Summer Pleasures - The Capture

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Summer Pleasures - The Capture Page 8

by Anya Bast

  Images of Sania’s violated, broken body crashed through his mind’s eye. When he’d finally located their camp, she’d still been warm to his touch, though lifeless. Rue swallowed hard.

  Lilane laid her head on his chest and he let his fingers trail through her hair, which lay in a wide swath of golden sunlight across his arm and the mattress. She laid there for a long while, and Rue closed his eyes, letting the healing essence of her seep into his skin, into his heart.

  He detested the thought of giving her up…ever. But he was not the man for her—too jaded, too twisted, not honorable enough. Not by a long shot. No, he was not good enough for the likes of Lady Lilane of Nordan, just as he hadn’t been good enough, strong enough, or fast enough for Sania.

  “You mean you never trained another slave until me,” she said finally.

  “Ah, yes, but you’re not my slave, love, you’re my obsession. Anyway, submission is far different from slavery.”

  She raised her head and regarded him with sleepy, half-lidded eyes. Her thick hair fell over one shoulder and shadowed her face. “Speaking of submission.” She smiled and chased away all the phantoms that had been clinging to his psyche. “I’ve a mind to make you taste a bit of what you dish out.”

  He cocked a brow. “Do you?”

  “I want to tie you up for a change. I want control over your body for once.” Her voice lowered seductively. “I want to hear your helpless moans as I ply my sexual talents on your body. Turnabout, after all, is fair play.” Rue’s cock hardened at her words and the look in her eyes.

  “Stay here,” she commanded. She lifted off him and walked across the room, grabbing the lengths of rope recently employed to restrain her limbs from the bedside table.

  He watched her bare ass twitch as she walked and couldn’t resist rising from the bed and pulling her against him by her waist so his cock nestled between her perfectly rounded cheeks. “Come back here, love,” he growled in her ear.

  She laughed and turned in his arms, one hand holding onto the rope as she bussed his lips with hers. “You don’t follow orders very well, dark lord. I think you may be in need of punishment.” She pushed him back onto the bed and he tumbled willingly.

  “Punish me then,” he said in mock surrender.

  * * * * *

  With excited, shaking hands, Lilane tied Rue spread eagle to the bed. One strong jerk of his arm and he’d probably break the ropes. All the same, Lilane thought as she stepped back and looked her fill, it was a satisfying sight to see him bound and at her mercy. His eyes had followed her as she moved, catching at her breasts, hips, and ass. She’d done her best to torment him by brushing against him as she worked at securing his wrists and ankles and had been reward by his thick shaft standing up at full attention.

  She walked toward him with a small smile on her lips and her head cocked to the side. “It’s arousing to see you bound and waiting for me to take you,” she murmured, echoing the words he’d once spoken to her. Knowing that this magnificent male was under her power now was a heady thing. That knowledge alone made her pussy pulse with desire.

  Climbing onto the mattress, she straddled one of his powerful thighs, brushing her sex against it deliberately. She lowered her mouth to his cock, pulled the foreskin the rest of the way down and blew on it experimentally.

  “You’re going to torture me, aren’t you?” he asked.

  “Mmmm…that’s definitely in my plans, yes.” She ran the flat of her tongue from the top of his shaft to the base and then up the other side.

  “Sweet, sacred Anot,” swore Rue under his breath.

  She poked her tongue into the slit on the head of his cock and let her tongue dance around the delicate, sensitive underside before sinking him into the hot, wet recesses of her mouth. Rue let out a long, low groan as she suckled on him with strong pulls of her mouth from the base of him to the tip. His cock slipped down her throat and she closed her eyes, her pussy going damp with the knowledge that she was pleasing him.

  His hips bucked and Lilane felt sure it was in an attempt to gain some control, any control. “Release me,” he said. “I want to feel you.”

  She pulled her mouth from his shaft. “Oh, I can manage that without releasing you.” Lilane moved up his body to straddle his pelvis, making sure her sex pressed against the length of his cock. “Can you feel me now, dark lord Rue?” she teased.

  He strained against his bonds, a movement that flexed his biceps and chest muscles in a way that sent a jolt of arousal down to further slicken her already wet pussy. “You’re going to kill me, woman.”

  She pulled her lips into a mock moue and leaned forward to dangle her breasts just in front of his face. “Not enough? Want more?” She cupped a breast and made to feed it to him. He strained to take her nipple into his mouth and she took it away at the last moment.

  He gaze grew dark, the way she liked it best. “You’re going to pay for this you know, love,” he threatened sweetly.

  She pretended not to hear him. Instead, she leaned back and cupped both her breasts in her hands, drawing her elongated nipples out with her index and thumbs as she moved her hips sensuously over his cock, gently grinding her pussy against the side of the thick length. It rubbed against her clit and the sensation had Lilane closing her eyes, letting out a soft moan.

  “Lilane, let me free,” he pleaded.

  She ignored him. Her eyes popped open and she climbed off him, feigning a yawn. “You know, I do believe I’m going sit down over here and take a bit of a rest.” She pulled a book at random from the shelves flanking the table and chair adjacent from the bed, sat down, opened it and settled in for a leisurely read.

  “Lilane,” came Rue’s tightly controlled voice, “your book is upside down, love.”

  She laughed and snapped it closed.

  “Why don’t you come back over here and let me free,” he purred seductively. “I want to be between your sweet thighs. I want my hands free to slide down your perfect ass as I take you hard and fast, to massage your breasts and tweak your nipples. I want to be able to rub that pretty little clit of yours until you break apart in climax beneath me.”

  Lilane set the book aside, got up and sauntered back over to him. His cock looked painfully hard. She straddled him and without warning, sank him straight into her pussy, sliding him home. “Yes,” she breathed, tipping her head back. “That’s it. That’s what I wanted.”

  Rue answered with a ragged groan of relief.

  She felt the best when joined with him. Somehow, when his cock was thrust inside her pussy, she felt whole.

  Lilane moved over him, impaling herself on his length, lifting up and impaling herself again. All traces of teasing left them both as she set into the serious task of fucking him. She leaned back and caught the bonds at his ankles, freeing them. Then, still moving on his cock, she reached forward and released his wrists.

  He grasped her waist and he held her midair and thrust his hips up, driving his cock in and out of her. Then, before she could finish her moan, he flipped her. He grabbed her buttocks as he promised he would and with a savage groan, began to shaft her hard and fast as he held her there.

  She reached up and grasped his shoulders, her fingers digging in at the delicious onslaught. Her climax built inexorably. He shifted the angle of his entry so it rubbed against her pleasure point deep within and Lilane exploded in orgasm beneath him. She cried out, pressing her head back into the mattress.

  Rue came down on her exposed throat and bit her where her shoulder met her neck. That small pain accentuated the pleasure rocketing through her body and mind. He groaned deeply against her as he came, shooting a hot stream within her.

  Rue slipped his hands up to the small of her back and wrapped around her, holding her pressed against him. She felt the rapid thud of his heart against her breast. They were both out of breath and slick with the perspiration of their exertion. He laid a lingering, sweet kiss to her skin.

  Contentment filled Lilane more completely in that
moment than she’d ever known in her life. She rubbed her cheek against his shoulder and closed her eyes.

  A knock sounded on the door, startling her and pulling her from her reverie. Rue pulled away from her and laid a blanket her nude body, then pulled on a pair of trews and opened the door.

  Two finely attired maids stood in the doorway with stunned looks on both their faces. One held a delicate light green silk overdress over one arm. The other held all the proper accoutrements that should accompany such a fine garment, and also a bag containing what looked to be cosmetics and objects for properly coiffing a woman’s hair. Suddenly self-conscious, Lilane pulled the blanket around her more securely.

  The first maid averted her eyes from Rue, staring intently at the floor. Her cheeks blushed crimson. “B—by the order of Supreme Lady Anaisse, we’ve been sent to ready the woman Lilane for banquet. The lady said to tell you that her father, the honorable Supreme Priest of Sudhra, shall also be dining this eve and looks forward to conversing with you.”

  The maids stepped to the side and a line of servants bearing pails of steaming water entered the room and poured them into the bathtub.

  “Lord Rue,” said the other maid, her eyes also carefully averted. “Lady Anaisse has instructed us to treat the Nordanese peasant Lilane as a high born Sudhraian lady and thus we must prepare her as such, since there are no such things as sex slaves in Sudhra.”

  Rue sighed. “Ever keeping our dirty little secrets, aren’t we?”

  “Forgive me, but I don’t know what you’re talking about, Lord Rue. If you please, your clothing and bath are both waiting in Lord Jad’s chambers. He has generously allowed you use of them until this evening.” She motioned at the door. “If you please, my lord.”

  Rue looked at Lilane and hesitated, looking pensive. He rubbed his hand down over his mouth and chin. “All right,” he said slowly. “I’ll see you at the banquet, then.” He bowed sweepingly. “Lady Lilane.” He winked at her and backed out the door.

  An hour later saw Lilane scrubbed, toweled dry, lotioned, scented, and stuffed into more layers of silk and satin than she’d ever seen. Delicate, tantalizing and very sexy undergarments made from white lace cupped her breasts and sex. Silky, thin stockings grasped her legs from the tip of her toes to the top of her thighs and were adhered to the bottom of what one maid had called a bustier by thin white leather straps and tiny silver clasps. The bustier pushed her breasts up so that they peeked above the top of her gown, making them appear much larger than they actually were. They looked fair ready to tumble out at any moment. Fine kid slippers sheathed her feet.

  The gown itself had an underdress of thin silk, a shade of green so light it was nearly white. The overdress was of a darker shade of green, a color that nearly matched her eyes, and under the skirt was a wide flounce that billowed the skirt out and made her waist appear absolutely nonexistent.

  After her bath, her maid had instantly rolled small rags and cylinders into the lengths of her wet hair and adhered them to her scalp using long pins. That alone had taken forever. Then they’d applied kohl around her eyes and a smudged a light substance across her eyelids that seemed to make her eyes stand out. They’d rubbed a light pink powder into her cheekbones so skillfully it looked like a natural blush and rubbed a subtle red cream across her lips.

  “Raise your arms,” commanded one of the maids. Lilane raised them, and she slipped a heavy girdle around her waist. It was also made of silk and satin, the same very light green of her underdress and it tinkled with tiny bells and even tinier dark green crystals.

  The maid pulled on the strings in the back…hard. All the breath left Lilane in a whoosh as her lungs and ribcage compressed. “Dear Goddess,” she gasped.

  “Ah, yes. You are Nordanese, are you not?” asked the second maid in a clipped, cold tone.

  “Yes,” squeaked Lilane.

  “I know they do not have this sort of dress for their women there. I hear of something called flaxcloth the women wear there. It is nearly the same as going naked, is it not?”

  “The noblewomen wear that. I am a peasant and have never worn such.”

  “The Nordanese are pagan barbarians,” chided the first maid. She yanked strings at the small of Lilane’s back, pulling them even tighter and drawing an agonized hiss from Lilane. “This will make your waist look thin, tiny.”

  Lilane glanced in the full-length mirror across from her. She hadn’t had much waist to begin with, now it looked as though Rue could practically encircle it with one of his large hand. What was the point?

  “Do the Sudhraians often torment their women with such contraptions?” Lilane asked, biting her lower lip and hoping she wouldn’t pass out.

  “It is pleasing to the men to see a woman with such a small waist and such large breasts,” snapped the first maid.

  “But it’s an illusion,” countered Lilane.

  “Our way is best, Lady Lilane,” said the second maid. Lilane bit back a saucy retort.

  The first maid finished the torture of her ribcage and began pulling out all the pins and unraveling the twisted material and tiny cylinders from her hair. Her locks fell in a shiny mass, now dry after the hours all the other preparations had taken, to her waist in a series of small ringlets and twists. The second maid primped and arranged her hair a bit and led Lilane to the mirror.

  “You’re incredibly beautiful, my lady. Lord Rue will trip over his tongue when he sees you.”

  * * * * *

  Rue stared at his wine goblet and inserted a finger into the tight collar of his finely woven linen shirt and attempted to loosen it. He’d grown accustomed to not having to wear such formal attire in his time away from the court of the Supreme. Jad talked and laughed with the some men he did not recognize across the long table at which they sat. Anaisse had been able to procure him a place at the head of the table, where the Supreme would sit, and for that, he was eternally grateful.

  The doors on the far end of the silver and gold decorated banquet room opened and the women entered. He searched for Lilane in the feminine throng, realizing how much he’d missed her presence in the hours she’d been away from him.

  The sea of women dispersed, taking their seats and greeting their men and still there was no sign of Lilane. Rue stood, concerned something had happened to her.

  He lost his breath as she entered the room. She hadn’t seen him and her gaze darted anxiously around the chamber, searching for him.

  “Who is that?” asked a man near him. “She’s exquisite.”

  Rue’s gaze met hers across the chamber and locked. Her eyes lit up and she smiled.

  And Rue fell headlong and undeniably in love.

  Chapter Seven

  It had nothing to do with the finery she wore or the emeralds glittering at her throat, wrists and ears. It was in her eyes; sure as he’d seen the first night they’d met and battled. That night she’d nearly wounded his heart by the tip of her blade, now she had the power to injure him even worse because he loved her and if lost her now….

  “My lord Rue,” she said smoothly as she approached.

  He bowed. “My lady Lilane.” He pulled out the chair beside her and ushered her onto it. “You look stunning this evening. That gown does amazing things to your eyes.”

  “What? You say nothing about my waist?” She laid a hand to her stomach and winced as though in discomfort.

  He glanced down at the bell and crystal encrusted girdle. His brow furrowed. “Uh, your waist is lovely as ever. You’re as lovely as ever.”

  She smiled. “Ah. Thank you.”

  Rue glanced around at the men at the table and noted they near slavered when gazing upon Lilane. It was enough to make him want to stand and lead her back to his chamber.

  Lady Anaisse sank into the chair one down from her father’s right hand, aided by a tall man with sand colored hair, who sat down in the chair between the Supreme and Anaisse. Rue sat across from the man and Lilane sat across from Anaisse. Now they awaited the Supreme’s
presence before the food would be served.

  Anaisse glanced between Rue and Lilane, a smile flirting with her well-formed lips.

  “Lady Lilane, this is Supreme Lady Anaisse,” Rue made their introduction.

  “I have been wanting to meet you, Lilane,” said Anaisse. “But Rue is very covetous of you and has not allowed you to roam the keep.”

  Lilane glanced sidelong at Rue, seeming unsure of what she should say. He saw clearly she was unclear with her place in all of this. She, after all, had been born in a small village, and had no knowledge of the ways of the highborn, especially the Sudhraian highborn “Well, I do as Rue bids me, my lady. It is my place to obey.”

  Rue stifled a smile. She played her role of slave well.

  “You are Nordanese,” said the man with the sand-colored hair. “I can hear the accent.”

  “This is Lord Vant,” Anaisse explained. “He is the current Sword Master of this Priestdom.”

  “Yes, my lord Vant,” answered Lilane. “I am Nordanese.” A touch of pride entered her tone with those words.

  Vant leaned forward. The skin around his blue eyes crinkled with sudden interest. “How must it feel, Nordanese slave, to be under the thumb, and cock, of a Sudhraian man?”

  Rue didn’t like the venom in Vant’s voice at all. Anaisse laid her hand on Vant’s arm. “Lilane is our guest, Vant. We will not antagonize her further.” Steel girded her seemingly smooth tone.

  Vant leaned back in his chair.

  “Anyway,” continued Anaisse with a smile. “We all know, even if it is not said aloud very often, that most our children come from slave women. These days, when our females conceive but rarely, it is the slaves who populate our land simply because they spend so much time on their backs. Truthfully, they are breeding stock here in Sudhra. I, myself, come from a slave and was adopted by my father when but an infant.”

  “My mother bore me herself.” Lilane replied. Pain that likely only Rue recognized flavored her words.


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