The Merman Boxset: Gay Merman Romance

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The Merman Boxset: Gay Merman Romance Page 46

by Aratare, X.

  The four of them began to turn away from Gabriel and Casillus then. A thought suddenly occurred to Gabriel. There was one part of the old plan that still had to happen.

  “Wait!” Gabriel called, causing the four of them to freeze. “ I can’t believe I forgot this. We need the statue. It has to be put somewhere in the ocean. It can’t remain on land.”

  Dr. Marstand tilted his head to the side, regarding Gabriel for long silent moments. Gabriel feared he might object to the statue’s moving, but he did not. Even if he had, Gabriel would not have allowed the statue to stay on land one moment more.

  “Right-o!” Corey cried with a thumbs up.

  Casillus though held up a hand, freezing everyone in place. He looked at Gabriel worriedly. Should you be here when the statue is brought out, Gabriel? You could accidentally Call Cthulhu again.

  But Gabriel shook his head. Cthulhu knows when I am Calling it or not.

  Casillus let out a mental gasp. Gabriel had said its name and nothing had happened.

  See? It’s all right. I want to make sure that the statue is secure and cannot harm another person, Gabriel said. So let them bring it out and you can take it someplace safe to wait for the other Mers to come take it away.

  “Are we good to go?” Corey asked, clearly sensing that they had come to some agreement.

  “Yes. Get the statue,” Gabriel said.

  It appeared that Corey was about to hobble inside with Greta and Roger who were squawking that he couldn’t carry himself let alone the statue when Casillus surprised them all by running up the stairs. Out of breath or not, the Mer was determined to finish this task. He passed by the group of students, squeezing Corey’s shoulder as he raced by. He then disappeared into the temple’s interior. Gabriel felt the bond winnow down and he guessed that Casillus had picked up the statue. The Mer prince wasn’t taking any chances and that was likely wise. When Casillus re-appeared, he was indeed carrying the black squat statue. Gabriel immediately felt the statue trying to latch onto him, but somehow he managed to block it out.

  Casillus made it down the stairs just as fast as he had gone up them despite the weight of the statue. Determination to rid the land of the statue fueled the Mer prince. He was on the ground in no time and urging Gabriel towards the surf.

  “See you guys at the cottage!” Gabriel called with a wave.

  He and Casillus headed towards the water together. As soon as the surf hit their feet, both of them let out a mental sigh.

  Are you going to take off those ridiculous clothes? Casillus teased as Gabriel’s t-shirt ballooned out around him in the water.

  I will. When we leave for good tomorrow. Got to keep my modesty until then with our guests. Don’t you worry about them seeing me naked back at the cottage? Gabriel teased.

  Casillus was careful not to let the statue of Cthulhu touch him as he leaned in and kissed Gabriel. Not in the least so long as they know that they may look, but never touch, for you are mine.

  Gabriel grinned into the kiss.

  Now stay here, my love, Casillus said. I am going to take this statue out into deeper water. Our people will come and retrieve it at a later date and remove it to the temple in the trench.

  Gabriel nodded. Sounds like a plan that will actually work.

  Your plan did work, Gabriel, Casillus reminded him.

  It was insane, but yeah, it did, Gabriel said, feeling another wash of relief go through him at that realization.

  Will you be all right alone in the water? Casillus asked. I would have you come with me, but I do not think it wise to have you near the statue any longer than necessary.

  I will be fine. I’m not afraid anymore. Go on. The faster you go, the faster you’ll be back, Gabriel told him.

  Another brief kiss and Casillus disappeared beneath the water’s surface.

  Gabriel let out a sigh and slipped onto his back, floating. The plan had succeeded. Johnson and the threat he had posed was gone. The statue was out of human hands. Cthulhu had retreated to the deep. Once Casillus had returned, all that would be before them was telling his beloved grandmother the truth about who and what he was. And tomorrow, would be the day he said his goodbyes.

  That weight was still heavy on him, but it was less than it had been now that he knew he could communicate with Corey whenever he wanted. Maybe Corey was not the only one. He stretched out his mind and felt his grandmother’s mind. She was driving home to the cottage from the meeting. She was worried about him. She was eager to see Johnson and Gabriel felt a wash of pain at that. He withdrew his mind from hers for fear that his emotions might cause her to crash her car. But still he felt her and Corey and Casillus and then Cthulhu in his mind. Like Cthulhu had said, they were always connected. His grandmother and Corey would always be with him and he with them no matter that he would be in the deepest depths of the ocean.

  With that comforting thought, Gabriel let his mind empty of all thought and merely looked up at the stars, and the remnants of the rift in the sky.



  Gabriel and Casillus floated fifty feet offshore of the cottage. His grandmother had already pulled into the driveway and was in the house. Corey, Greta and Roger were also there. The three of them were out on the back porch. Through Corey’s eyes, Gabriel could see that the hurricane candles were lit and casting a warm golden glow over their faces.

  Corey was laying down on the couch with his injured leg propped up on the arm. Through his best friend’s senses, Gabriel could feel how Corey’s ankle throbbed. The skin was raw and swollen. Even the faint touch of the warm breeze whispering over it hurt.

  He will be all right, Gabriel. Do not worry so, Casillus assured him gently. The Mer Prince was hearing, feeling and seeing everything that Gabriel was.

  I know, but I didn’t want Corey or you or anyone to get hurt. Gabriel curled his arms around himself.

  What Johnson did is not your fault. Casillus caressed his cheek.

  At that moment, Gabriel’s grandmother bustled out of the interior of the cottage and Gabriel’s perception changed from Corey’s to hers. She had an ice pack in one hand and Gabriel could feel the cold of it against her palm. He sensed her mind whirling with confusion and fear. Corey was injured. The other two college students looked like they had seen better days. And no one would tell her what was going on. But, most importantly, Gabriel was not there and no one would tell her where he was.

  She kneeled beside Corey and Gabriel felt the press of the porch’s wooden floor against her knees. He also felt the faint twinge of arthritis in her left hip as she kneeled down.

  “Corey, what happened to the three of you?” she asked as she pressed the cold compress to Corey’s very swollen ankle. Gabriel felt the cold leave her hand and move to Corey’s skin. The cold felt good there.

  Through his grandmother’s eyes, Gabriel saw Corey share a look with Greta and Roger. The two Miskatonic students were sitting together on the hammock. His grandmother had already brought out wet wash cloths and bandages for them.

  Corey took Gabriel’s grandmother’s hand into both of his. “I know you have a few questions --”

  “More than a few! Corey, I feel like you’re not telling me something and that whatever it is must be terrible.” There was a tremor in her voice.

  Gabriel feared that she would suddenly be worried about Johnson, but she wasn’t. Her thoughts were only of him. For a moment, he experienced her anguish over losing her son and daughter-in-law. Before he had been found, she had thought she lost him, too. She was feeling the same way now that she had back then. This piercing emotion caused Gabriel to jerk in the water. One of Casillus’ arms slid comfortingly around his waist.

  “No … I mean … yes … I mean …” Corey got out.

  “Just tell me that Gabriel is okay!” she cried.

  Corey’s hands flapped in the air. “Oh, yeah! Yes! Gabriel is -- is awesome. It’s just … Gabriel will explain everything when he gets here, I promise.”

; “But where is Gabriel?” she asked, her voice rising up in concern.

  “He’s -- ah, he’s … coming. I know he is,” Corey said.

  “But when?” she cried.

  “I -- I -- I’m sure he’ll be here soon,” Corey stammered.

  We should swim in, Gabriel, Casillus said. It’s time. She needs to see you and know you’re safe and sound.

  Gabriel pulled himself out of Corey and his grandmother’s minds and said to Casillus, I know. I don’t want to cause her any more pain worrying about me, but …

  You fear that you will cause her more pain when you see her, because then you will have to tell her about Johnson’s betrayal, Casillus stated more than asked.

  Gabriel turned to him. The Mer prince’s long dark hair floated around his head like a halo. His blue-green eyes were silvered in the moonlight. As always, Gabriel was floored by Casillus’ outer and inner beauty. The Mer prince knew exactly what to say, but this time it could not fully comfort him.

  I can feel everything she feels, which I know is normal for Mer, but its not for me. When she tells me she’s fine and that Johnson’s betrayal doesn’t hurt or my leaving is a blessing I’ll know she’s lying. Not just suspect it. I’ll know it. I’ll feel her true emotions, Gabriel said. There can never be any pretty lies again. I’ll feel when I devastate her.

  Your gift will let you feel her pain, but it will also allow you to connect to her from wherever you are, Casillus reminded him. Grace and Corey will experience all your joys and you theirs. While there will be no more lies, the truths will be so much more beautiful.

  I so want that to be true. I want both of them to have such good lives.

  Casillus leaned in and kissed him. Gabriel’s lips opened and their tongues tangled for a few moments. They embraced as they kissed and slowly spun in the current. When they broke apart, Gabriel rested his forehead against the Mer prince’s. He was ready to swim ashore. With Casillus’ love filling him he knew he would have the courage to tell his grandmother everything and comfort her afterward.

  Let’s not delay any longer. I want my grandmother to meet you, Gabriel said. I want her to know how much I love you. And I know that she’s going to adore you.

  I already adore her.

  Then without a further word, they both stroked towards shore. The bottom rose up to meet them, but they did not start walking until the surf was causing sand to swirl around them uncomfortably and the tops of their heads broke the water’s surface.

  As soon as they stood up Corey caught sight of them. The moon was burning brightly above them and silvered the sand and their wet hair. The thick, fat candles that were lit on the porch allowed Corey’s outstretched finger to be easily seen as well.

  At that moment, Gabriel’s grandmother turned around towards them. The second she saw him she jumped to her feet. She raced off of the porch and reached them just as they stepped out of the surf.

  “Gabriel! Thank God!” she cried as her arms flowed around him.

  He held her tightly to him even though he knew that he was getting her nice suit all wet. But he also knew that she didn’t care. She was so very glad he was okay. That was all that mattered to her. He closed his eyes and sent his love to her over the mental bond they shared, but that she was not yet aware of. He knew the moment she felt his emotions when she stiffened in his arms in surprise.

  “What -- what was that?” she gasped. Her fingers tightened in his wet shirt.

  “My love for you,” Gabriel explained. “And part of what I have to tell you.”

  He pulled back so that they could see one another’s faces. Just as he did so, he felt her reach back to him over the bond. It was a tentative brush of her mind against his. He was surprised at how quickly she grasped how to do it. She was a natural. It was in her blood just like it was in his. She gasped again when his mental touch flowed around her like an embrace. Her eyes grew huge then tears formed in them. He felt her extreme joy and awe. It was like fireworks going off between them.

  “Oh, Gabriel, I can feel you!” she got out.

  “And you always will,” Gabriel promised.

  “I don’t understand how you’re able to do this! Talk with our minds! It’s telepathy!” She shook her head as if to clear it.

  “I’m getting to that, but first, let me introduce you to someone,” Gabriel said, his mouth becoming very dry. He knew that she hadn’t even noticed Casillus yet. Her attention had all been all on him. But as soon as he turned towards the Mer prince her attention went to Casillus as well. It was only then that she realized that they weren’t alone. She jerked back and gasped.

  “There’s nothing to be afraid of,” he assured her. “This is Casillus. He’s a --”

  “Merman,” she whispered. Her eyes were fixed on the gills at Casillus’ sides. One of her hands extended forward to touch them. Casillus grasped that hand and brought it against his gills. She was silent for a long moment and then burst out, “I can’t believe it! They’re real! Mers are real!”

  Gabriel realized that she wasn’t just guessing that Casillus was one of the Mers of legend in the area, she was partly reading his mind.

  “Yes, they’re real.” More real than you know. “His name is Prince Casillus Nerion.”

  She blinked and stared hard at Casillus who blushed and ducked his head. “Prince?”

  “Yeah, I had the same reaction as you, Grandma.” Gabriel laughed.

  His grandmother extended her other hand. This time it was for a shake instead of to feel the Mer prince’s gills. Casillus took her hand and kissed the back of it.

  “He’s so charming and -- and handsome. Are you …” She studied Gabriel’s face then a smile bloomed on her lips. Her eyes shone with happiness for him. “You’re together. He’s your --”

  “Someone amazing,” Gabriel completed for her.

  She hugged him again, laughing and crying with joy. They clung to one another for a long time then she went and hugged Casillus. The Mer prince eagerly accepted her embrace and held her just as tightly back. Finally, the two of them broke apart and she stood there, hands clasped in front of her, beaming at them both.

  “I knew there was someone out there for you, Gabriel. Something that would put all others to shame and I can tell that Casillus is it,” she enthused.

  “He’s all that and more,” Gabriel assured her. But as much as her approval of Casillus thrilled him the dread of telling her the rest began to rise up inside of him higher and higher.

  Casillus put a hand on Gabriel’s lower back and rubbed a circle there. It will be all right, Gabriel. Tell her.

  “Tell me what?” she asked.

  Casillus’ eyes went huge this time and Gabriel was just as stunned.

  “You heard him?” Gabriel asked.

  You can hear me, Grace? Casillus asked.

  Unlike when Casillus had spoken directly to Corey, Gabriel could hear them both. “I can hear you too!” she said, her voice filled with wonder.

  Gabriel turned to Casillus. “How is this possible? You aren’t putting your fingers on her temple like you did with Corey. How is she able to hear you?”

  She has the blood, Gabriel, Casillus said, mirroring his own thoughts on this. House Liseas is a strong house. The blood runs true. And I also believe that you are connecting us.

  “House Liseas?” she asked.

  “Yeah, that’s who -- ah … well …” Gabriel cleared his throat.

  She stilled for a moment and then gripped her hands tightly in front of her chest. He felt knowledge flow from him to her. She processed it with amazing speed. “Does that mean that Tabatha truly had a Mer lover?”

  She was speaking of their long ago ancestor. He nodded and explained, “Yes, the Mer lover’s name is Aemrys Liseas and he is coming here. He will arrive tomorrow.”

  A shiver of pleasure ran through Gabriel at the thought of actually seeing Aemrys for real. He could feel his ancestor in the water, coming for him. Aemrys was much nearer now.

  “But it ca
n’t be him! His affair with Tabatha was over a hundred years ago. He couldn’t still be alive!” she cried.

  “Mers live forever. It is him. Our ancestor. Living history, Grandma,” Gabriel assured her.

  Her face transformed with the shock of it. “An ancestor! A Mer ancestor!”

  “History is priceless,” he repeated her favorite phrase.

  “Living history is even more priceless.” She shook her head and raised her hands to her face as if she could not believe their good fortune. She let out a laugh and then stilled. Her hands lowered and she looked at Gabriel, long and hard. “Gabriel, you came out of the sea just now. And you survived the sinking of the boat so long ago when no one else did. I’m missing something here, aren’t I? Something huge? It’s part of what Casillus wants you to tell me, isn’t it?”

  He knew then that words would not suffice to answer her, but actions might explain many things like they had with Corey. Gabriel pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the side. He wouldn’t be needing any of his clothes come morning anyways. His gills fluttered as if tasting the night air. Her gaze drifted down his front and when she saw them one of her hands rose to her mouth. She was crying again and, for a moment, he couldn’t read her emotions. Was she happy, sad, disgusted? It was one thing to see gills on someone else, but on him, her grandson? And she might wonder what that meant about her own humanity. But then she put both hands over his gills and stared up at his face with awe.

  “Oh, Gabriel, you’re beautiful. I could never think anything else,” she assured him. Her forehead furrowed as she added, “So Kate’s family had Mer blood, too. That’s why you have gills and could survive the sinking of the ship and can speak telepathically. Mer ancestors on both sides. Amazing.”

  Again, she had read his thoughts with startling ease. He leaned down and rested his forehead against hers. Maybe she could read more. Maybe he could tell her everything mind to mind.

  Try, Gabriel, Casillus suggested.

  “Grandma, I want to try something,” Gabriel said. He switched over to telepathy, I want to tell you everything. Actually, I want to show it to you.


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