Extra Time

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Extra Time Page 56

by Michelle Betham

  ‘Tell him to move in with you.’

  ‘Do you really think he’d move into my house? It isn’t really private enough, is it? And, to be honest, I’d rather we found somewhere…’ She suddenly stopped talking, noticing Debbie’s grin growing wider. ‘No. No, you aren’t going to make me do this, Debbie. Not tonight. It’s way too soon. I just got carried away, that’s all. No. I’ve got my own little house and that’ll do me and my son just fine.’

  ‘That baby’s due in less than twenty weeks, Amber. Do you really want to be house-hunting with a new born? Wouldn’t you rather you found somewhere before he arrives?’ Debbie turned to face Amber, suddenly warming to this subject of Amber moving. ‘Listen, there’s a fabulous house for sale right beside mine and Gary’s – the one with the triple garage, that amazing indoor pool, and the cinema in the basement, do you remember? I was telling you about it the night of Gary’s party, about how it belonged to a Wearside Spartans player who’s moved over to Spain to play in Madrid? The sale’s in the hands of his solicitor now, and I know for a fact they’re taking stupid offers on it because they really need to sell. You could snap it up for a bargain. And don’t you think it’s fate? That I told you about that house the night you and Ryan… the night baby Fisher was conceived?’

  Amber frowned before giving Debbie a small, sideways smile. ‘How did this suddenly become about me moving? I’ve got no intention of moving anywhere, but I love the way your mind works, Debbie. Anyway, even if I was thinking about moving, which I’m not, there’s no way I could afford that house. I suspect even the stupid offers are way above my price range. I know I’m earning more than I used to, but…’

  ‘Ryan can afford it.’

  Amber looked at Debbie again. ‘Okay. Let’s stop this conversation now. I’m staying where I am. Ryan can do what he wants.’

  ‘Amber!’ Debbie moaned, stamping her foot like a petulant child. ‘It would be so much fun if we were neighbours. Our nannies could take the babies out on play dates while we go to the spa, it would be perfect!’

  ‘This is getting ridiculous now… Debbie, I won’t have time to go to the bloody spa, I have a job.’

  ‘You’ll get maternity leave.’

  ‘If I want it.’

  ‘You are kidding, aren’t you?’

  ‘I don’t know, do I? I don’t know how the hell I’m going to feel until it all starts happening. And who mentioned nannies?’

  ‘Come on, Amber. Be realistic. You are going to need a nanny, believe me.’

  ‘I’ve got a bloody headache now.’

  ‘Just come and take a look around the house. Please. I really think you’ll like it.’

  Amber eyed Debbie suspiciously. ‘How do you know? Have you been inside?’

  ‘Just once or twice.’

  ‘You’re incorrigible, Mrs. Blandford,’ Amber laughed. ‘And, for the last time, I’m not buying any house. I don’t need to move, and I don’t remember saying anything about me and Ryan living together. We aren’t even a couple.’

  ‘I didn’t say buy the house, Amber. I said come and have a look around it, that’s all.’

  ‘It would appear there’s no such thing as “that’s all” with you, Debbie.’

  ‘That’s why you love me, chick.’ Debbie winked, and Amber laughed again.

  ‘What are you two conspiring to get up to?’ Gary asked, wandering over to them.

  ‘Nothing for you to worry your handsome head about, babe.’ Debbie smiled, kissing him quickly. ‘Where’s Ryan disappeared to?’

  ‘How should I know? I’m not his frigging bodyguard. You rang your mam yet? To see if Jodi’s okay?’

  ‘Aaah, he is so sweet!’ Debbie grinned, pinching Gary’s cheek. ‘He’s worried about our gorgeous little girl, who is absolutely fine, by the way. I rang mum just a few minutes ago and Jodi’s been fed, had cuddles, and is now fast asleep. So chill out and enjoy yourself.’

  ‘Get off, woman,’ Gary said, playfully pushing Debbie away. ‘I can’t help it if I’m concerned, can I? It’s the first time we’ve left her for a night out.’

  ‘It’s the first time I’ve left her, Gary. You’ve been out more than once since she arrived.’

  ‘Yeah, but she was with you, then, wasn’t she?’

  ‘And who’s my mum? Hannibal Lecter? Have a drink and stop worrying.’

  Amber couldn’t help smiling as she watched Debbie and Gary, two people who really had changed over the past year. Which was why she was sure Ryan could do the same. It was the one thing that was still giving her some hope.

  ‘I’ll see you two in a bit,’ Amber said, putting her empty glass down on the bar.

  ‘Where you going?’ Debbie asked. ‘I haven’t finished with you yet.’

  ‘Yeah, you have,’ Amber laughed.

  ‘We’ll see about that, missy. I’ll catch up with you later.’

  Amber began winding her way through the growing crowd of people gathering in the function suite, stopping to say a quick hello and exchange a few words with those she knew, and even those she didn’t. She may not be officially at work, but she was still an ambassador for Cloud Sports, who were covering the event for a slot on Scoreline the following week focusing on football clubs and their involvement in the local community.

  ‘Looking good!’

  She swung round at the sound of that voice, her face breaking into a smile the second she saw him. ‘Looking good yourself, mister.’

  Ryan grinned at her, that famous Fisher charm turned up full pelt as he stood there with his hands in his pockets, his feet slightly apart, a stance Amber found incredibly sexy, for some reason, and she shuddered inwardly as she looked right at him, her stomach fluttering about as though a million tiny butterflies had just been let loose in there. She’d put it down to the baby, but it was a touch too early for her to be feeling him move just yet.

  ‘That dress, it suits you. And our bump.’

  When he said those words she felt her stomach flip over, which, along with those butterflies, was now making her feel slightly unsteady on her feet.

  ‘It’s new,’ she whispered, laying a hand gently over her tiny bump, which was just visible underneath the close-fitting dress.

  ‘It’s nice,’ Ryan said, his eyes not moving away from hers. ‘You look amazing.’

  She couldn’t help smiling, a sudden and ridiculous shyness coming over her, causing her to look down at her black and silver heels.


  She looked up at him, noticing his expression had suddenly got a touch more serious.

  ‘I… I heard about your divorce.’

  ‘Yeah. It seems the grapevine moves a hell of a lot faster round here these days.’

  ‘It’s all over, then.’ It wasn’t a question. And even though she’d all but accepted it, hearing the words still cut a little deeper than she wanted them to.

  She nodded, looking down again, until he tilted her chin up, forcing her to look back into his eyes.

  ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring it up, I shouldn’t have said anything.’

  ‘No. It’s okay. Really.’ She smiled, letting his hand slide into hers, their fingers entwining in an almost involuntary action.

  ‘It must’ve been a hard day,’ Ryan said quietly, his stare growing more intense as he looked deeper into her eyes.

  ‘In some ways,’ Amber replied. ‘But I’ve still got a lot to be grateful for. A lot to be happy about.’

  It was his turn to smile. ‘I’ve got to go and circulate – on the orders of your ex-husband…’ Ryan threw his head back and sighed heavily. ‘Jesus, I’m sorry, Amber.’

  ‘You don’t have to walk on eggshells around me, Ryan.’ She let go of his hand. That last reference to Jim had broken the moment somewhat. ‘I think we’re past all that, don’t you?’

  He ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back off his handsome face. ‘I’ll see you later, okay?’

  ‘Yeah.’ She smiled again, allowing her heart to skip another l
ittle beat. ‘You will.’ She watched him walk away, engaging in conversation with everyone who stopped him, bringing out the Ryan Fisher charm offensive with all guns blazing.

  ‘Everything all right?’

  She turned around to see Ronnie standing there, himself handsome and smart, as always, in a dark suit and white shirt. ‘Everything’s fine.’

  ‘What did he want?’

  ‘Ryan? Nothing in particular. Just saying hello.’

  Ronnie raised an eyebrow, falling into step beside Amber as they walked over to their table. ‘Just saying hello?’

  Amber shrugged, slipping her arm through Ronnie’s as they walked. ‘You know Ryan.’

  ‘Yeah. I do.’

  ‘Out of everyone, Ronnie, I’m really counting on you to give him a chance. Please. For me. For this baby, who’s going to be your godson, remember?’

  Ronnie stopped walking, turning to face her. ‘You’re serious, then? About taking him back?’

  She shrugged again, looking away for a second. ‘I didn’t say that. I just want you to give him a chance, stop thinking of him as the same person he was before. And I don’t think making a decision to jump straight back into another relationship is wise on the day I’ve officially become a divorcée, do you?’

  ‘I hadn’t really thought about it. I mean, it’s not like you and Jim have been an item for a while now, is it?’

  ‘Yeah, thanks for reminding me about my short-lived marriage.’

  ‘Hey, come on. Come here.’ He pulled her into his arms, hugging her tight. ‘Me and my mouth. I knew it was a bad idea to have a whisky before dinner.’

  She looked up at him, quickly kissing his mouth. ‘I do love you, Ronnie White.’

  ‘Just not in that way, huh?’ He smiled, and she returned it.

  ‘You couldn’t handle me. We’re too similar. We’re both too stubborn for starters.’

  ‘You got that right,’ Freddie Sullivan said, joining them at the table.

  Amber smiled at her father, letting go of Ronnie and turning to hug Freddie.

  ‘You okay?’ Freddie asked quietly, and Amber nodded. He squeezed her waist and hugged her again. ‘Good. I hear Jim came to see you. This afternoon.’

  ‘Yeah. He did.’

  ‘And it went all right?’

  ‘Can we not talk about this tonight, Dad? Please? I’m trying really hard to put that chapter of my life behind me now because, in case you hadn’t noticed, there’s a new one just beginning.’

  ‘How could I forget my new grandson?’ Freddie grinned.

  ‘Have you seen the stuff he’s already bought for him?’ Ronnie said, pulling out Amber’s chair for her at the large round table they were seated at for this charity dinner. ‘That’s gonna be one spoilt little boy, I’m telling you.’

  ‘Ever the gentleman.’ Amber smiled at Ronnie as she sat down, him on one side of her, her father on the other. ‘And I’ve told you, Dad, I don’t want anyone buying anything for him yet. It’s too early.’

  ‘She’s gone all superstitious,’ Ronnie said, pouring Amber a glass of water.

  ‘No, I haven’t, I’m just being wary. He’s one very special baby, and I don’t want anything to go wrong with this pregnancy, that’s all.’

  ‘The only thing going wrong with this pregnancy is you constantly panicking over everything.’

  ‘I’m not panicking, Ronnie. I’m just being careful. And is this as exciting as it gets?’


  ‘Water. Is that all I’m allowed?’

  ‘You just said you were being careful.’

  She stuck her tongue out at him, but he just grinned at her, quickly retrieving his phone as it rang from inside his jacket pocket. ‘Sorry, kiddo, got to get this. It’s the boss. Back in a bit.’

  Amber turned to her dad, looking at him with wide eyes. ‘What?’

  ‘Can you not see how perfect you two are together?’

  ‘I’m not getting into this, Dad. Me and Ronnie are friends, and that’s all we’ll ever be.’

  ‘He could look after you and this baby, you know that, don’t you? And God knows I’d feel a whole lot better about everything if you two were together.’

  ‘Since when did I need looking after?’

  ‘You’ve been through a lot these past few months, Amber.’

  ‘And people have been through far worse.’

  Freddie took a sip of wine, taking his daughter’s hand in his. ‘Are you and Ryan…? Are you getting back together?’

  ‘I don’t know, Dad. And that’s the honest truth. I feel something for him, I can’t deny that. And no, it isn’t just because of the baby, before you ask. There’s still something there, some attraction…’ She trailed off, sitting back and looking around the room. ‘I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m doing yet. Let’s just get today out of the way and then maybe I can start to think straight again.’

  ‘I just want you to be happy, Amber.’

  She smiled at her dad. ‘I am happy. I can’t say I don’t wish things had been slightly different, but this little one in here has given me everything I need to be able to push my life forward. He’s going to change everything, and that can only be a good thing.’


  She swung round in her seat to see Ryan standing behind her. ‘Oh, hi. We were just talking about you.’

  He looked from Amber to Freddie, a slight smirk on his face. ‘Anything good? Or just the usual?’

  Freddie looked at Ryan, ignoring his rather flippant remark. ‘You settling back in okay?’

  ‘It’s like I’ve never been away.’

  ‘Well, now you’re back, Newcastle Red Star have got a real chance of retaining that Premiership title. And that’s all that matters.’

  Amber frowned at her father. Getting him to accept that Ryan was back in her life – in whatever capacity that turned out to be – was quite obviously going to be one hell of an uphill struggle, she could see that now.

  ‘Can I have a word, Amber?’ Ryan asked, his eyes looking right into hers.

  ‘Erm, yeah. Have we got time before dinner?’

  ‘It won’t take long.’ He held out his hand and Amber took it, letting him pull her up out of her seat. ‘Somewhere more private, if that’s okay?’

  ‘Yeah. Okay. I won’t be long, Dad.’

  Freddie Sullivan just sniffed his disapproval and turned his attention to another ex-Red Star player who was sitting next to him.

  ‘Family parties are gonna be fun,’ Ryan muttered, gripping Amber’s hand as they wound their way through the tables and those people still hanging around by the bar.

  ‘Family parties…? Ryan, where are we going?’

  ‘I told you, somewhere more private. I need to talk to you.’

  ‘You pick your moments.’

  ‘Yeah well, time waits for no man and all that. Come on. We’re going down to the dressing room.’

  ‘The dressing room? Ryan…’

  He stopped, still holding onto her hand, his eyes boring deep into hers again. ‘Or we can just do it right here. If you want everyone to watch me fucking you, that is. Your choice.’

  He threw her that smile again, and she felt her stomach dip, her heart suddenly starting that run of faster beats, banging away inside her like some out-of-control drum. ‘Oh, Jesus… Who told you to come back into my life and fuck it up all over again?’

  ‘I’ve never really done as I’m told, Amber. I thought you would’ve known that by now.’

  She couldn’t help smiling, too, falling into step beside him as they quickened their pace, slipping – hopefully – unnoticed out of the function suite, almost running down the corridor and back out into the main entrance of Tynebridge.

  ‘You’re serious, aren’t you?’ Amber said, holding tightly onto his hand as they crossed the atrium, past the bemused security guy manning the reception desk, out into the corridor that led to the dressing rooms.

  ‘Of course I’m serious. One look at you tonight and
I knew I wouldn’t be able to settle until I’d got you on your own.’

  ‘What if we get caught?’

  ‘I don’t care, Amber. Right now, all I care about is you.’ He pulled her into the empty home team dressing room, making sure no one else was about before closing the door behind them.

  ‘Don’t you even want to know how I feel?’ Amber asked, already feeling that familiar stirring between her thighs.

  He flashed her the famous Fisher grin, pushing her back against the wall, placing a hand beside her head as he leaned in closer to her. ‘I know how you feel.’

  ‘Oh, you do, do you?’

  ‘I think you want me just as much as I want you.’

  ‘I see the cocky, self-assured Ryan is back. That’s nice.’

  He laughed, a low, deep, sexy laugh, and Amber thought her heart was going to leap out of her chest, so hard was it beating now.

  ‘You said this wouldn’t take long. So what are we looking at here, Mr. Footballer? A quick in and out job? Or were you just lying to me back there?’

  He moved his mouth closer to hers, his breath warm on her face, his aftershave overwhelming her. He smelt fantastic, and she knew this was a battle she wasn’t going to win. So she might as well just wave the white flag and surrender. Everything.

  ‘I don’t lie anymore, Amber. Those days are over. But if this takes a little longer than we first thought it might, then – well, sometimes you can’t rush these things, can you?’

  She reached up and ran her fingertips lightly over his mouth, desperate to kiss it, to taste him again, but she was enjoying the build-up too much to go straight in for the kill. ‘You’ll ruin this dress.’

  ‘Take it off, then. Take everything off and let me look at that incredible body… just let me look at it…’ His mouth was on hers now, resting lightly against it, sending her head spinning, and she was glad of the wall behind her to keep her steady because she could feel her knees starting to give way already. ‘… Before I come inside you all over again.’

  ‘Jesus, Ryan…’ Amber groaned, closing her eyes as he began covering her neck in tiny, feather-light kisses, his lips brushing over her skin, sending a million tingling electric shocks shooting right through her with every touch. She didn’t want to feel this way, not today. But he wasn’t giving her much choice.


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