The Merman Boxset: Gay Merman Romance

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The Merman Boxset: Gay Merman Romance Page 50

by Aratare, X.

  You have his nose, Grandma, he teased her.

  You may be right, Gabriel, but you have his cheeks, she said back. Though her mental voice was full of amusement, her hands fluttered restlessly in front of her with the towel as they approached.

  Aemrys stepped to the front of all of them so that he was first to greet her. She was not the only nervous one. With only a momentary hesitation, looking for approval in her eyes, Aemrys cupped her aged face in his hands. They stared into one another’s eyes. They were speaking privately Gabriel realized. As they spoke, Gabriel compared their faces and he could see the shared blood. They were family. Finally, his grandmother covered Aemrys’ hands with hers and one single tear drifted down her cheek.

  “Oh, Gabriel, he’s so – so much more than I ever imagined,” she whispered.

  Aemrys leaned in and kissed her forehead. Gabriel now heard his ancestor’s apologies to her for staying away. They ran over one another forming a stream of regret that he had missed a moment of her life. He made a promise to be there for the rest of it.

  “There’s nothing to forgive, Aemrys. You’re here now and you’ll take care of Gabriel for me,” she responded and brought his hands from her cheeks to her lips. She kissed his knuckles. “Now come inside and let me feed the three of you. I know you’re starving.”

  Cooking and feeding people were her ways to show love so even if they hadn’t been starving, Gabriel knew that they would still have eaten eagerly just to please her. She had towels hanging on the backs of the chairs in the kitchen for them to use to dry off with. Gabriel quickly grabbed one, swathed it around his hips and headed for the stairs while the other two sat down at the kitchen table. He was surprised at how easily Aemrys and Casillus seated themselves as Mers had no chairs, but then again, the Mers knew what he knew. He mentally linked his grandmother, Casillus and Aemrys together so it would be easy for them to hear one another. He felt Aemrys and Casillus’ pleased surprise. His abilities continued to grow and each of them wondered what he would be able to do in the days, months and years to come. He wondered himself.

  Gabriel went upstairs to his bedroom to get some shorts. His intention was to pull on a pair and head back downstairs. But he found himself staring at his suitcase, his bed, the worn braided rug and the mellow sunlight on the wooden floor. He watched dust motes float through the air and breathed in the faded smell of his own cologne that lingered in the room. This was the last time he would see this room. The last time he would wear these types of clothes, at least for a very long time and styles would have changed by the time he could take to the land again. The last time …

  “It’s just stuff in a room, Gabe,” Corey said from the doorway. “It’s not you or me or Grandma G. Leaving it doesn’t mean you’re leaving us.”

  Gabriel spun around to face him. “You’re hearing my thoughts even without me connecting to you intentionally.”

  Corey smiled though it was a little sad. “Actually, I just know you, Gabe, even without reading your mind I guessed what you were thinking.”

  “Are you going to be okay?” Gabriel’s voice was clogged with emotion. There was so much more to say but none of it came out.

  In response, Corey hugged him tightly and half lifted Gabriel off of the floor even though he was able to put weight only on one leg. He finally said, “I will be and so will you.”

  “You’re crushing me with love again,” Gabriel laughed even as he wiped away tears.

  “Being crushed by love is a good thing or so I always say.” Corey set him down on his feet again. “Let’s go down and party.”

  “It’s six in the morning.”

  “It’s always time to party, Gabe.” Corey laughed.

  The two of them went downstairs. Gabriel helped Corey limp down the steps. Corey’s ankle looked better than it had the night before, but it was still terribly sprained.

  Corey had been right that it was never too early to party. It seemed like a celebration in the kitchen. Even as Gabriel mentally connected Corey to the others he could see from the smiles and bright eyes the happiness, almost festive atmosphere of this last meal. Aemrys was standing beside Grace, watching intently as she fried the French toast in butter. Warm cherry compote was already bubbling in a small pot beside it.

  … And the butter adds to the flavor? Aemrys was asking her.

  She touched their ancestor’s nearest forearm and responded with a knowing tilt of her head, Butter makes everything better.

  Casillus rose from his seat and received a crushing hug from Corey. Once Casillus escaped Corey’s crush of love he went to Gabriel and stroked a hand down his back. He dipped his head down to kiss Gabriel’s cheek.

  You are loved on land and in the sea, Casillus said simply.

  I am very lucky, Gabriel agreed.

  There was nothing more to say. He had to leave and, while sad, was excited, too. Even now he felt the pull of the ocean and the straining of his lungs. The trip up and down the stairs had taxed him somewhat. He wanted to increase his time on land as much as he could so he allowed Casillus to help him into a chair. The Mer prince sat beside him. Corey had gone over to Grace and Aemrys to “supervise” the cooking of the French toast, compote and bacon.

  Salty with sweet is best, Corey was telling a patient Aemrys. You have to put a little piece of bacon on top of each bite of French toast. It’s a whole new experience. Trust me on this.

  Gabriel laughed and rested his head on Casillus’ firm, muscular shoulder. All of breakfast proceeded like that. One bright moment to the next. There was plenty of laughter and jokes. His grandmother was already writing down everything Aemrys was telling her about all of their relatives. She was sketching out a family tree.

  I can’t wait to put faces with names. Gabriel, you will have to show me every single person in House Liseas and get a history from them, his grandmother commanded. Her face was filled with interest and excitement, not sadness. Her family was expanding in her view, not shrinking.

  Personally, I want to see Emralis, Corey said. It was so cool what little I saw of it.

  We will take you for a tour, Casillus promised. Gabriel would share what he saw with his best friend.

  Corey made a “tee hee” of pleasure and wiggled in his chair. Most excellent!

  Gabriel was glad that they were not speaking out loud. He did not think he could manage it. He could hear the strain of his breathing in his own ears. As breakfast ended, his grandmother was so entranced with what Aemrys was saying that she didn’t actually get up to do the dishes. Gabriel made a move to do them instead, but when he stood black dots clouded his vision and he nearly fell over. Casillus caught him and eased him back into the chair.

  Whoa, must have got up too fast, Gabriel said weakly even though he had risen quite slowly. He knew what this weakness meant. He needed to get into the water. He just didn’t want to be the one to suggest it.

  Casillus and Aemrys shared a look. Corey and Grace nodded. Their smiles dimmed, but did not go away.

  It is time, Gabriel, Casillus said gently.

  Oh, I guess it is. Gabriel’s hands were suddenly shaking and he had to grip both of them tightly together to stop the involuntary movement. The shaking though just moved to the rest of his body. Casillus stroked his back again.

  It’ll be all right, Gabe, Corey said, his round face straining for assurance.

  His grandmother rose and went to him. She put her hands on his shoulders. Gabriel, we’re going to be with you always.

  He nodded. I know. I just hate goodbyes.

  It’s not a goodbye, she said.

  They had been telling him this and he them the same for some time, but still it felt like it was. Everything was going to change. This was the last day. No, this was the last few minutes.

  Let’s go out onto the beach, his grandmother suggested and urged him to stand.

  Casillus had to help him up. Gabriel held on tightly to the Mer prince’s hand. Aemrys came around to the other side of him and took his other ar
m. Between them they supported him out of the kitchen, onto the porch, down the steps and onto the sand. The moment he saw the blue expanse of ocean some of the weakness eased. All five of them walked to where the surf beat upon the sand. The bottoms of his feet seemed to drink in the water.

  I wonder where Greta, Roger and Dr. Marstand are? Corey asked as the sea flowed over their toes. I know they really wanted to be here.

  At that moment, as if in response, Gabriel felt the minds of the two students and the Miskatonic professor. He turned his head to look back at the house and the highway. An SUV barreled down the road and turned off almost too quickly into the cottage’s drive.

  What’s happening? His grandmother asked as she looked at the SUV, too.

  Greta, Roger and Dr. Marstand all popped out of the SUV as if on springs. Catching sight of them, all three hurried forward. Greta was the first to get to them followed by Roger and then the professor. Their faces were all strained despite trying to smile. Gabriel knew that they had not run here only to say goodbye to him. Something had happened.

  “What’s wrong?” Gabriel sounded breathless and Casillus petted his back, urging him to let others speak.

  “Henry’s gone!” Greta got out.

  “What? Where?” Corey asked, his forehead furrowing.

  “We only caught a few hours of sleep before going to check on him at five a.m.,” Roger explained. “But when we got to his apartment he was already gone.”

  “Maybe he just went out for a minute,” Corey suggested.

  But Greta shook her head. “No, he took all his things and one of the school’s SUVs was missing.”

  “We have trackers in each of the cars,” Dr. Marstand said gravely. “We tracked the car up the coast, but he had already abandoned it. There is no sign of him.”

  “But the dude was sick as a dog!” Corey objected. “He could barely walk when we saw him yesterday. He’s – he’s dying. How far could he get?”

  Gabriel remembered Henry’s feverish eyes and the gleam of desperate madness to connect to Cthulhu once more. Would Henry have stayed home when he knew that Cthulhu might make landfall? No, he wouldn’t have done that. He would have come to the shore, out of sight, but nearby to see everything. And would Cthulhu be content at having killed Johnson and his goons and not wish to engage humanity again? No, it would be eager to drive another man or woman mad. It was not done at all. It would have made a deal with Henry, its servant. More life in exchange for his assistance. Gabriel suddenly knew what that assistance had been.

  He turned his head to look out at the sea and he cast his senses outwards. He thought of them like radar that would ping when they located the thing he was looking for. But there was no ping from the sea.

  “The statue,” Gabriel said. “It’s gone. Henry’s got it.”

  How do you know this, Gabriel? Casillus asked. You do not know where I put the statue.

  But Gabriel had known. Part of him had been quite aware of its presence, tucked beside a reef. Now it was not there. He turned his gaze to the land and stretched his senses out farther and farther. He felt the faintest of pings. The statue was being moved up the coast. He wasn’t able to locate it exactly.

  “Henry has the statue,” Gabriel repeated. “He’s driving up the coast about … eight hours away, I think.”

  “How? Why?” Greta gasped.

  Gabriel’s jaw clenched and he let out a rather bitter laugh. “Henry made a deal with it. Henry watched the whole battle with Johnson and after I went into the temple, he and Cthulhu met. It wants to still go after humanity and the statue is a way to cause great mischief. Cthulhu gave Henry the statue after Casillus had hidden it away and told him to take it … elsewhere.”

  “In exchange for what?” Dr. Marstand asked.

  “Life, I suppose. Or power. Maybe both.” Gabriel had to stop speaking as he was beginning to wheeze badly.

  The statue is too dangerous to be let loose upon the world, Casillus said, his voice grim. But we need to get you home, Gabriel. You cannot be out of the water any longer.

  I don’t know if I’ll be able to sense it all the way from Emralis, Gabriel objected. Not at first at least. My power needs to grow more.

  Do not be concerned. There are other ways to track the statue, Aemrys said, his expression set and determined. After you are settled in Emralis, I will return to assist Miskatonic with the hunt.

  Gabriel felt a wave of relief. He nodded. All right. That sounds like a good plan. Maybe I’ll be able to help even from the city.

  Aemrys clasped his arm. I am certain you will.

  Gabriel had Corey relay what had been said to the Miskatonic students and professor.

  “We’ll be honored to have the help of Lord Aemrys,” Dr. Marstand said with a slight bow.

  And we shall see how this Next Society can keep its word, Aemrys said. Though Dr. Marstand could not hear him, Gabriel had a feeling that he knew what Aemrys was thinking.

  “Gabriel truly needs to get in the water now,” his grandmother said. She was watching his face with increased worry in her eyes. “His lips are blue.”

  Yes, it is time, Casillus agreed.

  Wait one moment. Aemrys was suddenly untying a part of the shift that covered his body. Gabriel realized as he did so that Aemrys had brought a second shift. The shift was deep purple with a silver star design. He realized it was House Liseas’ colors and design. It was for him.

  So I’m finally going to get one of these, huh? He joked feebly.

  It is with great honor that I present this to you, Aemrys said.

  He helped Gabriel off with his shorts as the young man was finding that his fingers didn’t wish to work. Greta stared for a moment at his naked body before blushing hotly and looking away. Aemrys then tied the shift around Gabriel’s waist. It felt right on him. Aemrys then rose, cupped his face and kissed his forehead.

  I welcome you into House Liseas, my Gabriel, our Caller, he intoned.

  Gabriel hugged him back for a moment. When they broke apart, his Mer ancestor was turning to Grace. Aemrys had a kalish in his hand, a twin to the one that he wore. He was putting it around Grace’s neck. There were tears in both their eyes.

  And this is so you, too, know, Grace, that you are a member of House Liseas as well, he said and kissed her cheek.

  Gabriel reached up and took his own kalish off. He went to Corey and pressed it into his right hand. His best friend was looking suspiciously wet-eyed. Though you are not my blood brother, you are my brother in all ways that matter. Thank you for everything.

  He and Corey embraced again. This time Corey’s touch was terribly gentle and Gabriel knew it was because he seemed so fragile. When his best friend let go of him, still snuffling softly, Gabriel turned to his grandmother. There were no words between them as she wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly to her. There was just love. He clasped that to himself. Finally, he stepped out of her embrace. He could see tears in the eyes of all those that looked on. Greta sniffled as she clasped her hands in front of her. Roger, too, looked a little dewy. Dr. Marstand nodded gravely.

  Gabriel turned towards the sea. Casillus and Aemrys stood on either side of him. Gabriel closed his eyes for a moment and listened to the waves. The sea breeze stirred his hair. He heard the call of seagulls on the wind. He felt the love of all those around him. He opened his eyes.

  I’m ready, Gabriel said.

  Though he still felt weak as a kitten he found himself running along with the other Mer into the sea. As soon as the water was deep enough he dove in. His skin felt quenched and immediately he could breathe easily. They swam out until the water was up to their necks and then they surfaced. All three of them turned back to wave to the people on the shore who waved back enthusiastically.

  Gabriel kept his mind connected to Corey and his grandmother. They would be with him as he swam out to sea. They would be with him as he dove down the great fathoms to Emralis. They would be with him to see the glorious city of the Mers. They would
know all his joy and he would know theirs.

  Let us go home, Gabriel, Casillus said.

  Everyone is waiting for you, Aemrys assured him.

  The three of them waved one last time and dove beneath the water’s surface.



  Henry patted his right palm against the steering wheel in time to the beat of the song on the stolen car’s radio. Sunshine spilled in through the car’s windshield and summer winds breezed in through the open windows. He had made good time.

  He knew that the Next Society would be coming after him. He would have guessed that even without Cthulhu telling him that they were already on his trail. Gabriel had figured out what the two of them had done. He was glad that Gabriel would be stuck in Emralis. He, alone, could have obstructed Cthulhu’s plan, but now Henry was nearly home free.

  He took in a deep breath of summer air. He could finally breathe again. His whole body felt good. It was another gift from Cthulhu, his master. There would be other gifts if he was successful and he would be successful. There was so very much both he and his master wished to do to this world. He glanced over at the statue on the passenger seat beside him. Despite it being covered with thick blankets he could still feel its power. Others would feel that power soon, too.

  Henry smiled and pressed harder on the gas.

  * * *

  If You Want To Read More in this World…

  The story continues on my serial subscription site,, with the serial The Merman: House of Aer and from there to Tidebound!

  The Merman: House of Aer


  Mer Lord Aemrys Liseas must choose whether to remain loyal to the Mer king and queen or follow his heart and accept his love for Spencer Long, the prince of their ancient enemy.


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