plein adv (1) completely, entirely GP 327
plein adv (2) (see also plain) plainly GP 790+
pleine v lament, bewail, be sorry Kn 1320+; express o’s unhappi-ness Cl 97, Fkl 1317; complain WB 387+, refl WB 336; ~ (up)on complain of Kn 1251+; make a complaint against Fri 1313, Phys 167
pleinly adv (1) plainly GP 727+
pleinly adv (2) fully Kn 1733+
pleint(e) n lament, lamentation ML 66, Fkl 1029+
plesa(u)nce n pleasure, delight Kn 1571+; desire, will Cl 305+; attentiveness, courtesy Sq 509, Mcp 157; complaisance Cl 792; in thy ~ to please you Kn 2409; do ~ give pleasure Mch 1563+; do a favour Mch 1612; serve, attend Cl 1111; do (a) service Fkl 1199+
plesa(u)nt adj pleasant GP 222; pleasing, agreeable Cl 991, Mch 1621+; affable GP 138
plese v please GP 610+; indulge in pleasure with Mch 1680; satisfy the demands of Cl 216
pley n play, fun Kn 1125, Mil 3773+; play WB 558; game Cl 10+; games Kn 2964; joke Fri 1548; sooth ~ quade ~ a true joke is a bad joke Co 4357; amusement, sport Pard 627; (in sexual sense) Sh 117
pleye v play GP 236+; joke GP 758, Kn 1127+; make sport Mk 2081; amuse o.s., have fun, take recreation, have a holiday GP 772, Kn 1195+ (also refl); (in a sexual sense) Mil 3273, Rv 3867+ (this sense sometimes latent in other quotations)
pleying(e) vbl n amusement Kn 1061; love-play Mch 1854
plight p ppl plucked WB 790; pulled Mk 2049
plighte v pledge WB 1009+
plighte past snatched, pulled ML 15
plit n situation Pars 762; condition Mch 2335, Mel 1148+
plowman n ploughman GP 529+
plye v bend Cl 1169; mould Mch 1430
poetrye n poetry Cl 33; pl poems Sq 206
poinaunt adj piercing, stinging Pars 130+; sharp, pungent GP 352+
point n point GP 114+; object Kn 1501; full-stop CY 1480; particle, fraction Kn 2766; detail NP 3022; state Pars 921; lace Mil 3322 (see n.); ~ for ~ every detail Cl 577; fro ~ to ~ in every detail Phys 150+; in good ~ in good condition GP 200; at ~ devis to perfection, to a T Mil 3689+; be in ~ to be on the point of ML 331+
poke n bag Mil 3780+
pomely adj dappled GP 616+
pompous adj splendid, magnificent Mk 2471; arrogant, vainglorious Mk 2555
poore adj (see also povre) poor WB 109+
popinjay n (see also papejay, papinjay) popinjay, parrot Th 767
port n bearing, manner GP 69, 138
portehors n (portable) breviary Sh 131 (see n.) +
pose n cold in the head Mcp 62; on the ~ suffering from a cold Rv 4152+
positif adj customary, conventional Kn 1167 (~ lawe, the law specific to an individual society, as distinguished from the ‘natural law’ which governs human kind as a whole)
possessioun n possession Kn 2242+; possessions, wealth WB 1147+
potage n soup Pard 368+
pothecarye n (see also apothec-arye) pharmacist, druggist Pard 852
poudre n powder CY 760+
poupe v (see also powpe) blow, toot Mcp 90
poure v look closely, gaze Sum 1738, Mch 2112+; ~ upon gaze intently at WB 295+; pore over, study earnestly GP 185
povereste superl adj (see also povrest) poorest Pard 449+
povre adj (see also poore) poor GP 225+
povreliche, povrely adv poorly, meanly Kn 1412, Cl 213+
povrest superl adj (see also pov-ereste) poorest Cl 205
powpe v (see also poupe) blow, toot NP 3399
practik, praktike n practice WB 44d; practices, behaviour WB 187
pray(e) n (see also preye) prey Kn 2015+
praye v (see also preye) pray WB 826+; ask GP 725+
prayere n (see also preyere) prayer Kn 2226+; request, entreaty Kn 1204+
preche v preach GP 481+
preci(o)us adj precious, valuable WB 338+; fastidious, refined Mch 1962; fastidious, hard to please WB 148
predicacioun n preaching ML 1176+
preef n (see also preeve, preve) test, trial Mcp 75; good ~ success CY 1379; with ivel ~ bad luck to you WB 247
prees n crowd, throng ML 393+; danger, distress Mk 2137
prees(s)e v crowd, throng Kn 2530+; ~ on urge WB 520
preest n (see also prest) priest GP 501+
preeve n (see also preef, preve) experience NP 2983; ~ demonstratif proof based on logic, demonstrative proof Sum 2272
preeve v (see also preve, prove) prove Mch 1330
preise v praise WB 294+; value, prize Mch 1854; to ~ to be praised Phys 42+
preisinge vbl n praising, praise Pars 454+; honour, glory Pars 949
prentis n apprentice Co 4365+
prescience n prescience, foreknowledge Kn 1313+
presence n presence Kn 927+; in ~ in company Cl 1207; in heigh ~ in solemn assembly ML 675
presse n press, clamp GP 81; cupboard, closet GP 263, Mil 3212
prest n (see also preest) priest ML 1166
preve n (see also preef, preeve) test, trial Cl 787
preve v (see also preeve, prove) prove GP 485+; test Cl 699+; find out Mel 1437; turn out Cl 1000, CY 645; succeed CY 1212; ~ wel be very evident Mch 2425
preye n (see also pray(e)) prey Fri 1455+
preye v (see also praye) pray GP 301+; ask, request, beg GP 811, Kn 1483+
preyere n (see also prayere) prayer(s) GP 231, Mil 3587+; request Fri 1489+
prike v (see also prikke) prick Mch 1635; urge, stimulate GP 11+; spur, ride Kn 2678+; pierce, stab Fri 1594; goad Cl 1038; thrust Rv 4231
priking(e) vbl n riding, galloping Kn 2599+; tracking the hare GP 191 (?with pun on sexual sense of word)
prikke n prick, sting Pars 468; stab, jab Kn 2606; point, condition ML 119+
prikke v (see also prike) prick Mel 1326
prime n 9 o’clock in the morning (see North, Chaucer’s Universe, pp. 110–11) Kn 2189+; ~ large fully 9 o’clock Sq 360; half wey ~ half-way between 6 and 9 a.m., 7.30 a.m. Rv 3906
primer n a lay person’s devotional manual, also used as an elementary reading book Pri 517 (see n.) +
pris n price GP 815; value WB 523+; renown, glory Kn 2241+; reputation GP 67; praise Cl 1026+; excellence Fkl 911; of ~ excellent Th 897; bere the ~ surpass everyone GP 237; holde in gret ~ esteem highly Fkl 934
privee n privy, lavatory Mch 1954+
privee adj secret Kn 2460+; private WB 620+; discreet, secretive Mil 3201+; intimate ML 204+; sly, furtive Pard 675; ~ man intimate, confidant Cl 519; ~ membres privy members, private parts Pars 425+
privee adv privately WB 1114+
prively adv secretly, privately GP 609+; inwardly Fkl 741
privitee n personal affairs Kn 1411; secret(s) Mil 3164+; secrecy Mil 3623+; private, privacy Mil 3493+; private environment Co 4334; private parts Mk 2715; in hir ~ secretly ML 548
proces n process Kn 2967+; narrative Sq 658; series of events Mk 2321
professioun n profession, taking of vows on entering a religious order Sum 1925+
profre v offer Kn 1415+; refl offer o.s. Mil 3289
pronounce v announce Pard 335; tell CY 1299
proporcioun n proportion Pars 9; proportionate reckoning Fkl 1286; part, portion CY 754
propre adj own GP 540+; proper Pard 417+; handsome, good-looking Mil 3345; fine Rv 3972+; characteristic Sq 610+
proprely adv correctly, properly Kn 1459+; literally GP 729; in particular Kn 2787; handsomely Mil 3320; characteristically WB 224, 1191
propretee n attribute, characteristic Mel 1174+
prove v (see also preeve, preve) prove Kn 3001+; ~ wel be very evident GP 547
provost n chief magistrate Pri 616+
prow n profit, benefit Pard 300+
prye v pry Sum 1738+; gaze Mil 3458, CY 668
publisse v make public, report Cl 415, 749
pulle v pull Kn 1958+; pluck GP 177, Mil 3245+; ~ a finch cheat a dupe GP 652
purchace, purchase v acquire, obtain Pars 742+; obtain, get CY 1405; provide ML 873; bring about Mel 1680+; acquire possessions, get rich GP 608
/> purchas n profit (esp what one picks up in an irregular way) GP 256+
purchasing vbl n gain, profit Fri 1449; conveyancing GP 320
pure adj pure SN 48+; very Kn 1279
pured p ppl refined, pure WB 143, Fkl 1560
purge v purge NP 2953+; evacuate, discharge WB 134+
purpos n purpose, proposal, resolution Kn 2542+; matter in hand ML 170+; come to ~ become relevant Sq 653; it cam him to ~ he decided Sq 606; be in ~ intend Rv 3978
purpose v intend Fkl 1458, Mel 1055+, refl Mel 1834; resolve Cl 706
purs n purse GP 656+; nether ~ balls, testicles WB 44b
pursue v chase, pursue Pars 355; persecute Pars 526; sue Mel 1694
purtreiture n picture, painting Kn 1915+
purtreye v draw, paint GP 96; picture to o.s. Mch 1600
purve(i)a(u)nce n foresight, providence, ordinance Kn 1252+; arrangements, preparations Mil 3566, ML 247+; provision WB 570, Pars 685
purveye v provide WB 591+; prepare Pars 1003
putte v put Kn 988+; suppose Mel 1477; 3 sg contr pres put
quade adj bad; sooth pley ~ pley a true joke is a bad joke Co 4357; a thousand last ~ yeer a wagonload of misery (lit a thousand cartloads of bad years) Pri 438
quake v quake, tremble Kn 1576, Mil 3614+; sg past quook; p ppl quaked
quarter n quarter ML 798+; at ~ night a quarter of the way through the night, 9 p.m. Mil 3516
queint p ppl of quenche v
queinte n female genitals Mil 3276 (see n.), WB 332+
queinte adj clever, subtle Mil 3275, Rv 4051+; ingenious, curious Mil 3605, Sq 234+; strange, odd Kn 1531+; elaborate, esoteric ML 1189, CY 752
queinte past of quenche v
queintise n cunning Pars 733; elaboration, elegance Pars 932
quelle v kill, destroy Pard 854+
quenche v quench Kn 2321+; be quenched, go out Kn 2334+; past queinte; p ppl (y)queint
questioun n question Kn 1347+; discussion Kn 2514
quik adj alive, living Kn 1015+; lively Sq 194; vigorous, pithy GP 306; quikkest busiest Fkl 1502
quike v bring to life SN 481+; come to life Pars 235+; kindle Kn 2335, Fkl 1050+
quit adj free Fkl 1363+
quite v release, set free Kn 1032; repay, requite, pay back Mil 3119+; pay GP 770; pay for Mk 2374; refl acquit o.s., do o’s part Fkl 673
quod past said GP 788+
quook sg past of quake v
rad p ppl of rede v
radde sg past of rede v
rafte sg past of reve v
rage n rage Kn 2011+; blast of wind Kn 1985; anguish Fkl 836
rage v play, banter, frolic GP 257, Mil 3273+ (with sexual connotations)
ragerye n high spirits, playfulness WB 455, Mch 1847
rakel adj hasty, rash Mcp 278+
rasour n razor Kn 2417+
rathe adv early Mil 3768+
rather comp adv rather, sooner GP 487, Kn 1153, ML 335+
raughte past of reche v reached Kn 2915, Mil 3696+; ~ after reached for GP 136
raunceon, raunsoun n ransom Kn 1024+
ravise, ravisshe v ravish, seduce Pri 469; carry off, carry away Sum 1676+; delight, enrapture Mch 1750+
real adj regal, kingly Th 847, NP 3176+
realtee n (see also royaltee) pomp, magnificence Cl 928
reawme n (see also reme) realm Sh 116+
recche v (see also rekke) care, mind Kn 1398+; ~ of care about, take notice of Mil 3772+; impers trouble, concern Cl 685; past roghte
recchelees adj careless, negligent GP 179, ML 229+; inconsiderate, unresponsive Cl 488; heedless Mcp 279
recchele(e)snesse n thoughtlessness, carelessness Pars 111+
receit n formula CY 1353+
receive v receive, accept ML 259+; received acceptable ML 307
reconforte v comfort, console Mel 978; encourage Mel 1660; refl take heart, be consoled Kn 2852
record n reputation, account Sum 2049; of ~ recorded, evidenced Sum 2117
recorde v witness, bear witness (to), confirm Kn 1745, Mel 1079; impers remember GP 829
red p ppl of rede v
redde sg past of rede v
redden pl past of rede v
rede pl and weak sg of reed adj
rede v read GP 709+; advise, suggest Kn 3068+; ~ of teach about Fri 1518; sg past radde, redde; pl past redden; p ppl rad, red
redily adv promptly Kn 2276+
redresse v amend, set right WB 696, Cl 431; restore Fkl 1436; refl direct o.s. Pars 1039
reed n advice Mil 3527+; plan, course of action Kn 1216+; counsel, adviser GP 665
reed adj red GP 90+; pl and weak sg rede
refreine v curb, restrain Pars 294+; refl restrain o.s. Pars 382
refresshinge vbl n refreshment Pars 78+
reft p ppl of reve v
refut n refuge ML 546+
regard n: at ~ of in comparison with Pars 180+; in ~ of with respect to Pars 477; as to ~ of with reference to Pars 399
regne n kingdom, realm Kn 866+; rule, sovereignty, power Kn 1624+
regne v reign, rule ML 816+
reherce, reherse v repeat, recount GP 732+; describe Fri 1296+; list, enumerate Pars 239+
rein n rain GP 492+
reine n rein Kn 904+
reise v raise WB 705+; ~ up collect Fri 1390
rejoise v rejoice Mel 989; refl rejoice, take pleasure Cl 145+
rejoisinge vbl n joy, cause for rejoicing Mcp 246+
rekene v (see also rekne) calculate GP 401; enumerate Kn 1933+; settle accounts, calculate Sh 78+; count, reckon WB 367; value Sq 427
rekeninge vbl n account GP 600+; bill GP 760
rekke v (see also recche) care, mind Kn 2257+; ~ of care about, take notice of CY 698+; impers trouble, concern; what rekketh me what do I care WB 53+
rekne v (see also rekene) render an account ML 110; evaluate, consider ML 158
rele(e)sse v release Mk 2177+; release, relinquish Fkl 1533; remit, forgive Fkl 1613+; discharge from ML 1069, Cl 153
releve v recompense Rv 4182+; help, assist Mel 1490; rescue Pars 945
religioun n religion SN 427; religious order, monastic life Mk 1944+; man of ~ man in holy orders GP 477
religious adj in a religious order Mk 1960+
reme n (see also reawme) realm NP 3136
remembre v remember ML 1057; remind Fkl 1243; ~ (up)on/of remember Mch 1898, Fkl 1542, Pars 133+, refl Mch 1898+; impers: it remembreth me I remember WB 469
remena(u)nt n rest, remainder GP 724+
remeve, remewe, remoeve v remove Sq 181, Fkl 993+; move Fkl 1205
rende v tear Kn 990+; split NP 3101; past rente; p ppl yrent
reneye v renounce, abjure ML 340+
renne v run GP 8, Kn 2868+; come quickly Kn 1761+; ~ in incur CY 905; ~ for run in favour of ML 125; sg past ran; pl past ronne(n); p ppl ronne, yronne(n)
renovelle v renew Mel 1845+; be renewed Pars 1027
rente n revenue, income GP 256+; toll, tribute ML 1142
rente past of rende v
repair n visiting, flocking of people WB 1224+
repaire, repeire v return ML 967+; revert Sq 608; go, resort to NP 3220
repente v repent Mel 1135+, refl ML 378+; impers: repented me I repented WB 632
repleccioun n (see also replexion) repletion, surfeit NP 2837
replenisse v replenish, fill Pars 920+
replet adj: ~ of filled with Pard 489+
replexion n (see also replecci-oun) repletion, surfeit NP 2923
replye v: ~ again object to Mch 1609+
repreeve n (see also repreve) reproof WB 16
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