Captured By A Royal Thug

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Captured By A Royal Thug Page 12

by Heiress

  “That girl is sacrificing her body, her status and her life for you. The least you could do is choose her,” she ended the conversation as she walked towards the door.

  “Wait, Aunt.” I met her at the door. “Would you do it all again? Choose, Jofi?” I wondered.

  “Without question,” she answered with a smile. She kissed my cheek delicately and made her exit. After shutting my door behind her, I rested my head against it. A million things went through my mind. A whole bunch of fucking emotions that I didn’t need. The only thing I was grateful for was that my Queen was out of the country. That was one less person I had to explain this shit to.

  Prince Amir

  “First things first, can we please remove those drapes. The colors are hideous,” Creola despised. I rubbed my forehead because I could tell this was going to be a long ass day and marriage.

  “But the Queen herself picked those out. She was married in front of them as well as King Adonis. It’s only right to leave them up for-,”

  “I’m sorry but is this my wedding or the royal families wedding?” she sassed yet she had on a pleasant smile. The servant girl didn’t even know how to respond. She looked so scared and she had every right to be. Creola was a fucking nightmare. It’s been months since I announced her as my bride and her ass been getting on my nerves ever since. She ain’t do shit but boss people around and went into the village to shop every other day. If I was a regular nigga in the states, her ass would have been got dumped.

  “It’s yours, Princess Creola,” the servant girl finally answered.

  “Then act like it. My wedding is in two days and I want everything to be perfect,” Creola spat, still managing to keep a smile on her face. Only crazy women did shit like that.

  “My Prince.” She smiled at me, reaching out for my hand. “I would love your opinion on this.”

  Only if I could tell her how much I really didn’t give a fuck about her or this damn wedding. Just when I was about to respond, I caught a glimpse of Leah out of the corner of my eye. “Uh, look this isn’t really my thing. I’m sure you can handle this on your own. I got something to go handle,” I replied, walking away with the quickness. I could still feel her eyes on me as I approached Leah.

  “You know this is all your fault, right?” I blamed.

  “Wh-what? How is this any of my fault? I gave you three perfect candidates and you had to go with her.” She pointed in Creola’s direction, who was suspiciously staring at us. “And I wish you would stop talking to me every time you see me. She notices, and every time she looks at me I feel like she’s plotting to kill me in her head,” she worried.

  “I would give you some comforting words, but I believe you. She definitely doesn’t like your ass.” I laughed.

  “Don’t laugh, Amir this is serious. She’s going to be the Princess, and I she’ll have the power to make my life a living hell. Which she’s already started to do.

  “What you mean by that?” I quizzed.

  Leah cautiously looked around before pulling me to the side. “For some reason, I have been put on outside duty. That’s like real hardcore labor which is not what I usually do. I’m always inside, but ever since Creola came to the Palace, I’ve been giving twice the workload. I mean, look at my hands.” She held out her hands to me. They were all blistered up with dry blood on them.

  “Damn,” I winced in pain for her. I put my hands-on top of hers and rubbed them gently. She winced in pain. “What they got your ass doing? Building another damn palace?”

  “Mostly lawn work, painting, cutting and bringing in logs for the fireplaces. My feet hurt so bad I feel like I’m going to fall every time I walk.” Her eyes watered.

  “Oh, my Priiiiince,” Creola sang, fanning me down.

  “What?” I snapped. Her facial expression told me that she didn’t appreciate my tone, but I didn’t give a shit. Slowly, she made her way over to us.

  “Is there a reason why your feeling on the help?” She quizzed, staring down at me holding Leah’s hand. I let them go forgetting that I was massaging them.

  “She’s not just the help, Creola. She’s a good friend of mind and you need to chill out on the attitude. I know we getting married and all, but I don’t like you, and you weren’t my first choice. Hell, you weren’t even my last choice to be honest,” I confessed.

  Her jaw dropped in shock. “Well, too bad because we are getting married whether you like it or not. Now as your fiancé and future Princess, I demand you to stop talking to this…this peasant. She’s getting your hands all dirty,” she sassed.


  “Uh, I was just leaving, your grace. I have work to do,” Leah interrupted me before I could go any further with my disrespect. I watched her as she limped away, and I couldn’t help but feel so bad for her. Every day, me and Leah had grown closer. We hung out all the time whenever I wasn’t busy and she wasn’t slaving. She stayed in my room almost every other day and we stayed up playing games and watching movies.

  She was the first female that I didn’t try and fuck. I mean, I wanted to, but I enjoyed spending time with her more than trying to have sex with her. She was just cool and sweet. She took my mind off a lot of shit. Every once in a while, I would wonder what if. Like what if I wasn’t a prince and she wasn’t a servant. Or if she wasn’t a servant and a princess. The thought of us being together invaded my thoughts more times than one.

  “Ahem,” Creola cleared her throat.

  “Do you have something to say my soon to be pain in the ass-I mean, Princess,” I sarcastically spoke.

  “Is there something going on with you two? Because if there is, I will-,”

  “There is nothing going on with us, Creola. We are just good friends like I said so chill,” I cut her words short.

  “Good. Because I would hate for something to happen to her just because she didn’t know her place.” She raised a brow to me with a wicked grin. “Come along, ladies. We have a lot more wedding fun to attend to.” She pecked my cheek and then walked away. There was a stack of fruit next to me and I was tempted to start throwing them at her head. I didn’t believe in abusing women, but I did however have a good throwing arm. I would have played baseball if I wasn’t a Prince of a whole country.

  “Iman!” I called out when I saw him rushing off. He looked like he was on a mission. “Uh, yes Prince Amir.”

  “Why you being all proper and shit with me like we ain’t used to have sex with girls in high school together?”

  He laughed. “It’s a habit?” It’s a force of habit, Amir.”

  “Well, alright then. Can you point me in the direction of my dear old brother, The King. I must have a word with him at once,” I mocked him. We both burst out laughing. Iman and I used to be good friends too. I thought of him as a big brother. But when my brother made him his right-hand man, things changed. He got dull and seemed distant. I just thought it was because he wasn’t getting no pussy. I think it had something to do with him serving my brother.

  “Your silly, Amir.” He shook his head. “He’s in the study. Driving himself crazy about, Lady Bella,” he let me know.

  “Good pussy will have you stressed out man,” I joked, laughing as I walked away. I made my way to his library. You could hear yelling from down the hall. Rushing to the door, I decided to listen before I walked in.

  “For the hundredth time, Mena, there is nothing going on with me and Lady Bella. She is carrying our child and that is all,” Adonis sighed.

  “Nigga you lying,” I whispered, turning up my face.

  “Then why is the palace speaking on you visiting her chambers at night? Saying that they hear loud moaning. They say you don’t leave until the morning, Adonis. Please tell me the truth,” she begged.

  “You can’t handle the truth,” I mumbled, trying not to laugh.

  “That is the truth, Mena. The palace is spreading nothing but rumors for their own pleasure and entertainment.”

  “Now nigga you know damn well you be blowing t
hat back oooout,” I sang in a hushed tone.

  “So, she must be inviting another in her bed. I heard it was, King Enzo,” Mena gossiped.

  “What?” Adonis barked.

  “Nigga play it cool. Play it cool,” I soothed.

  “You haven’t heard? They have been seen together around the palace. It was to my knowledge that he was thinking of taking a wife here in Droga. If so, I’ am relieved. She will no longer be a problem.”

  “Yea, you wish she wasn’t. You lucky he don’t leave your ass for her,” I instigated quietly. The room fell silent and I could hear whispers, but not as clear. Next thing I know, the door burst open and I almost fell inside, but I caught myself. Both Adonis and Mena were looking at me with strange eyes.

  “I know you weren’t eavesdropping little brother of mine,” Mena sang with a grin on her face.

  “Of course not, big brother’s wife of mine. I was just… trying to see how sturdy this door was,” I lied, trying to keep a straight face.

  “Oh…alright then. Well I’m off to help, Creola with the wedding planning. I will speak to you tonight, my King.” She pecked his lips before making her exit. I rushed in the room and shut the door behind me.

  “Amir, what the hell are you doing listening in on my conversation?”

  “First off, you could hear yelling from down the hall. Second, shit was getting juicy, and I couldn’t help myself. Why you lying to, Mena? You know damn well you done fell in love with, Bella. And everybody in the palace know y’all be knocking boots. You be having her screaming to the top of her damn lungs.” I smirked, patting him on the back.

  “I’m stressed with enough shit. The last thing I need to worry about is, Mena and her fucking jealousy. Now I got a hell of a lot of shit to do so what you want?” he quizzed, taking a seat behind his desk.

  I sat down in the seat in front of him. I tried to find a low-key way to ask him what I wanted to ask him without him being suspicious of why I was asking him in the first place. “Uh, So I was chilling with some of the other Princes the other day and they were having an interesting ass conversation. One of them, is fucking a servant. I mean, he like her and was trying to marry her ass. Crazy huh?” I chuckled.

  “Yea, real funny. I’m crying tears of a fucking clown.” I could hear his sarcasm, but I chose to ignore it.

  “Wh-why is that funny?” I asked.

  “Because the shit will never happen.”

  “Why not?”

  “You know why not, Amir. He’s a royal and she’s a servant. It’s forbidden,” he shared something I already knew.

  “I know, but why is that shit so frowned upon?” I needed more clarity.

  “Bro why the fuck is you asking me about this shit? What do you care?” he hissed, obviously aggravated but I could care less.

  “I’m just trying to help him understand why he shouldn’t be doing the shit.” I shrugged, lying through my teeth. After a long pause, Adonis reached under his desk and grabbed a book. He searched through the pages until he finally found what he had been looking for.

  “No one of royal blood is allowed to fornicate or wed a peasant and or servant. Though fornication can be overlooked, marriage cannot. If found that a royal has wed a non-royal, the consequences is exile. Stripped of their name, riches and power,” he read, closing the book.

  “Damn,” I cursed, sitting back in the chair puzzled. “I didn’t think the shit was that deep.”

  “Well now you know, bro. Now if you done asking stupid shit, I got to get back to protecting my family and the mother of my heir. King Enzo gone come up fucking missing if he keeps fucking with me,” he mumbled before, storming out of the study.

  I stood there in my own thoughts. I didn’t want to marry Creola. That bitch made my fucking ass itch. Her attitude was all messed up and I knew that with her, I could only be with her. She wasn’t going to allow me to be with other women and I needed that. The wedding was days away, and I had to think of some shit quick.


  The day went on and I did nothing but dodge Creola the entire time. Now it was night fall and I was free of her until the morning. I walked the halls of the palace in search of Iman. I had been trying to find him all day, but he was missing in action. As I was walking, I happen to turn my head and I caught a glimpse of Mena. She was yelling with tears down her face. I couldn’t see who she was talking to because their back was to me. I just knew it wasn’t my brother.

  She looked up and caught me staring at her. Pushing past the man she was talking to, she stormed past him. The man turned around, and I saw that the man looked like Iman. He scurried off so quick I couldn’t even make sure if it was him.

  “Amir!” Mena yelled, marching up to me.

  “Yes, my brother’s Queen.” I put on a fake smile.

  “You knew?” she asked.

  “Knew what?”

  “You knew that he was still bedding her? That he had fallen in love with her and had plans on making him his mistress?” she questioned back to back.

  Not wanting to throw my brother under the bus, I played it cool. “That’s nonsense, Mena. My brother wouldn’t do such a thing-,”

  “Oh, cut the crap, Amir. You knew about it. Everyone in the palace knew except me.” she frowned, shaking her head. “He lied to me in my face and told me it wasn’t true. My King lied to me. Adonis never lies to me,” she spoke in a hushed toned.

  “I mean he’s a man, Mena. He ain’t a fucking robot. He’s allowed to have feelings and make mistakes,” I spat. The glare she gave me was sharp and cold.

  “Not my King. My King doesn’t lie to me or make mistakes. He’s perfect and that little whore will not have him. Neither will she have his heir!” she snapped, storming off. I didn’t take offense to her words because Mena was all bark and no bite. She was too righteous to harm Bella and my niece or nephew.

  Shaking off the conversation, I decided to take matters in to my own hands since I couldn’t find Iman. Just as I walked in the kitchen, I found Roman. “Roman. Just the man I was looking for.” I smiled.

  “Yes, your highness?”

  “Do you know where; servant girl Leah is?” I asked.

  “Why yes, your highness. She is outside getting logs ready.”

  I felt myself get a little angry, thinking about her doing hard labor like that. “Can you have her sent to me room right away. It’s an emergency.”

  “Will do, your highness. But before you go, I should tell you that Princess Creola ordered her not to visit your room again,” he informed me.

  I tried to act as if I was surprised, but I wasn’t. Creola was jealous as hell of Leah. “Thank you for that information, Roman.” I nodded and then walked away. I went back to my room and drew up a bath. I made sure to put some soothing oils and herbs in them along with bubbles to add to the ambiance. I lit a few candles the really set the scene and turned on some slow music. I mostly listened to rap, but I had to appeal to a woman’s touch.

  A knock came at my door and then it opened. “Amir?” Leah called out.

  “I’m in the bathroom,” I answered. Seconds later, she rounded the corner. Even with bags under her eyes, she was still pretty. She was covered in dirt and I could smell the stench of sweat on her.

  “Damn you look bad. You smell like hard work and dedication,” I joked, fanning my nose.

  “Amir, it’s not funny. I can barely walk now what do you want from me? I have to finish chopping wood.” She pouted. I could only laugh at how cute and innocent she was. Walking up to her, I started to slide her shirt straps off her shoulders. “Amir what are you doing?”

  “I’m undressing you, so you can bathe,” I told her. She seemed so nervous. So nervous that I could feel her shaking.

  “But-but why? Why are you-,”

  “Because a nigga feels bad about you doing all this extra shit. Creola making you do it because she’s jealous of you. She thinks something is going on with us. So, to say I’m sorry for her being so fucked up in the head, I’m gone
bathe you. I’ll try not to get hard, but no promises.” I grinned, and she giggled.

  “Ok.” She smiled.

  She allowed me to undress her and I couldn’t help but take notice of how nice her body was. “Damn,” I mumbled to myself. I could tell she felt uncomfortable by the way her breathing sped up. After she was undressed, I took her hand and led her to the tub. Once she was in, her body sunk into the bath.

  “Oh, my God. This feels so good,” she sighed, rolling her eyes in the back of her head. “I haven’t had a bath in three years. Especially one as relaxing and exotic as this one.” Her smile brightened up the entire room.

  “Yea, I know. This bath shit is the best. Why you think I’m always getting bathed all the time,” I kidded, taking off my robe. Leah’s eyes bucked when she saw that I was naked.

  “Oh! Amir! What are you doing?” She covered her eyes with her hand in a child like manner. I couldn’t help but laugh at her innocence.

  “Leah, chill. I told you I’m not trying to fuck you. I’m trying to make you feel good. Though fucking you would help you feel good, but I’m not trying to make you fall in love with a nigga or anything,” I boasted, and she burst out laughing.

  “Yea, ok Amir.” She smirked.

  Grabbing a nearby sponge, I lathered it up with soap before I swam closer to her. “Tonight, you’re not a servant girl. Your royal. Let me bathe you,” I said just as I put the sponge to her body. Slowly, I washed her. Her skin was so pure and blemish free. I watched her face as she breathed slow and pinched her eyes closed. For some reason, the moment wasn’t even turning me on. I was still a nigga, and as usual, I would want to fuck her, but again, I just enjoyed her presence.

  “I got a question?” I quizzed.

  “Yes, your highness.” She grinned.

  “If I wasn’t a Prince and it wasn’t forbidden for us to be together and shit, would you want to be with me?” I asked. The look she gave me was priceless. She looked like one of the deer me and my brother used to hunt back in the day. Completely confused and caught off guard.


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