Wyoming Undercover

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Wyoming Undercover Page 20

by Karen Whiddon

  Your Jack. Swallowing hard, she stepped out of the closet and into the hall.

  “You’re quite resourceful,” Dr. Drew commented with a faint smile. “Now, come on. Believe me, we don’t have very long.”

  She followed him into the exam room. One of the men from the woods lay slumped over on the floor, his handgun kicked out of reach. And on the bed, Jack, shackled with some sort of metal handcuffs, his leg wrapped with a large, white bandage.

  His eyes lit up when he saw her. “Sophia!” But then he frowned. “I told you to run. You should be far away by now.”

  “I couldn’t leave you—” she began.

  “Ezekiel has people searching,” Dr. Drew interjected. “If she’d remained in the woods, she would have been caught by now.”

  Jack glanced sideways at the other man. “Whose side are you on? Ours or his?”

  “Yours, of course.” Dr. Drew smiled. “Otherwise I would have turned little Sophia over to Ezekiel when he was here. My security cameras caught her entering the building. Luckily, I’m the only one that saw.”

  “Why are you helping us?” Jack asked, clearly still suspicious.

  “Because I’ve had enough. I’ve spent years patching up and trying my best to help the women he’s hurt. His wives.” The bitterness in his voice told her he meant it. “I can’t let him do that to Sophia. I refuse to be a part of this any longer.” He sighed. “Once, this group stood for good things. Ezekiel truly believed and he did his best to help others. After a while, I guess the power went to his head.”

  “From what I’ve seen,” Sophia interjected, “he’s been torturing his wives for years. How does such a thing go unnoticed? Though I confess—I’ve seen them at all kinds of public events and never had the slightest idea.”

  “Because Ezekiel has people like Thomas—and me—who make sure no one ever sees. But he doesn’t have me any longer.” Dr. Drew glanced at the door. “We’ve got to get moving. I don’t want to take a chance that someone might come back. Plus, the drug I slipped this guard only lasts a few hours. Safer that way.”

  “What about these?” Jack rattled his wrists. “Do you happen to have the keys?”

  “I do.” Moving swiftly, Dr. Drew freed Jack. As soon as the last shackle fell with a clatter, Jack sat up, wincing slightly. “How bad is my leg?”

  “Actually, not too bad. The bullet passed right through without hitting bone or any vital organs. This type of gunshot wound causes a lot less damage. You just need to continue to take the antibiotics and change the dressing every day and it should heal fine.”

  Jack nodded. “Thanks. Now, what’s your plan for us to escape?”

  “Here.” Dr. Drew tossed him a pair of sweatpants. “Put those on. I’m thinking I can hide you in the back of my van. I’m supposed to go to town in the morning to pick up more medical supplies. No one would look for you there, because they don’t suspect me.”

  Dismayed, Sophia shook her head. “I’m not sure it’s such a good idea for us to spend the night locked in the back of your van. Is there any way you can leave now?”

  Eyeing her, Dr. Drew considered. “I think they might find that a little suspicious,” he said. “If you have a better plan, then tell me.”

  The idea that had been building in her all along had taken root. “I want to free them all,” she said slowly. “All of his wives. At least those that want to go.”

  Before she’d even finished speaking, Dr. Drew started shaking his head. “That’s crazy. There’s no way you’d succeed.”

  Though she still wasn’t 100 percent certain she trusted him, at this point she didn’t see where she had a choice. Taking a deep breath, she told both Jack and Dr. Drew about her meeting with Ezekiel’s previous wives. “I have to believe if they were given a choice, most of them would take freedom.”

  “Most of them?” Jack asked. “What about the others? Any chance they might see an opportunity to improve their standing with Ezekiel by revealing the plan?”

  Considering the oath she’d taken with all the other women, she shook her head. “I vowed to try to help them. And they me. I gave my word, Jack. That’s not something I take lightly.” And then she told him about the woman who’d been branded and what Ezekiel had done to many of the others.

  “I remember,” Dr. Drew began. Before he could finish, they heard the sound of the front door opening. Dr. Drew swore under his breath. “Hide,” he ordered, pointing to the tall lockers where patients’ belongings were stored. “Now!”

  Sophia yanked the door open and slid inside, closing it quietly behind her, though she left a tiny crack. She was afraid if it clicked shut, she wouldn’t be able to open it from the inside, a thought that made her heart race. Though normally she wasn’t claustrophobic, the tight space with only three tiny vent lines at the top made her want to hyperventilate.

  “Dr. Drew?” Ana’s voice, sounding surprised. “What are you doing here so late?”

  “I might ask you the same question.” Dr. Drew must have been standing to block entrance to the exam room.

  “Who’s in there?” Ana asked. “We didn’t have any patients when I went home for the day.”

  “I have a special patient I’m looking after for Ezekiel.” He’d put his customary arrogance back in his voice. “Who that patient might be is none of your concern. What do you need?”

  Inside the closet, Sophia hoped Dr. Drew realized exactly how unusual it was that Ana had come back to the clinic. She had to be up to something.

  Silence. Then Dr. Drew’s surprised question. “What are you doing, Ana? Put that gun away.”

  Gun? Ana? Though she had to be careful not to be seen, Sophia widened the crack a tiny bit, hoping she could see what the heck was going on. But the only visible thing seemed to be Dr. Drew’s back as he faced the hall, still using his body to block the door.

  “Don’t make me have to shoot you,” Ana said. “Move into the examination room and stand against the wall.”

  Slowly, Dr. Drew complied. “I don’t think you have it in you to shoot me,” he said, using the calm tone he usually reserved for patients in pain.

  “You’d be surprised at what I can do,” Ana responded. Her voice was grim and determined.

  “What is it you want?” This came from Jack, apparently still pretending to be shackled to the bed.

  “You,” Ana told him. “And Sophia, if we can find her.”

  “Why?” Jack again, his mild and disaffected tone completely at odds with what Sophia knew he must be feeling.

  “Because I consider Sophia my friend,” Ana said. “I want to help her.”

  Everything inside Sophia screamed at the men not to believe her. Whatever agenda Ana had, she wasn’t telling them the truth.

  “How do you even know she’s missing?” Dr. Drew asked, cutting to the heart of the matter. “For that matter, how did you know Jack was here? Only Ezekiel and his close staff are privy to that information.”

  “None of your business,” Ana snarled, but Sophia could tell that Ana knew she’d been found out. “What did you do to my Ivan?”

  “Ivan?” Dr. Drew asked. “Oh, you mean him, Ezekiel’s security guard. I injected him with a sedative. He’ll sleep for a little while.”

  “You’d better not have hurt him,” Ana declared.

  “So that’s how you knew,” Jack said. “You and Ivan are...?”

  “Lovers. And Ivan says Ezekiel will pay dearly for his missing fiancée. We’re going to get that money and get out of here.” Ana had moved around to stand right in front of the locker. From what little Sophia could see, Ana’s gaze appeared to be fixed on her boyfriend, though she still held a pistol pointed at Dr. Drew. Clearly, she had no idea that Jack’s hands were free.

  Or that Sophia was right behind her.

  Now or never. Not giving herself
time to think, Sophia shoved open the locker door into Ana hard. As Ana staggered, Sophia jumped and tackled her, knocking the gun from her hand, praying it didn’t go off. Luckily, Ana either still had the safety on or her finger wasn’t on the trigger, because the pistol hit the floor without discharging. Dr. Drew snatched it up and helped Sophia subdue the woman.

  “You’re here?” Eyes wide, Ana stared. “Are you crazy?”

  “Maybe,” Sophia allowed. “But I couldn’t let Ezekiel torture Jack. So I came back to get him.”

  “You’ll never get out of here alive.” Ana sounded certain. “Ezekiel and Thomas have mobilized all their men searching for you.”

  “Outside the compound.” Sophia and Jack exchanged satisfied looks. “Like you, they’d never expect me to be inside.”

  Ana swallowed, her defeated expression making Sophia actually feel bad for her.

  “One thing I don’t understand,” Sophia said. “You’re married? What about your husband?”

  “I don’t love him. I love Ivan.” Ana’s mouth turned down at the corners.

  “We’ve got to go,” Jack interjected, his tone urgent. “What do you want to do with her?”

  “Lock them here in the exam room,” Sophia answered.

  “But she knows.” Dr. Drew stepped forward. “Ivan has no idea that I drugged him. But Ana here... She’ll turn me in. I won’t be able to continue to live and work here, helping others.”

  “Then you’ll have to leave,” Jack said. “You can come with us.”

  Still, Dr. Drew didn’t move.

  “You can’t kill her, man.” Jack sounded exasperated. “You’re a doctor.”

  “Not only that.” Sophia touched his arm. “But you’re one of the good guys. With your medical education and training, you have an excellent chance of making a life in the outside world. Come on, let’s go.”

  Seconds ticked by while Dr. Drew considered. Finally he nodded. “Fine.”

  The two men helped Ana climb up on the exam table. Then, using the same handcuffs that had restrained Jack earlier, they quickly secured her.

  “You won’t get away with this,” she told them. “You know that, right?”

  Sophia eyed her for a moment. “I hope you’re wrong. But I’ve got to try. Even if I die trying, it’s better than living the kind of life I would have had here.”

  And then she slipped out the door, using her key to lock it. “I never would have guessed. Who knew there were other unhappy people?” she mused.

  Jack caressed the back of her neck. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  She glanced back at him, hoping her love for him showed in her eyes. “It’s not a matter of me wanting to,” she explained. “But this is something I feel I have to do.”

  “We don’t have time to discuss anything,” Dr. Drew said, his agitated body language matching the urgency in his voice. “We’ve got to go.”

  “I agree,” she said, looking from one man to the other. “What’s the immediate plan? Still the back of your truck?”

  Dr. Drew winced. “Yes. If I pretend I need to make an emergency run for supplies, maybe with everything else that’s going on, they won’t notice.”

  And everyone knew without saying that it was entirely probable they would.

  “And then what?” Sophia asked.

  “We try to get you both away from the compound.”

  “No,” she said. Now both men were staring at her as if they thought she’d lost her mind. “I told you, I want to free the other wives. We’ve got to make a stop at Ezekiel’s house first.”

  * * *

  From the sideways look Dr. Drew sent his way, Jack knew the other man thought they should simply pretend to humor Sophia and then do whatever they wanted. Because, quite frankly, her idea of going to Ezekiel’s home with its locked gate and tight security, sounded crazy. He understood she wanted to free the other women, but she’d need a better plan and reinforcements.

  Right now, they had to get somewhere where they stood a chance of being safe. Briefly he weighed his options. He didn’t want to lie to her. But he also didn’t want to fight. And, even worse, he needed to prevent her from doing something completely crazy.

  They could talk about freeing the others once they were away from COE and safe. Then and only then, could they discuss rational options.

  He took her arm. “Lead the way,” he told the doctor. In all of this, the fact that Dr. Drew was helping them was what he found the most shocking. He would have bet the farm that the doctor was firmly in COE’s camp of devout believers.

  “This way.” They headed for the back door.

  “This is how I came in,” Sophia said. “I didn’t see a vehicle parked out here.”

  “It’s around to the side,” Dr. Drew responded. Just as he reached to unlock the door, they heard a commotion outside. “Damn it,” he swore. “They’re back. We’d better hope it isn’t Ezekiel. You two—in the laundry room. Hide. I’ll distract him. If worse comes to worst, run out the door and take my truck.” He tossed Jack the keys.

  Neatly catching them, Jack shook his head. “Stay safe,” he said before grabbing Sophia’s arm and pulling her into the laundry room.

  Once inside the dark room, Jack pulled her up close, nestling her body against his. Unbelievably, even in these circumstances, his body reacted. He shifted slightly to keep her from noticing.

  The back door opened and Ezekiel strode in. “We can’t locate the bitch,” he said. “I’m thinking maybe I should torture Jack Moreno and see if he knows more than he’s letting on.”

  Not good. If Dr. Drew let Ezekiel get back to the exam room, he’d know everything. Jack hoped the doctor had a plan.

  Ezekiel kept talking as they walked past the laundry room.

  “He left the door partly open,” Sophia whispered. “Do you think he wants us to...”

  “Run. Yes. Come on.” Without giving either of them time to think, Jack yanked on her arm. They tore out through the open doorway. Darkness had finally fallen, which meant any more searching would be called off until morning.

  They made it through the open door, moving fast, but careful not to make a sound.

  Outside, still holding on to her hand, he tugged her around the corner toward where Dr. Drew had said he’d left his vehicle. But there was nothing there.

  Chapter 16

  “What the hell?” With his heart thundering in his chest, Jack skidded to a stop. Next to him, Sophia did the same.

  “It’s got to be here somewhere,” she said, her breath catching. “He must have forgotten where he parked it.” But there weren’t any other places, at least not nearby.

  “Or someone else is using it.” He cursed, pulling the key fob from his pocket. He hit the lock button twice, listening for the accompanying beep of the vehicle horn.


  He swore again. “Come on. Looks like we’re on foot. Let’s go.” Giving her hand another tug, they moved away from the clinic.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  He swallowed. He didn’t want to tell her that he had no idea, but he kind of had to. “I don’t know. The woods?”

  “That won’t work. That’s where they’re looking for me.”

  Damned if she wasn’t right. Maybe they could steal a car. He figured if it wasn’t a new one, he could hot-wire it and they’d still have a prayer at making it out of there alive.

  “Who else has a vehicle?” he asked her. “I’m thinking Ezekiel? Thomas? Anyone else?”

  “I don’t know,” she answered. “I think most of those in the upper echelon have personal vehicles, but I have no idea where they’re kept.”

  Despite the lack of destination, they kept going. His leg throbbed, making it more and more difficult to move without a limp. He didn�
�t want to stop because that would be like admitting defeat. Which he sure as hell wasn’t ready to do. Not yet. Not as long as they had a chance.

  “Ezekiel is our best chance for a vehicle,” she told him. “He has several. And, since I already told you I had to stop there, we’ll have help. Come on. His house is the last place they’ll look for us.”

  Though she might be right, he didn’t like it, not one bit. “How are we going to get in?” he asked her. No longer holding hands, they both walked at a brisk pace, but kept their heads down to lessen the chance of anyone recognizing them. Though from what he’d seen of Ezekiel, the only ones who would have been told Sophia and Jack were wanted would be his own people. The Anointed One wouldn’t want the general population knowing anything they didn’t need to know.

  “Have you forgotten the locked gate?” he asked. “How are we going to get in? We can’t just buzz and expect them to admit us.”

  She flashed a mysterious smile. “I’ve got people on the inside.”

  Though he still hated the idea, he went along. For now.

  When they reached the outside gate—closed and locked, of course—he squeezed her arm. “Promise me, if this goes bad, you’ll run. Don’t worry about what happens to me, or anyone else. Just go somewhere and hide. I’ll do my best to find you and get us both out of here.”

  Slowly she nodded. “I might say the same thing to you.”

  He peered at her. She meant it. He had to give her points for that. After all, she’d made it back to the medical clinic for him. “Fine,” he said, conceding.

  “Thank you.”

  “What’s your plan?” he asked, hoping to hell she had one.

  “I’m going to ring the buzzer and ask for Cassandra. She’s one of his wives and has promised to help me.”

  “But what about the guards?”

  She shook her head. “Ezekiel won’t have told anyone in the household what’s going on. It would make him look too bad. It’ll be fine.”

  “I hope you’re right,” he responded.


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