The Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury Tales Page 171

by Geoffrey Chaucer

  571 kitte cut

  572 wardrobe latrine

  573 hir entraille their bowels

  576 Mordre murder wol out will become known

  579 souded to bonded with

  580 evere in oon constantly

  585 flesshly carnally

  586–7 awaiteth… After waits for

  589 bisy thoght frantic anxiety

  591 gan so fer espye discovered this much

  596 liklihede probability

  598 wroghte acted

  600 fraineth inquires

  602 wente oght forby passed by at all

  604 Yaf put inwith within

  605 after for

  609 emeraude emerald

  611 Ther where ykorven cut upright on his back

  615 coomen came

  616 provost chief magistrate (n.)

  618 herieth praises

  620 leet he binde he had bound

  625 swowning in a swoon beere bier

  626 Unnethe with difficulty

  628 torment torture

  629 dooth… for to sterve puts to death

  631 He would not sanction such wickedness

  633 with… hors… dide hem drawe had them dragged behind a horse

  634 heng hanged

  635 ay all the time

  636 auter altar

  637 covent monks

  638 Han sped hem made haste

  640 spreind sprinkled

  644 conjure beseech

  645 halsen entreat

  648 Since your throat is cut, as it appears to me

  650 as by wey of kinde according to nature

  653 Wol wishes laste should last

  654 worship honour

  656 welle fountain

  657 as after my konninge according to my ability

  658 sholde forlete was about to lose

  660 antheme antiphon (n.) in my deyinge as I died

  662 grein seed

  663 moot must

  664 free gracious

  665 of-taken taken away

  669 agast afraid

  672 softely calmly

  674 trikled trickled as rein like rain

  675 gruf face down plat flat

  676 as as if

  678 herien praise

  679 been went went

  681 marbilstones cleere gleaming marble slabs

  685 With by notable well known

  691 seid told

  693 japen joke tho then

  694 at erst for the first time

  696 woldest would like to

  699 war yow look out

  700 wast waist shape formed

  701 This would be a dainty little person to embrace in one’s arms

  702 smal slender

  703 elvissh otherworldly

  704 For he does not chat with anybody

  705 said said their piece

  707 ivele apaid displeased

  711 deintee delightful cheere appearance

  712 Listeth listen

  713 verrayment truly

  714 solas fun

  715 gent noble

  721 free noble

  724 wax became doghty swain brave youth

  725 paindemain white bread

  727 rode complexion scarlet in grain fast-dyed scarlet cloth (n.)

  730 safroun saffron

  731 raughte reached

  732 His shoes were of Cordovan leather

  733 hosen hose

  734 siklatoun rich silken fabric

  735 jane a small Genoese coin (g.)

  737 an hauking for river hawking for waterfowl

  739 Therto also

  741 Ther where stonde be on view (as a prize)

  742 bour chamber

  743 moorne yearn par amour with passion

  744 When it would be better for them to sleep

  746 brambel-flour dog-rose

  747 rede hepe red hip

  748 upon a day one day

  751 worth upon mounts

  752 launcegay light lance

  754 priketh rides

  756 bukke male deer

  758 almest almost

  759 Bitidde befallen sory care painful misfortune

  761 Liquorice and zedoary (a spice)

  762 clowe-gilofre clove

  763 notemuge nutmeg

  764 moiste fresh

  765 cofre chest

  766 it is no nay it cannot be denied

  767 The sparrowhawk and the parrot

  769 thrustelcok male song-thrush lay song

  770 wodedowve wood-pigeon spray twig

  773 thrustel thrush

  774 And galloped as if he were mad

  776 swatte sweated wringe wring out

  780 corage spirit

  782 make… som solas give some relief to

  783 forage fodder (n.)

  785 What does this love have against me

  788 lemman mistress

  789 goore gown (n.)

  790 iwys assuredly

  792 make mate

  793 Among men

  796 downe hill

  797 clamb climbed

  799 t’espye to search out

  801 privee woon secret place

  810 Child young knight (n.)

  811 But if unless haunt territory

  812 sle slay

  815 symphonye hurdy-gurdy (n.)

  817 Also mote I thee as I may prosper

  820 par ma fay on my word

  822 Pay for it bitterly

  823 mawe belly

  826 slawe slain

  829 fel deadly staf-slinge sling whose strings are attached to the end of a staff

  831 gras grace

  832 beringe behaviour

  833 listeth listen

  834 Murier sweeter

  835 rowne tell (lit. whisper)

  836 sides smale a slim waist

  839 murye men followers

  840 To provide him with entertainment

  842 hevedes heads

  843 paramour love jolitee passion

  845 Do come summon

  846 gestours story-tellers

  848 reales regal (n.)

  850 love-likinge romantic love

  852 mede mead maselin maple drinking-bowl

  853 real regal

  854 gingebred preserved ginger

  855 comin cumin

  856 trie fine

  857 leere flesh

  858 clooth of lake fine linen cleere beautiful

  860 aketoun padded jacket worn under the armour

  861 haubergeoun mail-coat

  862 For to prevent

  863 hauberk set of plate-armour

  866 cote-armour tunic bearing heraldic device

  868 debate fight

  870 bores boar’s

  871 charbocle carbuncle

  874 Come what may

  875 jambeux pieces of leg-armour quirboily hardened leather (n.)

  876 shethe sheath

  877 latoun brass (n.)

  878 rewel-bon ivory

  882 Which bodes war and not peace

  885 gooth an ambel goes at an easy walking pace

  886 Very slowly and easily

  888 fit part of a poem, section

  889 wole want

  890 fonde try

  891 par charitee for charity

  893 spelle tale

  895 love-drury wooing

  897 of pris excellent

  901 bereth the flour is the best

  902 real chivalry kingly knights

  903 bistrood mounted

  904 glood went

  905 sparcle spark bronde torch

  907 stiked was stuck

  908 May God keep his body from disgrace

  909 knight auntrous knight-errant, knight wandering in search of exploits (n.)

  911 liggen lie

  912 wonger pillow

  913 baiteth feeds destrer war-horse

  917 So worthy under his garments (n.)

  921 wery weary lewednesse stupidity

  922 wysl
y surely

  923 eris aken of ears ache from drasty crude

  924 biteche consign to

  925 rym dogerel doggerel rhyme

  926 lette hinder

  928 kan know

  929 at o word in a word

  930 tord turd

  931 despendest waste

  933 aught anything geste ?alliterative verse (n.)

  935 doctrine edification

  936 pine suffering

  938 liken please

  939 to daungerous too choosy

  941 Although it is sometimes told in different ways

  942 Of by

  946 sentence substance, meaning

  947 acorden agree

  957 Comprehended included tretis treatise

  958 enforcen strengthen

  962 Shullen shall

  964 After according to mirye entertaining

  967 bigat engendered

  968 desport amusement is went went

  969 yshette shut

  971 betten beat

  973 seigh saw rentinge tearing

  974 as ferforth as as far as stinte cease

  975 nat-forthy nevertheless

  976 sentence saying cleped called

  978 doon his diligence do his best reconforte console

  979 suffred allowed

  980 say saw

  981 aperteneth nat is not fitting for

  982 warisshe recover

  985 abideth endures

  988 attempree moderate defended forbidden

  990 outrageous excessive

  991 Mesure of moderation in

  993 forgoon lost do diligence endeavour boote benefit

  994 sapience wisdom

  996 sleeth slays

  997 flees fleece anoyeth to harm

  999 temporel substance worldly goods

  1000 biraft taken away from wold willed

  1001 sothe true therto also

  1002 Lat calle summon linage kindred cas situation yow governe after be guided by

  1003 Werk do conseil taking counsel

  1005 sirurgiens surgeons hir semblaunt their appearance

  1006 coomen came

  1009 baar bore

  1011 licence permission

  1012 aperteneth it is fitting withholden retained, employed

  1013 twey two everich each o one

  1014 pertinent appropriate norice foment

  1015 warisshinge healing do so ententif bisinesse make such an earnest effort

  1017 hir contraries their opposites warisshe cure

  1018 feined pretended

  1019 semblant semblance empeired made worse agregged muchel of exaggerated

  1020 outrely emphatically wreke him take vengeance

  1022 nede business

  1023 by resoun of because of

  1026 do thy diligence do your best propre own wacche guard save protect

  1027 garnisoun garrison

  1028 moeve werre instigate war deme believe were profitable would be advantageous

  1029 espace opportunity

  1030 soone quickly

  1031 by leiser at leisure

  1032 anoyful irritating to repreve to be blamed

  1033 avoutrye adultery wiste knew wroot wrote twies twice

  1035 stirten sprang the mooste partie the largest part

  1036 iren iron wreken avenge

  1037 contenaunce sign stille quiet audience a hearing

  1038 amounteth means

  1039 lightly easily

  1041 sterve die

  1043 wende thought breken put a stop to tale words beden ordered abregge cut short

  1044 sarmon sermon

  1045 anoyous irritating

  1046 say saw him wanted he lacked

  1047 enforce thee nat do not try

  1048 wanteth is lacking

  1049 in general audience publicly

  1050 acorded agreed

  1051 say saw shoop him planned

  1052 for alle gerdons as you hope to prosper

  1053 quiten it pay it back

  1054 abide wait

  1057 wikke wicked foond found o one

  1058 maistrye control Goddes forbode God forbid

  1061 moste be knowe ought to be known

  1064 debonairly meekly

  1065 ootherweyes otherwise

  1066 bihight promised perfourne perform emprise enterprise weive abandon liere liar

  1067 lesing lie corage inclination

  1068 thar ye nat you need not but yow like unless it pleases you

  1069 clatereth jabbers honeste respectable

  1070 save youre grace with respect

  1071 science knowledge kan knows

  1073 preved proved

  1075 bountee virtue

  1078 paraventure perhaps soverein bountee unqualified goodness

  1079 Evaungelie Gospel

  1080 him ne wanteth he does not lack

  1083 werke by act in accordance with

  1084 janglerye talkativeness woot nat do not know

  1085 jangleresses gossips

  1087 riotous quarrelsome

  1089 assayed put to the test hele conceal

  1090 venquisse vanquish stant… in no stede is of no avail

  1095 yet ben still are holsom sound

  1096 outher either to litel of pris of too little value

  1098 benisoun blessing

  1100 apaised appeased wit cleverness

  1101 enhaunced advanced

  1103 forme-fader first father, progenitor

  1104 help helper semblable to like

  1106 wroght created

  1107 Jaspre jasper (a precious stone)

  1113 by ordinaunce in due order

  1114 governe me be ruled

  1115 vouchesauf grant chesinge choosing

  1116 biseken to entreat

  1117 shapeth yow dispose yourself entente state of mind

  1118 dresse guide

  1120 take conseil deliberate

  1124 weneth believes

  1125 irous angry deme judge

  1134 falleth in strays into avise yow reflect

  1139 rede advise

  1140 Biwrey reveal but if so be that unless wenen believe sikerly for a certainty

  1142 loking favourable looks supportacioun support

  1143 kepe conseil secrely keep a secret discreetly

  1146 cloos concealed stille quiet

  1148 plit condition

  1149 make no semblant not allow it to be apparent thee were levere you prefer entente intention

  1152 enforcen hem try lust wish

  1153 selde seldom

  1157 clepe summon

  1158 soote sweet

  1163 seighen seen expert experienced

  1165 delivernesse agility fieble by age weak with age enforcen grow stronger

  1166 especiale intimate

  1168 mo more

  1172 eschue avoid

  1173 lust desire

  1174 troweth believes

  1175 soothfastnesse truth

  1177 egre sharp

  1180 Encline nat thine eres to do not lend an ear to

  1181 Avise thee reflect

  1183 grace favour

  1187 sikerly certainly maketh thee cheere of humilitee puts on a humble expression louteth bows

  1188 demeth thinks contenance behaviour

  1189 Make no felaweshipe with do not keep company with bountee kindness

  1191 to soore too deeply

  1193 dronkelewe drunkards

  1194 privetee secrecy

  1196 sleighte cunning sheweth seems

  1198 shrewes villains

  1199 ripe mature

  1205 acorden to are in harmony with

  1206 atteine therto achieve it moore greater

  1207 as such as

  1208 weive reject

  1210 ben sprongen have sprung

  1215 distreineth retains

  1216 Assay attempt charge burden weive abandon

  1217 suffre forbear

18 most may

  1221 defenden forbid

  1222 conferme prosecute, follow through sadly steadfastly

  1223 repreve reproach

  1224 cas situation

  1225 bihoveth is necessary

  1228 dishoneste dishonourable

  1229 bihestes promises

  1230 goodly well

  1233 covenably suitably withholding retention

  1234 condescende in especial get down to detail

  1236 replye again object to distempre upset

  1239 mocioun impulse

  1241 First and forward first of all

  1243 chargeant burdensome anoyous troublesome

  1244 thereas whereas

  1245 doon yow reverence show you respect

  1248 anientissed eradicated

  1249 talent inclination affeccioun desire

  1252 yow suffiseth it is satisfactory to you avis deliberation

  1253 hadde ben would have been emprise enterprise

  1257 hochepot hotch-potch moore greater ben ye condescended have you settled

  1260 han the maistrye dominate

  1264 mannissh human

  1269 aperteneth it appertains anoye harm

  1270 after hir craft according to their skill doon gret diligence take great pains

  1272 rede advise sovereinly gerdoned handsomely rewarded

  1273 ententif bisinesse earnest diligence curacioun cure

  1274 suffren allow

  1276 encresceden advanced

  1277 warisshed cured

  1278 thilke text that precept sentence opinion

  1280 a contrarye an injury

  1283 plesaunce pleasure

  1284 understonden understood

  1285 semblable alike

  1287 everich each aggreggeth aggravates

  1289 suffrance forbearance

  1291 herto acordeth agrees with this

  1292 yeldeth give back

  1294 amonesteth recommends acord harmony

  1296 by oon acord unanimously

  1297 over above do youre diligence do your best kepe protect warnestore fortify

  1298 avisely with forethought

  1299 toucheth to relates to


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