Trevor Reese: His Secret Love

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Trevor Reese: His Secret Love Page 12

by Mallory Monroe

  He did her until she came. He finger-fucked her with increasing ferociousness as her vaginal juices soaked his fingers and her clit became as hard as her nipples. Until she was panting in such heavy breaths, and jerking her body with every movement he made. Until she was sitting on his lap. Her orgasm was strong, but he didn’t stop until she stopped. Until it was too much for her. Until she took his hand herself, and removed it from her inflamed vagina.

  It was exactly what she needed. He knew it and she knew it. Her head was leaned back, on his shoulder, when she opened her eyes. When he saw the appreciation there, he kissed her. His dick was hard as a rock, and he wanted to fuck her badly, but he denied himself for her sake. He didn’t want this to be about him, and her giving him pleasure. She gave and gave. All he gave her was distress, and danger, and pain. He desperately needed this to be about her and her alone.

  Carly knew it too. That was why, when she placed her hand on his penis to stimulate him and he removed her hand, she didn’t try again. He wanted some, his erection proved that, but he knew she didn’t have the energy to give it to him.

  She eased her body back into the tub, and Trevor resumed bathing her: this time cleaning up the wetness between her legs that he caused. But after several minutes of this, he also wanted her to talk about it. “I want to know how you really feel,” he said to her. “Truly, how are you, Carlita?”

  Carly usually smiled whenever he called her by that name, but she couldn’t muster even a small one this time. She frowned instead. “I’m okay.”

  He could hear the doubt in her voice. “But?” he asked.

  She hesitated.

  “Tell me, honey. I can take it.”

  “But I need to know the truth, Trevor,” she said. “What’s happening? And don’t tell me not to worry and you’ll handle it. You need to tell me what’s going on. I would have been better prepared if I would have known.”

  It was a slap in the face to Trevor, but he knew he deserved it. And he also knew she deserved to know the truth. “I just found out myself,” he said.

  “You just found out what?”

  “There’s a new assignment.”

  Carly waited for more, but Trevor was hesitating. She remembered the last time there was an assignment, a kill list, and her uncles’ names were on it. “Who’s the target this time?” she asked.

  Trevor continued to rub her.

  “Who is it, Trev? Is it my Uncle Mick? Is it my Uncle Sal?” Then she turned around in horror. “My father?”

  “No,” he said quickly. He knew what Big Daddy Sinatra meant to her.

  “Then who?”

  Trevor looked her in her big eyes. “You,” he said. “You’re the target, darling.”

  Carly’s heart dropped. “Me?” She could hardly believe it. “Why me?”

  “Because you’re my woman, Carly. Because my ass was selfish enough to want you. That’s the only reason it can be.”

  Carly turned back around. She was distressed, and Trevor knew it. She couldn’t hide it even if she wanted to.

  He leaned his face against her small, soft back. And closed his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  Carly, still shaken up, reached behind herself and placed her hand on the scruff of his neck. “Don’t be,” she said quietly.

  “I know you want to call your father. I know you’re afraid, honey, but I’ll protect you. I promise. I allowed what happened today to go down, I know I dropped the ball. But it won’t happen again. I swear to you it won’t. Nobody’s hurting you. Nobody.”

  Carly leaned her head back, against him too. Tears stained her eyes, but she fought against crying. What the hell was crying going to do? It was a mess. There was no dressing it up. She didn’t need tears. She needed more answers. “Does that mean Douglas McCarren works for the agency too?”

  Trevor was confused. “Douglas McCarren? That asshole realtor?”

  “Yes. Why would he try to kill me? And why did you show up as quickly as you did if your men weren’t there to tell you what was happening?”

  “Why? Wait.” Trevor frowned. “Douglas McCarren tried to kill you?”

  Carly turned around. Didn’t he hear her when she told the cops? “Yes.”

  Trevor was astounded. “That fucker who claimed to be your real estate agent is the man you lit up?”

  Carly nodded again. “Yes.”



  “I have a history with his ass.”

  “What kind of history?”

  “I beat the shit out of him after he got fresh with you.”

  “You mean the way he tried to feel me up in the gym?”

  “Yeah, that’s it.”

  “Yeah, he was a creep. That’s why I dumped him as my agent. But, wait a minute, Trevor.” It was Carly’s time to be perplexed. “They said he was carjacked or something. That was you?”

  “I beat his ass. I don’t know about any carjacking.”

  “So what are you thinking?” Carly asked. “You think he came after me because of what you did to him? You think he wanted revenge on me?”

  “Possibly,” Trevor said. “But that’s not where I’m coming down at. It’s too damn coincidental. I find out you’re the target, and he suddenly decides to harm you?” Trevor shook his head. “No, honey. There’s a connection. I’m thinking there’s a connection to the fact that he just happened to be in that little social circle of yours after you told your friends you might go house hunting. I’m thinking he’s no realtor at all, but was playing one to get you to trust him.”

  Carly couldn’t believe it. “But that would mean one of my friends would have had to set me up. Or, maybe he conned them too?”

  Trevor was shaking his head. “I doubt it. I think somebody knew he wasn’t who he said he was.” He looked at Carly. “Which one brought him into the circle?”

  “I don’t know for sure. But I can find out.”

  “Find out now,” he said as he stopped bathing her and began getting out of the tub. “Call your friends, but be sure to call the one you think it isn’t, and ask her first.”

  “I’ll call JoAnna,” Carly said. “I’d be shocked if she had anything to do with this.”

  “Okay do that. And then come to me. I’ll be downstairs.” He leaned over the tub and gave her a kiss on the lips. And then headed toward the exit.

  Carly watched as his fine, naked body grabbed up the clothes he had discarded, and left the bathroom.


  She realized, as she continued to sit in his tub, that she was overwhelmed. She was overwhelmed with love for Trevor. She was overwhelmed with anxiety she couldn’t repress. She felt as if her life was at a crossroads and she had to make a decision: be with Trevor and what all of that meant, or get the hell out while she could.

  She got out of the tub, dried off, and put on a bathrobe. She went into Trevor’s massive bedroom. She sat on his unmade bed, a bed he almost never made, she thought as she sat on it, and dialed JoAnna’s number. And then she crossed her legs and stared at her nails. One was chipped in that melee with Douglas, which only made that feeling of dread return.

  “Hey, Car,” JoAnna said. “Did you hear the news?”

  “What news?”

  “That guy that was torched at the gas station today? The cops are identifying him as Doug McCarren! I couldn’t believe it!”

  From what Carly understood, Trevor ordered his contacts at the police department to confiscate any video from inside the store. There were no video outside the store. And the police agreed, for her security, and thanks to Trevor’s insistence, to not release her name to the public. He was already managing her crisis.

  “Who brought him into our group, Jo?” she asked JoAnna. “It wasn’t you, was it?”

  “Me? No! Pauline was Doug’s friend. They went to college together or something.”

  “What about Henry? He knew him too?”

  “No, he didn’t know him at all. Hell, he barely knows Pauline. But you kn
ow how Pauline can be. She took one look at Douglas McCarren, that lunatic, and decided he would be a good match for you.”

  Carly shook her head. Pauline and her sorry-ass matchmaking. “Do you know where she is right now?”

  “I don’t. I’ve been trying to reach her to find out if she heard the news, but she’s not answering her cell phone. Henry hasn’t been able to track her down either. She might be in court, who knows. But why all the questions? You know something about what happened? The newscast said he was after a woman when she torched him, but they haven’t identified the woman yet.” Then a sense of anxiousness could be heard in her voice. “It wasn’t you, was it, Car? It wasn’t you he was after?”

  Carly was no liar, but she knew she couldn’t go there with Jo. Not yet. “I just wanted to know why Pauline would have hooked me up with a whack job like him. That’s all.”

  JoAnna laughed. “I hear you. But as I said: you know Pauline. She never met a chance to matchmake in her life.”

  “Okay, Jo. I’ve got to run, but I’ll call you later.” And she quickly ended the call.

  By the time she made it downstairs, Trevor was sitting at the bar with a cold glass of wine to his forehead and his loaded gun on the counter. He was on his cell phone. But her walk slowed when she saw that gun. Trevor never had his weapons so clearly displayed.

  “Yeah, I saw the tape. It was McCarren alright,” he said into the phone. “I want to know who that fucker really is, and who he worked for.”

  “Are you going to ask the agency to look into it too?” the voice on the other end, his police contact, asked.

  “The agency? Hell no. I’m not asking the agency to check out shit. Two details bailed on me. Two. That has agency written all over it. That’s government power there. They scared them off the case.

  As Carly sat on the barstool beside him, he held his hand over his phone. “Did you find out who?”

  Carly closed the top of her bathrobe. She was in bathrobe, and Trevor was shirtless in jeans. “It was Pauline,” she said. “Pauline Stemple.”

  Trevor looked at her. “Your friend?”


  Trevor got back on the phone. “Check out Pauline Stemple,” he said to his police contact.

  “Where does she work?” the cop on the phone said.

  “Where does she work?” Trevor asked Carly.

  “The Public Defender’s office.”

  “She’s a Public Defender,” Trevor said into the phone. “Check the PD’s office first.”

  “Will do,” the cop on the other end stated, and Trevor ended the call.

  He looked at Carly, as she, once again, closed the top of her bathrobe as if she was attempting to shield herself. He knew the feeling. “You looked refreshed,” he said.

  “I’m okay. Who was that?”

  “One of my men. He’s a cop.”

  “You trust any of your men after what happened with your other men?”


  “But how can you trust any of them after what happened?”

  “It’s the nature of the business, Carly. There are always double agents. There’s always infiltration. But I agree this is rare.”

  “What is?” Carly asked.

  “For my backup detail on my primary detail to bail too.” He exhaled and ran his hands through his hair, ruffling it even more than it already was. “Come on,” he said, rising to his feet. Carly began rising too. He grabbed his phone and his gun.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “To bed. There’s nothing we can do right now. I’ll find out who’s behind this shit, don’t you worry about that, you hear me?”

  Carly nodded. “I know you will.”

  “In the meantime, it’s my job to make sure you’re okay. I’ve been doing a lousy job of it so far. Not anymore. Let’s go.”

  He escorted Carly upstairs in his well-fortified home, and then into the master bedroom. He placed his gun and phone on the nightstand, removed her robe, and put her to bed. Then he stepped out of his jeans, and got in beside her. He held her in his arms.

  She fell asleep within minutes. Trevor never did.

  Early that next morning, Mick Sinatra was aroused out of sleep by his buzzing cell phone. He grabbed it off of his nightstand. “Yes?” His voice was barely audible.

  “Pauly’s at the front gate, sir. He has info he says can’t wait.”

  Mick’s eyes closed again, and it appeared as if he was asleep once more. “Put him in the library,” he said, and ended the call.

  He looked over beside him. Rosalind Graham-Sinatra, his gorgeous African-American wife, was still asleep. At least he hadn’t disturbed her, he thought. And he was going to kill this motherfucker if he was disturbing him in vain, he also thought as he got up, slipped on his bathrobe, and went to the bathroom to empty his bladder.

  In the library downstairs, Pauly Tottillo was antsy. He had intel that couldn’t wait, but that didn’t mean the boss was going to see it that way. And when Mick finally did arrive, looking as if he was pissed just to be there, he knew he had to bring it and bring it fast.

  “It couldn’t wait, sir,” he said quickly.

  Mick walked all the way into the library to the desk, sat on its’ edge with his feet stretched out, and folded his arms. He was still sleepy. He was still getting the cobwebs out. “What couldn’t wait?” he asked.

  “Your niece, sir.”

  Mick could feel his heartbeat quicken, but he maintained his cool. “What about my niece?”

  “A man attempted to kidnap her late yesterday.”

  Mick frowned. “Kidnap her?”

  “He tried, yes, sir, but she’s okay. She got out of it without a scratch from what I’m being told. But she had to set his ass on fire to do so.”

  Mick dropped his head. The last thing he wanted was for his niece to get caught up in this damnable business. That damn Trevor Reese!

  “Contact my pilot,” he said as he stood erect. He began heading out of the library. “Tell him to get ready for takeoff as soon as he can get that bird airborne.”

  “What about her father, sir? You want me to notify Mr. Sinatra?”

  “I’ll get in touch with my brother. You get some guys ready, and get that pilot ready for takeoff.”

  “Yes, sir,” Pauly said, as he followed Mick out of the office.


  Trevor held her hips as he pushed his dick deeper inside of her and continued to slap against her ass. They were in the shower. They had been bathing together, but was now fucking, and Carly was leaned back against him and enjoying every second. Trevor had denied himself the night before, but was making up for lost time now as his rhythm increased with every push-in.

  The water was drenching them as they made love, and Carly could feel the heat of his passion even as the water rained down. He was going to cum before she did, she could feel it, as her mind was still caught up in yesterday, and hadn’t caught up to her body yet.

  Trevor knew it too. That was why he was trying to make this as quick a cum as he could. And he came quicker than usual, pouring into her. But right in the midst of his release, the intercom buzzed.

  Trevor kept going. He couldn’t stop. It was Carly who reached outside of the shower stall and pressed the button. “Yes?” she asked as Trevor continued to pound her.

  “We just got word that Mick Sinatra’s plane has landed in Boston, ma’am,” Security announced.

  Trevor stopped all movement. He frowned. “Sinatra?” he asked.

  “He just left the airstrip, yes, sir, and appears to be heading this way.”

  Carly looked at Trevor. Trevor nodded. “Okay, thank you,” she said, and ended the intercom connection.

  Trevor looked at her. “You called him?”

  Carly was already nodding her head. “No,” she said.

  Trevor wanted to ask how he would know about yesterday. Her name hadn’t been released to the public, and his men, such as they were, were on mute. But then
again, he thought, they were talking about Mick Sinatra.

  He cleaned them up, turned off the water, and they got out of the shower.

  Trevor and Carly came out of the house as three SUVs entered the gate and made their way up to the main house entrance. When the doors to the middle SUV opened, and her Uncle Mick, but also her father stepped out, Carly ran down the stairs and ran into Big Daddy Charles Sinatra’s arms.

  Big Daddy closed his eyes tightly as he held her. Carly tried with all she had not to breakdown in tears.

  Trevor walked down the stairs behind her, and extended his hand to Mick. But Mick wasn’t biting. “I’ll shake it after you tell me how the fuck somebody could have gotten that close to my niece,” he said. Trevor, expecting nothing less, withdrew his hand.

  Big Daddy pulled back from Carly to take a good look at her. “Are you alright, sweetheart?” he asked as he looked her dead in her eyes.

  She was nodding. “I’m fine, Daddy. How’s Mom and Ashley and Nita, and everybody else?”

  “They’re fine. Jenay wanted to come naturally, but I wouldn’t let her. Not until I find out for myself what the hell is going on.”

  “How did you find out at all?” Carly asked him.

  “Mick,” he said. “How else? You didn’t call me.” Then he looked at Trevor. “Trevor sure as hell didn’t phone me.”

  “I was handling it, sir,” Trevor said.

  “You don’t handle this kind of shit without me!” Big Daddy bit back. “When it involves my daughter, you contact me. You understand? She has backup. And you call for backup when she’s involved!”

  “Daddy, why are you upset with him? He did nothing wrong.”


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