1541 if so were if it were the case
1542 thewes qualities
1543 axeth requires leiser leisure
1545 prively secretly
1546 wole desires
1547 care sorrow
1548 observances duties bare devoid
1549 aboute round about
1550 route band
1552 bereth lif lives
1553 wringeth pinches sho shoe (see n. to WB 492)
1554 for me as far as I am concerned
1555 Aviseth yow take thought
1557 namely especially
1559 route company
1560 bisy inough hard put
1561 allone to himself
1563 doon hire ful plesance give her complete satisfaction
1565 ivele apaid displeased
1568 panier basket
1569 scole-termes learned formulae
1573 letteth hinders
1575 been assented agree
1577 Powerful imaginings and agitated anxiety
1578 gan… impresse became fixed
1582 As whoso tooke as if one were to take
1586–7 Gan… devise… Of thought about inwith within
1588 abide settle
1589 that oon one
1590 stant (= standeth) stands grace favour
1591 sadnesse soberness
1592 vois praise
1594 bitwix ernest and game half seriously and half playfully
1595 apointed him decided
1597 chees chose
1598 alday always
1600 purtreyde pictured
1602 middel smal slender waist
1603 governance behaviour gentilesse nobility
1604 sadnesse soberness
1605 was condescended had settled
1607 concluded made up his mind
1608 wit opinion
1609–10 replye Again object to fantasye fancy
1611 instance urging, request
1612 doon him that plesance do him the favour
1614 abregge shorten
1615 Nedeth namoore there is no more need
1616 was apointed had resolved ther where
1618 alderfirst first of all bad… a boone made a request
1625 Al were it so although it was the case of smal degree of lowly rank
1626 Suffiseth him are enough for him
1628 ese comfort
1630 parten share
1631 nede exigency
1632 shapen ensure spede be successful
1636 reherce recount
1637 ful yoore ago very long ago
1638 parfite perfect
1643 ese pleasure lust enjoyment
1644 agast afraid
1645 murye happy
1646 delicat luxurious
1649 penance suffering
1654 Assoileth resolve
1656 anon-right at once japerye jest
1657 abregge curtail
1658 noon auctoritee allegge cite any written authority
1659 so provided that
1662 right of holy cherche see n.
1665 God forbede but he sente God forbid that he should do other than send
1668 the beste reed I kan the best suggestion I have
1669 Do not despair, but bear in mind
1670 Paraunter perhaps
1671 mene instrument
1677 lette of deprive of
1678–9 Provided that you enjoy the physical attractions of your wife moderately, as is proper and right
1682 wit understanding
1684 waden out of move away from
1686 have on honde are occupied with
1687 Declared told
1690 leve leave
1692 wroghten contrived sly skilful tretee negotiation
1696 tarye delay
1697 scrit written document, deed
1698 feffed in endowed with
1699 riche array splendid finery
1706 orisons prayers usage the custom
1707 croucheth makes the sign of the cross over
1708 inow enough
1709 solempnitee ceremony
1711 deis dais
1713 vitaille food
1714 deintevous delicious
1716 n’of Thebes Amphioun nor Amphion of Thebes
1719 tromped blew the trumpet
1720 cleere loudly
1721 doute danger
1722 shenketh pours out
1725 assayen his corage test his spirit
1727 firbrond brand, torch
1728 route company
1731 Say saw his lif in his life
1735 songe sang
1736 smal weak
1737 discriven of write about
1738 stouping stooping
1740 witen know
1741 noon not
1742 sit (= sitteth) sits
1743 faierye magic, enchantment
1746 devise describe
1752 manace threaten
1753 streine clasp
1756 offenden hurt
1759 corage desire
1760 sustene bear
1761 al my might everything I am capable of
1762 were woxen night was night-time
1764 ago gone
1765 dooth al his labour does his best
1767 mete meal in subtil wise by devious means
1768 reson was it was right
1769 faste heartily
1772 highte who was called
1773 carf carved
1775 wood mad
1776 swelte fainted ther where
1781 But there I leave him to weep copiously and lament
1782 rewen take pity
1783 bedstraw straw used in a mattress bredeth breeds
1784 famulier foo enemy in the household bedeth offers
1785 homly hewe domestic servant
1786 neddre adder sly deceitful untrewe faithless
1790 borne man servant from birth
1791 Entendeth intends vileinye wrong
1794 alday constantly
1795 Parfourned completed ark diurne daily course through the sky (g.)
1796 sojurne stay
1797 orisonte horizon
1798 rude rough
1799 hemisperie hemisphere
1800 lusty route gay company
1802 lustily gaily
1803 Where they go about their business as it pleases them
1804 say saw
1807 ipocras, clarree spiced wines vernage sweet wine
1808 corage desire
1809 letuarye potion
1812 eschu loath
1813 privee intimate
1815 Lat voiden cause to be cleared
1816 wol devise wishes to direct
1817 travers curtain used to partition a room
1820 him dressed went
1822 make spouse
1823 lulleth cuddles
1824 unsofte harsh
1825 houndfissh dogfish brere briar
1828 moot trespace must do injury
1829 offende hurt
1835 no fors of no importance
1841 han leve to pleye us have permission to enjoy ourselves
1842 gan dawe dawned
1843 sop in fin clarree piece of bread dipped in spiced wine
1845 song sang
1846 made wantown cheere fooled around (sexually)
1847 coltissh coltish, playful ragerye high spirits
1848 jargon chatter pie magpie
1849 slakke slack
1850 chaunteth sings craketh bawls
1854 pleying love-play
1857 sleep til prime slept until 9 a.m. (g.)
1860 Heeld remained in
1861 usage the custom
1864 lives living
1870 demaunde question
1873 biwreye disclose
1876 brenneth burns
1877 in aventure at risk
1879 But secretly he borrowed a pen-case
1881 complein
t poetic lament
1883 heng which hung
1888 abiden remained
1893 complet completed
1894 heighe masse solemn mass
1900 entendeth nat to does not attend on
1901 ay sik ill all this time
1904 Which prevented him from performing his duties
1906 That me forthinketh I am sorry for that
1908 routhe a pity
1909 secree discreet
1910 degree rank
1911 servisable willing to serve
1912 thrifty worthy
1913 mete dinner
1917 bountee kindness
1919 gentil noble
1921 At after-mete in the afternoon
1924 Dooth him disport cheer him up
1926 When I have just rested a little
1927 spede yow make haste
1928 faste soundly
1930 marchal marshal (g.)
1932 hir wey yholde taken her course
1935 as goodly as as well as
1936 say saw
1937 bille petition
1938 wille desire
1940 siketh sighs wonder wonderfully soore earnestly
1942 discovere expose
1943 kid known
1947 softe comfortably
1950 feined hire pretended moste gon had to go
1951 moot nede must of necessity
1953 rente tore cloutes pieces
1954 privee lavatory softely quietly
1955 studyeth deliberates
1958 strepen hire strip herself
1960 dide him encombraunce got in his way
1961 be hir lief or looth whether she likes it or not
1962 precious prudish
1963 wroghte acted
1965 lete leave
1967 aventure chance
1968 influence influence of the stars
1969 constellacioun a configuration of stars and planets estat aspect
1970 fortunat propitious
1971 It was to present a petition concerning affairs of love
1972 alle thing hath time every thing has its season (n.)
1976 He deme let him judge
1978 taken swich impressioun received so strong a mental image
1981 doon… ese comfort
1983 rekke care
1986 renneth flows gentil noble
1987 franchise generosity
1988 hem narwe avise take careful consideration
1991 sterven die in the place on the spot
1994 And do not care about being a murderer
1999 unto his lust suffise satisfy his desire
2000 devise direct
2001 time opportunity
2003 subtilly surreptitiously threste thrust
2004 pilwe pillow rede let him read
2005 twiste (= twistede) squeezed
2006 wiste knew
2011 He combs his hair, grooms himself and makes himself neat
2012 lust pleases
2013 lowe meekly
2014 dogge for the bowe dog trained to hunt game, with an archer
2017 fain eager
2018 lady grace lady’s favour
2019 lete leave nede business
2022 Stant (= standeth) consists
2024 honeste respectable longeth to befits
2025 Shoop him planned deliciously luxuriously
2026 array clothes honestly finely
2028 honeste fine
2033 devise describe
2034 suffise be adequate
2037 laurer laurel-tree
2039 hir faierye their fairy company
2040 Disporten hem amuse themselves
2043 deintee delight
2044 suffre bere allow to carry
2045 wiket wicket-gate
2046 cliket latch-key
2047 unshette unlocked
2052 spedde (= spedede) accomplished
2057 sodein hap sudden chance
2058 deceivable deceitful
2060 enveniminge poisoning
2061 queinte subtle
2062 peinte camouflage
2063 hewe appearance
2064 moore and lesse rich and poor
2067 biraft him deprived him of
2069 free worthy
2070 lust pleasure
2071 Is woxen has become
2072 pitously piteously
2075 brente burned
2079 widwe a widow
2080 Soul solitary turtle turtle-dove make mate
2082 gan aswage subsided
2085–6 Except… he cannot refrain from being jealous all the time
2087 outrageous excessive
2089 neverthemo neither
2090 suffre allow go walk
2094 That she must either die immediately
2096 She expects her heart to break any minute
2102 Without January being able to hear it
2106 fin goal
2112 poure gaze
2113 blent (= blended) blinded
2114 weneth wysly believe for a certainty
2115 Passe over is an ese it is a relief to move on (to the next topic)
2116 so yoore so long ago
2117 emprented imprinted
2118 bar carried
2121 countrefeted made a copy of
2123 bitide befall
2124 abide wait
2126 sleighte stratagem hoot difficult
2129 streite strictly overal on all sides
2130 been acorded came to an agreement rowning whispering
2133 Juil July
2134 wil desire
2135 egging instigation him for to pleye to have fun
2138 free noble
2139 dowve dove
2140 reines wete wet rains
2141 columbin dove-like
2142 win wine
2148 chees chose
2149 lewed coarse
2150 On to
2153 stirte slid
2154 iheere hear
2155 stille quietly sit (= sitteth) sits
2157 no wight mo no one else
2159 clapte to banged shut
2163 Levere ich hadde I would rather
2164 offende harm
2166 coveitise covetousness
2173 chartres charters, deeds transferring property as yow leste as it please you
2174 reste goes down
2176 in covenant as a sign of agreement
2177 wite blame
2178 enprented imprinted
2180 unlikly elde disproportionate age
2187 first and forward first of all
2191 assured entrusted
2192 bond united
2194 By the leve of yow by your leave
2195 dawe may dawn
2196 sterve die foule shamefully
2198 empeire impair name reputation
2199 do that lakke commit that fault
2200 Do strepe me have me stripped
2201 do me drenche have me drowned
2204 repreve reproach ay newe over and over again
2205 contenance way of behaving
2206 But speke except speaking untrust distrust
2211 charged laden
2214 make spouse
2216 Of concerning
2217 lete him sitte leave him sitting pirie pear-tree
2218 mirye happily
2219 blew blue firmament sky
2223–4 his declinacioun Of Cancer the summer solstice (n.) exaltacioun place of greatest influence (n.)
2225 morwe-tide morning
2226 ferther side opposite side
2227 faierye fairyland
2231 mede meadow
2233 fette fetched
2237 sey nay deny it
2238 preveth proves
2241 Notable historically attested untrouthe unfaithfulness
2243 sapience wisdom
2244 worthy… to memorye memorable
2245 kan commands
2246 bountee goodnes
2247 foond found
2251 selde seldom
2252 wilde fir erysipelas corrupt infectious
2260 ayein back
2261 vileinye wrong
2262 harlotrye lechery
2263 repreve reproach
2266 suffisant sufficient
2268 in any gilt ytake caught in any wrongdoing
2269 excuse exonerate
2270 bere… doun talk down
2273 visage it put a bold face on it
2275 lewed stupid
2276 What rekketh me what do I care auctoritees written testimonies
2278 Fand found
2280 Yet many other men have found
2284–5 geestes chronicles make remembraunce Of record
2286 al be it so although it is the case
2287 foond found
2288 sentence meaning
2289 soverain supreme
2290 he ne she man nor woman
2296 forbode forbidden
2297 emplastre plaster over, whitewash
2298 idolastre idolater
2299 elde old age
2302 regne kingdom rather than he wolde sooner than he might wish
2303 sette right noght do not value
2307 jangleresses scolds
2308 As I live (lit. as I may have the use of my hair unharmed)
2310 wolde us vileinye would wish shame on us
2315 sit me noght does not befit me
2319 contrarye oppose
2322 murier more sweetly papejay parrot
2324 aleyes garden-walks
2325 agains in front of pirie pear-tree
2326 mirye pleasantly
2328 shene radiant
2329 Gan for to sike sighed
2331 of the peris some of the pears
2332 longeth me I long
2335 plit condition
2337 but unless
2338 knave servant
2340 no fors no matter
2341 vouchesauf be so good as
2344 inow enough
2345 So provided that
2349 twiste branch
2351 glose use euphemisms rude uncultured
2353 Gan pullen up pulled up throng thrust
2357 caught… again recovered
2361 dressed dealt with
2363 Unless I were willing to speak improperly
2364 up… yaf uttered
2367 stronge brazen stoore bold
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