The Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury Tales Page 136

by Geoffrey Chaucer

coma(u)nde v command, order Kn 1695+

  come v come GP 23+; ~ by grasp, understand CY 1395; get at WB 984; 3 sg pres cometh, contr comth; sg past cam, coom; pl past co(o)men, coome; sg past subj coome; p ppl come(n), ycome(n)

  com(m)une n the commons, the third estate Kn 2509, Cl 70; right to use common land Mch 1313

  com(m)une adj common, general Pard 596+; unanimous, ML 155, Pard 601+; widely known Mel 1481, Mk 2246+; public Pars 102+; general Sq 107; in ~ on an equal footing NP 3000; in general Kn 1251+; ~ profit general good Cl 431+

  compaignable adj sociable, entertaining as a companion NP 2872; sociable, gregarious Sh 4

  compaignye n company GP 24+; followers Kn 2307, Pri 492; entourage Cl 268; companionship Kn 2774, Pars 312; relationships GP 461; make ~ associate (with) Mel 1330; holde ~ (with) (s.o.) keep (s.o.) company Fri 1521, Fkl 763, Pars 584; withouten any ~ without a companion Kn 2779+; par ~ for company Mil 3839; in accompaniment Rv 4167; ~ of man sexual intercourse Kn 2311

  compas n a circle Kn 1889; the trine ~ the threefold world (heaven, earth, and sea) SN 45

  compe(e)r n companion, intimate GP 670, Co 4419

  complaine v (see also compleine) lament, bewail, mourn (for) Mk 2377+

  compleccioun n (see also com-plexio(u)n) temperament or character as produced by the predominance of one of the four ‘humours’ Pars 585

  compleine v (see also complaine) lament, bewail, mourn (for) Kn 1072+

  compleint(e) n lament, lamentation Kn 2862, Fkl 920+; a plaintive poem, a lament Mch 1881, Fkl 948

  complexio(u)n n (see also com-pleccioun) temperament or character as produced by the predominance of one of the four ‘humours’ Kn 2475; specifically, one of the four temperaments attributed to the predominance of one of the four ‘humours’ GP 333 (see n.), NP 2955; normal or healthy condition (when the humours are balanced) Fkl 782; unhealthy condition (when humours are unbalanced) NP 2924

  complin n compline, the last of the eight daily services sung by monks and friars (see n. to Mil 3655) Pars 386; (jokingly applied to the miller’s family snoring in concert) Rv 4171

  composicioun n agreement GP 848, Kn 2651; combination Sq 229

  conceit(e) n mind, understanding CY 1078; notion, conception CY 1214

  conclude v include SN 429; conclude Kn 1895+; sum up Kn 1358; end CY 957; succeed CY 773; make up o’s mind, make a decision Mch 1607

  conclusio(u)n n conclusion Co 4328, Fkl 889+; outcome Fkl 1014, SN 394; successful result Fkl 1263, CY 672; fate Kn 1869; purpose WB 115, Sq 492; goal WB 430; decision Kn 1743, Mil 3402; principle, doctrine Mil 3193; for plat ~ with finality, definitely Kn 1845; as in ~ in sum Mk 2634; in ~ in conclusion Pard 454; in the end ML 215, 683; take ~ decide Kn 2857

  concubin n concubine Mk 2199; mistress GP 650

  condescende v proceed to Sq 407; ~ in especial get down to detail Mel 1234; be condescended (on) settle (on) Mch 1605, Mel 1257

  condicionel adj conditional, contingent; necessitee ~ see n. to NP 3245–50

  condicioun n condition; state GP 38, ML 99+; condition, proviso Sum 2132; status, station ML 313, Pars 755; aspect, feature Pars 1012; circumstance Pars 319; character Kn 1431; characteristic Phys 41, Mel 1169

  conferme v confirm, endorse Mch 1508, Pars 842; support, corroborate Kn 2350; prosecute, follow through Mel 1222; refl resolve Mel 1777; confermed securely established Phys 136

  conforme v refl acquiesce (in) Cl 546, Mel 1872

  confort n comfort, relief Kn 1248+; pleasure GP 773+

  conforte v comfort Fkl 823; encourage, spur on Pars 652

  confounde v harass, beset, perplex ML 100, Pars 740+; harm, destroy ML 362, Pars 529; lead into perdition SN 137

  confus adj confounded Kn 2230; confused SN 463

  confusioun n destruction, ruin Kn 1545, Sum 1958+; damnation Pard 499, Mk 1943; disgrace, shame Pars 187; confusion Fkl 869

  consail n (see also conseil, counseil): werke by ~ follow advice, act after consultation Mil 3531

  consaille v (see also conseille) counsel, advise Cl 1200

  conscience n moral sense, awareness of right and wrong GP 142, Mch 1635, Mel 1635, SN 434+; feeling(s) GP 150, ML 1136; scruples GP 398, Fri 1438+; spiced ~ (over-)fastidi-ousness GP 526; swete spiced ~ see n. to WB 435

  conseil n (see also consail, counseil) counsel, advice ML 425, WB 82, Mch 1363+; decision, plan GP 784, ML 436+; consultation Mel 1042; council, group of advisers Kn 3096, ML 204+; private matter(s), secret(s) ML 777, WB 533+; werke by ~ follow advice, act after consultation Mil 3530, Mch 1485+; axe ~ seek advice Mch 1480, Mel 1010, 1156; take ~ deliberate Mel 1120; get advice NP 3253; in ~ secretly, in confidence Fri 1437, Mch 2431; be ~ be a secret Pard 819; shewe (o’s) ~ reveal intimate matters, confide in (s.o.) Sum 1849

  conseille v (see also consaille) counsel, advise Sh 129, Mel 1026+

  conseil(l)ing(e) vbl n advising Mel 1097; consultation Mel 1260; advice WB 67, Mel 1061

  consente v consent (to), agree, acquiesce (in) Cl 537+; be consistent (with) Mel 1382+

  conserve v keep, maintain, preserve Kn 2329, Mel 1203+

  constable n governor of a royal castle ML 522+

  consta(u)nce n constancy, steadfastness, fortitude Cl 668+

  constellacioun n the position of a planet in relation to the ascendant sign of the zodiac; arrangement of the heavens Kn 1088, Mch 1969, Sq 129; (o’s) horoscope, i.e. the ‘con-stellacioun’ at o’s birth as affecting o’s character and fate WB 616, Fkl 781

  contena(u)nce n (see also countenance) countenance, outward appearance, looks Cl 671, ML 320, Sq 284, Sh 392; composure Cl 1110; behaviour, bearing Cl 924, Sq 94+; way of behaving Mch 2209; sign, gesture Mel 1037; gesture, flourish Sh 8; for ~ for appearance’s sake Co 4421; make a ~ pretend, act as if Pars 858; enhaunce (o’s) ~ become overbearing Pars 614

  continue v continue CY 739+; maintain Cl 1048; been continued with be accompanied by Pars 1046

  contrario(u)s adj rebellious, contrary WB 780, Mel 1059; opposed WB 698, Mel 1121

  contrarye n contrary, opposite Mel 1017+; opponent, enemy Kn 1859, NP 3280; difficulty Pars 720; doon a ~ harm Mel 1280

  contrarye v antagonize, offend Fkl 705; oppose, contradict WB 1044, Mch 1497+

  contree n country, land Kn 864+; region Sum 1710+; district GP 216+

  contrefete v (see also countre-fete) forge Cl 743

  convenable adj (see also covenable) appropriate Pars 317

  convenient adj suitable, appropriate Fkl 1278, Pars 421

  converte v convert (in a religious sense) ML 574; turn back Kn 3037; change, turn Phys 212

  conveye v escort Kn 2737, Cl 391; introduce Cl 55

  coold adj (see also cold) cold GP 420+

  coom sg past of come v

  coome sg past subj of come v

  coome(n) pl past of come v

  coost n shore, coast Fkl 995, Pri 436; region, part of the world WB 922

  coote n (see also cote n (2)) tunic, dress (worn by both sexes, either alone or under a cloak or other overgarment) GP 103+

  cope n cope, cowl, outer garment worn by religious orders and clerics GP 260, Mk 1949

  coper n copper CY 829+

  coppe n cup GP 134+; drinke withouten ~ to suffer intensely Fkl 942

  corage n heart, spirit, disposition, temperament GP 11, Cl 787, Sq 22+; inclination, desire Cl 907, Mch 1254+; valour, courage ML 939, Mk 2646, Pars 689; attention Mcp 164

  corage(o)us adj courageous Mk 2337; spirited, ardent Pars 585

  corn n corn, wheat GP 562+; grain of wheat Pard 863+; crop Mk 2035; fig the best, most important, part (as opposed to ‘chaf’) ML 702, Mk 1954

  corny adj tasting strongly of malt Pard 315, 456

  coro(u)ne n crown, wreath Kn 2290+

  corpus (Latin) body; Goddes ~ God’s body Mil 3743; ~ dominus (ungrammatical Latin for corpus domini) God’s body Pri 435; ~ Madrian Madrian’s body (a non-existent saint) Mk 1892; ~ bones a confusion of ~ domini and Goddes bones Pard 314, Mk 1906

  correccioun n correction Pard 404, Pars 60+; punis
hment Kn 2461+; authority, jurisdiction Fri 1329

  corrupt p ppl corrupt ML 519; infectious Mch 2252; infected Pars 427; sexually experienced Pars 912; be ~ for mede be bribed Mk 2389, Pars 167

  cors n body Mcp 67; person, self Pard 304, Th 908; corpse Pard 665

  corven p ppl of kerve v cut Kn 2696; cut out Mil 3318

  cosin n relation, kinsman Sh 69+; first cousin Kn 2763; ~ germain first cousin Mel 1368; be ~ to be akin to GP 742, Mcp 210

  cosinage n kinship Sh 36+

  cost n cost, expense GP 192+; lose (o’s) ~ lose o’s labour CY 782+

  costage n expenditure, expense(s), cost(s) WB 249, Sh 372+; doon ~ spend money Sh 45

  costlewe adj costly, expensive Pars 432+

  cote n (1) cottage, hovel, hut Kn 2457, Cl 398, NP 2836

  cote n (2) (see also coote) tunic, dress (worn by both sexes, either alone or under a cloak or other overgarment) GP 564, Cl 913

  cote-armour, cote-armure n a tunic embroidered or painted with a knight’s heraldic arms and worn over his armour Kn 1016, Th 866+

  couche v cower Cl 1206; lay, place Mil 3211, CY 1152+; ~ fir lay a fire Kn 2933; couched ornamented, set (with jewels) Kn 2161

  co(u)ghe v cough, clear o’s throat Mil 3697+

  counseil n (see also consail, conseil) counsellor Kn 1147; secret, private matters GP 665, Mil 3503+; be of (s.o’s) ~ be (s.o’s) adviser, confidant Kn 1141+

  countenance n (see also con-tena(u)nce): for a ~ as a pretence CY 1264

  countour n lawyer, pleader in court GP 359 (see n.); counting-house Sh 85+

  countrefete v (see also contre-fete) imitate GP 139, Phys 13+; make a copy of Mch 2121; counterfeit, forge ML 746; borrow (learned terms), affect Phys 51

  countrewaite v guard (against) Mel 1319, Pars 1005

  coupable adj (see also cowpable) guilty Mel 1541, Pars 571

  cours n course GP 8, ML 704, Mk 1996, SN 387+; charge in tourney Kn 2549; han a ~ at hunt Kn 1694

  courser n a swift spirited horse, charger Kn 952+

  court n court GP 140+; courtyard Sq 171; manor-house Sum 2162; ~ Cristien ecclesiastical court Pars 903

  courtepy n short woollen jacket GP 290, Fri 1382

  coveite v covet, desire WB 266+

  coveitise n covetousness, greed, avarice, desire Rv 3884+

  covenable adj (see also convenable) appropriate, suitable, fit Mel 1592+

  covenant n agreement Mch 2176; promise Kn 1924+; contract GP 600

  covent n convent, a company living under religious rule Sum 1863, Pri 677+; a group of 13 friars Sum 2259

  coverchief n kerchief, head cloth or veil worn by women, usually made of fine material and sometimes enriched with jewels GP 453, ML 837, WB 590, 1018

  cow n cow Pard 354+; pl kyn

  coward adj cowardly Pard 698, Mel 1327, Mk 1910

  cowpable adj (see also coupable) blameworthy, sinful Pars 414

  coy adj quiet, reticent; modest, demure GP 119, Cl 2

  craft n skill Fkl 909+; art Kn 2409, Sq 185; subject, discipline Fkl 1127; trade, occupation GP 401, 692, Mil 3189, CY 619; gild Co 4366; deceit, trickery Mch 2016, Phys 84, CY 621; trick Mk 2068; konne ~ (on) have skill, be skilled (in) Fri 1468, Mch 1424

  crafty adj skilled in a trade; ~ man craftsman Kn 1897; skilful CY 1290; learned CY 1253; crafty, cunning CY 655

  crake v sing lustily, bawl Mch 1850; ~ boost bluster Rv 4001

  creat p ppl created Mel 1103, Pars 218

  creature n creature Kn 2395+; created thing Kn 1247, SN 49+

  creaunce n faith, belief ML 340, 915

  crea(u)nce v borrow money, obtain credit Sh 289+

  crepe v creep, crawl Mil 3441+; sg past creep; p ppl cropen

  crisp adj curly Kn 2165, WB 304

  Cristendom n Christianity ML 351, SN 459+; baptism ML 377, SN 208; Christendom, Christian countries GP 49

  Crist(i)en adj Christian GP 55+; as n ML 429+; evene ~ fellow Christian Pars 395+

  cristne v baptize, christen ML 226+

  crois n (see also cros) cross GP 699, ML 450+

  croked p ppl crooked, twisted ML 560, Pard 761+

  cropen p ppl of crepe v

  cros n (see also crois) cross Rv 4286

  croslet, crosselet n crucible CY 793+

  crouche v make the sign of the cross over Mch 1707; ~ from guard from ( evil) by making the sign of the cross Mil 3479

  cro(u)per n crupper, cover for a horse’s hindquarters CY 566+

  crowde v push ML 801; drive ML 296

  crul adj curly GP 81, Mil 3314

  crye v cry (out), call GP 636+; entreat, beg (for) Mil 3288+; announce, proclaim Kn 2731, Sq 46; complain Cl 801; ~ (out) (up)on cry out against, condemn Sq 650, Fkl 1496+

  cultour n coulter, iron blade fixed in front of the share in a plough Mil 3763+

  cura(a)t n parish priest GP 219, Pars 1009

  cure n care Cl 82+; heed, concern GP 303, WB 138; endeavour ML 188; care, effort Kn 2853; custody, control Fri 1333, Phys 22; cure, healing Fkl 1114, Mel 1270, SN 37; honest ~ desire for decency Pard 557; have in ~ have in (o’s) power ML 230; do ~ take pains Kn 1007, WB 1074

  curiositee n elaborateness Pars 446, 829

  curious adj skilled, learned GP 577; careful, solicitous Sh 243; anxious Mch 1577; skilfully made, elaborate GP 196, WB 497, Pars 433; complicated Sh 225; splendid ML 402; abstruse, recondite Fkl 1120

  curs n curse, excommunication GP 655+

  curse v curse Mch 1308+; condemn Pars 745; excommunicate GP 486

  cursednesse n sinfulness, wickedness Pri 631, CY 1301+; sin, wicked deed Pard 638, Pars 911; perversity, ‘cussedness’ Mch 1239

  cursing vbl n excommunication GP 660, Fri 1587; cursing, profanity Pars 619+

  curteis adj courtly, refined, considerate, polite Fri 1287, Mch 1815, NP 2871+; gracious, benevolent Mel 1760, Pars 246; respectful, deferential GP 99, 250

  curteisly adv courteously Sum 1802, Mel 1857; ‘decently’ (in ironic sense) Rv 3997

  curteisye n courtly behaviour, good breeding, refined and considerate conduct GP 46, 132, ML 166, Mk 2496; courtesy, refinement of manners Sum 1669, Mch 2309, Sq 95; kindness, benevolence ML 179; for youre ~ kindly, if you please Mil 3287

  custume n custom WB 682, Mch 1889; customary rent or service Pars 567, 752

  cut n lot determined by drawing straws or sticks of different length (lot falling on person drawing longest or shortest) GP 835+

  daierye n dairy WB 871; dairy herd GP 597

  daliaunce n flirtation WB 260+; sociable conversation, chatting GP 211, CY 592; do ~ engage in conversation Th 704

  dame n lady (used of a woman of rank or mistress of a household) Rv 3956+; mother Mil 3260, WB 576+

  dampnacioun n damnation Pard 500+; curse, ruin WB 1067

  dampne v condemn Kn 1175, WB 70+; damn Phys 88+

  dar 1/3 sg and 3 pl pres of durre v dare Kn 1151+; 2 sg pres darst; 1/3 sg past dorste; pl past dorsten

  darreine v claim as rightfully o’s own Kn 1609, 1853; ~ bataille engage in combat Kn 1631, 2097

  darst 2 sg pres of durre v

  dart n dart, arrow Kn 1564; spear used as prize in a race WB 75

  date n time CY 1411; of latter ~ from more recent times WB 765

  daun n sir, lord, master (a title given to dignitaries and scholars) Kn 1379+

  daunce n dance Sq 283+; the olde ~ the ancient practice, the business, all the old tricks GP 476, Phys 79

  daunger n resistance, opposition Kn 1849; reluctance WB 521; danger GP 402; have in ~ to dominate, have in (o’s) power GP 663

  daungerous adj haughty, aloof GP 517; hard to please, fastidious Mil 3338, WB 1090, Mel 939; niggardly WB 151, 514, Fri 1427

  daunte v daunt, subdue Mk 2609, Pars 270; ~ fro frighten away from WB 463

  dawe v dawn, grow light Kn 1676, Rv 4249+

  daweninge n dawn; in the ~ at dawn Rv 4234; in a ~ one day at dawn NP 2882

  dawes pl of day n

  day n day GP 19+; days, lifetime Cl 1136+; breke (o’s) ~ fail to make repa
yment CY 1040; graunte dayes of allow time for Fkl 1575; al ~ constantly, all the time Kn 1168; (up)on a ~ one day GP 19, Kn 1414+; upon a ~ in one day GP 703; ful ofte a ~ many times in a day Kn 1356, many times in that day Kn 2623; at ~ set on the appointed day Cl 774; artificial ~ light part of day, daytime ML 2; al the longe ~ all day long Mil 3438; pl dawes, dayes


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