his dreams for centuries to come and made his heart pound so hard he thought it was going to explode. He held her tighter, not able to let go.

  “Shh. It’s ok. I’m okay. It’s over, although we still didn’t get Kadir. I really wish he were lying in this heap of bodies,” Shae observed as she looked around the house.

  Gerrick lifted his head, his blood boiling in his veins at the thought of the archdemon. “Kadir will pay for what he did. Do you still feel him in your head?”

  Shae tilted her head to the side and went silent. She blinked several times and then a huge smile broke over her face. “No. I don’t feel them at all! Gerrick, they’re gone.” She jumped into his arms and peppered his face with kisses.

  “Do you think it’s because I killed Azazel?” she asked, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “I’m not sure. Let’s get out of here. I want to take you home and make love to you.”

  “Hmmm,” she hummed. “I like the sound of that. But, what about this mess?”

  Gerrick shrugged his shoulders and started walking out the front door. “I say
we burn the motherfucker.”

  Bhric clapped him on the shoulder. “I like how you think.”

  All of the Dark Warriors gathered on the front lawn and Gerrick was glad to see that none of them had been injured too badly. Rhett and Breslin had just set the house on fire when Shae touched her throat and gasped. “Wait, we have to stop the fire. Gerrick, my necklace is gone.”

  He set her down and reached into his front pocket and pulled it out, dangling it from his finger. “It fell off when Kadir took your head.” Turning her around, he placed it back where it belonged around her neck.

  She had gone pale and was gazing up at him in disbelief. In fact, the entire group fell silent, only the crackle of the fire could be heard. “What are you talking about?” she whispered, clearly confused.

  Zander was aware of his ability and had crossed to their sides the moment he heard Gerrick’s comment. Gerrick cleared his throat, finding it impossible to speak past the lump. After several tries, Gerrick was finally able to tell them about her being killed and his time-tracing.

  “I can’t believe I was dead,” she mumbled, looking lost. He pulled her to him and cradled her head against his chest.

  Zander ran his hand through his hair and lowered his head. “Bluidy hell. There aren’t words for what you went through, Gerrick. I canna believe Kadir slipped away once again. That fucker is worse than a case of black mold. We can’t seem to get rid of him. I’m just glad you saved Shae.”

  Gerrick wrapped his hand around the back of Shae’s neck, reassuring himself she was okay. He’d be doing that the rest of his life. There was no erasing the trauma. “I wouldn’t be standing here right now if I hadn’t. In time, my heart may go back to a normal rhythm, but for right now, I just want to take my mate to bed.”

  Zander held his gaze and Gerrick saw his friend’s worry and relief over his well-being. “You once told me there was a cost for using your power. What was it this time?”

  Gerrick grabbed Shae’s hand and blew out a breath. “Well, nothing as obvious as a scarred face. I’m sure the Goddess is working on it.”

  Shae smacked his chest. “Don’t you ever put yourself at risk like that again! And, if I ever hear you talking about ending your life, I will do it for you. Do you know what it would do to me to lose you?”

  He began walking to the car, pulling her along, ready to reaffirm in the most primal way possible, that she was alive and well. “Yes, I do know, Shae, and I never want to feel that pain again. I would trade my life for yours in a heartbeat, Red. That’s what mate’s do, so get over it. We have a mating ceremony to plan and I need you naked in my bed. Just sayin’,” he teased and Shae burst into laughter.


  Every one of Shae’s muscles hurt, the night had taken its toll on her physically, as well as, emotionally. She wondered how much of what she was feeling was due to dying and coming back to life. The events Gerrick had described were unbelievable. She kept feeling her throat. It boggled her mind that a few hours ago she didn’t have a head. She knew Gerrick wasn’t lying with the way he had clung to her.

  The desperation in the clasp he had on her hand told her he was afraid she was going to disappear. She patted his chest, letting him know she understood. If he had died, she would have lost her mind completely and she would have had no way to save him.

  He unlocked their door and stopped her before she got too far inside the room. He cupped her cheek and glowing ice-blue eyes gazed down at her from a face that had come to be her entire world. “I keep expecting this to be a dream. My heart hasn’t stopped racing from the fear that I will wake and find you gone. I need to make love to you.”

  She turned to face him fully and wrapped her hands around the back of his neck. “I’m not going anywhere without you, Gerrick. I want to make love to you, too, but I really need a shower. Or, better yet, a long soak in the bathtub.”

  He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. His flesh was warm and soft as it meshed with hers and it ignited her arousal. “Give me ten minutes,” he whispered.

  He nudged her onto the sofa and knelt before her to take her boots off. He massaged one foot and then the other before her caressed her cheek. “Don’t move.” He hurried out of the room before she could respond. She stared at the open door wondering what he was up to. She nearly got up to check on him, but stopped herself, deciding to wait and see what he had planned.

  She laid her head back on the sofa and closed her eyes, enjoying the peace and quiet. It hadn’t been quiet in her head for months. The demons had been in the back of her mind urging her to take action for so long that she didn’t remember what it was like to be alone in her mind. The relief of not having the constant pressure and chatter in the background was unbelievable.

  It was so quiet and she was so tired that she nearly fell asleep, until she heard him come back into the room. She cracked open an eye and watched as he continued walking through to the bedroom without saying a word. What was he up to and what was a warrior’s idea of a surprise?

  “Don’t go to sleep on me.” The husky voice had her snapping her eyes open. Gerrick was barefoot in nothing but his low-slung black jeans. She couldn’t help but admire the God before her. His muscular chest tapered to washboard abs. She smirked at the slight tension that entered his body.

  She lifted her gaze and noticed he was holding his hand out to her with a sexy grin on his face. “Where are you taking me?” She climbed to her feet and slid her hand into his, letting him lead her into the bedroom.

  Figuring his intention, her blood began to hum with anticipation. Sure, she wanted to be clean, but that was fast coming in second to her need for him. Her brows furrowed when he took them past the bed and toward the bathroom. She perked up at the thought of taking a shower with him.

  He pushed open the door and stood aside for her to enter. Tears misted in her eyes as she saw the scene he had prepared. The room was dark except for the light given off by the dozen, lit candles scattered around. Red rose petals covered the floor and there was a bubble bath in the giant Jacuzzi tub. The steam rising off the water was an enticing sight.

  “Gerrick, this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I’ve never been spoiled like this before. You’d better watch it or I might get used to it,” she teased, stepping so close she felt the heat from his body. In fact, there was more steam coming off of him than the hot water.

  Reaching out, he tugged the hem of her sweater over her head, tossing it in the corner and placed a kiss on her shoulder. “I hope you do get used to this. I plan to do this for you every chance I get.”

  He rubbed her back lightly, placing kisses across her shoulder to her neck and throat. She was lost to his mouth when she felt her bra pop open. She gasped at the unexpected sensation of his hand covering the middle of her back. She’d been thinking about how his lips were leaving a burning trail of desire in their wake. She’d never realized her shoulder was an erogenous zone until Gerrick placed his soft lips there, igniting arousal with one kiss.

  She dropped her arms, letting her bra fall to the floor. “You won’t get any complaints out of me. Just sayin’,” she whispered, lost to his touch. He took a step back and his eyes drank her in, pausing over her naked breasts. His gaze felt like a caress across her sensitive flesh.

  “You are an exquisite creature. And, you’re all mine.” He claimed her mouth once again and took his time kissing her. He was such an intense male and he kissed with the same intensity he did everything else. He mastered her mouth and demanded entry.

  Already a puddle in his arms, she willingly gave him everything. He took full advantage, sliding his tongue into the hot cavern of her mouth, cradling her head in his hands as he tasted every corner. He claimed everything, even her very breath. By the time he eased back from the kiss, she was breathless and lightheaded, drunk on him.

  His masculine groan sounded against the column of her bared neck and she felt it all the way to her toes and she noted that he was just as ou
t of breath and aroused. The bulge pressing against his zipper looked painful and she reached out to give him some relief.

  He stopped her hands and brought them to his chest. “Don’t move. For every moment of pain you’ve suffered, I plan to give you hours of pleasure. And, by my calculations I will never be done. Zander will be lucky if we ever leave this room.” His dominance and command made her core weep with desire.

  That sounded perfect to her. “We could stay naked. It would save a lot of money on clothes. I imagine you go through a fair amount of leathers with what you do.”

  He chuckled and led her to the edge of the tub. “I don’t want you ever fighting again, Red. I know some of the other females fight in the battles, but I can’t handle you being in harm’s way like that again.”

  He trailed a finger down her chest and paused at the snap to her jeans. He unbuttoned the top and then pushed down the zipper. More of her arousal seeped from her body and her insides were quivering. She needed him desperately.

  “You have given me a reason to live, Gerrick. For so long, I wanted nothing more than to return to the Goddess and now she has given me my own little piece of Annwyn. I will guard you and us ferociously; otherwise, I have no desire to fight. Elsie asked me to be part of Elsie’s Hope and I am going to accept her offer. I don’t need anything else, but you.”

  Through their bond she felt his joy and relief over her response. He gave her that smile of his, “I love you, Red. With all my heart.”

  “I love you, too.”

  With the lightest of touches, she felt his hands push down her pants, taking her panties with them. He pushed her down onto the edge of the tub. “Sit.”

  He crouched in front of her and spread her thighs apart with gentle hands. She nearly came unglued when he lowered his head and his tongue slid through her slick folds. Hands flew to his hair and she fisted handfuls of the silky blonde strands. His tongue was relentless as he licked and nibbled her. Gone was the gentle lover and in its place was the raw animal she’d become addicted to.


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