The Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury Tales Page 150

by Geoffrey Chaucer

  taryinge n delay GP 821+

  tath 3 sg contr pres of take v

  taverner n tavern-keeper Pard 685+

  teche v teach GP 308+; ~ to direct to Fri 1326, NP 2949; sg past taughte; p ppl (y)taught

  teer(e) n (see also tere) tear ML 537, Cl 1104+

  teine n strip, rod CY 1225+

  telle v tell GP 83+; describe, relate ML 1070+; speak Kn 1000+; say Kn 1534, ML 783+; say, mention Kn 1148+; enumerate, list Kn 2813, CY 754+; ~ of esteem, value Mk 2486; ~ stoor of set store by, make account of WB 203+; ~ tale of make/take account of GP 330, NP 3118; ~ deintee of set store by WB 208; ~ after repeat after GP 731; sg past tolde; pl past tolde(n); p ppl to(o)ld, yto(o)ld

  temple n temple Kn 928+; Inn of Court GP 567

  temporal, temporel adj temporal, worldly ML 107, WB 1132+

  tempre v blend CY 901, 926

  tendre adj tender GP 7+

  tercelet n male falcon (so named because it is one-third smaller than the female) Sq 504+

  tere n (see also teer(e)) tear Kn 1280+

  terme n condition, state Kn 3028; ‘a division of the zodiac defining a period within which the influence of a planet is heightened’ (MED) Fkl 1288; pl words, expressions GP 639+; jargon, technical language Pard 311, pl ML 1189, Cl 16+; in termes word-perfect, in the correct jargon GP 323; (for/to) ~ of (al) his lif for the rest of his life Kn 1029, WB 644+

  terve v flay CY 1274; fleece CY 1171

  text n text GP 177+; precept, axiom ML 45+; pl moral reflections, adages Mcp 236

  textuel adj learned, good at exact quotation Mcp 235+

  thakke v pat, slap Mil 3304, Fri 1559

  than adv (see also thanne) then GP 12+

  thank n thanks GP 613+; praise Pars 1035; kan ~ owe thanks Kn 1808, 3064; hir/his thankes willingly, gladly Kn 1626+

  thanne adv (see also than) then GP 535+

  thar v impers need; him ~ he needs Rv 4320; thee ~ you need WB 329+; personal Mel 1068

  that rel pron that GP 44+; that which WB 781+; on which ML 262; when Mil 3422

  that dem pron that GP 102+; ~ oon… ~ oother the one… the other Rv 4013

  that conj (unfamiliar uses only) ~ he kan as well as he can Fkl 1262; ~ ye may as best you can Rv 4033; ~ he mighte as best he could ML 1036

  the(e) 2 sg pron, acc/dat form thee Kn 1083+

  the(e) v thrive, prosper Sum 2207+; so thee’k, so thee’ch, so moot I ~, also mote I ~ etc. as I prosper Rv 3864, WB 361, 532, Pard 947+

  theef n thief Mil 3791+; criminal, villain Kn 1325, ML 915, WB 800+

  theigh conj (see also thogh, though) (even) if WB 53, Fri 1327

  thenche, thenke v (see also thinke) think Mch 2165+; imagine Mil 3253, Mch 1503; intend Cl 641, Pars 671; consider WB 1165, Mch 2165+; ~ on remember, have in mind Mil 3478+; sg past tho(u)ghte; pl past thoghten

  thenne adj (see also thinne): thurgh thikke and ~ through thick and thin Rv 4066

  thennes adv thence, (away) from there ML 510+; fro ~ thence, from there ML 308+; from ~ from the place SN 66

  ther adv there GP 43+; where GP 34, 547, Kn 892+; whereas Kn 1272, WB 1213+; to such a place Kn 2809; in so far as Fri 1366; when WB 128+; (introducing a wish) ~ Mars his soule gye may Mars guide his soul Kn 2815; cf. ML 602, Fri 1561+

  theraboute adv about that place Kn 937; about it Sum 1837; on it CY 832

  therbifo(o)re, therbiforn adv beforehand Kn 2034, Cl 689+; previously Rv 3997, WB 631+

  therbiside adv near that place Kn 1478+

  therby adv by that WB 20; by it WB 1015, Fri 1600+; about it Sum 2204; by that means Mil 3693, ML 520+; through it Sq 582, CY 722+; because of that Sum 1878; come ~ come by it, get possession of it WB 984; get at it Fkl 1115

  ther(e)as adv where GP 34, Kn 1058+; whereas WB 1177; in so far as Cl 848

  therfore adv therefore, for that reason GP 189+; for it GP 809, Kn 1808; on that account Cl 445, 731; for that purpose Sq 177

  therinne adv therein, in it, in that Mil 3551+; in which Th 755

  therof adv of that GP 462; of it Phys 282, Mel 1040+; by it Kn 2990; thereby Pars 314; about that Mil 3298, Rv 4000+; as to that, concerning that Mil 3783, WB 65+; from that Mel 1389; for that Cl 644+; ~ no fors never mind about that Mch 2430+

  theron adv on it GP 160; on that subject ML 1033; in that, therein Mch 2346; about it Sq 3

  therout(e) adv out of it, thence Kn 1985; outside CY 1136; out of doors Mk 2172

  therto adv besides, moreover, also GP 48+; to it Mel 1205, 1206, Mk 2238+; for it Kn 2109, Mch 2439, Mel 1346; for that purpose Pri 567; of it Fkl 1330

  therupon adv thereupon GP 819; over that Mil 3323

  therwith adv with it, with them, with that GP 678, Mil 3777+; thereupon, forthwith Kn 1299, Mil 3480+; meanwhile Kn 2878, Mk 2430, Pars 10; besides, in addition Sq 194, Mk 2299+; for that reason NP 2876

  therwithal adv with it GP 566; with that, thereupon Kn 1078, Mel 1006; besides, in addition, also Mil 3233, WB 509+

  thewes n pl qualities Cl 409+

  thider adv thither, there Kn 1263+; ~ as where Pard 749+

  thikke adj thick Kn 1056+; thickset GP 549, Rv 3973; thurgh ~ and thenne through thick and thin Rv 4066

  thikke adv thickly Mil 3322+; ~ as they may goon as thickly-crowded as they can walk Kn 2510

  thilke dem adj and pron the same, that GP 182+

  thin possess adj and pron thy, your (used before vowel or h-) Kn 951+; thine your servants Kn 2381

  thing n thing GP 644+; subject, matter GP 736, Kn 885+; affair, business Mil 3494+; property, substance, possessions GP 490, WB 1132, Cl 504+; deed, document GP 325; charge Fri 1597; creature Mch 1429+; for any ~ at all costs GP 276; pl prayers, devotions WB 876, Sh 91; compositions Sq 78; business affairs Sh 217, NP 3089

  thinke v (see also thenche, thenke) think Kn 1643, WB 201+; imagine GP 346+; consider Kn 1606+; intend Cl 144, Pard 442+; seem GP 37, Kn 1867, Cl 908+; ~ (up)on remember, have in mind Mil 3701+; sg past tho(u)ghte; pl past thoghten

  thinne adj (see also thenne) poor, feeble Mch 1682, CY 741

  this contr of this is

  thise pl of this dem adj and pron these Kn 1531+

  tho dem adj and pron those GP 498+; they Mil 3246; them WB 370+

  tho adv then Kn 993+

  thogh conj (see also theigh, though) though, although GP 230+; even if GP 253, Kn 1170+

  thoght n thought GP 479+; mind, heart Kn 2232, WB 1083, Mch 2178; imagination Mch 1586+; anxiety, sorrow Fkl 822, 1084, Pri 589; intention SN 327

  thoghte sg past of thenche, thenke, thinke v

  thoghten pl past of thenche, thenke, thinke v

  thoghtful adj prudent, thoughtful Cl 295; moody Pars 677

  thombe n thumb GP 563+

  thonder n thunder GP 492+

  thonder-dent, -dint n thunderclap Mil 3807; thunderbolt WB 276

  thonke v thank Kn 1876+

  though conj (see also theigh, thogh) though, although GP 68+; even if Kn 1321+

  thral n thrall, subject, servant WB 155+

  thral adj enthralled, enslaved Kn 1552+

  thraldom n servitude, bondage ML 286+

  thraste pl past of threste v

  threed n thread Kn 2030+

  thre(e)dbare adj threadbare GP 260+

  thresshfold n threshold Mil 3482+

  threste v thrust Kn 2612+; sg past threste; pl past thraste

  thridde adj third Kn 1463+

  thries adv thrice, three times GP 63+

  thrift n prosperity, good fortune CY 739+; by my ~ as I prosper Rv 4049

  thriftily adv properly, in a seemly fashion GP 105, Mil 3131; politely Fkl 1174

  thrifty adj decent, good, respectable ML 46+; excellent, worthy Mch 1912; high-quality ML 138

  thritty adj thirty Sh 26+

  thrive v thrive, prosper Mil 3675+; ~ of succeed in CY 1478; so mote I ~, also evere moot I ~, so ~ I, also mote I ~ as I prosper Mil 3675+

  throop n village WB 871, Cl 199+; pl and gen sg thropes

  throte n throat Kn 2013+; gullet Pard 517

nbsp; throwe n (space of) time, while ML 953+; many a ~ many times CY 941

  throwe v throw ML 85+; cast, drive Cl 453; p ppl ythrowe

  thurgh prep through Kn 920+; on account of, through the agency of Kn 1328, Sq 11+

  thurghout prep throughout Kn 1432+; through Kn 1096, ML 464+; straight through, right through Sq 237+

  thurrok n the bilge of a ship Pars 363, 715

  thurst n thirst ML 100+

  tide n tide GP 401, ML 1134; duration of a tide’s ebb and flow ML 520, 798; time Sq 142, NP 3096+

  tide v betide, befall ML 337; ther tides me na reste I shall meet with no rest Rv 4175

  tidinge n event ML 726; news Cl 901; pl news, reports, accounts ML 129+

  tigre n tiger Kn 1657+

  tikle v tickle, gratify WB 395, 471

  til prep, adv and conj to (normally used before vowel or h-) GP 180+; (before a consonant as a Northernism) Rv 4110; until GP 698+; ~ and fra to and fro Rv 4039

  tipet n hanging part of a sleeve GP 233; hanging part of a hood Rv 3953

  to adv too ML 420+

  to adv and prep to GP 2+; as Kn 1289, Cl 793+; for, towards Kn 2224+; for Mk 2230; at GP 30; ~ wedde, ~ borwe as a pledge, as security Kn 1218+

  to-breke v break Rv 3918+; break in pieces CY 907; bash in Rv 4277; p ppl to-broke

  to-breste v dash to pieces, shatter Kn 2611+; p ppl to-brosten

  togh adj (see also tough) tough, strong Kn 1992

  togidre(s) adv together GP 824, Kn 2625+

  to-hewe v hack to pieces Kn 2609+; p ppl to-hewe

  toke(n) pl past of take v

  tokening(e) n token, sign; in ~ as a sign CY 1153+

  to-morn adv tomorrow, in the morning WB 1245+

  tonge n tongue GP 265+; speech Kn 1438, Pard 557; language Mk 2307; power of expression Sq 35

  tonne n barrel, cask Rv 3894+; ~-greet as thick as a barrel Kn 1994

  too n toe Kn 2726+; weak pl toon

  tooke 1/3 sg past subj of take v

  tooke(n) pl past of take v

  toold p ppl of telle v

  toon weak pl of too n

  toord n (see also tord) turd Pard 955

  top n hair GP 590, Phys 255+; top, summit Kn 2915

  tord n (see also toord) turd Mel 930

  to-rende v tear in pieces Cl 1012, Phys 102+; past torente; p ppl to-rent

  tormente v torment, torture Kn 1314, ML 885+

  tormentour n tormentor, executioner ML 818+

  torne v (see also tourne, turne) turn NP 3214

  to-tere v tear to pieces Pard 474+; sg past totar; p ppl to-tore

  touche v touch Rv 3932+; concern, affect Mil 3494, Mk 2094+; concern, be about Mil 3179; discuss Fri 1271, Pars 612+; reach Kn 2561; ~ to relate to Mel 1299

  touchinge pres ppl concerning Sum 1988+

  tough adj (see also togh): make it ~ make a meal of it, make a performance of it Sh 379

  toun n (see also town) town GP 217+

  tour n tower Kn 1030+

  tourne v (see also torne, turne) turn WB 988

  tourneyinge n (see also turney-inge) tournament Kn 2720

  toute n rump, arse Mil 3812, 3853

  towaille n towel Mk 2745+

  toward prep toward, to GP 27+; for Cl 778

  town n (see also toun) town Sum 2294+; of ~ from the town Mil 3380; in ~ among men Th 793

  trad sg past of trede v

  traisoun n (see also treso(u)n) treason, treachery NP 3117+

  traitour n traitor Kn 1131+

  translacioun n translation SN 25+

  trapped p ppl covered with trappings Kn 2157+

  traunce n trance Kn 1572+

  travail(l)e n labour, toil, effort Kn 2406+; oppression, trouble Mil 3646; do (o’s) ~ exert o.s. Cl 1210

  travaille v labour, exert o.s. Fri 1365+; suffer Pars 985

  trecherye n treachery NP 3330+

  trede v tread Sum 2002+; mount (in a sexual sense) NP 3178; 3 sg contr pres tret; sg past trad; p ppl treden

  tredefoul n mounter of birds (in sexual sense) Mk 1945, NP 3451

  treden p ppl of trede v

  tree n tree GP 607+; cross Mil 3767+; wood WB 101, Cl 558

  tregetour n conjurer Fkl 1141+ trental n a set of thirty requiem masses Sum 1717, 1724

  tresor n treasure, valuables ML 442+

  treso(u)n n (see also traisoun) treason, treachery Kn 2001+

  trespa(a)s n offence, fault, wrong Kn 1764+

  trespace, trespas(s)e v do wrong Pard 741+; do offence, injury Mch 1828, Pard 416+; transgress Mk 2180+; commit Mel 1884+

  trespassour n offender Mel 1358+

  tresse n braid, plait Kn 1049; pl locks Mch 2308+

  tret 3 sg contr pres of trede v

  trete v treat Pars 582; tell Pard 630; ~ of tell Mk 2311; speak about, discuss Sq 220+; negotiate Mel 1798; ~ of folye engage in foolish behaviour Phys 64

  tretice, tretis n negotiation ML 233; (marriage) treaty Cl 331; treatise, work Mel 957, Pars 957+

  trewe adj loyal, honest, faithful GP 531, Kn 959+; just Kn 1864+; righteous, reliable Mil 3529; true Cl 855, Mel 1152+; genuine Pard 930; as n pl the faithful ML 456

  trewely adv truly GP 707+; faithfully GP 481, Kn 1137+; honestly Rv 4133; sincerely Pars 1045

  triacle n salve, antidote ML 479; medicinal potion Pard 314

  tribulacio(u)n n tribulation WB 156+

  trille v turn Sq 316+

  trippe v dance, frisk Mil 3328, Sq 312

  triste v trust ML 832+

  trogh n trough Mil 3548+

  trompe n trumpet GP 674+

  trone n throne Kn 2529+

  trouble adj disturbed, troubled Cl 465+; confused Pars 824; muddy Pars 816

  trouble v disturb, plague WB 363+

  troubled p ppl troubled Mel 1001+; clouded Mel 1701, SN 72

  trouthe n loyalty, fidelity, honesty, integrity GP 46+; honour, word GP 763, Kn 1610+; faith WB 1009+; promise, pledge Fri 1404+; truth Mel 1069+

  trowe v believe, think, suppose GP 155+; believe Kn 1520, Sum 1985+; believe (in), trust SN 171+

  tukked p ppl (see also ytukked) with gown tucked up GP 621

  turne v (see also torne, tourne) turn Kn 1327+; revolve Kn 2454; roll Kn 1238; overturn NP 3403; throw (dice) Kn 1238; turn on a lathe Rv 3928; refl turn over NP 3010; turn away Fkl 1011; be converted Pars 772; ~ again turn back, return ML 23+

  turneyinge n (see also tour-neyinge) tournament Kn 2557

  turtel, turtle n turtle-dove Mil 3706, Mch 2080, 2139

  tweine adj (see also tweye) two Kn 1134+

  twelf adj twelve GP 651+; ~-month(e) twelvemonth, year GP 651+

  tweye adj (see also tweine) two GP 704+

  twies adv twice Co 4348+

  twinne v sunder, sever ML 517; depart Sq 577, SN 182; go GP 835; escape Mk 2005; ~ from forsake, renounce Pard 430

  twiste n branch Mch 2349, Sq 442

  twiste v squeeze, wring Mch 2005, Sq 566; torment WB 494; sg past twiste

  tyraunt n tyrant Kn 961+

  unavised adj rash, thoughtless Mcp 280; unpremeditated Pars 449

  unbokele v unbuckle Mil 3115, Sq 555+

  unbounde(n) p ppl unbound, set loose Mch 1226+

  uncovenable adj unfitting Pars 431, 631

  under prep and adv under GP 105+; below Kn 1981; by, beside WB 990, Fri 1380+; behind the back of Mcp 198; ~ the yerde in tutelage Sh 97; adv underneath Sq 519, SN 518

  understonde v understand GP 746+; p ppl under-stonde(n)

  undertake v undertake Sq 36+; take on an enterprise GP 405; warrant, guarantee GP 288+

  undigne adj unworthy Cl 359+

  undiscreet adj undiscerning, ill-judging Cl 996, NP 3434


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