644 veluettes pieces of velvet
646 withoute on the outside
648 tidives small birds, ?titmice
649 pies magpies chide screech
652 as now just now
653 come eft to purpos becomes relevant again
657 which that whom
658 proces narrative
662 wan captured
664 to wif as wife
666 Nadde he been holpen if he had not been helped
671 chaar chariot
672 the god Mercurius hous the mansion of the god Mercury (n.) slye clever, cunning
673 thee wel yquit acquitted yourself well
674 wit understanding
676 feelingly sensitively I allowthe I applaud you
677 As to my doom in my opinion
678 peere equal
679 yeve grant good chaunce good luck
681 Because I take great pleasure in your speech
683 hadde levere would rather
686 possessioun wealth
687 But if unless
688 snibbed reprimanded yit shal shall in the future
689 listeth nat entende does not want to pay any attention
690 dees dice despende spend
691 lese lose usage custom
692 page peasant
696 woost know
698 biheste promise
700 haveth me nat in desdein don’t be offended with me
705 contraryen antagonize
706 wittes abilities
709 Britons Bretons
710 aventures events
711 Rymeyed rhymed
713 redden read
714 have … in remembraunce remember
716 burel man uneducated man
718 rude unpolished
720 moot must
721 sleep slept
723 Colours stylistic embellishments (n.)
724 mede meadow
726 queinte strange
727 feeleth knows
730 dide his paine did his utmost
731 in his beste wise as best he could
732 emprise exploit
733 wroghte performed
734 oon the faireste under sonne the most beautiful in the world
736 wel unnethes hardly dorste dared
738 worthinesse noble qualities
739 namely especially
740 penaunce suffering
741 prively inwardly fel of his acord came to an agreement with him
747 maistrye dominance
748 kithe show 751–2 Except that he would keep the title of authority, to preserve the honour of his rank
754 sith since
755 so large a reine so free a rein
756 tweine two
757 As in my gilt through any fault of mine outher either
759 trouthe pledge breste may break
761 o one saufly confidently
762 everich each
764 maistrye dominance
768 of kinde by nature
774 venquisseth conquers
775 atteine achieve
776 pleine complain
777 so moot I gon as I live
778 wherso ye wole or non whether you want to or not
780 amis wrongly
782 complexioun the balance of the bodily ‘humours’ (g.)
784 wreken avenged
785 After according to temperaunce modification, adaptation
786 kan on knows about
788 suffraunce patience, forbearance bihight promised
789 wysly earnestly gan to swere swore
790 defaute shortcoming
798 acordeth to is in harmony with
801 ther where
802 solas delight
803 but unless be been
808 cleped called
809 Shoop him determined
811 worship honour, reputation
812 lust pleasure
814 stinte of cease speaking of
817 siketh sighs
818 hem liketh it pleases them
819 pleineth laments
820 destreineth torments
821 set at noght counts as nothing
822 hevy sorrowful
823 Conforten comfort
825 sleeth is killing
827 bisinesse endeavour
830 graven engrave
833 resoun reasonableness
834 hir their
836 She cannot remain continually in such anguish
840 hadde would have
841 gan to slake was abating
843 romen hire take a stroll
844 derke fantasye gloomy imaginings
847 faste by close by
849 Hir to disporte to amuse herself
850 barge boat seigh saw
851 Seillinge sailing hem liste go they wanted to go
852 parcel part
856 warisshed cured hise its smerte severe
860 quake tremble
863 pitously pitifully
864 sikes sighs
865 purveiance providence
866 certein governance unfaltering control
867 In idel in vain
871 a stable a steadfast one
874 yfostred nourished
875 anoyeth is harmful
880 merk image
881 chiertee love
890 lete leave disputisoun debate
892 sonken sunk
895 disport source of pleasure
896 disconfort source of distress
897 shopen planned
899 delitables delightful
900 ches chess tables backgammon
901 morwe-tide morning
903 ordinance arrangements
904 vitaille food purveiance preparations
909 curiously skilfully
910 Arrayed set out
911 pris excellence
912 But if unless
914 lighte grow lighter
915 but if unless
920 alwey continually compleint lament mone lamentation
923 she moste a time abide she had to wait a while
924 slide pass away
927 jolier of array more gaily clothed
928 As to my doom in my opinion
929 passing surpassing
932 One of the handsomest men alive
934 holden in gret pris highly esteemed
935 sothe truth
936 Unwiting of unknown to at al completely
937 lusty gallant servant to Venus devotee of love
940 aventure lot, fortune
941 grevance sorrow
942 He suffered intensely (n.)
944 wreye reveal
945 compleining lament
946 nothing not at all
948 roundels … virelayes short poems (n.)
949 dorste dared
950 langwisseth suffers
954 biwreye reveal
955 paraventure perhaps
956 kepen hir observaunces practise their social customs
959 wiste knew
962 worship good repute
963 of time yoore for a long time
965 drough drew
968 So that provided that glade gladden
973 gerdon reward bresting breaking
974 reweth have pity smerte bitter
975 sleen slay
976 grave buried
977 leiser power
978 do me deye cause me to die
985 In word or deed, as far as I am capable of it
991 pitously pitifully
992 endelong along the length of
994 So that they do not prevent the movements of ships or boats
995 clene empty
1001 bitide come about
1003 deintee pleasure
1006 soore siketh sighs bitterly
1009 were an inpossible would be an impossibility
11010 moot must
1011 word speech
1012 coome came
1013 aleyes garden-walks
1014 co
nclusioun outcome
1016 his hewe its colour
1017 th’orisonte the horizon reft deprived of
1022 asterte escape
1025 knowes knees
1026 orisoun prayer
1027 out of his wit he breide he lost his senses
1029 pleint lament
1031 governour keeper
1033 declinacioun seasonal position in the sky (n.)
1035 herberwe position
1036 merciable merciful
1037 lorn lost
1039 but unless
1040 dedly dying, doomed
1041 if yow lest if it pleases you
1043 voucheth sauf grant devise describe
1044 holpe helped
1045 shene bright
1047 deitee divine power
1050 quiked kindled lighted of illuminated by
1051 bisily diligently
1054 moore and lesse big and small
1056 do min herte breste make my heart break
1057 opposicioun see n.
1058 the signe … of the Leoun the sign of Leo in the zodiac
1059 As preyeth hire ask her
1060 fadme fathoms overspringe may rise above
1062 twaine two
1064 Holdeth youre heste keep your promise
1069 evene exactly
1070 spring flood spring-tide
1071 but she vouchesauf if she does not agree
1074 dirke dark
1080 swowne a swoon
1082 penaunce suffering
1084 Dispeired in despair
1085 Lete leave
1086 Chese he let him choose wher whether
1087 heele health
1091 lusty gallant
1094 He was not at all suspicious
1096 doute apprehension
1097 noght entendeth to gives no thought to
1098 maketh hir good cheere makes much of her
1101 langour sickness furius intense
1105 of from clerk university student
1109 secree secret
1111 withoute outwardly
1112 arwe arrow
1113 sursanure a wound healed outwardly but not inwardly
1115 But unless come therby get at it
1116 weep wept prively in private
1119 likerous eager
1120 curious abstruse, recondite
1121 every halke … herne every nook and cranny
1122 Particuler specialized
1124 studye college say saw
1125 magik naturel ‘white’ magic (g.) felawe companion
1127 Al were he although he was craft subject, discipline
1130 mansiouns see n.
1134 Ne suffreth does not allow
1138 warisshed cured
1139 siker sure
1140 apparences illusions
1141 tregetoures conjurers
1144 barge boat
1149 lim mortar
1150 voided removed
1155 above in addition
1159 yvoided removed
1161 wowke week
1162 were would be
1163 nedes holden hir biheste necessarily keep her promise
1165 What why
1168 up stirte leaped up
1169 is he fare he went
1170 lissed relieved
1174 thriftily politely grette (= gretede) greeted
1178 entente mind
1179 of about
1180 dawes days
1183 Doun … lighte dismounted
1187 arrayed equipped
1189 sopeer supper
1195 voided removed
1196 fauconers falconers river river-bank
1199 swich plesaunce such a service
1205 remoeved moved
1207 theras where
1208 seten sat
1218 mote must
1219 tretee negotiation
1220 gerdoun reward
1223 made it straunge showed reluctance
1230 ful drive concluded knit agreed
1233 tarye delay
1234 have heer my feith to borwe I pledge my word
1235 him leste it pleased him
1238 penaunce suffering lisse respite
1240 righte way direct route
1241 biside in addition
1242 been descended dismounted
1243 me remembre remind me
1245 wax grew hewed lik latoun coloured like brass
1246 hote declinacioun summer solstice (n.)
1247 burned burnished
1248 lighte (= lightede) descended
1251 yerd garden
1253 bugle horn drinking-horn
1254 brawen brawn, cooked meat tusked swin boar
1255 Nowel ‘Noel’, a cry of joy uttered on the day of Christ’s birth (dies natalis)
1256 in al that evere he kan to the best of his ability
1257 Dooth … cheere and reverence offers hospitality and honour
1261 routhe pity
1262 spedde him that he kan made as much haste as he could
1263 waite watch for conclusioun successful result
1265 apparence illusion jogelrye conjuring trick
1266 ne kan do not know
1267 wene think
1271 japes tricks
1273 tables Tolletanes (astronomical) tables made in Toledo (n.)
1275 collect … expans yeris computations of the changes of a planet’s position over periods of varying length (n.)
1276 rootes positions of the heavens at specific moments in time (used as a basis for astrological calculations) (n.) geris equipment
1277 centris … argumentz see n.
1278 proporcionels see n. convenientz suitable
1279 equacions see n.
1280 eighte speere eighth sphere wirking calculation
1281 shove driven
1282 thilke fixe Aries the first point of Aries (n.)
1284 kalkuled calculated
1286 proporcioun proportionate reckoning
1288 face one of the three parts of ten degrees into which each sign of the zodiac was divided (n.) terme a subdivision of a sign of the zodiac defining a period within which the influence of a planet is increased (n.)
1291 observaunces procedures
1295 wike or tweye week or two
1298 Wher whether fare amis fail
1299 Awaiteth … on waits for
1302 fil fell
1305 holpen fro helped out of cares colde anguish
1308 anon-right at once
1309 dredful fearful cheere expression
1310 Salued greeted soverain sovereign
1313 lothest most reluctant
1314 disese suffering
1317 pleine express my unhappiness
1318 You kill me, guiltless, with true suffering
1320 Aviseth yow take thought
1324 chalange claim of right by right
1327 bihighten promised
1328 plighten pledged
1333 do done
1334 vouchesauf agree
1336 quik alive
1337 lith lies
1338 been aweye are gone
1340 nas there was not
1341 wende thought
1342 happe come about
1347 unnethe with difficulty go walk
1355 on thee … I pleine I complain of you
1356 unwar unexpectedly
1357 socour help
1359 chese choose
1360 have I levere lese I prefer to lose
1363 quit free
1366 doon trespas do wrong
1370 doghtren daughters for t’areste to be seized
1371 despit humiliation
1376 maidenhede virginity
1377 been stirt leaped
1378 dreinte drowned
1379 The people of Messene caused to be sought out
1383 with a good entente cheerfully
1384 Chees chose
1385 To be robbed of
their virginity
1388 heet who was called
1391 hente (= hentede) seized
1393 arace tear away
1394 selve same
1400 birafte deprived
1402 skipte jumped
1404 dide should do vileinye dishonour
1406 oppressed raped
1407 Of by
1408 name reputation
1411 Gawle Gaul
1417 at the leeste way at least
1419 What why
1422 bet better
1430 slowe slew for swich maner cas because of a situation of this sort
1436 redressed restored
1441 suffre allow
1442 which a what a
1450 hool wholly yeve given
1457 pleined lamented
1461 weep wept
1466 reherce repeat
1467 cheere expression
1468 devise tell
1469 oght ellis anything else
1470 as wys as surely
1471 and even if
1472 lat slepen that is stille let what is quiet, sleep (n.)
1473 paraunter perchance yet today even now
1474 youre trouthe holden keep your word
1476 I would rather be run through with a sword
1477 verray true
1478 But if ye sholde than that you should not
1480 brast … to wepe burst into tears
1483 aventure occurrence
1485 And do not show any sorrow
1486 demen believe gesse suspect
1487 cleped called
1492 He did not want to tell anyone of his intention
1493 heep multitude
1494 lewed stupid
1495 in jupartye at risk
1496 upon hire crye condemn her
1497 yow semeth it seems to you
1498 demeth judge
1501 Of aventure by chance
1502 quikkest busiest
1503 boun to about to forth right directly
1504 hight promised
1505 to the gardinward on the way to the garden
1508 of aventure or grace by chance or good fortune
1510 whiderward whither, where
1514 on this cas at this situation
1519 So looth him was so hateful was it to him that
1520 routhe pity
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