190 Paraventure perhaps
191 clepe call
196 drede doubt
197 therbiforn beforehand
198 write written
203 atte fulle in full
204 privee conseil confidential advisers
205 of… pace pass over
207 but he mighte have grace unless he had the good fortune
208 space time
209 He nas but deed he was as good as dead hie haste
210 shapen devise
212 argumenten argue casten deliberate
213 forth… leiden produced
214 abusioun deception
219 By wey of reson on rational consideration
221 hir bothe of both of them
222 trowe believe fain gladly
224 Mahoun Mohammed
225 lese lose
227 moot must hires hers chese choose
228 hold… in pees cease
229 recchelees negligent
230 hath… in cure has in her power
232 dilatacioun amplification
233 tretis negotiation embassadrye diplomacy
236 Maumetrye Mohammedanism
242 noot do not know
243 And adequate security provided for this
246 waiten expect
247 purveiaunce preparations
249 shapen devised
250 ordinaunce arrangements
251 in a litel clause briefly
252 heigh important
253 shapen appointed
255 inowe plenty of
256 notified proclaimed
259 Receive in gree may look favourably on spede this viage give prosperity to this undertaking
263 hem dressen ready themselves (to go) alle and some one and all
265 arist (= ariseth) rises dresseth hire prepares
268 straunge foreign
269 freendes kinsfolk
272 han been yoore have long been so
275 fostred up brought up
276 soverein plesaunce chief delight
277 out-taken except on-lofte above
278 hir recomaundeth commends herself
279 shal to must go to
281 Barbre heathen
283 starf died
284 hestes commands
285 no fors thogh I spille no matter if I die
286 thraldom servitude penaunce suffering
287 governaunce control
289 Or before brende burned
293 departinge departure
294 wherso whether
295 Firste Moeving Primum Mobile (n.) firmament sphere
296 diurnal sweigh daily rotation crowdest drive
297 est til occident east to west
299 crowding driving force
300 fiers viage dangerous voyage
302 see n.
304 derkest most inauspicious hous one of twelve segments into which astrologers divided the ecliptic or annual pathway of the sun (n.)
305 atazir birth-sign (n.)
306 unhappy unlucky pas steps, motion
307 knittest thee are in conjunction received acceptable
308 were wel would be in a good position weived removed
310 philosophre astrologer
312 eleccioun choice, on astrological grounds, of the proper time for some undertaking
313 Namely especially
314 roote… of a burthe position of the heavens at the time of birth (n.)
315 lewed ignorant
317 Solempnely in state every circumstance careful attention to propriety
320 She strives to keep her composure
323 welle source
325 lete abandon
326 conseil council
328 in-feere together
329 sette hir doun seated herself
331 in point is is about to
332 Alkaron Koran
333 message Makomete messenger Mohammed
334 hete promise
335 rather sooner sterte depart
336 Or before
337 tiden betide of from
338 thraldom servitude penaunce suffering
339 drawe dragged
340 reneyed renounced creaunce belief
341 assuraunce pledge
342 loore advice
343 sauf safe
346 wise way
347 fonde sound out
348 emprise enterprise
349 devise relate
351 feine us pretend
352 lite little
354 quite pay back
357 lede bring
360 femininitee woman’s shape
362 confounde destroy
366 chaced from deprived of
368 servage servitude
369 fordoon destroy
370 so weilawey the while alas the day
372 warie curse
373 goon hir way go away
376 reneye renounce lay law
377 fonge receive
379 Biseking beseeching
380 moste might
381 do my labour do my best
382 at youre heste as you desire
384 niste did not know
387 solempne splendid
388 sonde message
391 again to meet
393 prees throng
394 ifeere together
395 riche and gay richly and beautifully dressed
396 also glad a cheere as glad a face
399 A softe paas at a leisurely pace solempnely in state
402 curius splendid
403 oost company
406 Caste planned
413 stinte should cease
416 hem dresse make their way
417 In general in a body, without exception
419 mo more
420 boghte paid for
422 spreind mingled
424 fin end
425 conseil advice sikernesse security
426 Upon thy glade day in your prosperity
427 unwar unexpected
428 at o word in a word
430 to-hewe hacked to pieces stiked stabbed bord table
431 But it were except for
434 wolde… lede wanted to rule
437 asterted escaped
438 foot-hoot straightaway
439 sterelees rudderless
440 lerne saille learn to sail
441 againward back Itaille Italy
443 vitaille food
446 benignitee gentleness
448 steere rudder, guide
449 blisseth hire crosses herself pitous pitiful
451 clere glorious weleful joyful auter altar
452 Reed of red with
453 wesshe washed
455 drenchen drown
456 trewe the faithful
460 Flemere banisher him and here (every) man and woman
461 Over whom your arms faithfully spread (i.e. who have been marked with the sign of the Cross)
463 fleet (= fleteth) floats
465 aventure lot
466 sory wretched baite feed
467 After… waite expect
469 arrive touch land
472 demaunde question
474 Ther where knave servant
475 with by frete eaten asterte (= astertede) escaped
479 triacle remedy
481 derk obscure
483 Cannot have knowledge of his wise providence
484 yslawe slain
489 peple Ebraik the Hebrew people drenchinge drowning
492 t’anoyen to disturb
501 sanz faille without doubt
503 loves loaves
504 foison plenty
507 hoold castle nempnen name
508 wawe wave
510 of al a tide during the whole ebb and flow of a tide
512 constable governor doun is fare came down
513 wrak wreck soghte searched
514 care sorrow
517 twinne sever
519 A maner Latin corrup
t a kind of corrupt Latin
520 algates nevertheless
521 whan him liste no lenger seche when he did not wish to search any further
523 sonde dispensation
525 For foul ne fair on no account
526 mazed bewildered
527 forgat hir minde had lost her memory by hir trouthe on her honour
529 routhe pity
530 slouthe sloth
534 payens pagans
537 orisons prayers
539 constablesse wife of a castle governor
540 dorste route dared to make a move
543 plages regions
544 Walis Wales Cristianitee Christian people
546 refut refuge
548 in hir privetee secretly
549 bigiled deceived
552 But it were except
556 the righte way the direct route
558 pleyen take recreation romen roam
560 yshette shut
563 weex affrayed was alarmed soun sound
566 wirche work
568 weex abasshed of was disturbed by
569 amounteth is the meaning of fare commotion
572 And she explained our law to the extent that
575 nothing not
577 many wintres space for a period of many years
579 worthy of his hond redoubtable in combat
580 Again against
582 waiteth lies in wait
584 caste (= castede) plotted quite hir while pay her back
586 hote hotly
587 sholde spille would die
588 But he… mighte if he could not ones once
589 woweth woos
591 for despit out of malice compassed planned
593 waiteth whan watches for a time when
596 forwaked worn out by wakefulness
598 Sathanas of Satan
599 Went stealthily to the bed
600 kitte cut
602 God yeve him meschaunce May God curse him
605 despitously cruelly
606 weep wept
609 aweye gone
613 herbiforn previously herd devise heard related
614 gan agrise melted
616 disese suffering misaventure misfortune
617 lomb lamb
618 stant (= standeth) stands
620 Bereth hire on hond accuses her
622 seyn say
624 seyn seen
627 he that Hermengild slow the one who killed Hermengild
628–9 hath caught a gret motif Of was greatly impressed by
630 Depper more deeply lere learn
632 so weilawey alas
633 starf died
634 bond bound yet lith he (Satan) still lies
636 but if unless kithe performs
637 as swithe without delay
642 Osanne Hosanna
644 My socour be be my help
645 seyn seen
646 prees crowd
647 him gat no grace he obtained no mercy
649 bistad hard beset
654 Haveth… routhe have pity
656 mone plea
662 do fecche have fetched
664 us avise consider
665 Whom we want to be our judge
666 Evangiles the Gospels
667 fet fetched anoon immediately
668 in the mene-whiles meanwhile
670 atones at a stroke as like
671 broste burst
673 in general audience in the hearing of everyone
674 disclaundred slandered
675 in heigh presence in solemn assembly
677 agast afraid
678 mazed bewildered
679 drede of wreche fear of vengeance save except
682 sely poor
687 untrouthe treachery
691 ful solempnely with great pomp
692 shene radiant
695 and namo alone
697 brast atwo would break in two
699 a despit an insult
700 unto his make as his spouse
701 Me list nat I do not want stree straw
702 corn i.e. the best, most important, part (as opposed to ‘chaf’)
703 What why royaltee magnificence
704 gooth biforn comes first
708 skile reasonable
711 necessaries necessities plesinges sources of pleasure
713 a lite a little
714 As for the time on this occasion bet better
715 gat begot knave boy
717 took gave to kepe for protection
718 Scotlondward towards Scotland foomen enemies
720 goon with childe pregnant stille calmly
721 halt keeps to
722 beer gave birth to
723 font-stoon font
724 dooth forth come summons
725 wroot wrote
726 blisful tidinge happy event
727 speedful expedient
728 tath takes
729 doon his avauntage win himself favour
730 swithe with all speed
733 sithe times
737 moot bere must carry
738 wol aught want (to send) anything
742 me leste pleases me
743 sadly heavily
745 sleep as a swin slept like a pig
748 direct directed, addressed
751 fendlich fiendish
752 hardy brave
753 endure remain
754 aventure chance
756 everich wight everyone
757 seyn seen
758 soore bitter
759 of with agein in reply
760 the sonde of Crist what Christ sends
761 loore teaching
762 lust pleasure
763 in thin ordinaunce at your disposal
764 al be it whether it is
768 prively secretly
769 take given
771 fulfild of filled with
772 limes faltren ay limbs are constantly shaky
773 biwreyest betray secrenesse secrets
774 lorn destroyed janglest as chatter like
775 array state
776 Ther where
777 conseil secret
778 digne suitable
781 enditen of write about traitorye treachery
786 lighte dismounted
789 wel his girdel underpighte padded out his belt well, filled his belly
790 fnorteth snores in his gise in his own fashion
792 Eft again
795 heigh juise severe punishment
796 suffren allow
797 inwith within
798 tide duration of a tide’s ebb and flow
800 geere possessions
801 crowde push
803 goost spirit
804 penaunce distress
805 caste (= castede) determined on ordinaunce plan
806 on morwe in the morning
807 nexte quickest
808 took gave
809 pitous pitiful sey saw
815 suffren allow spille die
817 wo is me sorrow overcomes me
823 ferthe fourth
824 in good entente cheerfully
825 stronde shore
826 thy sonde what you send
833 steere helm
835 pitously compassionately
837 coverchief head cloth breide pulled
839 lulleth rocks
842 Sooth true eggement instigation
843 lorn ruined dampned condemned
844 yrent torn
845 blisful blessed
847 sustene endure
851 may maiden
852 refut refuge sterre of day morning star
853 Rewe have pity
854 rewful pitiable person
856 wroghtest committed
857 spilt killed
859 As lat let
863 routhelees pitiless
864 rist (= riseth) rises
865 prees throng<
br />
867 entente spirit
868 blesseth hire crosses herself
869 it is no drede without doubt
870 space time
871 necessaries necessities
872 heried praised
873 May almighty God see to the wind and weather
875 driveth forth hir weye makes her way
878 axeth asks
879 gan… colde turned cold
884 Up upon
885 tormented tortured
886 Moste biknowe had to confess plat bluntly
888 wit reasoning
889 gan springe originated
890 knowe recognized
892 noot (= ne woot) do not know
893 Th’effect the essential point out of drede without doubt
895 ligeaunce allegiance
896 with meschaunce curse her
901 fleteth drifts
902 as liked Cristes sonde as was pleasing to Christ’s ordinance
908 Have on… som minde remember
909 eftsoone a second time
910 In point to spille on the brink of death
912 gauren on gaze at
915 reneyed abjured creaunce faith
917 Have sex with her, whether she liked it or not
918 Wo… bigon overwhelmed with misery
920 heelp helped
921 strogeling struggling
923 dreinte drowned
924 unwemmed undefiled
925 lust delight luxurye lechery
926 faintest enfeeble
927 shende destroy
929 compleining lamentation
930 werk the deed
932 waike weak
933 renegat renegade
934 lengthe height
935 maat helpless
936 desolat destitute
939 hardinesse bravery
944 out of meschaunce from misfortune
946 narwe narrow
947 driving rushing
951 shapen determined
952 hevinesse sorrow
953 stinte of cease speaking of but a throwe only for a short time
959 leet sleen caused to be killed
961 ordinaunce decree
964 brennen burn
966 shapen hem to wende prepare to go
967 repaireth returns
970 sit (= sitteth) sits
972 nil seye will not speak
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