The Red Moon: Moon Rising

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The Red Moon: Moon Rising Page 13

by J. M. Lyons

  circle in the air, suddenly a thick circle heap of earth pulled out of

  the ground. He did it again this time beside the one he already

  made. "You made us chairs?" I said, with a silly smirk on my face.

  "Well, it might be just dirt, but at least we have somewhere to

  sit. " He laughed. I just smiled and handed him the two bowls, and

  walked over to a bunch of small shrubs that grew alongside the

  creek and broke off a few branches. "Here this should help." I

  chuckled. I placed the broken branches on top of the chair that

  Jon made, and he smiled back. We both sat down and ate,

  watching and listening to the water in the creek flow downstream.

  I could hear the birds chirping around us, the tree branches

  rustled around reaching as high as they could into the mid

  morning sky. As I sat there I could feel the power that pulsated

  throughout the forest, throughout the mountains. It made me feel

  cold. I listened quietly to the different animals that were around

  us; the insects, the birds, even the little ones that scurried in the

  tree tops. "Hey, you want more?" Jon asked, reaching out for my bowl.

  "Um; yeah sure. I guess I'm really hungry today." I chuckled. "Ah,

  we all are." He laughed back, nodding his head over toward the

  rest of the guys, scarfing down their bowls of food. We both

  looked at each other laughing. Jon walked off toward the table

  leaving me sitting there quietly. I looked around taking in

  everything that I saw, everything that I felt from the things around


  The air started to grow warmer around me as the sun slowly

  lifted higher into the sky, but still I felt a little cold as I continued to

  absorbed the energy that flowed around me. The energy from the

  water, from the wind, from the ground. I allowed the energy to flow

  through me, taking in deep breaths and slowly releasing it, letting

  the energy fill my blood with every breath I took. "Here you go."

  Jon said, passing me another bowl of soup.

  "You know sometimes it's so easy to forget how beautiful this

  place really is." I said with a smile, looking around taking in the

  breath taking views that surrounded us. "You know; this place

  could be a real romantic place if you asked me." I said, stirring my

  bowl of soup. "I know, I've been thinking about that lately. You

  know if we aren't busy tonight we should go for a walk to the lake or something." He said, with his soft, gentle smile. "That sounds

  like a good idea; I surely could use the break." I smiled back.

  "Jon, come on we need to make some preparations." Dad

  called out. "I'll see you tonight I guess." Jon said, with his smile

  still on his face as he leaned in for a kiss. "Can't wait." I replied,

  kissing him back. "Oh come on, you guys can kiss all you want

  later." Tucker called out with his usual laugh. "Glad to know your

  back to your normal self." I called back, as they all disappeared

  into the forest.

  I stayed near the creek for a while taking in my surroundings.

  "Hi Mia." I heard a small squeaky voice say. I looked around

  startled, and noticed a small brown shape hopping from one

  branch to another then landing on a branch right above me. "Hi

  there." I said, looking at this small squirrel looking back at me.

  "I'm Lina." The squirrel said.

  "I'm a friend of Wing, I too have been sent by the gods to help

  you, in fact a lot of us have been sent to help you." She said.

  "Really; so you mean there's more of you?" I asked. "Yes; there

  are a lot more of us." She replied, with her squeaky voice.

  "Is that Elder Wing?" She asked, twitching her little nose to sniff

  the air. "Why yes it is." I said; turning to see him sitting there, staring into

  the fire.

  She jumped down off the tree branch onto my shoulder. I

  jerked a little, feeling awkward about the situation. "Don't worry I

  won't bite you." She giggled, with her whisker's tickling my ear.

  “Can you take me to him.” She asked softly. “Um; I sure can.” I

  said, as I walked over to Elder Wing who looked up at the sound

  of my approach.

  "Mia; ah you've found Lina." He said, lifting his palm allowing

  her to jump into it. "Yeah, well more like she found me." I smiled.

  "I've become an old man my little friend. I know it's been a while

  since I last saw you." He said softly. "I'm just glad to see you after

  so many years." She replied. "I'll leave you two to catch up." I said,

  turning toward grandma and grandpa who were cleaning up the

  mess from this mornings breakfast. "No Mia; I have something to

  tell you." She said. "Come sit Mia, you must learn that the animals

  here are your friends, and they want to help you. Sometimes they

  are the only one's who can." Elder Wing insisted. I sat next to

  them on a log of my own.

  "Yesterday, I saw you and the one who can move the earth

  talking." She said. "Ok." I replied. "But then I saw a dark figure step closer to you both, but this was no ordinary darkness, Wing.”

  She said turning her little head toward his. “This was a darkness

  that hasn't been seen in these parts for a real long time, since the

  time of Great Tricloud." She said; looking at both of us, twisting

  her little head back and forth. "Then we watched a battle between

  the three of you; you two and the darkness." She continued.

  "But Mia; the power that we saw in you, also hasn't been seen

  in these parts for decades." She said, twitching her little nose

  around. "My thoughts exactly my little friend." Elder Wing agreed

  looking at me as well. "I'll bet that she can shape shift without a

  problem." She squeaked. "Yeah, I haven't learned any of that, but

  I did hear about it." I said with a cringe.

  "Don't you believe that it's possible." She asked. "It's not that

  I don't believe; it's more of a why me kind of thing." I chuckled,

  back with a raised brow. From the distance we could hear loud

  crashing sounds, followed by low rumbling that we could

  eventually feel under our feet. "Wow, what's that?" I said looking

  into the direction of the noise.

  I scanned the tree tops and noticed that some, were moving

  violently. "They must create barricades; so that if anyone tries to

  come here again we'll know far before they get here." Elder Wing replied, looking into the same direction as I was. The rumbling

  and crashing continued for a while. Then everything went quiet.

  Suddenly, Wing came flying back to the camp fast. "Wing,

  Wing." He said, in a panic. "They need you." He said, as he

  landed hard on the ground. "Lina, go call the others; there needed

  too." He said, and with that Lina jumped off Wings palm and ran

  off into the woods. "David, somethings wrong." I heard grandma

  say. I turned toward her and saw that she had become very weak,

  nearly falling over.

  "Lana." Grandpa said, catching her before she hit the ground.

  He laid her down softly and stroked her hair. "Lana, Lana. What's

  wrong?" He said, with the sound of utter panic in his voice.

  "Grandma." I said, running over to her side. "Mia, you stay here."

  Elder Wing called out, before disappearin
g into the forest. I looked

  up at the tree tops and noticed that the trees began to shake more

  violently and the distant rumbling sound, grew louder and louder

  as the ground began to shake more and more.

  Grandma's face turned a pale gray, like she was sick to her

  stomach. "Mia help me get her to the tent." Grandpa said, putting

  her arms around his neck to help her up. She tried her best to

  move her feet, but her limp body wouldn't let her. "Grandpa, what's wrong with her?" I said, starting to feel scared. "I don't

  know." He replied still in a panic.

  We got grandma to the tent and laid her down on the bed. I

  noticed that a box in the far corner of her tent was moving, like

  there was something inside trying to get out. I could see a golden

  glow coming from the box. "Mia, get the scrolls." She insisted,

  pointing at the glowing box. I picked up the box and hurried back

  to her side.

  As she grabbed the box from me I could hear a loud howling

  sound outside the tent. I started to get up to see what it was, but

  grandma grabbed my arm with one hand; putting the other on

  grandpa's. "No, stay in here both of you." She said softly. "You'll

  both be safe in here." She said, holding on to the both of us tightly.

  The howling grew louder and louder until it was right beside

  the tent. "I can smell them, but I cannot see them." A voice said

  with a growl. Just then I heard a louder deep growl and felt the

  ground shake. "You will leave this place and never come back." I

  heard the deeper voice say. Grandpa and I sat there quietly

  looking at each other with utter fear in our eyes. "I know that she's

  here and I want her now." A smaller evil voice said. "You will not

  have her." The deep voice said. Suddenly we heard crashing, and pounding, and loud

  growling just outside the tent. "David, don't move." Grandma said

  calmly. "But Lana." Grandpa replied. "Please; my dear just stay

  with me, I fear we both may not have much time left." She

  pleaded, with sadness in her eyes. Grandpa didn't say another

  word; instead he sat back on the floor next to her bed and held her

  hand in his. As the loud crashing and banging around continued

  outside you could actually see how much love grandma and

  grandpa had for one another, as they stared endlessly into each

  others eyes lost in memory.

  Soon the noise subsided with the sound of whimpering that

  seem to grow distant with every breath. "I will kill you the next time

  you are in these mountains you demon." The deep voice said.

  "Grandma." I said, scared to the core hearing all the ruckus from

  outside. "Don't worry Mia; our friends are here and they are here

  to help. You must trust them." She said, her voice becoming so

  frail. "Lana are you still there?" The deep voice said, from behind

  the tent door. "Yes; I am my friend, please come in." She said, as

  the tent door flew open and the head of a huge brown bear

  suddenly appeared. "Aaahhh." I screamed in total fear. "Oh, shut up girl, I won't

  hurt you." He said, cringing at the sound of my scream. "I...I...I'm

  sorry but your a bear." I said, quickly jumping onto the corner of

  my grandmother's bed, backing away quickly. "I'm sorry my friend

  but she hasn't had much time to learn about our allies." Grandma

  laughed, in her ever growing frailness. Grandpa didn't move not

  even a finger he just sat there staring at grandma. "Those demons

  are gone, and I don't think they'll be back; the barricade is almost

  complete." The bear said in his deep voice. "Good." Grandma


  "We'll stay here until the time comes, that we are no longer

  needed; but by looks of things we may be here longer than I

  thought." The bear said, as he pulled his head back out of the

  tent. "Grandma that; that was a big bear; a big, talking bear." I

  said, stumbling over my words as they left my mouth. "Yes dear,

  and there is a black wolf, and a red stag too." She said, with a soft

  smile. "Grandma are you ok? I asked softly.

  "In due time Mia we will all have to go to be with the gods, but

  as for me and your grandpa here, that time will come soon. Our

  old body's cannot last forever you know." She said softly with a

  smile. She looked over at grandpa and held his stare before looking back at me. “Come here my Mia.” She said motioning to

  her lap.

  I laid my head across her lap, and I could feel her and

  grandpa stroking my hair. Suddenly we could hear footsteps

  getting closer toward the camp. "Whoa." I heard Tucker say

  startled; followed by a deep growl. "I guess Tucker just met your

  friend." I chuckled. "Go on outside and tell them what happened.”

  She said softly, with a quiet giggle. I stepped out of the tent to find

  the huge brown bear sitting in front the door, blocking the way.

  Tucker just looked at me with big round eyes not saying

  anything. "Don't worry I freaked out." I said with a chuckle. The

  bear looked at me with a snarl, and took a deep breath before

  plopping himself down with a heavy thud, followed by a cloud of

  dust, in front the tent door. I could feel a sudden breath of ease

  from Tucker. "Where's everyone else?" I asked looking around.

  "Right there." He said pointing to a large cleared path that

  suddenly appeared. "Wow, cool did you do that?" I asked. "Yup."

  He said proudly, as everyone came filing out of the forest. Elder

  Wolf came over to the bear and sat next to him, and although we

  couldn't hear it, we could all tell that they were talking to each

  other. "This is weird, how they can talk to animals." Tucker said leaning

  over toward me.

  "Tell me about it, sometimes I can hear them talking too." I said

  with a raised brow.

  "So you're crazy too...oh gosh my sister nuts." He laughed. "Shut

  up Tucker, that's not funny." I snapped.

  "Hey; you better watch out or she'll burn you, literally." Steve

  laughed with a raised brow.

  "Oh right I forgot about that." Tucker laughed back.

  As the day slowly turned to evening, and the sun slowly

  disappeared behind the mountain the air grew much, much colder.

  Uncle Tom started to prepare dinner and it sure didn't smell very

  good. Grandma and grandpa didn't come out of the tent, and

  oddly enough no one asked for them either. I went to the tent

  where Elder Wolf and the bear still sat talking to each other. I

  slipped past the bears huge body and went into the tent.

  Grandma and grandpa were still in the same position,

  grandma laid on the bed sleeping and grandpa sat at her side on

  the floor. "Grandpa, dinner's almost done." I said softly. "Oh, yeah

  dinner. I almost forgot." He said, trying to hurry to stand up but he

  too seemed so frail and out of energy; he had a very hard time getting up. I helped him up by his arm, and he hurried out of the

  tent, I just stood at the entrance looking at grandma.

  "Oh no Thomas, what are you doing?" Grandpa snarled at

  uncle Tom. "Well; hey at least I'm trying. David's just sitting there

  playing with his sticks. Uncle Tom argued back. "Move, move I'll

  fix this." Grandpa sai
d smelling the atrocious concoction on the

  fire. Everyone laughed as grandpa quickly pushed uncle Tom

  away from the food, while shaking his head disappointed.

  "Mia." Grandma called out. "Yes grandma." I said as I went

  back to her bed side. "Soon my dear; your grandfather and I will

  go to be with the gods, because it is now yours and your brothers

  turn to take our place among the people of our tribes. We will give

  our place in this world for you two to have yours." She said sadly.

  "What no; you can't, none of you can." I demanded. "I've lost

  you both once before grandma and I refuse to lose you again." I

  said, as the warmth in my face grew and tears began to build in

  my eyes. "I won't let you go grandma." I said, allowing the tears to

  flow freely down my cheeks. "I'm sorry my dear Mia; my Mia, but

  you don't have a choice." She said softly.

  She moved closer to the edge of the bed finding the small box

  that was glowing earlier. She took out the golden canister which held the scrolls. She pulled out one of the scrolls and turned it

  over, showing me a blank piece of paper. "What is this, it's blank."

  I said, wiping the tears from my eyes. "No; Mia it's not. Grab that

  mirror over there and the bowl on the table." She said as she

  pointed them out.

  I got the mirror and the bowl, that had a little water in it from

  the table, and sat back at her side. "Look again Mia." She said, as

  she put her finger in the water and touched the paper. Words

  began to slowly appear, as the water from her finger seeped into

  the paper; but I couldn't make out what it said. I sat there with a

  confused look on my face. "Here." She said, as she took the

  mirror and placed the paper in front of it. Slowly I could make out

  some words:

  You will follow the path laid in front of you by the light of the red


  "Wow." I said, leaning back a little with an intrigued smile.

  “This is a trick to these scrolls Mia, a trick that no one but me and

  now you, know. You are not to show any one; not Jon or even

  Tucker." She said, as she re-rolled the scrolls together and placed

  them back into the canister. She handed me the mirror and the

  canister with a smile. "This is now yours, this is the only mirror that can show you the words." She said. I grabbed them without a

  questions and looked at her.

  "I won't show a single soul." I agreed, sticking the canister


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