The Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury Tales Page 139

by Geoffrey Chaucer

  fand sg past of finde v

  fantasye n fancy, delusion, imaginings Mil 3835, Mch 1577, 1610, Fkl 844; fancy, inclination Mil 3191, WB 516; (sexual) desire Mk 2285+; after (o’s) ~ according to o’s whim or desire WB 190+

  fare n behaviour Sh 263; activity, goings-on Kn 1809; commotion ML 569; make ~ make a fuss Rv 3999

  fare v go Kn 1395+; go away NP 2879; act, behave Kn 1261+; carry on WB 330; fare Mil 3457; live Sum 1881; ~ with (o.s.) behave Sq 461; ~ by act towards Pars 899; ~ as/lik act, be like Rv 3871+; it fareth (by) it goes, turns out (with) Co 4408; it fareth with it is the case with Mch 1217; ~ wel do well Kn 2435, Sum 1773+; ~ amis fail Fkl 1298; ~ the wors of be the worse for Co 4350; far(e)wel (sg imp), fareth wel (pl imp) farewell Kn 1250, Mch 1688+; lat him ~ wel good luck to him WB 501; how ~ ye how are you Sum 1801+; sg past ferde; pl past ferden; p ppl fare(n)

  faringe pres ppl: wel-~ good looking Fkl 932, Mk 1942

  fast(e) adv fast, firmly Mil 3499, ML 509+; tightly Kn 2151, Mch 1821+; earnestly Kn 1266, Mil 3289, WB 652, SN 140, CY 1146+; diligently ML 839+; with vigour Mil 3306, NP 3087; vigorously Kn 2359, 2423, Mil 3341+; intently SN 245; busily Cl 598, 978; heartily WB 672, Mch 1769, Mcp 88; hard Kn 1535, 2558, 2946, Mk 2531+; deeply Rv 4194+; soundly Mch 1928; fast Kn 1469+; as ~ immediately CY 1105+; ~ by near, close at hand Kn 1476, 1688; (prep) close to GP 719+

  faste sg past of faste v, to fast

  faught sg past of fighte v

  faukon, fawkon n falcon Sq 411+

  fawe adj (see also fain) happy, eager WB 220

  fay n (see also fey) faith, honour Mil 4034+

  feble adj (see also fieble) feeble, weak Kn 1369+

  feblesse n feebleness, weakness Pars 823+

  fecche v fetch, bring GP 819+; carry off ML 1064+; sg past fette; p ppl fet, yfet

  fee n fee GP 317+; property WB 630; ~ simple unrestricted ownership (technically tenure of land without limitation to any particular class of heirs) GP 319

  feeld n field Kn 886+; field, ground (heraldry) Mk 2383

  fe(e)le v feel Kn 2232+; ~ wikkedly of feel wickedly toward Pars 559, 581; perceive SN 155; know Fkl 727, CY 711

  feeling(e) vbl n feeling WB 610+; skill NP 3293

  feend n devil Rv 4288+

  feendlich, feendly adj (see also fendlich) fiendish, monstrous ML 783+

  feere n (see also fere) fear Kn 1333+

  feeste n (see also feste) feast Kn 2197+

  feet n pl feet GP 473+; him to feete at his feet ML 1104; step on thy ~ step on it Rv 4074

  fein adv (see also fain) gladly Mch 1418

  feine v invent GP 736, Fri 1378; counterfeit, forge Fri 1360, 1507; conceal Mel 1311; evade, shirk Cl 529; dissemble Sq 510+; simulate WB 417, Sq 524+; pretend (often refl) ML 351, Cl 513+; pretend to be (refl with adj) Phys 62; feined false, hypocritical GP 705, ML 362+

  feinte v (see also fainte) become exhausted CY 753; flag, weaken Cl 970

  feir adj (see also fair) fair, fine, beautiful Rv 3977+

  feith n faith GP 62+; faithfulness, fidelity Cl 866+; pledge, promise, word Kn 1622, Sum 2139, Mel 1807+

  feithful adj faithful Cl 310+; true Fri 1425; conscientious SN 24; ~ man true Christian Mk 1891

  feithfully adv faithfullyML 461+; truly, assuredly Fri 1420, Cl 1066+; devotedly Cl 1111

  fel adj fierce, cruel Kn 1559+; deadly Th 829

  fel sg past of falle v

  felawe n fellow, companion GP 395+; friend Kn 1192+

  felaweshipe n company, companionship GP 26+; make ~ with keep company with Mel 1189

  feld p ppl of felle v, to fell

  felonye n crime Kn 1996+; ill will, malice Pars 543

  fendlich adj (see also feendlich, feendly) fiendish, monstrous ML 751

  fer adj distant, remote Th 718+; comp ferre further Mil 3393; superl ferreste furthest GP 494

  fer adv far GP 388+; wiltow ~ are you going far Fri 1387; comp fer, ferre(r) further GP 48+; ~ ne ner neither later nor sooner Kn 1850; as ~ as insofar as Kn 1648

  ferde sg past of fare v

  ferden pl past of fare v

  fere n (see also feere) fear Kn 2344+

  fered p ppl afraid, frightened NP 3386, CY 924

  ferforth adv: so ~ so far, to such an extent (that) ML 572+; as ~ as as far as ML 19+

  ferforthly adv: so ~ that to such an extent that Kn 960; as ~ as evere were ye foled as sure as ever you were born Fri 1545

  ferme adj firm Cl 663, Mch 1499

  ferre comp of fer adj

  ferre(r) comp of fer adv further GP 48+

  ferreste superl of fer adj

  ferthe ord num fourth ML 3+

  ferther adj farther Mch 2226+

  ferther adv further GP 36+

  ferthing n farthing GP 255+; particle, small bit GP 134

  fest n fist Rv 4275+

  feste n (see also feeste) feast Kn 883+; entertainment Pars 47; make ~ relax, enjoy o.s. Sh 327; (with obj) make much of Cl 1109, Sh 342

  fet p ppl of fecche v

  fetis adj neat, elegant GP 157, Pard 478

  fetisly adv neatly, elegantly GP 124+

  fette sg past of fecche v

  fey n (see also fay) faith, honour Kn 1126+

  fieble adj (see also feble) feeble, weak ML 306+

  fiers adj brave, valiant Kn 1598+; violent, cruel Kn 2012+; dangerous ML 300

  fighte v fight Kn 984+; sg past faught; pl past foghte(n); p ppl foghten

  figure n shape Fri 1459+; image ML 187+; metaphor, figure of speech GP 499, Cl 16; figure, design Fkl 831; (stellar) configuration Kn 2035, 2043

  fil sg past of falle v

  fille 3 sg past subj of falle v

  fille(n) pl past of falle v

  fin n end, conclusion ML 424+; outcome Mk 2158; object Mch 2106

  fin adj fine, excellent GP 194+; (of colours) pure, radiant Kn 1039

  final adj final Fkl 987; cause ~ ultimate cause, governing purpose (phil) Mel 1401 (see n.) +

  finally adv finally, at last Kn 1204+; utterly, completely Pars 276

  finde v find GP 648+; provide Kn 2413, ML 243; provide for Pard 537; support, maintain NP 2829; invent GP 736; 3 sg contr pres fint (findes Rv 4130, Northern form); sg past fand, fo(o)nd; pl past founde, fond; p ppl founde(n), yfounde

  fine v cease, stop WB 788, 1136

  fint 3 sg contr pres of finde v

  fir n fire GP 624+; torch Kn 2911; wilde ~, ~ of Seint Antony skin disease, e.g. erysipelas (med) Mch 2252, Pars 427; Greek fire (inflammable material used in warfare) WB 373

  firmament n sky Mch 2219+; the sphere of the Primum Mobile ML 295 (see n.)

  firy adj fiery, burning Kn 1493+

  fissh n fish GP 180+; Pisces (astr) Sq 273

  fit n part of a poem, section Th 888; bout, session Rv 4230, WB 42; ille ~ unlucky time Rv 4184

  flambe n (see also flawmbe) flame Mk 2163+

  flatere v flatter WB 930+

  flaugh 2 sg past of fle(e) v (2)

  flawmbe n (see also flambe) flame Pars 353

  fle(e) v (1) flee, retreat, run away ML 121, WB 279+; escape Kn 1170+; avoid, shun Mel 1177+; fly Cl 119; ~ (o’s) way run away WB 798; sg past fledde, fleigh; pl past fledden; p ppl fled

  fle(e) v (2) fly Mil 3806, Sq 122+; 1/3 sg past fleigh, fley; 2 sg past flaugh; pl past flowen

  fle(e)te v float, drift Kn 1956+; 3 sg contr pres fleet

  fleigh 1/3 sg past of fle(e) v (1) and (2)

  flekked p ppl flecked, streaked Mch 1848, CY 565

  fleme v banish Mcp 182; p ppl flemed exiled SN 58

  flesshly adj physical Pars 516+; in the body, worldly Pars 204+; bodily, carnal Pars 276+

  flesshly adv in the flesh Pars 202, 333; sexually, carnally Pri 585+

  fley 1/3 sg past of fle(e) v (2)

  flood n flood Mil 3518+; flood tide, high tide Sq 259, Fkl 1059, Mk 2587+

  florisshe v flourish, thrive Mel 995; put out leaves or flowers Pars 288, 636

  flour n flower GP 4+; ~ of il ending the worst possible fate Rv 4174

  floure v flo
urish Cl 120, Phys 44

  flowen pl past of fle(e) v (2)

  flye n fly Co 4352+; insect Pars 467

  fnorte v snore, snort Rv 4163, ML 790

  foghte(n) pl past and p ppl of fighte v

  foine v lunge, thrust Kn 1654+

  foison n abundance, plenty Mil 3165, ML 504

  folily adv foolishly, rashly Mel 1449+; wantonly, lecher-ously Mch 1403

  folwe v follow GP 528, Kn 2682+; imitate Cl 1143, 1189

  folye n folly ML 163+; foolishness, something foolish Kn 1798, Fkl 1131, NP 3438+; sin, dissipation Phys 64, Pard 464; lechery Kn 1942, Rv 3880, Cl 236+

  fond sg and pl past of finde v

  fonde v try WB 479+; sound out ML 347

  fo(o) n foe, enemy GP 63+; Cristes ~ the devil Mil 3782; weak pl foon

  fool n fool Kn 1606+; sinner Pars 156

  fool adj lecherous, lascivious Pars 853; ~ wommen prostitutes Pars 885

  fool-large adj foolishly generous, spendthrift Mel 1599+

  foom n foam Kn 1659; sweat CY 564+

  foomen n pl enemies ML 718+

  foon weak pl of fo(o) n

  foond sg past of finde v

  foore n trail, footsteps WB 110, Sum 1935

  foot n foot Kn 1479+; feet Fkl 1315

  for prep for GP 62+; because of, on account of Mk 2131+; by means of Sq 184; for fear of, against WB 964, Th 862, Mk 2560, Pars 607; in spite of Kn 2745, WB 39, Mch 2330, Phys 129, CY 1396+; as, to be Phys 141, SN 457+; as regards GP 387, Cl 474; ~ old with age Kn 2142; ~ dronken because of being drunk Mil 3120, Rv 4150; ~ blak for blackness Kn 2144; ~ sik for illness WB 394; ~ drye for dryness Sq 409; ~ God by God Mil 3526; ~ min hood by my hood CY 1334; ~ any thing at all costs GP 276; (as) ~ me as far as I am concerned Kn 1619, Mch 1554+; ~ the nones for the occasion GP 379, Mil 3126+; as a rhyming tag, meaning little more than ‘indeed’ GP 523+

  for (that) conj for, because GP 102+; in order that, so that Kn 2879, Mk 2715+; in the event that NP 3299

  forage n dry fodder, winter food, hay Rv 3868+; fodder Th 783

  forasmuche (as), for as muchel as conj inasmuch as Kn 1608, Sh 33+

  forbede v forbid Mil 3508+; sg past forbad; p ppl forbode(n)

  forbere v bear, endure Mch 2182; omit Kn 885; leave alone WB 665; forbear, refrain (from) Mel 1862+; ~ his wordes spare his language Mil 3168

  forbode(n) p ppl of forbede v

  forby adv past Phys 125+; heer ~ past this place Pard 668

  force n (see also fors) force, violence Kn 1927+; by ~ of necessity Kn 2554, Phys 205; what ~ what does it matter Mch 1295; na/no ~ no matter Rv 4176+

  fordo v destroy, ruin Kn 1560+; p ppl fordo, fordoon

  foreward adv (see also forward): first and ~ first of all Mch 2187+

  forfered p ppl afraid Kn 2930, Sq 527

  forgaf sg past of foryeve v

  forgat sg past of foryete v

  forgeten p ppl of foryete v

  forgo v forego, give up WB 315+; lose Mel 993+; refrain (from) Mch 2085

  forlese v lose utterly Pars 789; p ppl forlore, forlorn

  forlete v desert, abandon Pars 972; cease Pars 250; renounce, leave off Pars 93+; lose Pard 864, Pri 658

  forlore, forlorn p ppl of forlese v wasted Fkl 1557; ruined, destroyed Mil 3505

  forme n form, shape Fri 1471+; state Fkl 1161; manner, nature Sq 337; form, lair (of a hare) Sh 104; proper manner, etiquette Sq 100; in ~ properly, with decorum GP 305

  forncast p ppl planned, premeditated NP 3217 (see n.), Pars 448

  forneis n (see also fourneis) furnace GP 202+

  fors n (see also force) importance; no ~ no matter ML 285+; make/do no ~ of attach no importance to Fri 1512, NP 2941+; not to care WB 1234+; be negligent of Pars 721

  forsake v forsake WB 644+; refuse, reject Mel 1557; sg past forsook; p ppl forsake(n)

  forseide p ppl aforesaid Mel 1001+

  forswering n perjury Pard 592+

  forth adv forth, forward, out GP 825+; afterward Fkl 1081+; tarien ~ the day waste the day Kn 2820; speke/telle ~ proceed to speak, tell Kn 1336+; do ~ continue to do Cl 1015; chace ~ pursue, go on with Cl 341

  forther adv forward Rv 4222; further on Pars 701; ~ moor further on Kn 2069

  forthermo, forthermoor(e) adv furthermore WB 783+

  forther over adv moreover, besides, in addition Pard 648+

  forthre v assist, support Kn 1137+

  forthward adv forth ML 263+

  forthy adv therefore Kn 1841+

  for to adv with inf particle (used with infinitive) in order to GP 17+; although, even if; ~ to be deed even if I were to die Cl 364; ~ dien in the peine even if we were to be tortured to death Kn 1133; ~ gon to helle even if I were to go to hell Sh 137; as equivalent to to, a mere marker of the infinitive GP 13+

  fortunat adj fortunate, prosperous Cl 1137+; blessed Cl 422; propitious Mch 1970

  fortune v control the destiny of Kn 2377; ~ the ascendent choose a favourable ascendant (astr) GP 417

  forward n agreement GP 33+

  forward adv (see also foreward): first and ~ first of all Mel 1241

  forwoot 3 sg pres of forwite v have foreknowledge of NP 3234, 3248

  forwrapped p ppl wrapped up, covered up Pard 718, Pars 320

  foryete v forget Kn 1882+; ~ (o’s) minde lose (o’s) memory ML 527; sg past forgat; p ppl forgeten, foryeten

  foryeve v forgive (for) GP 743+; sg past forgaf

  foryevenesse, foryifnesse n forgiveness Mel 1773+

  fostre v rear, educate Rv 3946+; teach SN 539; look after Cl 222, Mch 1387; sustain, nourish Fkl 874; ~ up bring up ML 275, Cl 213+

  fother n cart-load, load GP 530+

  foul adj foul, dirty, defiled GP 501+; wretched, vile Kn 3061+; ugly, loathsome ML 764, WB 265+; terrible Sh 194, Mk 2083+; for ~ ne fair on no account ML 525; thurgh ~ or fair over rough and smooth Sq 121

  foule adv shamefully, disgracefully WB 1069+; wickedly Fri 1312, Mcp 278; ~ ysped made a mess of it Rv 4220; ~ moot thee falle I hope you come to a bad end Mcp 40

  fourneis n (see also forneis) furnace GP 559, Mk 2163, CY 804+

  fow(e)l n bird GP 190+

  fraine v (see also freine) ask, inquire Pri 600

  franchise n freedom, being free-born Pars 452; nobility, magnanimity, generosity Mch 1987, Fkl 1524+

  frank n franc, French gold coin Sh 181+

  frankelein n franklin, landowner, gentleman GP 331 (see n.) +

  fredam, fredom n nobility, generosity, magnanimity GP 46, Kn 2791+

  free adj free Kn 1292+; voluntary GP 852+; incapable of restriction Kn 1606, Fkl 767; unobstructed Pri 494; noble, gracious Kn 2386, Pri 467+; graceful, beautiful Phys 35; generous, liberal Co 4387, Cl 1209, Sh 43+; willing Pard 401

  freend n friend GP 670+; kinsman Kn 992+

  freine v (see also fraine) ask Mel 1832, SN 433

  freletee n frailty, weakness WB 92, Pars 449+

  frere n friar GP 208+

  fressh adj fresh GP 90+; clean, gay Mk 2122+; gay, joyous, lively Kn 2386, WB 508, Cl 1173, Sh 177+

  fressh adv freshly, newly Kn 2832, Sh 309; gaily Kn 1048

  frete v eat, devour, gnaw Kn 2019+

  fro, from prep from GP 15+; against Mil 3479+

  fruit n fruit Rv 3872+; result, product, reward Kn 1282+; essential part, heart, kernel ML 411, Fri 1373, Mch 1270+

  ful adj full GP 233+; whole Kn 3075+; as n: atte fulle completely GP 651+; in full Rv 4133+; to the hilt Rv 3936; fairly and squarely Rv 4305

  ful adv very, completely GP 119, Phys 25+

  fulfille v fill Kn 940, WB 859+; fulfil, carry out, accomplish Kn 1318+; p ppl fulfild

  fume n vapour CY 1098; bodily ‘exhalation’ NP 2924

  fumositee n vapour, exhalation (of the ‘humours’ in the body) Sq 358, Pard 567


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