Taste of Passion (Madaris Novels)

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Taste of Passion (Madaris Novels) Page 17

by Brenda Jackson

  As if he’d felt her eyes on him, Luke looked over in her direction and a smile touched his lips. He then held out his hand to her. She inhaled deeply and descended the steps to take it. When she felt her fingers encompassed in the warmth of his, a pulsating sensation flowed through her and she met his gaze, wondering if he’d felt it as well. As far as she was concerned there was no reason for him not to. The sensation had been a poignant one, sharp and hard at the same time.

  “Thanks for your hospitality, Mac,” Jacob Madaris was saying, drawing her attention to him.

  She glanced his way. “You’re always welcome here, Jake, and thanks for the vote of confidence with the cattle.”

  “No problem, and I’m sure that everything will continue to run smoothly.”

  “So am I.”

  He then glanced over at Luke. “And if my nephew decides to become a difficult patient—”

  “I can handle him,” she finished, chuckling.

  Jake switched his gaze back to her and lowered his eyes to their joined hands before returning it to her face. He smiled. “Yes, I believe that you can.”

  Mackenzie stood beside Luke as Jake got into the rental car and drove off. She didn’t have to look over at Luke to know his eyes were on her. She could feel his gaze like a soft intimate caress. It seemed the temperature in the hand holding hers went up a notch and she became even more aware of her own passionate nature, the one that was now drawing her toward something that was as elemental as breathing.

  “Do you think Jake suspects anything about us?” she heard him ask her.

  Without looking at him, she asked, “Would it matter to you if he did?”

  He gently turned her to him and she was forced to look up at him, meet his gaze. His voice was low and shackled when he said, “Only as it relates to you.”

  She knew what he was saying. He didn’t want to give anyone, especially any member of his family, the impression that the two of them were a couple with notions of “forever after” on their minds. That would be the expectation his family would have of them.

  His dark gaze roamed her face and she felt the heat from the intensity of his close perusal. “I can take care of myself, Luke.” She decided not to add, Somehow I’ll deal with the heartbreak because being with you now is what I want. I’ll survive any pain.

  Instead of saying those words, she dragged in a deep breath. “Do you want to go inside?”

  She didn’t have to explain what was behind the invitation or the reason for it. Every day his health improved brought him closer to the day he would be leaving to return to the circuit.

  He looked deep into her eyes and she felt it, the tingling sensation that would erupt inside of her whenever he looked at her with such a high degree of desire in his gaze. She felt his heat. It was inflaming every inch of her, burning a path through parts of her body that only came ablaze around him. He was the only man who could evoke such a reaction from her.

  “Go on inside,” he said, walking her back to the front porch. “I want to let Theo know that we’re in for the evening. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “All right.”

  When she made it to the door she glanced over her shoulder to see that Luke was still standing there and was looking at her. And pushing his Stetson back with his thumb, he continued to stand there and stare at her, letting his gaze rake over her from head to toe.

  She was wearing a skirt and a blouse but from the way his eyes were glued to her she might not have been wearing anything at all. It was as if he had the ability to see right through her clothes. His look was sending those sensations she had felt earlier skittering down her spine, in anticipation of what she knew was to come—release they would be sharing after five whole days of going without. She had gone five years without having a man in her bed and now it was as if Luke had a definite place there. Not a permanent place but a place just the same.

  She felt hot and knew that if she continued to stand there, she would burn to a crisp, so she opened the door and went inside.

  Luke watched her go before finally turning toward the barn.

  It was strange how in that sudden moment of looking at her, his testosterone had plunged into overdrive and he had wanted her to a degree that he found unsettling. He was discovering that with Mac his mind and his body had no restrictions. Sparks would flare, flames would ignite, and his senses would get shot to hell. The only thing that would seem vital to his living or dying was passion, passion she could stir in a way that he found totally compelling. He had told her that he wanted to give her a taste of passion and now it seemed like she’d turned the tables, and without even realizing the extent of her capabilities, she wasn’t just giving him a taste of passion, he was getting a whole whopping mouthful.

  Thinking of what they’d been sharing over the past weeks and what he’d gone without during the past few days pushed him to move quickly across the yard. It still amazed him how Mac could have a full-time career as an attorney, yet was able to successfully run an operating ranch. One reason was because she had good and dependable men working for her. Theo, Luke had discovered, was as loyal as they came and mainly because of Mac’s grandfather. Theo, who was now in his late fifties, had been in his early twenties, down on his luck, hungry, and with no place to stay when he had stumbled onto Mac’s grandfather’s place. He had been employed with the Standfields ever since.

  Luke knew the man was very protective of Mac and he couldn’t very well blame him for that. But at the same time Theo knew when to mind his own business and accept the fact that Mac was an adult who was old enough to make her own decisions.

  Circling the building and going around back to where he knew Theo and the men were, he glanced over to where Mac’s horse was prancing around the locked gate. She definitely was a beauty and he could just imagine the off-spring she and Cisco could produce. He wondered if Mac would go along with the idea of Cisco and Princess getting together and decided to bring it up to her.

  He smiled. That particular topic of conversation would have to take place later. Once he joined Mac in the house, talking would be the last thing on his mind and he intended to make sure it was the last thing on her mind as well.

  “This had better be good, Clayton.”

  Clayton rolled his eyes. Alex’s tone suggested that he might have interrupted something. If he had then that was too friggin’ bad since the man was married to his sister. His baby sister. So what if Christy would be celebrating her twenty-sixth birthday soon and that three months ago she had given birth to a beautiful little girl she’d named Alexandria Christina Maxwell. Okay, he would be the first to admit that whenever he saw Christy she looked happy, content, and well loved. That meant Alex must be doing something right. But still, he couldn’t overlook the fact that Alex had pulled a fast one on him and his two brothers, Justin and Dex.

  “I need your help on something,” Clayton said.

  There was only a brief pause and then Alex asked, “Something like what?”

  “All the information you can find out on the Whitedyer Corporation.”

  The name drifted off Alex’s lips when he repeated it. “Whitedyer Corporation. Anything in particular I need to be looking for?”

  “I want to know everything about them. Specifically, who they might be doing business with in private and whether they’re desperate enough to keep things hush-hush by trying to harass Mac off the case she’s handling against them.”

  “Luke’s Mac?”

  Clayton frowned. Was he the only one who hadn’t noticed anything going on between those two? “Yes, apparently. Someone ransacked her office a few weeks ago and now they went after Jake’s cattle on Mac’s land. Six were poisoned.”


  “If Whitedyer is behind any such foolishness then I want to know why and what they’re trying to hide.”

  “Okay, I’ll begin checking them out in the morning.”

  “Thanks. How’re Christy and AC?” “AC” was the nickname the family had giv
en the baby.

  “Both are doing fine. They can’t be happier,” Alex said.

  “So you say.”

  “So I know. My goal in life is to take care of my ladies. Their every wish is my command,” Alex responded.

  Clayton couldn’t help but smile. “Whatever. Talk to you later.” He then hung up the phone.

  “I gather that was Clayton.”

  Alex glanced up at his wife who was standing beside the bed. “Who else.” When the phone had rung she had gotten out of bed to go to the nursery to get their daughter, who had awakened and started crying.

  “The next time I see Clayton I’m going to make sure I tell him to table his calls to when AC is awake,” she said, handing him their daughter. “He just interrupted ‘Mom and Dad’ time.”

  Alex chuckled as he took AC into his arms, instinctively cradling her to his chest. He stared down at the baby he and Christy had made together. She was simply beautiful. She had her mother’s reddish-brown hair as well as most of Christy’s facial features, with the exception of her nose and ears. Now those were truly his.

  Christy got back into the bed and turned slightly toward them. “So, what does Clayton want this time?” The Madaris and Madaris law firm often used Alex’s services when they were working on an important case that involved private investigative work.

  “The usual but this involves Mac.”

  Christy lifted a brow. “Luke’s Mac.”

  Alex couldn’t help but grin. “I wonder if Luke knows yet that she’s his.”

  Christy shrugged as she took AC from out of her father’s arms. “Probably not. You know how slow you men are.”

  Alex knew she was hinting at how slow he’d been back in the day. That was then. This was now. He looked over at his daughter, who was wide awake. “How long do you think it will be before she drifts back to sleep?”

  “Hard to tell. Why? You got something to do?”

  He smiled. “Umm, when it comes to you, sweetheart, I always have something to do.”

  He reached up and caught a flaming red lock of hair to twirl around his finger. Mindful of his child in his wife’s arms, he leaned over and placed a kiss on the corner of her mouth and could vividly recall the first time he had ever kissed her. “I thought we could go ahead and get started on AC’s brother,” he said in a husky tone.

  He heard Christy draw in a deep breath before saying, “I thought we had agreed to wait until Alexandria was at least two.”

  “We are, but practice makes perfect. I figured we should get in as many practice sessions as we can so when the time comes it will be a piece of cake.”

  “A piece of cake?”

  He grinned. “As sweet as it can get.”

  Mackenzie stood at her bedroom window and looked out at the lake. With Jake’s visit she had put aside her research. And now Clayton and Syneda had suggested that she let them handle that end of things for her. If there was misuse of eminent domain in the Whitedyer case they were willing to help her find it. She had been more than appreciative of their offer. Now she could concentrate on what courtroom strategies to use and perfect them. For Farley this would be a performance in front of the judge and jury. He enjoyed being on stage and in that regard he reminded her so much of Lawrence. But where Lawrence had physical beauty to captivate his audience, she’d found out that Farley was big on dramatics. She’d heard the man could be a complete bully in the courtroom. He saw her as an inexperienced attorney and he was so darn sure of himself that he had told her more than once to back off or she would get eaten by a shark. But she was committed, no matter what, to providing Mr. Coroni with the best legal counsel possible.

  Her stomach suddenly clenched at the same moment that she heard booted footsteps. Without turning around she knew that Luke had come inside the house. Her heart rate increased with every step he took down the hallway, moving toward her bedroom.

  She became caught up in what she knew would happen the moment he set foot in her bedroom. She wished there was a way to explain why a woman who had gone without passion for so long could suddenly be swept away to the point it was almost blinding. Even now, if she wanted to, she could close her eyes and recall every vivid detail of the lovemaking sessions they had shared. She doubted the memories would ever be eradicated from her mind. They were probably singed there forever.

  She swallowed. Her stomach clenched tighter the moment she knew he had walked into the room. She tried to force her heartbeat to slow, but it was useless. A need gnawed at her; made her appreciation of the passion he had introduced her to that much stronger.

  She could hear his footsteps coming toward her. And then he was there. The heat of his broad chest was pressed against her back. His aroused body part, thick and hard, was bearing down on her bottom. Without saying a single word, his hands reached out and wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

  “We’re alone again,” he said, leaning down and whispering the words close to her ear. His warm lips moved to place a kiss on her throat. “I missed this,” he said, moving to place another kiss close to her ear. “I’ve been craving you for five whole days. If Uncle Jake had taken you up on your offer to stay another day I probably would have died.”

  His words stirred something elemental within her. Did he know what he was saying? If he couldn’t do without her for five days then how was he going to handle the rest of his life? She knew the answer to that. Once he got back on the rodeo circuit, she and any other leisure pastime would be forgotten.

  He shifted his stance and all thoughts fled from her mind. The only thing she could think about was the liquid fire her body seemed to have suddenly turned into. His hands had dropped from her waist and were moving possessively all over her body. And when he cupped her breasts through the material of her blouse, she felt weak and instinctively leaned back against him.

  She shuddered as he began unbuttoning her blouse.

  “Do you know what I love most about your breasts?” he asked as his hand slid into the opening of her blouse, while his lips branded her throat.

  “No,” was her response in a low voice, while shivers raced through her.

  “The way your nipples fit around my tongue. The way they taste when they are in my mouth.”

  His words, whispered in a hot rush of breath close to her ear, increased the heat she felt between her legs. In response she pressed her thighs together.

  He felt the shifting of her body and knew what she’d done and said, “No, I want your legs open.” He then leaned forward and closed the window blinds. “And now we have all the privacy we need.”

  She had a feeling it would be a while before they made it over to the bed, which was fine with her, and doubted she could get her legs to take very many steps anyway. His hand then returned to her chest to remove her blouse and bra and toss them aside. He opened the zipper of her skirt with a flick of his wrist, and a slight tug made the garment fall in a heap at her feet, leaving her clad in her panties.

  He still stood behind her as he said, “Now I want you to lean forward and brace your hands on the windowsill.”

  She was tempted to look over her shoulder at him but refrained. Instead she did what he asked.

  “That’s right,” he said, pressing his body closer to her bowed one, sandwiching her between the hardness of his body and the windowsill. “Now we’re going to mate.”

  Her pulse leaped at his words, her breath caught in her throat. Before she could sink down to the floor from weakened knees, he leaned over and captured her lips while his hands kneaded her breasts. She tilted her head back to let him have his way with her mouth, and he slid his tongue intimately back and forth between her lips before staking a claim when she opened her lips on a breathless sigh. He kissed her with a hunger that she could feel all the way to her bare feet and she couldn’t do anything but kiss him back with that same greediness, that same desperation, entwining her tongue with his, dueling not for control but for self-preservation.

  And then his hands
moved from her breasts to rest upon her hips, to ease her panties down her legs. He paused a moment and from the sounds behind her Mackenzie knew he was removing his own clothes. And then moments later he returned to her, resting his hard engorged erection against her backside, skin to skin, flesh to flesh.

  He leaned toward her back and with his mouth he branded her in the center of her back and vamped her brain in the process. At the moment she couldn’t think. She didn’t want to think. She could barely breathe. All she wanted to do was satisfy the driving need that was racing through her, bombarding her senses, rushing through her veins.

  “Hold tight.”

  Those words were probably the last she remembered before she felt his knee nudge her thighs apart, sweeping his hand between them. The moment his fingers touched her womanly core she moaned out his name. Heat stirred everywhere he made contact. How had she missed such an intimate touch as this? The provocative caress of his hand expertly stroking her sent sharp sensations plummeting through her. There was something about his touch—the way he fondled her was a skill he had cultivated into an art form.

  She gripped the windowsill tighter as currents swept through her, amazed at how the curve of her bottom seemed to fit perfectly to the front of him. And when he clutched her hips tightly she felt it the moment he placed the head of his erection, there, right there, at her womanly core.

  And then he eased inside of her, filling her in a way that only he could do, going deep, all the way to the hilt, then withdrawing. Over and over he repeated the process, thrusting back and forth inside of her in long, sinuous strokes. Again and again. Whatever was driving him was also driving her. It was as if he wanted to lose himself in her and she wanted him to be lost inside of her.

  Her body began to quiver when she felt an eruption about to take place inside of her. Sensations caused heat to flare within her, starting at the base of her toes and moving quickly up her spine. Her moans became sobs and her inner muscles clenched him in a way that only made him increase his thrusts.


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