1125 Wher seystow (= seyest thow) do you say this
1127 me list ful ivele pleye I have no inclination to joke
1129 It nere to thee… no greet honour it would not be very honourable for you
1132 til to
1133 for to dien in the peine even if we were tortured to death
1134 departe separate
1136 in noon other caas in any other situation leeve dear
1137 forthre assist
1140 withseyn gainsay
1141 of my counseil my confidant
1142 been aboute be intent on
1144 sterve dies
1147 counseil counsellor
1150 might power
1152 agein in answer
1154 outrely plainly
1155 par amour as a lover
1156 wistest nat did not know
1158 affeccioun of holinesse religious devotion
1160 min aventure what happened to me
1162 pose put the case
1163 Do you not know well the old saying of learned men
1165 pan head
1166 yeve given
1167 positif lawe the law specific to an individual society, as distinguished from the ‘natural law’ which governs human kind as a whole
1168 al day all the time
1169 moot nedes must of necessity maugree his heed in spite of himself
1171 Al be she whether she is
1174 verraily truly
1175 dampned condemned
1176 us gaineth no raunsoun no ransom is of any use to us
1178 noon nothing (lit. none)
1179 wrothe angry
1182 noon oother nothing else for it
1183 if thee list if it pleases you ay always
1185 moote must
1186 everich each take his aventure take his chance
1188 leiser for to seye leisure to relate (it)
1189 to th’effect to get to the point
1191 Perotheus Pirithous
1193 Sin thilke day since the time
1195 pleye amuse himself wont accustomed
1199 that oon one
1201 list me nat to write I do not want to write
1203 yeer by yere for years on end
1206 leet let
1207 wher that him liste overal anywhere he pleased
1208 gise manner
1209 forward agreement endite write
1212 o stounde for an instant
1214 acorded agreed
1215 lese lose
1216 reed course of action
1217 him spedde (= spedede) hastened
1218 lith to wedde is a pledge (for his behaviour)
1222 sleen kill waiteth prively secretly looks for a chance
1225 is me shape I am destined
1228 elles otherwise
1229 Yfetered fettered
1230 hadde I been I would have been
1235 aventure chance event
1236 dure remain
1238 yturned thee the dis thrown the dice for you
1240 sin since
1242 caas chance
1244 bareine destitute
1246 nis (= ne is) is neither
1249 sterve to die wanhope despair
1250 lust source of joy
1251–2 pleinen… On complain about in comune in general
1253 gise fashion
1254 devise conceive
1256 moerdre murder
1257 wolde… fain would gladly (be)
1258 of his meinee by his household
1260 witen know
1261 fare behave
1263 noot (= ne woot) does not know
1264 slider slippery
1266 seken fast after search earnestly for
1268 nameliche especially
1269 wende imagined
1271 parfit heele perfect happiness
1272 Ther whereas
1274 I nam but deed I am as good as dead
1275 that oother the other
1278 Resouneth of echoes with yowling wailing
1279 pure fettres very fetters
1283 at thy large at liberty
1284 And you care little about my sorrow
1285 manhede valour
1287 werre war
1288 aventure chance event tretee negotiation
1289 to as
1290 moste nedes lese my lif must inevitably lose my life
1294 sterve die
1295 moot must
1299 up sterte sprang up
1300 hente (= hentede) seized
1301–2 So furiously that to look at he was like the box-tree, or like dead, cold ashes
1305 atthamaunt adamant (a mythical rock of great hardness)
1306 parlement decision graunt decree
1307 In what way is mankind more obligated to you
1308 rowketh huddles, cowers
1310 areest confinement
1313 What (kind of) government exists in this (divine) foresight
1315 penaunce suffering, distress
1316 observaunce duty
1317 letten of refrain from
1318 Theras whereas lust pleasure
1320 pleine lament
1323 lete I to divinis I leave to theologians
1326 Who has done harm to many an honest man
1328 thurgh through the agency of
1329 eek wood also furious
1330 wel ny very nearly
1331 waste ruined
1332 sleeth slays
1334 stinte of cease speaking about
1335 stille quietly
1340 mister plight
1343 to been deed until death
1344 upon his heed on pain of death
1347 axe ask
1349 That oon the one
1350 moot must
1353 demeth as yow liste judge as it pleases you
1356 Ful ofte a day many times in a day swelte (= sweltede) fainted
1358 concluden sum up
1360 shal shall be dure last
1362 That so that wex grew shaft shaft (of an arrow or spear)
1364 falow sallow
1366 mone lamentation
1368 stent stopped
1372 gere behaviour ferde acted
1374 hereos lovesickness (n.) manye mania
1375 humour malencolik melancholic humour (see n. to GP 333)
1376 Biforen in front celle fantastik part of the brain controlling ideas and the imagination
1377 up-so-doun upside-down
1378 habit bodily condition
1379 daun sir
1380 What why endite write
1387 slepy yerde sleep-inducing staff (n.)
1388 wered wore
1389 as he took keep as he (Arcite) took note
1391 wende go
1392 thee shapen ordained for you
1394 how sore that me smerte however severely it pains me
1395 fare go
1398 I recche nat to sterve I do not care if I die
1403 sith since
1404 Of by
1405 bar him lowe lived in a humble fashion
1407 wel ny almost
1409 cladde him clothed himself
1411 privetee private affairs
1413 nexte way quickest way
1415 profreth offers
1416 drugge and drawe labour and draw water devise direct
1418 fil in office got employment
1420–21 espye Of find out about
1424 long tall big strong
1430 degree rank
1431 gentil noble condicioun character
1433 were would be
1435 worshipful honourable
1436 his vertu excercise put his ability to good use
1437 is spronge has spread abroad
1439 taken him so ner placed him in a position of such intimacy
1443 rente income
1444 honestly suitably sleighly secretly
1447 bar him behaved
1448 hath derre holds dearer
1452 seten sat
1453 Forpined wasted away
1455 destreineth torments
1456 wood mad
1461 passe proceed
1462 fil happened
1465 aventure chance
1466 shapen destined
1468 brak broke out of
1471 clarree spiced and sweetened wine
1472 nercotikes narcotics opie opium
1473 wolde were to
1474 sleep slept
1476 faste by close at hand
1477 nedes-cost of necessity moste had to
1479 dreedful fearful stalketh steals
1483 To Thebesward towards Thebes
1484 werreye make war
1485 outher either
1487 entente plein whole purpose
1489 neigh near care misfortune
1493 Phebus Phoebus, the sun
1494 orient east
1495 greves bushes
1499 murye beautiful
1500 doon his observaunce to pay tribute to
1501 point object
1502 startlinge prancing
1506 By aventure by chance gan to holde held
1507 gerland garland
1508 wodebinde woodbine, honeysuckle
1509 ayein the sonne in the sun
1512 I som grene gete may I may get some greenery
1513 lusty cheerful
1514 sterte plunged
1519 Nothing Not at all
1520 trowed believed lite little
1521 go sithen many yeres for many a year
1523 It is a good thing for a man to conduct himself with equanimity
1524 unset stevene unarranged rendezvous
1526 sawe speech
1529 roundel rondeau (n.) lustily gaily
1530 studye reverie
1531 hir queinte geres their strange moods
1532 croppe tree-top breres briars
1533 boket bucket
1535 reineth rains
1536 gery capricious, changeable
1538 gerful changeable array her state
1539 Friday is seldom like the rest of the week
1540 sike sigh
1544 Woltow will you werreyen make war on
1548 bulte built or before
1551 verray ligne true line of descent stok stock
1552 caitif enslaved
1556 biknowe acknowledge
1559 felle cruel
1560 fordo destroyed
1562 martyreth torments
1563 outrely utterly
1564 brenningly burningly
1565 Ystiked thrust careful sorrowful
1566 shapen determined erst than my sherte before my shirt (i.e. before I was born)
1568 wherfore for which
1570 mountaunce of a tare value of a tare (i.e. not a jot)
1571 So that provided that to youre plesaunce to please you
1573 up sterte sprang up
1576 quook trembled
1577 tale words
1578 As he were wood as if he were mad
1579 buskes bushes
1580 wikke wicked
1581 hent caught
1583 to my counseil sworn sworn to be my supporter
1585 bijaped tricked
1589 namo no one else
1591 wepne weapon
1592 am astert have escaped by grace by good fortune
1593 drede doubt
1595 Chees choose asterte escape
1596 despitous scornful
1599 sit (= sitteth) sits
1600 Nere it were it not
1603 of by
1604 diffye reject seuretee pledge
1606 verray fool fool that you are
1607 maugree al thy might in spite of everything you can do
1609 wilnest to darreine hire wish to lay claim to her
1610 trouthe word
1611 witing knowledge wight person
1613 harneis armour
1615 mete food
1618 slee slay ther where
1622 leid his feith to borwe pledged his word
1623 out of alle charitee lacking all brotherly love
1624 regne power
1626 his thankes willingly
1630 dight prepared
1631–2 mete to darreine The bataille fit to engage in combat
1635 yset arranged
1638 regne of Trace kingdom of Thrace
1639 stondeth stand gappe gap, opening in the forest
1641 greves thicket
1646 me mishappe I should meet with misfortune
1647 ferden acted hewe complexion
1648–9 Since they both knew each other, there was no ‘Good day’ nor salutation
1650 rehersinge repetition (of what had been said before)
1651 heelp helped
1654 foinen thrust wonder longe for an amazingly long time
1655 wene think
1656 wood furious
1659 frothen foam at the mouth
1660 anclee ankle
1661 lete hem… dwelle leave them to continue
1663–9 see n.
1669 eft afterwards
1671 Be it whether they are
1673 by concerning
1675 hert stag
1676 daweth dawns
1678 hunte huntsman
1681 bane slayer
1682 Mars god of war Diane Diana, goddess of hunting
1683 er before
1688 ful faste by very near
1690 the streighte wey hath holde has taken the direct route
1691 launde clearing
1692 wont have accustomed to take
1694 han a cours at hunt
1697 Under the sonne all around (n.)
1699 breme fiercely boles bulls
1702 ook oak
1703 nothing not at all
1704 smoot struck
1705 at a stert at a bound
1706 Ho stop
1707 lesing loss
1710 what mister men what kind of men
1715 what nedeth what need is there of mo more
1717 caitives captives
1718 encombred of burdened by
1720 refuge protection
1721 seinte holy
1723 thow knowe it lite you don’t know it
1725 on his heed on pain of death
1729 japed tricked
1735 broken broken out of
1737 hoote passionately
1739 axe ask juwise punishment
1743 conclusioun decision
1745 dampned condemned recorde confirm
1746 There is no need to torture you with a cord
1748 wommanhede womanliness
1752 falle befall
1753 gentil noble
1754 nothing but for love only for love
1756 bothe lasse and moore both the greater and the less (i.e. of all ranks)
1759 theras where
1760 aslaked grown calm
1761 renneth soone is quick to arise
1762 quook trembled sterte quivered
1763 in a clause briefly
1764 trespas offence
1771 wepen evere in oon wept constantly
1773 softe quietly
1777 despitous haughty
1778 maintene persist in
1780 kan no divisioun recognizes no distinction
1781 weyeth weighs after oon equally
1784 on highte aloud
1785 a ah
1787 No obstacles are effective against his power
1788 cleped called
1789 at his owene gise as he pleases
1790 as that him list devise as he is pleased to direct
1792 quitly at liberty
1794 witen know
1795 lith lies
1796 maugree hir eyen two in spite of themselves
1799 but if he love unless he loves
1800 sit (= sitteth) sits
1801 Be they noght wel
arrayed are they not in a fine condition
1804 wenen for to be think they are
1805 for aught that may bifalle whatever happens
1806 game joke
1807 jolitee sport
1808 Kan… thank owes… thanks
1809 woot knows this hoote fare these passionate goings-on
1810 cokkow cuckoo
1811 assayed tried out
1812 or… or either… or
1813 I know it from my own experience, long ago
1816 distreine torment
1817 laas net
1818 trespaas offence
1821 And if
1822 dere harm
1825 everydel completely
1826 axing request faire willingly
1827 of lordshipe for patronage
1829 To speke of in terms of
1836 Atones at once
1837 al be him looth or lief whether he likes it or not
1838 pipen in an ivy-leef ‘jump in the lake’ (lit. whistle in an ivy leaf)
1840 However jealous or angry you are
1841 forthy therefore
1841 degree condition
1843 him is shape it is ordained for him
1844 devise contrive
1845 for plat conclusioun with finality, definitely
1846 Without protest
1847 take it for the beste adopt it as the best course
1848 wher that him leste where he pleases
1849 daunger resistance
1850 fer ne ner neither later nor sooner
1851 Everich each
1852 listes (jousting in) the lists (n.) up at alle rightes in every respect
1853 darreine lay claim to
1854 bihote promise
1856 wheither whichever
1858 spak spoke
1859 Sleen slay contrarye opponent
1860 to wive as a wife
1861 grace stroke of luck
1863 rewe have mercy
1864 evene impartial
1866 taken captured
1868 avis opinion holdeth yow apaid be content
1869 conclusioun fate
1870 lightly cheerfully
1874 doon so fair a grace granted such a favour
1877 namely especially ofte sithe often
1880 hise its
1881 trowe believe deme think
1882 dispence expenditure
1884 maken up build
1887 circuit circumference
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