Training Mrs. C. (Blushing Books 12 Days of Christmas 8)

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Training Mrs. C. (Blushing Books 12 Days of Christmas 8) Page 3

by Isabella Kole

  She knew that Clara watched her, listened to her humming, and smiled knowingly.

  Chapter Four

  It was the week of the party and, putting it mildly, Catie was a mess. Everything seemed to be falling apart. The food order had been delayed, and she had to make substitutions to the menu, the band's manager had not gotten back to her to confirm, and the staff member who was overseeing the cooking had to leave town for a family emergency.

  To make matters even worse, Nick and Clara were of no help to her because they were both busy finishing the last minute preparations for Santa's yearly trip on Christmas Eve.

  She sipped her coffee, waiting on the phone, for what seemed an eternity, for someone to pick up from the wholesaler who was providing the food for the event. She glanced at the clock and realized she had only been on hold for five minutes. It may as well have been five hours. She was tired, cranky, and growing more impatient by the minute.

  "How may I help you?" a voice said on the other end of the line.

  "This is Catie Claus, calling again about my order. I've made a request to substitute turkey to replace the Cornish hens on backorder. No one has gotten back to me to confirm this. The party is this Saturday night at Santa's Castle in the North Pole. I need all the food to be delivered by Thursday, which is tomorrow. I need confirmation that all is on schedule."

  "Ah, yes, Mrs. Claus, let me see if I can locate your order. May I have your order number, please?"

  "Really? I would think the annual Christmas party at Santa's Castle would be a top priority order. I mean, we order the food from you every year."

  "I realize that, ma'am, but I can locate your order in our system much faster if you have the order number handy."

  Catie fumbled through the papers in front of her and produced the order. She rattled off the numbers to the uncaring voice on the other end of the line.

  "Here it is," the man said. "Hmm."

  "Is there another problem?" Catie asked impatiently.

  "No, no, everything seems to be in order. The food should arrive via air delivery to the North Pole tomorrow morning by ten your time. It will be taken from the air strip directly to the castle, as always. Is there anything else I can help you with today?"

  "We had discussed a discount, due to the fact I had to change the menu at the last minute," she reminded him.

  "Yes, ma'am, it's all been taken care of. You will receive an invoice with the delivery, payable upon receipt."

  "If you'll be so kind as to give me the total amount, I'll have a check ready."

  He rattled off the final tally. She jotted it down, before thanking him and ending the call.

  One problem averted, it was time to call the band manager. Honestly, they were a local band; you'd think they'd be honored to be asked to play at Santa's Castle!

  "Hello," a female voice answered.

  "Yes, this is Catie Claus. I'm calling for Ronny Johnson."

  "Ronny is out at the moment, may I take a message?" the voice replied.

  "I had spoken to him several months ago about The North Pole Experience playing for the annual party this Saturday night at Santa's Castle. He was supposed to contact me with a final confirmation and details last week. So far, I'm still waiting for that call."

  "Oh, are you that English chick who snagged Nick Claus?" the girl asked.

  "I am Mrs. Nick Claus, yes, now when may I expect to hear from Mr. Johnson?" she asked, growing more impatient by the minute.

  "I'll tell him you called."

  "I would appreciate hearing from him today, if possible. The party is three days away."

  "Ronny's been awfully busy. I'm sure he has it under control. He flew to L.A. to meet with some big time producers. He should be back this afternoon."

  "Please have him contact me. He has my number. It is vitally important that I speak with him as soon as he returns."

  "Yes, ma'am, I'll pass that along."

  "See that you do. Thank you."

  Clara walked into the room just as Catie hung up the phone.

  "Catie, dear, I've never heard you speak that way on the phone. You know that kindness goes a lot further than bossiness. That's one thing you'll need to learn."

  "Well, Clara, sometimes firmness is what's needed. These people aren't following through on their end of the deal. First, there was the issue with the food, and now the manager of the band won't return my calls. It's too late to book another band."

  "I know, darling, but these things happen. Please, tone it down a notch. Maybe you've had a bit too much caffeine."

  Catie was at her boiling point. "Maybe you should just stay out of it and let me handle it. You threw this party in my lap, now let me take care of it." She got up and stormed across the room, putting on her coat before she walked outside for some fresh air.

  I've never spoken to my mother-in-law like that before. I need to take a walk and chill out.

  She walked through the town, admiring the many gaily decorated shops on the square. Some children were building a snowman and she assumed school had already let out for the holiday. They were having so much fun she decided to join them.

  "Mind if I help?" she asked as she reached the group of laughing youngsters.

  They looked at her in awe. "You want to help us?" one of the girls asked.

  "Of course, it looks like fun," she replied.

  She spent the next hour frolicking in the snow like a child, until she heard someone call her name.

  "Catie?" a familiar male voice said.

  She turned quickly to face her handsome husband. "Oh, Nick, I guess I was having so much fun, I lost track of the time. I should be getting back. I'm expecting a phone call." She turned to the children and told them goodbye. They formed a circle around her and hugged her.

  She joined Nick and they walked back to the castle together. "Mom said you were a bit stressed and that you took off earlier. Want to tell me what that's all about? She said you snapped at her."

  "I'm sorry, but everything is going wrong with the party plans. Your mom had the nerve to insinuate I'd had too much caffeine this morning and I blew. You know this party was dumped on me, and I'm doing the best I can."

  "Mom understands, and she's concerned about you, but I won't tolerate you speaking to her in that manner. Is that understood? As for the party, I realize it's a lot of responsibility, and I know you've had some problems. If I could help you I would, but I'm needed elsewhere right now. This is one of the things you're going to have to learn to handle. Now, let's get back to work. This discussion will be continued later. I love you, baby." He leaned over and kissed the top of her head when they reached the back door of the castle. He waved goodbye and turned to walk back to the workshop.

  Catie sighed. She knew exactly what "continuing this discussion" meant. Maybe she had been a bit too abrupt with Clara, but gosh darn it, she was stressed. Wasn't Mrs. C allowed to stress?

  She walked into the kitchen to the aroma of freshly baked gingerbread. Clara looked up from the oven and smiled. "Did you have a nice walk?"

  "I walked to the square and did some window shopping, and then I helped a group of children build a snowman in the square."

  "That sounds like a wonderful way to relieve some tension. By the way, your Mr. Johnson phoned while you were out. He gave me the rundown of the music they plan to play, and he said to tell you they would be here late Saturday afternoon to set up. He said to call him if you have any questions. I've written everything down for you."

  "Thank you for taking that call. Clara, I'm sor—" she began before the other woman stopped her.

  "Don't say a word, dear. You're allowed to get upset. Planning a party of this size is not an easy undertaking. You've done a wonderful job."

  "Thank you," she replied meekly. "Now, the only problem left to deal with is the cooking. With Selma gone, the other cooks on staff will have to work harder. Can you suggest who I should place in charge of the meal?"

  Clara thought for a moment and replied, "I th
ink Noelle Stringer would be a good fit for that role. She's worked with Selma on the meal in previous years. Why don't you meet with her? I believe she's cleaning in the west wing today."

  "After I warm my bones with a cup of peppermint cocoa, I'll go look for her. Thank you for the suggestion." She walked to the counter and pulled down a mug.

  Clara grinned, but kept quiet, for which Catie was grateful.

  After indulging in some of the delicious gingerbread and cocoa, Catie went in search of Noelle. The castle was quite large. It took a while for her to get to the west wing, and to locate the woman. When she spoke with her about overseeing the meal for the party, Noelle was overjoyed.

  "I would love to do that for you, Mrs. C," the woman said.

  "Thank you. I'll be around to help, as well," Catie assured her.

  "You can count on me. I've looked over the menu already. We'll start baking on Friday."

  "Okay, that sounds great. I'll be helping with the decorations on Friday, but I'll check in on you, to see if you need anything. The food delivery is expected by ten tomorrow morning. I'll meet you in the large kitchen to go over that with you."

  There were two kitchens in the castle, one for the family's use, and a larger one that was used for events, such as the annual party.

  "Sounds good," Noelle said. "You're doing a fine job, Mrs. C. This is going to be one of the best parties ever."

  "Thank you. I'll see you in the morning." She walked slowly back through the castle, enjoying looking at rooms she rarely saw. It really was a beautiful old structure, well-maintained and modernized, yet full of tradition.

  When she returned to the family kitchen, she put on an apron and began to help Clara prepare dinner for the family. With such a large staff, Mrs. Claus would never have to cook, but the family had always kept the tradition that staff cleaned and attended to other chores, but the lady of the manor cooked for her family. Catie didn't mind. She liked to cook, and occasionally, she and Nick dined out.

  She had all but forgotten that a spanking awaited her later that evening. Early in their courtship, she and Nick had discussed Domestic Discipline. Nick thought it was essential, given the vast responsibilities the two of them would have entrusted to them, should they decide to marry. Catie had balked at first, but after doing some research, she had agreed to try it.

  The family enjoyed a quiet dinner later that evening. Santa and Nick discussed the few last minute things remaining on the long list to be completed before the historic annual ride. Clara reported that her sewing was nearly completed, and she would begin working on accounts payable and payroll the next day.

  "What's your day look like tomorrow, Catie?" Santa asked kindly, including her in the conversation.

  "I will meet with Noelle in the morning to wait for the food delivery. After that's been taken care of, I'll sit down with her and go over the menu and such," she replied as she passed the gravy bowl to Nick.

  "The party seems to be coming together nicely, my dear," her father-in-law answered.

  "Thank you," she replied quietly. She didn't know if he had been told of her meltdown that morning, but she thought it best not to bring up the subject. Truth be told, she was still nervous about everything going off as planned on Saturday. She was really beginning to look forward to the holiday being over and her visit with her family in England that would follow.

  After the kitchen had been cleaned and the four of them had watched a movie together, Nick announced that it was time for the two of them to call it a night. Catie quietly wished her in-laws a good evening and walked upstairs with her husband, knowing full well what was going to take place next.

  Chapter Five

  Nick closed the bedroom door and stood facing her with his arms crossed.

  "Nick, I apologized to your mother and we were able to resolve the problems with the party," she explained.

  "I'm glad," he replied. "That doesn't change the fact that you are stressed. I understand this has been an enormous undertaking for you. The party was just thrown in your lap, because Mom simply didn't have the time. That being said, you'll have to learn to deal with these issues, because one of these days, it's all going to be your responsibility. I want to help relieve some of that stress."

  "So you're still going to spank me?" she asked quietly.

  "Yes, Catie, I am."

  "But, Nick," she began in protest.

  "Trust me, can you do that?" he asked.

  She nodded.

  "I want you to remove your clothes and go stand in the corner."

  "What?" she asked in surprise. This was something new.

  "Just do it. You said you trust me."

  Slowly she walked to the empty corner. One by one, she removed each article of clothing. Luckily, there was a fire blazing in the fireplace, providing warmth to her exposed skin.

  Nick walked to another corner of the room and picked up a cane. This wasn't your normal, everyday cane. After all, they lived in Santa's Castle at the North Pole. No, this cane was wooden, but it was painted red and white, and to the innocent bystander, it looked like a candy cane decorative piece.

  Catie turned and saw her gorgeous dark-haired husband approaching her with the cane in his hand.

  "You're not using that!" she exclaimed.

  Nick simply nodded.


  "Turn around, Catie," he commanded softly.

  She did as she was told. After all, she had told him she trusted him. She inhaled deeply and released the air from her lungs slowly. She waited as her body trembled in anticipation of what was to come. Life with Nick Claus was anything but dull.

  "I want you to brace yourself against the wall with your hands. On the count of three, I'll use the candy cane."

  Placing both her hands securely against the wall for support, she waited as he began with, "One."

  Catie sighed deeply.


  Another sigh. Just get it over with.

  "Three." Swish! She heard the sound as the cane was lifted in the air, and a moment later it made contact with the sensitive sit spot at the bottom of her buttocks. Again, Nick expertly administered another crack of the cane. She flinched. It stung, yet she was intrigued by the feel of the cane against her flesh as she stood exposed against the wall. So intrigued, in fact, she felt a warm wetness between her legs. The warmth spread through her body like a wildfire. She wanted nothing more than for her hottie husband to throw down the oversized candy cane and take her from behind.

  Nick had other plans. He lifted the cane in the air for another tap to her bottom. She imagined her behind had red stripes to match the candy cane by now, judging from the burning that followed each swish. She refused to cry. In fact, she didn't even feel an urge to do so. All the stress that had been bottled up that week, suddenly, miraculously washed out of her system. She felt relief. She felt a new calmness, a desire to take on the world. Right now, though, she would prefer to take on her husband.

  She heard the cane drop to the hardwood floor and she was quickly wrapped in the safe embrace she loved so much. "Catie," he whispered as he picked her up and carried her to the bed.

  He laid her down gently and told her to roll over. Instead of mounting her as she expected, he opened the drawer next to the bed. Then he began to rub a soothing ointment on her stinging bottom. When he had finished, he took her in his arms and cradled her.

  "Nick," she whispered.

  "Yes, my love," he replied.

  "Make love to me," she said.

  Without speaking, for no words were needed at that point, he laid her down and began kissing her entire body, engulfing her in heated desire. He was as hot for her as she was for him and he wasted no time devouring her entire body, part by part, with his mouth. His tongue danced on her skin, scorching her tender flesh. She shuddered as the first wave of sweet delight took over her body. When it had passed, he rolled over onto his back and pulled her on top of him. With his hands on her waist, he guided her to his hard, throbbing cock.
She slowly eased her aching body onto him, taking him inside her velvety warmth. When his penetration was complete, she moved her body up and down, creating a friction that nearly drove both of them wild. Abandoning all inhibitions, she rode his cock to oblivion. As they climaxed together, she cried out his name.

  Later, nestled in his arms, she laughed. "It's a good thing you chose a room at the opposite end of the hall from your folks."

  He threw his head back and chuckled heartily. "I'm sure they're just as glad about that as we are."

  They dozed on top of the covers for a short time. He woke her up and said, "Let's get the covers down and snuggle in for the night. Would you like for me to run you a bath before you go back to sleep?"

  "That would be great," she murmured as she leaned over to kiss him.

  He got up and filled the large tub with warm water, adding mint bath beads. When it was ready for her, he went back to the bedroom and lifted her out of the bed. He carried her to the bath, and when she was comfortably soaking in the cooling mint water, he turned on the Jacuzzi jets for her. "I'll leave you to enjoy."


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