Fractured Refuge

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Fractured Refuge Page 15

by Annabelle McInnes

  One night. One moment where he’d capitulate and submit. One single second, one single breath, one single blink. Time. The beauty of its abundance and the horrors of its loss. The sickness of knowing he was running out of time. It destroyed him.

  The sweetness, the bitterness, the opposing forces of submission and dominance. The desire for them and the repulsion of himself. He was a combustible mixture of polar opposites that battled for supremacy.



  The desire to yield was strong. He yearned to take them up on their word. To portion out this torture and allow them to carry the burden. But that was the definition of responsibility. To sacrifice happiness, for the sake of others. His shoulders were so much broader than theirs.

  But it seemed as though selfishness was innate. In that moment, he’d take what they offered. In that moment, he’d take everything.

  His naked body was reviled. A man with dark, wiry hair that covered most of his body, permanent ink that marked his skin and hard, mature muscles held his body rigid.

  He’d been called a behemoth, a monster, an impossibility. Now his physique was irrelevant. Now it was him who needed the guidance, the direction, the strength of two greater forces than his own.

  The cool, filtered air caressed him. It pulled his nipples tight after Kira’s affectations. Devoted hands touched, discovered, enjoyed the ability to worship and adore without reprimand. Lips and tongues joined the fray. They kissed and tasted in unison. His muscles quivered, twisted and writhed, the unspent yearning of his desires clamoured inside him. He took a deep, hesitant breath and let it out slowly, an attempt to pull himself together.

  ‘Open your eyes,’ Kira’s soft voice penetrated the enchanted wordless silence. Her speech was able to wind an additional spell around him. His body complied with her demands even as it ignored his own.

  When he tilted his head to look down at her, he found the beautiful creature as naked as he. Her skin was golden in the overhead lighting, her nipples tight in the cool air. Her curves alluring, they invited a man to touch, to caress. Her eyes were entreating and mystified him as though they held the entirety of the secrets for the feminine race behind the precious stones.

  He reached out to touch her and she took his hand once again in her own. She kissed his palm and held his attention.


  The perfect body. The perfect soul. The perfect heart.

  The perfect woman.

  She held his hand tightly within her own as she took a step back towards the bed. She sat when the backs of his knees hit the mattress. He moved with her.

  ‘Ready?’ she asked sincerely. Her knowing eyes watched the story of the moment filter through his face.

  He nodded and swallowed audibly.

  Kira pulled his graceless body towards her and onto the bed. He lumbered over her with the finesse of a blind yeti. She lay beneath him, allowed him take his fill with hands and lips and tongue. He began to taste every inch of her skin. Lick and lave every dip and crevice. Nibble every protruding bone. Suck on every sensitive erogenous zone.

  Her scent consumed him, her taste ambrosia. His fingertips hypersensitive to the quiver in her muscles, the dampness of her skin, the location of every tiny standing hair.

  When he finally encased her with his larger form, every point where their skin met zinged as each nerve were electrified. Rivers of sparks surged down his torso where his chest pressed against her body. Her pointed nipples jolted him. At his hips, her legs were spread to accommodate his body and her knees embraced him. The muscles of his flanks quivered with tension as he held his hips immobile. His large, powerful arms rested on either side of her head, his elbows embedded in the mattress so he could stare into the fathomless depths of her blue eyes. Euan was lost, and only that understanding crystal light could save him.

  His erect cock was alight. The burn that shuddered through his sensitised skin from the wet kiss of Kira’s cleft where it pressed against his shaft was as keen as a blade. She was slick, saturated. He’d done nothing more than capitulate to her and Nick’s desires and her body sang from it.

  He was desperate to hold his hips immobile, but his body no longer heeded his own commands. The small thrusts of his hips attested to her drenched state as his dick slipped easily through her folds. The hard bump of her blood-rich clit shifted under the friction. Her wet petals hugged half the circumference of his dick.

  Kira’s lips parted as he teased her and his confidence rallied. Her eyes fluttered closed and he shifted every focus inside his overwhelmed mind to her pleasure. He wanted her maddened, desperate, inundated with arousal and need.

  Her channel called to him like a siren’s song—an attempt to lure him, drag him under the surface of the ocean of desire and never let him go. But when the warmth of Nick’s body encased his exposed upper torso, when he kissed and teased his vibrating back muscles, he forced himself to hold out.

  Nick’s body enveloped him with heat. It soothed the invisible scars he bore for them both. He laid his forehead against Kira’s, the sweat created by their finite movements slippery on their brows. His body trembled, his hips stilled as Nick added further kindling to his erotic fire.

  Kira sensed his keen sensory overload. She tipped her chin in a tempting request as she begged into his panting mouth, ‘Kiss me.’

  In this moment, Euan would deny her nothing.

  He crashed his lips upon hers. He was an animal, a beast who held himself back. He desired for nothing more than to plunge into the sweet, welcoming depths of her heat. Instinct kept him at bay. The kiss was hungry and ferocious as they each equally demanded more from one another. Their teeth clashed, their tongues duelled and their breaths and pants were secondary to their physical desires.

  Nick was the final piece to the tripod. He nudged Euan’s legs apart from behind and pressed his entire body to his back as it rippled under the strain. Euan bore their combined weight over Kira easily. Nick feasted on the muscles exposed for his enjoyment. His erection slid through his crease. Euan jerked and tore his mouth from Kira’s lips and turned to focus a bewildered gaze upon Nick, who sheltered him like a bronze Greek god.

  ‘Nick?’ Euan questioned, his voice hoarse with unspent lust, and a little unmanly uncertainty.

  Nick held his gaze as he reared up over him, his body the epitome of masculine virility. His strength and power visible not only through his brawn, but also his flashing green eyes, his hardened square jaw, his commanding presence.

  His fully erect cock reached up eagerly towards his belly. He gripped it, his fingers slippery with whatever he had found to ease its passage as he fisted the hard, turgid flesh.

  Up and down, his hand moved with each breath, each heartbeat. Euan’s focused on that single point, riveted as the beautiful organ glistened and pulsed.

  He was overcome. Humbled. Paralysed by the importance of this moment. He was just a man. A man who, by some chance of fate, had been paired with the infinite beauty of not one, but two divine beings who were truly beyond what he should even be allowed to gaze upon, let alone touch, kiss and enjoy.

  Christ. The sudden surge of poignancy plunged through him like a blade, a sword blazing hot and fierce to penetrate and cauterise at once. He was winded by it, the air stolen from his lungs by the magnitude of the feelings that burst through him like wildfire.

  Nick dragged his short nails over his skin until they reached the crease between his ass cheeks. He palmed and squeezed each firm round muscle and spread them intentionally. He slipped his finger inside the valley to gently tease the rim.

  ‘You have always topped. Let me look after you, do this for you, just this once,’ he murmured with reverence.

  Euan swallowed, didn’t speak. He couldn’t. The magnitude of the moment destroyed rational thought.

  Nick spread him; their eyes locked as he descended until he was out of sight.

  The initial invasion was gentle, finite. His head swung back down and crystal-blue ca
ught brown. When Nick licked and manipulated his rim with enthusiasm, Euan bucked, swore, tried to disengage.

  Euan was helpless. He was surrounded. He was overwhelmed.

  Kira held him tightly to her, while Nick used the power of that clever tongue and the strength of his hands to render his attempts to escape inert. As Euan settled after the first shock waves of sensation radiated through him, he discovered the exquisite splendour of a man tending to another man’s body.

  It was fucking unbelievable.

  It was in that moment, as he clenched his fists in the sheets and held his body stationary while Nick enjoyed himself, that he realised this exceptional and extraordinary juncture could only ever have had one outcome.

  He would take his moment and the infinite beauty it represented. He would take it, hold it close to his heart. His final goodbye.

  He focused on the perceptive and empathetic gaze of the incredible woman below him. The heat of her sweet cleft was slick against the base of his cock, her breasts pressed against his chest, her breath chilled the sweat on his brow. He realised he’d give them anything. Any part of him, body and soul. Either of them.

  Including this.

  His heart beat inside his ribs to the rhythm of a thunderstorm, his chest heaved like a bellows. He shut his eyes tightly from the sensations that overpowered him. Kira’s gentle touch caressed his cheek, her fingers threaded through the coarse hairs of his beard, over the stiches there, her lips delivered kisses to his brow. With each tender caress, his self-control strengthened and the confidence in his decision grew.

  ‘I need you,’ she whispered against his skin.

  He had to clear his throat before he spoke. ‘I love you, both of you. More than my own worthless life.’

  Despite everything, Kira laughed. Nick bit him from behind with more force than was necessary.

  ‘Worthless?’ Kira reprimanded. Her hips slid against him to scatter his thoughts even as she forced him to concentrate on her words. ‘You’re so far from worthless. You’re a heroic, fearless and valiant god among mortals. We love and cherish you. Just as much as you do us.’

  Kira slowly rocked her hips. She slipped her cleft up and down the full length of Euan’s cock. She teased him with her heat but with none of the sacred tightness he so desperately craved. Nick had shifted until he once again enveloped Euan from behind. His body was like strong plate of armour that protected his back, just as Kira had promised. Euan held himself rigid between them, his body and mind destroyed and overcome.

  Nick’s lips were at his ear, where he whispered more words to further demolish his understanding of the earth he stood on. ‘Love you, big man. Loved you from the moment you crashed down onto the dust from your ledge to save me back at the refugee camp.’

  Euan had no time to respond. As if they had purposefully orchestrated the play, Kira rolled her hips to sheathe herself on his cock. At the same time, Nick gently, methodically, reverently began to tease Euan from behind.

  His world exploded; the detonation cracked his heart wide open. His lifeblood flowed profusely inside his chest. It filled all those crevices, fissures and gaps. The crimson flood drowned the indistinguishable dark creatures that ate at his confidence, that gnawed at his assumed viability to be cherished and chewed at his understanding of how unconditional love could be attributed to an inept behemoth like himself. As the tidal wave receded, the regeneration was instantaneous. Flora and fauna flourished, a garden of springtime flowers pushed through that nourished earth and bloomed in the thousands. He was awash in the essence of rebirth and renewal. With these two incredible humans by his side, he really did feel like a god among mortal men.

  Words were beyond him; sentiment and gratitude could only be delivered through his body. Kira worked herself inch by tight inch on his cock, and Nick delivered the same devotion and pushed himself further into Euan’s body. He found the cognitive ability to assume the lead once again. He took the familiar leather reins in his hands and palmed the cow’s hide like an old friend, a friend who was a part of his soul as much as the two people who surrounded him.

  He growled. The sound so animalistic it startled him to hear it. One large palm reached up to fist Kira’s short blonde locks and tilted her head so he could once again feast upon her lips. He used the other to cup one lush feminine ass cheek to assist and direct her to further impale herself.

  She moaned into his mouth and panted reverent prayers of pleasure and gratification.

  Nick was a silent wall of muscle at his back. Small droplets of sweat splashed on his heated skin to roll down his lats and dampen the sheets. His fingers dug with painful accuracy into his hips as he finally breached the ring of muscle.

  Euan grunted at the sensation as the burn of penetration turned into the sting of desire and need. It forced him to move. Each thrust forward pushed his iron shaft into the warm embrace of Kira’s core. The divinity of a woman’s channel was not lost on him as he thrust further and deeper inside her fucking magnificent body.

  Nick was panting above him. He held his body rigid while Euan moved. He took Nick further into himself with every withdrawal from Kira.

  This was heaven. This was bliss and eternal glory and fulfilment. Between the two bodies of his family who loved him, cherished him and were devoted to him as he was to them.

  ‘Tight. So fucking tight. Jesus,’ Euan panted as he pulled himself away from Kira’s lips to trail wet kisses down her arched throat and exposed collarbone. His body settled into the push and pull rhythm as old as time as he licked, nipped and sucked on her sensitive skin.

  His body shuddered, his chest heaved. Euan watched as Kira’s beautiful, ethereal face become flushed with desire and want. Her pupils dilated with longing and hunger. Her lithe body trembled under his, her internal muscles fluttered and sucked as his cock stretched her.

  ‘Euan …’ she breathed in overwhelmed abandon. She reached up to dig into the skin at his shoulders. Her neck arched in ardour. Her body vibrated with pleasure.

  The sting of claws gripped him as an orgasm dug into his flesh. It attempted to pull him forward, drive him over the brink. He drew back out of Kira and he pushed himself further onto Nick. It forced groans from the three of them. He’d hold himself back from the precipice for eternity to ensure they both found their release first.

  They moved as one. A graceful mould of sweaty limbs, heavy breaths, grunts, moans and curse words. Their bodies slipped against one another’s. Hands caressed, lips devoured. Teeth, fingers and nails used with erotic effect on skin and in hair.

  Nick leaned over Euan’s body as it shuddered. He plastered his chest to Euan’s sweat-covered back and bit into his skin. Euan’s climax broke through the bonds of restraint from the final spike of pain and barrelled towards the cliff unfettered. His chest exploded from the landslide. He couldn’t contain it—it consumed him.

  Both their names were on his lips as he was forced over the precipice. His body became the beast that usually prowled his soul. His grunts were alongside the cries of Nick and Kira as they reached their peak. Together they played a symphony of harmonies that filled the small room with song.

  Beneath him, Kira wailed and thrashed, pleaded and trembled. Behind him, Nick grunted and groaned, jerked and thrust as beautiful, sweet, agonising pleasure echoed through all three of them.

  As they rode the waves of glorification, Euan turned his head to take Nick’s lips in a searing kiss. He absorbed the man’s groans inside his mouth, took them down into his soul as Nick slowed his relentless fervour. The passion ebbed as it transcended its final course.

  It was Kira who broke the sanctity of the self-imposed church. ‘Euan,’ she moaned in quiet desperation.

  Euan tore his mouth from Nick’s and looked down. He found the tiny blonde sun-sprite trying to smile, even while tears trickled down the delicate skin at her temples.

  ‘Kira?’ he questioned earnestly. He grunted as Nick withdrew from his body with rushed care and slipped from Euan’s back un
til he could reach Kira. He brushed the sweat-soaked hair from her face with gentle fingers. He caught the teardrops with his thumbs.

  ‘It’s okay. Really. It was just … That was … Euan, Nick. That was so—’ Kira stuttered through her jumbled thoughts even as the trails of wetness increased.

  ‘Amazing? Incredible? Fucking phenomenal?’ Nick finished for her, his own bronze skin damp and shining in the light.

  Euan was still seated inside Kira. His cock began to soften, but his body and mind desperately yearned to stay forever in the blissful warmth of her heat. He thrust his hips one last time and her gasp caused Nick to smile with exhausted, yet wicked delight.

  ‘It was perfect, Kira. Nothing in my life will ever eclipse that. To the day I die.’ Euan told them, his voice a coarse rumble.

  Two sets of satisfied eyes turned to him. One an enchanted, teary crystal-blue that Euan knew he would never tire of gazing into, or lose himself in to find himself again. The other, a mischievous jade-green. A green that hid no darkness, sheltered no shadows, only a love and passion for a life of possibilities.

  The blackness had been eviscerated from his soul. His emotions were in a tangle. It would take time to wrangle them from each other, to understand the delicate balance between them. But he loved, and was loved in return. There was now no associated pain in the contrast. The two people who shared this bed with him would care for his soul. They were bound together with bonds stronger than an iron chain.

  They needed to be. The deeds that he intended to commit in their names would pull at those ties, distort them and test them. He was now free of the shadows, the insecurities, the self-loathing. In their place a whole man; now tall, strong and determined. He would see his plan to fruition. He would ensure this world was eradicated of the men Euan should have killed months ago. He would look into Mickey-O’s onyx eyes and read the soul within to judge his fate. He would do it all. He was strong because what was sheltered inside his chest, what beat alongside his heart with the strength of a mounted army, was love.

  Pure, untainted, unconditional, love.


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