A Fresh Start for Tori [Slick Rock 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Fresh Start for Tori [Slick Rock 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Becca Van

  If it hadn’t been for what Felicity said the other day she’d never have thought of it. She owed Flick big time and planned to take her friend out as a thank-you for everything she and her husbands had done for her. If it hadn’t been for them she would never have had the gumption to be where she was today.

  After taking another few calming breaths, Tori grabbed the folder with all her projections and plans in it and headed into the bank. She walked over to the reception area and smiled at the young auburn-haired woman.

  “Hi, I’m Tori Springer and I have an appointment with Mr. Wendall at nine thirty.”

  “Take a seat, Ms. Springer. I’ll let Mr. Wendall know you’re here.”

  Tori turned, took a seat on the sofa across from the reception desk, and wiped her sweaty palms surreptitiously on her black skirt. She glanced around the small bank, noting that most of the tellers were elderly women, and she was glad that the small town didn’t seem to discriminate because of age or gender. There was only one man, and he and the receptionist looked to be their youngest employees.

  “Ms. Springer,” the receptionist said. “If you’ll follow me, Mr. Wendall is ready to see you now.”

  “Thank you.” Tori followed and when the receptionist opened a door at the end of the hall, she quietly took another deep breath, made sure her spine was straight and her shoulders were back, and hoped like hell she was portraying a confidence she was far from feeling. She walked into the large office after the woman urged her in, and she took a step forward as the door behind her closed.

  Tori was surprised to see the man behind the large desk was young, although older than her, but still he must have been good at his job to have made manager of the bank at such a young age. She hoped that was a plus because sometimes older men thought that women shouldn’t work or own their own business. Just like Frank.

  Pushing those distressing thoughts aside, Tori walked over to the desk as Mr. Wendall rose to his feet and came around to greet her. After shaking her hand he gestured toward one of the chairs in front of his desk and then walked back around to his own seat.

  “What can I do for you, Ms. Springer?”

  “I’d like to take out a business loan, Mr. Wendall.”

  The next hour passed more quickly than Tori had expected. She went over the plan she’d stayed up late doing the previous evening and answered all Mr. Wendall’s questions. By the time she’d finished she was totally drained and hoped that her weariness didn’t show on her face. The whole time she’d been talking Mr. Wendall’s expression had remained stoic, and she had no idea if she had convinced him that she could make a go of her own business or not, but she was pleased with the way she had handled herself and had been able to answer every question he’d asked her.

  “If I let you have this loan, when would you want it by?” Mr. Wendall leaned back in his chair, rested his elbows on his desk, and placed the fingertips of his hands together, sort of like he was praying, but not quite.

  “I’d like to get it as soon as possible. That is if you’re willing to give me the loan.”

  “Hmm, you know, I’ve been looking into some businesses myself to invest in. I really like your ideas, Ms. Springer. The plan you set out is clear and concise, and this town is certainly expanding rapidly.” He lowered his hands and leaned forward slightly. “Do you know about the—unusual relationships in Slick Rock?”

  “Yes, sir, I do. I’m currently staying with my friend Felicity on the Double E Ranch.”

  “Good. Then you’ve obviously realized that this town needs the shop you’re planning to set up.” Mr. Wendall pushed his chair back, rose to his feet, and walked around to the front of his desk. The man was tall, muscular, and handsome but he did nothing for her libido.

  Wait! Does that mean he’s going to give me the loan? Please? Please? Please God?

  “I would love to be able to give you the hundred percent that you’ve asked for, but after the GFC and the slow recovery of the economy, that just isn’t viable. Not good business, as I am sure you understand.”

  Disappointment coursed through her heart, but Tori hoped it didn’t show on her face. She didn’t move or speak because for some reason she didn’t think Mr. Wendall had finished talking.

  “But…” He held up a finger as if she might try to interrupt. “I would be willing to be a silent partner with you, if that is acceptable to you, Ms. Springer.”

  “You would?”

  Mr. Wendall smiled and then he laughed. She must have looked as shocked as she felt. “Why don’t I order some coffee for us and we can talk over everything?”

  Tori just nodded and he reached for the phone on his desk and, after placing the order for coffee, sat down next to her to work. By the time she left his office three hours later her head was spinning, but she was buzzing with enthusiasm. She had opened a business account at the bank and Mr. Wendall had put his share of money into it. Then he’d approved the business loan from the bank and added the rest of the money. She felt like she was flying high and she wanted to race back to the ranch and tell Felicity about all her plans, but she needed to stop into the real estate office. She was going to be buying that large shop instead of leasing it like she’d first thought.

  After dealing with Steven and Giles, signing the paperwork and handing over a deposit, Tori was so full of excitement she could barely contain it. The drive back to the ranch seemed to take forever but really only took her the usual twenty minutes. After parking her car and grabbing her paperwork and her purse, she hurried inside and went in search of Felicity.

  Tori Springer was going to be part owner in her own business.

  She found Felicity in the kitchen with her head in the fridge and when Felicity looked at her over her shoulder, she closed the door and turned to face her.

  “Where have you been going all week? What are you up to, girl?”

  Those two questions released the excitement bubbling up inside and she began explaining. Tori knew she was talking a mile a minute, but once she started speaking she had to get it all out. By the time she’d finished Felicity was laughing and hurried over to her and gave her a hug.

  “You are unbelievable, Tori Springer. I can’t believe you. You’re so smart.”

  “I got the idea when you said you had to travel nearly two hours to go to a baby store. With all the ménage relationships in town and seeing that they have started families, it just made sense.”

  “You said that Trick Wendall is going to be a silent partner?” Felicity asked.

  “Yes.” Tori nodded and then went on to explain how they were going fifty-fifty with the business.

  “You don’t think he has a hidden agenda, do you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I can’t believe how naïve you are at times, Tori. You’re a very attractive woman. Men watch you all the time.”

  “They do not.”

  “See. I rest my case. You are totally oblivious except when it comes to the Katz brothers.”

  “What? No. No. No. No, damn it. Don’t you dare try to match-make.” Tori crossed her arms over her chest in a defensive move but also to hide her burgeoning nipples. Her body responded at the most inopportune of times. Especially when she thought of those three handsome, sexy men. Or when they were in the room with her. Or when she dreamed about them touching her at night. She sighed with resignation. She pretty much thought about them all the time and was in a constant state of arousal. Hopefully by the time she had the shop up and running she would have some money left over to lease her own place and she could put them out of her mind.

  Yeah right. As if that is ever going to happen.

  “There is nothing like that, Flick. We’re only going to be business partners. That’s it.”

  “I hope you’re right. Trick Wendall and his two brothers have been looking for a woman to settle down with for a few years now. Just make sure they know the score. Okay? I’d hate for you to get into a situation you can’t get out of.”

  She would
just treat Mr. Wendall like any other business colleague, and if he looked like he wanted more from her she would set him straight from the get-go, but she didn’t think any of that would be necessary. She hadn’t gotten any of those vibes from him. Not like she did from the Katz brothers. Tori nodded and pushed those thoughts aside.

  “Do you want to go out and celebrate with me?” Tori asked.

  “I would really like to.” Felicity bit her lip as she hesitated.


  “I’m really tired and don’t think I would be great company, but if you’d like I can call some of the other women I know and see if they’re going out tonight. The hotel is always busy and I know Tyson would keep an eye on you.”

  “I don’t need to be looked after, Flick. I’ve been taking care of myself since I was five years old.”

  Felicity sighed and looked sad. “I know. We had similar childhoods, just in different ways. I’m never going to treat my kids the way you and I were treated.”

  “You don’t.” Tori gave her a smile. “Carly Rose knows she’s loved. She’s such a happy little girl and the baby you’ve got in your womb is going to be just as cherished.”

  Flick sniffled and gave her a wobbly smile as she nodded her head. “Thank you. Damn these pregnancy hormones.”

  Tori wiped her moist eyes and then gave Felicity a hug. “God, we’re a pair.”

  Felicity laughed. “That we are. Now what are we going to do about getting you out to celebrate? I don’t like the thought of you being out on your own.”

  “We can take her.”

  Tori gave a soft squeal and spun around. Three tall, sexy men stood just inside the kitchen doorway and they were all looking at her. She’d had no idea they’d come into the room and hoped they hadn’t been standing there all along. She and Felicity had talked about some things that were private to her and didn’t want anyone else besides her closest friend knowing. But as she tried to read their expressions she became frustrated. The three Katz brothers were really good at hiding their emotions and what they were thinking, so she gave up and finally looked away.

  She started to shake her head at their offer of taking her out, but Felicity stepped in front of her. “That’s a great idea. I know you will make sure she’s safe. In fact I think you should take her out to dinner, too. Tori has been doing all the cooking and cleaning as well as…other stuff and deserves a night off.”

  Tori started to edge away from Felicity and thanked God there was another exit on the dining room side of the room. She didn’t want to go out with the Katz brothers because she had a feeling if she did, then her life would never be the same again and she wasn’t sure that was a good thing, especially now that she was going to be starting her own business. She was going to need all her time getting things set up and didn’t want anything or anyone standing in her way.

  She kept her eyes on Luther but felt her cheeks heat with desire and embarrassment and lowered her gaze to the floor. Tori couldn’t believe the way she was behaving. These men seemed to bring what she considered her worst traits to the fore, and she didn’t like that.

  For a time while she had been living with Frank and her mom in that great hulking mansion, she let them dictate to her and she’d become almost introverted. But when she’d finished high school and put herself through college she’d become independent and she liked being that way. She wasn’t about to let these men take over and control her. She’d had enough of people controlling her life, trying to make her decisions for her, and she wasn’t about to let anyone start that again. Especially when other people’s decisions regarding her life could be downright distasteful and destructive.

  Tori had overheard her mom and Frank talking one night and she’d been horrified to discover he was going to try and set her up with one of his so-called business friends. His intention had been to marry her off, which would give him an in into the sector of business he’d been trying to break into for years. She’d put a stop to that very quickly. Tori had packed her bags, snuck out in the middle of the night, and run. She had been lucky enough to be able to stay at a fellow waitress’s house for a couple of nights, until she’d been able to find her own apartment. Thank God she’d been saving every penny she earned from her part-time work in that restaurant, because if she hadn’t she may well have ended up on the street.

  Tori gasped, pulled from her disturbing memories when she bumped into a big, hard, muscular body, and barely held in a moan of desire when warm, brawny arms wrapped around her waist and tugged her up against his large frame.

  “Going somewhere, Tori?”

  She looked up and up and up and connected with Jeremiah’s blue-green gaze and gulped while she shook her head. There she went again, off inside herself because of the way they intimidated her. But she wasn’t scared that the Katz brothers would hurt her. Deep down she knew they wouldn’t. She was frightened of the way they made her feel, the way her body went haywire and responded to all of them. She’d never felt so in tune to one man before, let alone three, and wasn’t sure how to handle it.

  “Are you scared of us, honey?” Jeremiah frowned down at her and looked like he was holding his breath while he awaited her answer.

  Tori decided it was high time she found that backbone she’d discovered the day she’d left Frank’s house and looked him square in the eyes. “No.”

  “Then why don’t you prove it, Tori?”

  “How?” Tori asked, knowing she was being reeled in like a fish on a hook, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself from taking the bait.

  “Let us take you out.”

  A shiver wracked her spine as Jeremiah’s deep voice washed over her and her skin goose bumped. But when she felt a presence beside her she gulped again and found herself agreeing so she could get away from them faster.

  “Okay.” She felt like she was sinking to the bottom of the pool and she couldn’t breathe. Tori felt like she was drowning in their heat, their scents, and their masculinity.

  “We’ll give you half an hour to get changed and then we’ll head out.” Luther’s breath brushed against the side of her neck and the sensitive skin of her ear, and even though she wanted to turn her head and look at him, she kept her gaze centered on Jeremiah’s cotton-covered chest.

  But when she felt a whisper of a touch against her arm as Bryant moved to her other side, she knew she was doomed. She was surrounded by them and she liked it. Her pussy was clenching and weeping juices onto her panties. Her breasts felt swollen and achy and her nipples were hard and throbbing.

  Shit. I’m going down and I don’t know what to do to stop it.

  Chapter Four

  Bryant sat in the back of his brother’s truck and studied Tori. She hadn’t said anything other than thank you after he’d helped her up into the backseat and now she was staring out the side window.

  He was glad that he, Luther, and Jeremiah had entered the kitchen when they had because they’d heard everything Tori and Felicity had talked about. He’d wanted to ask her about her childhood but knew it was too early for that yet. He and his brothers needed to instill some trust in her before they could go prying into her life. He’d been wracking his brain trying to work out how to go about that, but hadn’t come up with anything so far. Hopefully his brothers would have an idea or two.

  When she’d told Flick about going into business with the local bank manager he’d been jealous as hell, but knew Tori had been sincere when she’d said that she only saw him as a colleague. He and his brothers were going to have to keep an eye out for this Trick Wendall. If he looked like he was honing in on their woman they would have to put a stop to that quick.

  When Luther looked at him in the rearview mirror and raised his eyebrow, he shook his head to let him know that Tori still hadn’t looked at him. If she kept up the silent treatment it was going to make for one hell of an uncomfortable night, but then Bryant figured if he couldn’t get her talking then none of them would. Even though he wasn’t a chatterbox or very sociab
le he was more talkative and laid-back than his brothers. It was up to him to break the ice and get the ball rolling.

  Luther was quiet most of the time, but if he saw something he wanted he went for it hard, never deviating from his goals. He and Jeremiah could be just as indefatigable, but they were different in going about getting what they wanted. And one thing they were determinedly resolute about was getting Tori Springer into their lives. Giving up and losing her before they even had her wasn’t an option.

  “We grew up in Wichita, Kansas,” Bryant said and held in a smile when Tori turned to look at him. He had her attention and now all he had to do was keep it. That wasn’t going to be as easy as it sounded.

  “Our parents didn’t meet until they were in their forties and we were late babies. By the time Luther and Jeremiah hit their twenties the ranch was getting too much for our folks and they were thinking of selling up and traveling before they got any older. At least that’s what Dad said.

  “Luther and Jer joined the Marines and I followed a few years later. We weren’t worried about leaving our parents alone on the ranch, because they had good reliable hands and Dad didn’t have any need to do too much strenuous work.

  “Mom and Dad ummed and ahhed over selling the ranch, but still ended up doing the traveling they wanted to. But they had such a good time exploring our country they decided to sell up and had all the paperwork signed for an estate agent to do just that. They had a fax and a laptop in their motor home and could deal with everything without coming back. But they wanted to be home and make sure the new owners adhered to the agreement of keeping the ranch hands on as promised and to thank their loyal employees, and just say good-bye to the home they’d had for more than thirty years.” Bryant scrubbed a hand over his face and swallowed. It still choked him up to talk about his mom and dad. He missed them so damn much.

  He opened eyes he hadn’t been aware he’d closed when he felt a soft, feminine touch on his arm, and without thinking about what he was doing he clasped Tori’s hand and laced his fingers with hers. She gave him a slight squeeze as if encouraging him to continue, so he took a deep breath and did just that.


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