2139 lak failure
2143 privetee secret
2145 launcheth thrusts clifte cleft between the buttocks
2148 tuwel anus
2149 leet let out
2150 capul horse
2151 late let out
2152 up stirte leapt up
2155 abye pay for
2156 meinee servants affray commotion
2158 cheere face
2159 And fetched his companion from where his hoard (of goods) was
2161 grinte (= grindede) with ground wrooth angry
2162 A sturdy paas with determined strides, at a great rate court manor-house
2163 woned lived
2167 bord table
2168 Unnethes hardly
2169 God yow see may God protect you
2171 what maner world is this what is going on
2174 grief trouble
2176 had a despit been insulted
2179 abhominacioun disgust
2180 that that which
2182 lokkes hoore white hair
2185 servitour servant
2186 in scole at university
2187 Raby Rabbi, master (n.)
2189 No force no matter
2190 meschief calamity
2191 bitid is has befallen
2192 per consequens in consequence
2194 to doone to be done
2195 Distempre yow noght do not upset yourself
2200 stille silent
2204 therby about it
2205 So God me spede as God may prosper me
2206 cherl boor
2207 thee prosper
2209 I consider him to be in some kind of frenzy
2211 If I cannot be avenged on him in any other way
2212 diffame slander overal wher everywhere that
2214 parte share
2215 iliche alike with meschaunce curse it
2218 imaginacioun ingenuity
2220 erst er now before now
2222 ars-metrik arithmetic (n.)
2224 make a demonstracioun demonstrate by logical reasoning
2225 ilike his part an equal share
2227 nice foolish shrewe curse
2228 with harde grace bad luck to him
2231 inpossible impossibility (n.)
2234 eir air
2235 evere continually lite and lite little by little
2236 demen judge
2238 shrewedly maliciously
2240 demoniak madman
2241 pleye joke
2242 a devel weye in the devil’s name
2244 carf carved
2246 ivele apaid displeased
2247 gowne-clooth length of cloth sufficient to make a gown
2248 so provided that
2249 evene ydeled divided equally
2250 if it liked me if I wanted to
2253 weder weather
2254 parturbinge disturbance
2255 Lat bringe have brought
2259 thrittene thirteen covent convent (n.)
2261 perfourne up make up
2264 sadly firmly
2266 nave hub
2267 baly belly toght taut
2268 tabour drum
2272 preeve… demonstratif proof based on logic, conclusive proof
2273 wende travel
2277 as reson is as is right
2278 usage custom
2282 ther where
2283 vouchesauf grant
2284 hadde should have
2285 hardily to be sure
2286 bereth him behaves
2290 subtiltee cleverness
2291 heigh wit deep intelligence
2 coy quiet stille silent
3 Were newe spoused who had just been married bord table
5 sophime sophism, question of logic
7 as beth of bettre cheere be in a better mood, cheer up
10 pley game
11 nedes moot must of necessity
15 murye thing of aventures entertaining tale of notable events
16 termes technical terms colours rhetorical embellishments (n.) figures figures of speech
17–18 in stoor stored away endite Heigh style write in elevated style (n.)
22 under youre yerde under your authority
24 do yow obeisaunce obey you
25 hardily certainly
32 Highte was called
33 Enlumined made illustrious
35 art particuler specialized area of university study
36 suffre allow
43 prohemie preface discriveth describes
46 boundes boundaries
47 in special in particular
48 welle spring
49 his firste springing its source
51 To Emeleward towards Emilia
52 Which would be a lengthy matter to relate
54 inpartinent irrelevant
55 Save except wole conveyen wishes to introduce
58 roote foot
59 lusty delightful of vitaille in agricultural produce
61 fadres olde ancestors
64 markis marquis whilom in earlier days
66 obeisant obedient ay always
67 liges subjects bothe lasse and moore of greater or lesser rank
68 yoore for a long time
69 drad feared
70 of by commune people
72 gentileste noblest
75 gye govern
79 bitide befall
80 lust present immediate pleasure
82 cures cares
83 nolde was not willing to
85 bar bore soore ill
86 flokmele in a flock
87 loore wisdom
90 shewe explain
93 Assureth us makes us confident
95 hevinesse sorrow
96 gentillesse graciousness
97 pitous sorrowful pleine express our unhappiness
99 Although I have no (personal) interest in this matter
103 space interval
105 as yow leste as it may please you
106 us liketh yow you please us
107 werk actions
108 devisen imagine
110 o one
111 yow leste it might please you
112 soverein complete
113 yok yoke
115 spousaille marriage
117 sondry wise different ways
118 rome walk about
119 Ay fleeth always flies abide wait for
120 as yit still
121 stille quietly
122 manaceth threatens smit (= smiteth) strikes
123 estat social condition
125 uncertein uncertain
127 trewe entente loyal intention
128 heste command
130 Chese choose
131 meeste greatest
133 deme judge
134 bisy drede anxious fear
137 slake fail
139 wo were us alive how wretched our life would be
140 wive take a wife
141 pitous cheere pitiable looks
143 wol wish
144 erst before thoghte intended streine to constrain
145 me rejoised of delighted in
146 selde time seldom
147 Ther where
149 wit understanding
152 profred offered
153 relesse discharge from
154 cesse cease
157 Bountee goodness stren lineage
161 him bitake entrust to him
166 worshipe honour dure last
167 werk deed
170 grucche grumble
171 sith since
172 as evere mote I thrive as I prosper
173 Theras where
174 but unless
176 hertly heartfelt
178 Bisekinge beseeching
181 dredde (= dredede) feared
184 sikerly of a certainty
186 buxomly obediently
188–9 they han an ende Of hir entente their pur
pose is fulfilled
190 herupon thereupon officers servants
191 purveye provide
192 his privee knightes and squiers the knights and squires who were his personal servants
193 Gave such duties as he wished to assign them
198 shoop prepared
199 throop village site situation
201 herbergage home
202 sustenance food
203 After that according as
205 holden considered to be povrest poorest
209 fair inogh to sighte very beautiful to behold
212 She was the most beautiful in the world
213 povreliche yfostred brought up in poverty
214 likerous lust luxurious pleasure
215 tonne (wine-)barrel
216 for because plese satisfy the demands of
220 ripe and sad corage mature and serious spirit
222 fostred looked after
223 spinninge while she span
226 Wortes greens
227 shredde cut up seeth boiled
228 nothing not at all
229 on-lofte flourishing
233 ofte sithe often
235 fil chanced espye observe
236 wantowne lascivious
237 sad wise sober manner
238 cheere face him… avise ponder
240 passing surpassing wight creature
244 bountee virtue disposed resolved
249 privetee private
250 vanitee folly
251 allas the while alas the day
252 bigile trick
253 hath doon make has had made
254 asure lapis lazuli
257 stature build
259 unto… sholde falle might be appropriate to
260 undren mid-morning (g.)
262 put was in array was made to look nice
263 in his degree in order
264 Houses of office kitchens and pantries
265 deintevous vitaille delicious food
266 as fer as last Itaille throughout all Italy
269 yprayed invited
270 bachelrye knights in attendance
273 the righte wey the direct route
275 shapen devised
276 is went has gone
280 fain gladly
283 markisesse marchioness fonde try
288 thresshfold threshold
292 gan to falle fell
293 sad serious stille in silence
295 thoghtful pensive
298 cheere manner
300 lette delay
301 fette fetched
305 Lenger longer
306 vouchesauf agree
310 lige man vassal ybore born
314 unto… drawe fall in with
316 cas occurrence astoneyd amazed
317 reed he wax he turned red abaist perplexed
318 unnethe hardly
319 willing desire
320 wole wish ayeins against
325 collacioun consultation
327 rule hire after be guided by
329 audience hearing
331 tretis marriage treaty
332 withoute outside
333 wondred hem marvelled how honeste manere what a respectable manner
334 tentifly attentively
335 outrely in the extreme
336 erst before
337 astoned amazed
338 place house
339 woned accustomed
341 forth… for to chace to pursue
343 verray true
346 so stonde be the case
350 yow avise take further thought
352 lust pleasure
353 do yow laughe or smerte cause you to laugh or feel pain
354 grucche grumble at
358 upon at
360 bede offer
361 wol wish
363 werk deed
364 Were I to die I for it, though I would be reluctant to die
372 gere clothes
374 dispoilen undress
376 wherinne in which
377 bright of hewe of radiant complexion
378 newe newly
379 kembd combed untressed loose
380 rudely untidily hir their smale slender
381 hir her ydressed placed
382 nowches jewels
383 what why
384 fairnesse beauty
385 translated transformed
388 wel ambling gentle-paced
389 er he lenger lette without delaying further
390 hir ladde and mette went before her and came to meet her
392 gan descende went down
393 for to chace to pursue
396 by liklinesse according to the probabilities
397 rudenesse rusticity
398 cote cottage
400 woxen is has become
401 worshipful deserving of respect ther where
403 trowed believed
408 encressed improved
409 thewes goode good qualities
412 embrace have a hold on
416 biside nearby
418 spradde spread
422 fortunat honestetee honour that augurs well
424 inow plenty of
427 selde seldom
429 Koude knew feet practice, duties hoomlinesse domesticity
431 redresse restore
432 nas was no hevinesse sorrow
433 apese alleviate
437 bringen hem aton reconcile them
438 ripe mature
440 wende thought
443 ybore given birth to
444 Al had hir levere although she would rather
447 unto… atteine succeed in having
448 bareine barren
449 times mo at other times too
450 had souked but a throwe had been breast-feeding for only a short while
452 sadnesse constancy
454 assaye make trial of
455 affraye harass
456 inow enough
457 fond found
459 subtil wit clever strategy
460 ivele it sit it is wrong
461 it is no nede there is no need
463 wroghte acted
465 trouble cheere troubled expression
468 noblesse nobility
471 trowe believe
474 As far as concerns any wealth that you can call your own
480 gentils high-born vassals
482 servage servitude
484 namely especially
488 recchelees unresponsive
491 looth disagreeable
492 witing knowledge
495 wirking behaviour
496 highte promised
498 noght ameved did not change
500 agreved distressed
501 lith lies
502 hertly sincere
503 spille destroy
504 after according to
508 lese lose
510 deface obliterate
511 corage mind
513 feined pretended
516 a furlong wey or two about five minutes (g.)
517 prively secretly al his entente everything he had in mind
519 sergeant serving-man privee man confidant
523 dradde feared
525 stalked him stole stille quietly
529 hestes commands yfeined evaded
531 lust will
535 Cruelly, and made a gesture
537 moot has to
540 diffame reputation
541 Suspect suspicious
544 wende believed slawen slain right tho at that very minute
545 weep wept siked sighed
546 Acquiescing in what pleased the marquis
550 moste might
551 barm lap
552 sad unshaken gan… blisse made the sign of the cross over
558 tree wood
559 bitake entrust
561 norice nurse
562 routhe pitiful sight
564 sad constantly
570 but unless
572 to-race tear in pieces
576 cheere behaviour
577 point for point every detail
579 routhe pity
583 softe winde wrap up gently
584 With alle circumstances with every care
585 cofre cradle lappe fold of a garment
586 swappe strike
588 whennes whence
591 shewe explain
592 doon hir bisinesse do her best
593 in al gentilesse in a manner suited to noble birth
598 imagining wondering
602 evere in oon ilike sad always unvaryingly steadfast
604 wont accustomed
607 accident outward sign
608 doghter name daughter’s name
609 nempned named game play
613 gracious beautiful
616 herie praise
618 Departed weaned
619 lest whim, fancy
620 yet ofter even more often
621 assay trial
622 mesure moderation
625 sikly berth resent
627 age life
628 sleeth destroys corage spirit
629 vois rumour smerte painfully
634 out of drede without a doubt
636 sentence opinion
637 audience hearing
639 disposed outrely fully resolved
640 servede dealt with
643 Out of yourself… outraye lose control of yourself
647 noght greveth me it does not displease me
650 had no part of had no share in tweine two
653 reed advice
658 lust desire, will
659 prescience foreknowledge
663 I comply unswervingly with everything that pleases you
664 wiste I if I knew
667 say saw
670 suffre endure array treatment
675 devise imagine
676 hent taken
678 cheere appearance hevinesse sorrow
679 gan it blesse made the sign of the cross over it
681 grave bury
682 delicat delightful
683 foweles birds
685 as him nothing ne roghte as if he did not care (about it)
690 parfitly whole-heartedly
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