Scion's Awakening (Seven Seals Series Book 3)

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Scion's Awakening (Seven Seals Series Book 3) Page 8

by Traci Douglass

  Quinn stirred, opening her eyes briefly. Her fingers grazed his mid-air and he smiled, desperate to reassure her. He’d failed in his Scion duties.

  Perhaps, in this final act, he could succeed.


  Quinn wrapped her arms around herself to ward off the chill. Her fingertips brushed over the stitched repairs on the arm of her favorite lab coat and she smiled. The brief moment of happiness quickly faded, however, and her heartache returned the second she thought of Wyck.

  She lowered her head and continued through the cemetery, distracted. She missed him terribly.

  He’d disappeared shortly after the light had taken them up to the heavenly realms, along with the Nephilim she’d stabbed. She didn’t remember much of her time there, only that he’d tried to stay with her, but a group of other men and angels wouldn’t let him. They’d been separated. She’d begged the petite woman with the spiky white hair and iridescent eyes to let her see him again, to at least tell her if Wyck was alright, but no one had spoken a word. They’d healed her and put her to sleep. When she’d awakened, she’d been back in her tiny shoebox of an apartment in Atlanta.


  Quinn shivered at the memories. Wyck had been constantly on her mind since then. She wanted to see him again, needed to know he was alright even if they couldn’t be together, even if he had to return to Heaven and she stayed here on Earth.

  Even if it broke her heart.

  God, she’d never felt so weak and hopeless. She wasn’t fooling anyone, least of all herself. Six months had passed.

  Wyck was gone.

  Her heart was broken.

  She sighed and frowned at the wet grass. Cold wind stung her face. Winter was on the way and soon she’d have to decide where to go from here. Project Replenish was over. Tolbert International had stolen all her research and left town in the dead of night. The lab was closed. She still had bills to pay, her savings dwindled further by the day, and her life was a mess.

  Her former colleagues wanted nothing to do with her. They all thought she was nuts, with her stories about supernatural creatures and biblical half-breeds and a serum that could turn humanity into a race of zombies. Even Sam had closed Paradise Lost and fled.

  Quinn looked at the tombstones scattered across the bleak landscape. The Atlanta skyline rose in the distance. Before Wyck had come into her life, this had been her favorite view. Now, all she could think of was how magical it had all looked as they’d flown over the city, him holding her in his arms.

  She cursed and turned away. He wasn’t returning and feeling sorry for herself wasn’t getting her anywhere. She was too strong for self-pity. If what Wyck had told her about the Seal was true, she needed to pick herself up, pull herself together, and get back to work. Time to prove her time with him hadn’t been wasted and she was stronger and more resilient for having known him.

  Time to make him proud.

  She squared her shoulders, steeling her resolve. She would figure out what had gone wrong with the Replenish serum and correct her mistakes. She’d move forward with her research, sans Nephilim, and maybe one day she’d meet Wyck again.

  She’d carry on, unafraid of what the future held. Her love for Wyck, for what they’d had together during their brief time, would always live in her heart, giving her the strength to continue. Making her fearless.

  Two strong arms wrapped around her and Quinn struggled, managing to reach the hilt of her knife. She wrenched free and spun to face her attacker, blade raised. Reality slowly dawned, along with her scowl.

  “Where the hell have you been?” She cuffed Wyck across the side of the head and he rubbed his right temple.

  “Hello to you too.” His deep voice made her quiver. “No kiss?”

  He smiled, that devastating grin that made her want to melt into a puddle of goo. All she wanted to do was jump into his arms and kiss him silly. Considering she’d already made a fool of herself just now, why not?

  Quinn was on him before he could react, throwing her arms around his neck. He caught her, holding her tight around her waist. She kissed him hard and deep and fierce until they were both breathless. Their connection felt strong and vibrant as ever. She eased away slightly, loving the gentle slid of his tongue against hers, the soft brush of his lips. Her spirits lightened, the warmth of her emotions chasing away the day’s chill.

  Quinn broke away at last, pressing her cheek to his. “You didn’t come back.”

  He sighed and held her tighter, as if he’d never let her go. “I’m here now. Sorry it took so long. The investigation took forever.”

  “Investigation?” She frowned. “Investigation into what?”

  He released her, setting her back down on her feet. She looked him over—same black leather jacket, same hipster glasses, same black boots and faded jeans. But there was something different about him. Her eyes widened.

  “You got in trouble because of me, didn’t you?” Her heart sank at the thought of him being punished because of the serum. Her chest squeezed, she couldn’t breathe. That’s why no one would tell her a word about what had happened.

  “No.” Wyck gave her a sad smile, brushing the backs of his fingers down her cheek. His hand felt warm and he tipped her chin up, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Divinity gave me a choice, Quinn. After the serum weakened me, I could stay in the heavenly realms and focus on scholarly work and research until I’d fully recovered, or I could take my chances and resume my Scion duties to guard you.” His voice dropped to a husky whisper. “Guess which option I chose.”

  Tears streaked her cheeks and she leaned into his touch. “I don’t want you hurt again because of me.”

  To answer, he lifted his white T-shirt to reveal his Scion mark, a jagged scar now running through it, but intact and whole, just like him.

  The beauty of his decision stole her voice, constricting her throat with the strength of her feelings. Her love for him was overwhelming, all-consuming, searing through every cell of her body, filling her with peace and happiness.

  Quinn didn’t know how to thank him. There were no words. Instead, she twined her arms around his neck again and held him close. “You didn’t have to.”

  “I know.” His warm breath stirred the hair near her temple and his pulse beat in time with hers. He pulled back and brushed his thumb across her jaw, the raw affection in his gaze making her cheeks heat. No one had ever looked at her with so much love. “I couldn’t bear to be away from you.”

  She kissed him, unable to get enough. Her Scion. They’d been through so much together in their short time, but she’d never imagined it would turn out this way.

  “I love you, Quinn.”

  His smile widened and he lifted her, his hands on her backside. It didn’t matter. No one was watching and the man she was crazy about just told her he loved her.

  She pressed her hands against his broad shoulders and looked into his eyes. “I love you too, Wyck.”

  He kissed her again, brief and sweet.

  “What happened to the Nephilim prisoner?” she asked.

  He quirked an brow. She hated to be so practical when he was giving her that “come-hither” look, but they were in the middle of a cemetery and it was hardly the weather for making love outdoors. That would have to wait until she got him back to her place.

  “He survived. We’ve been interrogating him in the Empyrean prisons. His confessions have been most…enlightening.”

  She frowned. “This isn’t over then. Are you strong enough to fight beside me? You got two doses of the serum. I don’t—”

  He pressed a finger to her lips. “I am still Scion and still immortal. I still have my powers, but it just takes a bit longer to summon them at present.”

  “But you’ll make a full recovery, in time?” She’d do anything to help him regain his strength, sacrifice anything to stop his suffering and make him whole.

  “Yes,” Wyck stroked her cheek, his gaze holding hers. He hesitated then looked skyward. “Until then, I’m
more than capable of performing my Scion duties. All of them. If I have you in my life, I have everything, Quinn. You’re all I need.”

  She sensed his slight hesitation, as if there was more to say. “But?”

  He sighed, his expression pensive. “There is a way for me to regain full Scion powers, and it requires your help. Whether you agree or not, I will always love you.”

  “What is it?” Quinn frowned and looked up at the sky.

  “There’s some debate in Heaven about your serum. The Heavenly Court debated whether it should be destroyed or if you should be allowed to study it further—under Divinity’s guidance and oversight.”

  “Wait a minute. God wants me to be His personal scientist?”

  “Her. And yes. But you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, Quinn. You have total freewill and nothing to prove. Your work is important and could help so many people. You’ve done humanity a great service by risking your life to protect them.”

  Quinn never really thought about herself in that way. Like some crusader for science, making discoveries and testing theories in the name of the greater good. Her work was just something she’d always felt compelled to do. She’d never sought fame or glory, and had certainly never expected Heaven to notice. She’d always seen herself as a socially-awkward nerd and expected everyone else to do the same.

  “I came back because I couldn’t spend the rest of eternity without you.” Wyck squeezed her hands and met her gaze. “I came because I believe in our love, our connection. I came to make you happy again so you could continue your work... With me at your side.”

  The fact he was trying so hard to convince to make her own decision meant so much and she cherished that more than she could say. “I’ll do whatever it takes, because I love you, Wyck. I know how important your Scion duty is to you, because my work is important to me too. If someone took that away, I’d be lost.”

  “I do feel a bit adrift.” He looked away, his expression forlorn and vulnerable. He looked at her through his lashes and she smiled.

  “We’ll find our way together, I promise.” Quinn ran her hands over his chest. His dark gaze followed her touch she brushed her fingers over his neck to cup his jaw. “No matter what happens, you’re still the man I love.”

  She stood on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his.

  She loved him. Nothing would ever change that.

  They’d move forward, keep working, keep fighting the Nephilim and protecting humanity. Together.

  The End

  About the Author

  Traci is a USA Today Bestselling Author of Contemporary and Paranormal Romance. Her stories feature sizzling heroes full of dark humor, quick wits and major attitudes and heroines who are smart, tenacious, and always give as good as they get. She holds an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University and she loves animals, chocolate, coffee, hot British actors, and sarcasm—not necessarily in that order. Connect with her through her website:

  Sign up for my monthly Author Newsletter for all the latest into on new releases, exclusive subscriber-only goodies, AND receive a FREE digital copy of my fantasy romance novella, When Hermes Met Eos!

  Also by Traci Douglass

  Paranormal Romance:

  Seven Seals Series:

  Scion’s Destiny

  Scion’s Surrender

  Scion’s Awakening

  Scion’s Redemption (July 30, 2018)

  Scion’s Fortune (TBA)

  Scion’s Valor (TBA)

  Scion’s Completion (TBA)

  Blood Ravagers Series:

  Blood Bound

  Blood Freed

  Blood Vowed

  Also by Traci Douglass

  Contemporary Romance:

  Harlequin Medicals:

  One Night With The Army Doc (October 1, 2018)

  Entangled Bliss:

  How To Seduce A Bad Boy (January 2019)

  Can’t Hurry Love (Coming Soon)

  Sneak Peek of Scion’s Redemption

  Luther stretched his arm out on the pillows of his double bed and scratched his head, staring into the inky darkness of the room. The open window to his left allowed pale light to filter in from the street below but it barely cut through the gloom. The humid night showed no sign of cooling despite the light breeze blowing off the bayou. Too bad the heat wasn’t the only thing robbing him of sleep.

  Banging echoed from the hall beyond, more persistent this time, and Luther clenched his teeth in irritation. Whoever the visitor was had been attacking his neighbor’s door for the last twenty minutes, rousing him from sleep and plunging him straight into a foul mood that had swiftly deteriorated into an unholy desire to beat the mortal senseless.

  He inhaled slow, summoning his patience as shouts ensued. Impotent threats against the woman next door and Luther’s temper flared anew. His gaze slid to the digital clock on the nightstand. Three a.m. Figured the latest spurned suitor would chose this ungodly hour to air his bitter disappointment to the entire apartment building.

  The sticky air made it impossible to get comfortable again despite the fact Luther was exhausted. He’d only gotten a few hours sleep the past few days and being stuck in the earthly realm didn’t help matters.

  More banging, enough to rattle the wall this time. Thankfully, the woman next door wasn’t foolish enough to answer, but the intrusion still grated on Luther’s nerves.

  Foul accusations followed, all of them false.

  Luther had watched over Thana Girtis all her life, though they’d only met face-to-face this past month. She was a fierce, pure soul with terrible luck when it came to lovers. The idiot at the door didn’t deserve her.

  Unable to bear another second of the tirade and sensing Thana’s increasing agitation through the wall that joined their apartments, Marcus rose and tugged on a pair of blue sweatpants, then made his way through the unlit apartment to unlock his front door. He yanked it open and stepped out into the dull cream hallway, his glare harsh on the mortal who’d dared to disturb him.

  The started guy gave him a wide-eyed stare. “Problem?”

  Luther took in every detail of the man in under a second. It’s what he did, his speciality. Tracking and profiling were his specialities amongst his Scion brethren.

  This uninvited guest was drunk and itching for a fight, as evidenced by the clenched fists at his sides. Foolish too, if he thought abuse would win Thana back. On the surface, the man wanted to upset her and hurt her, as he himself had been upset and hurt, but Luther saw beyond the façade to the pale hope in this guy’s heart that Thana would be his again.

  That was something Luther would never allow.

  “You need to leave. Now.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, rubbed sleep from his eyes, and then leaned a shoulder against the doorjamb, folding his arms across his bare chest and crossing his legs at his ankles.

  The man regarded him for a moment then turned back to Thana’s door.

  “Perhaps you’re hard of hearing.” Luther stepped forward, drawing the man’s attention again so he wouldn’t resume the banging. “Leave.”

  “What you gonna do?” The man smirked, his dark eyes glassy with false bravado. “She’s my girlfriend… Fuck off and keep your nose outta my business before I break it.”

  Luther sighed. He’d warned the guy and his already frayed patience had worn thin. He gave the man an assessing stare, taking in the wrinkled dark jeans and stained loose t-shirt covering a scrawny, shaking body. The man raised a fist and shouted at Thana’s door once more. Luther’s temples throbbed. Without resorting to violence, he wasn’t sure how to convince the man to leave. Compelling him would work, but using such powers for such a menial task was beneath him and wouldn’t teach this idiot a lesson in manners towards women.

  The man banged on the door one last time, hard enough the white painted wood creaked under the attack.

  “That’s it.” Luther stepped forward
and the man swung at him. He dodged the fist, clamping down on the man’s wrist and twisting his arm behind his back. It forced the guy forward to avoid having his shoulder popped out of joint. Luther slammed him face first into the wall, ignoring the idiot’s grunt of pain. “Leave. Now. Or I’ll make you. Understand?”

  The guy struggled, stilling only when Thana’s apartment door eased open a crack and she peered through. Luther frowned, staring at the tears streaking her flushed cheeks and the fear in her onyx eyes. For good measure, he tightened his grip on the man’s arm until he let out another deeply satisfying, pained grunt.

  “What do you want, Richard?” she whispered, voice hoarse and trembling.

  It wasn’t like Thana to be afraid of anything. Luther had seen her battle other exes without showing a trace of fear, but this one had spooked her. Weariness shone in her gaze, lending it a cold edge he hadn’t seen before. Her gaze tracked up his arm, lingering a moment on his bare torso, then reached his face.

  “Sorry if he woke you.” Her quiet tone dissolved his anger.

  Luther loosened his grip on the idiot’s wrist but didn’t release him entirely. “Not a problem. Wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  The man twisted enough to look back at Luther over his shoulder and then returned his attention to Thank.

  “Oh, I see how it is. Dump me and then move on to the beefcake, right? Probably been fucking him from the moment he moved in.” The guy wrenched free of Luther’s grip and stumbled forward a few steps before righting himself. “Won’t be so pretty after I fuck up that face of his.”

  Acting on pure instinct, Luther punched left toward the man then leaned back to avoid the man’s counter attack before slamming his fist hard into his opponent’s jaw, sending him crashing into the cream wall. The man bounced off it, then collapsed into an ungainly heap on the floor of the hallway.


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