Diversion To Urasha (Space Era Book 1)

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Diversion To Urasha (Space Era Book 1) Page 9

by Laura Hopgood

  “My brother tells me that you are ready? The mission will begin tomorrow?”

  Phil cocked his head casually to one side. Clearly deciding that Crystaline didn’t deserve his eye contact.

  “That’s right. We just want this to be over with. We can’t stay here.”

  “No, you can’t.” Crystaline agreed, hesitantly looking towards James. “And you, do you feel ready?”

  “Yeah...yeah I do. Look, I er, I know I was a little useless back there, but I’m better than I look...y’know, more skilled.”

  Crystaline nodded slowly, pretending to be convinced by James’ words.

  “Right...because I didn’t mean it, you know. I didn’t mean to alarm you earlier.” Crystaline’s golden irises glanced over towards a disgruntled Lottie, “any of you.” Crystaline added, aware of Lottie’s exasperation. “I just needed to make my point. Morcees and Borcees are pretty useless, and so were you. Training with my brother helped though, right?”

  “Yes!” James agreed, probably too politely and over-enthusiastically. “Yeah it helped! And please, don’t feel bad about anything. I get what you were trying to do.”

  “Good. I’m glad.”

  “Listen er...do you want to join us? You know, for a drink? Or a bite to...”

  “No,” Crystaline quickly responded. “I have some final matters which need attending to before tomorrow. You should all rest. Until tomorrow.”

  After her brief discussion with the humans, Crystaline was gone in a flash.


  It didn’t take long for the humans to leave the restaurant; their bellies full; their thirst quenched. James’ mind felt a whole lot clearer. He believed in Crystaline. She had no ill intent.

  As the young space warrior wrapped himself deep inside his soft bedsheets, he felt more determined than ever to get a decent night’s sleep, for this would most probably be his last opportunity. James’ determination paid off, carrying him on his gentle journey through the entire night.

  Pleasant dreams of Lottie slowly increased James’ lucidity, until eventually, the young space warrior awoke, feeling a lot less calm as his brain unravelled the ‘would be’ events of today. This was it. The mission was no longer working in accordance to the plan. James was not inside the Earthship, traveling through space, his destination: Nebowska. No. Instead, James was here, on Urasha, about to embark on some dangerous mission, having to face all kinds of deadly creatures. As soon as James thought of Lottie, and the fact that he would have to be separated from her, he got out of bed, desperately trying to free himself from his thoughts as he got washed and dressed for the new day.

  A black trousered James stuck his head through his light grey t-shirt, pulling it onto his body. Parts of his top felt wet, damp from it merging with his newly washed hair. James felt the green jewel resting above his chest. What had his father felt like on his very first space mission? Had he been frightened? Had he been alone? James sighed, he wasn’t alone was he? He was lucky to have Lottie, to have Zach. Even if Lottie couldn’t make it to the wilderness, she would still be here, in the city, on planet Urasha.

  Knock knock!

  Who was that?

  James felt his insides churning. Could that be Lottie? For some unfathomable reason, the very thought of Lottie being at the door right now made James feel highly uneasy. The young space warrior braced himself to open up the door, mentally begging for anyone other than Lottie to be knocking on it. He was strangely relieved when the door revealed Phil.

  “What do you want?” James grumbled, trying to hide the relief in his voice.

  “I was wondering if I could talk to you for a sec?”

  James opened the door wider, inviting Phil into the room.

  “So what do you want to talk about?” He asked, clicking the door shut.

  “I just wanted to check that you were alright really. I know that you don’t like me fussing, I know that. But we haven’t spoken much since all this unfolded have we?”

  “We never talk much anyway,” James corrected him.

  “Well no...I know that. What I’m trying to say, is that this mission is a pretty big deal y’know, and for a first time space warrior, it’s even scarier.”

  “I’m not scared,” James lied.

  “No? I was. Your father was.”

  James felt stunned all of a sudden.

  “You were there? On his first mission?”

  “Damn straight! We’d trained together. Like you and Lottie. Only your father and I hadn’t schooled together in our younger days. He was like you y’know. I mean, I knew him enough to realise that he was terrified. Would he admit it though? No. Admitting fear is no weakness, James. You have to acknowledge it to truly face it, and facing fear is the bravest thing a man can do.”

  James found himself gulping defeatedly as he tried to keep his expression as stern as possible.

  “I’m not scared for me,” he whispered.

  The captain’s eyes grew soft.

  “No. But you’re scared for Lottie, right?”

  “I never thought I’d have to leave her.”

  Phil sighed.

  “Neither did I. I’ve learnt that sometimes you just have to expect the unexpected, especially out here in a Universe teeming with endless possibilities. And besides, you won’t be separated from her permanently. She will be safe here. It’s us you have to worry about. We’re the one’s in danger. I bet Lottie’s just as worried as you, and more rightly so.”

  James considered this, forcing himself to accept that Phil actually had a point.


  It only took a short while for the whole human team to re-group, readying themselves for their separation from one another. James couldn’t help but note that Lottie’s hair looked a little neater than usual, flowing in a overly brushed manner down past her shoulders. She looked good today, with her black skirt, boots and tights paying a perfect compliment to her white t-shirt.

  As he walked through the palace with his team, James also noticed that Lottie looked green, ghost green, terrified green. This situation was difficult. James still had no idea what to say to his best friend.

  Two Urashan guards met with the humans at the palace’s main exit. One of them had explained that the king was already waiting by the final wall. He was keen to get this mission underway.

  As James trudged his way out of the Urashan city, his heart grew heavier and heavier, forcing his brain to think back to that earlier moment in the day when he had been terrified at the very idea of speaking to Lottie. Unfortunately, the young space warrior still felt the same way, feeling sicker and sicker as the first wall grew closer and closer.

  Reluctantly, James exited through the first wall, seeing the comforting sight of the Earthship already being tended to a hundred or so metres to his side. The Urashans were keeping to their end of the bargain already. James was about to start keeping to his.

  As the final wall grew closer, James noticed the Urashan sun’s absence, hidden away behind some heavy purple clouds. The weather was rather fitting for today. Though perhaps it was a little cooler, making James already begin to regret not bringing his jacket with him. The young space warrior had no idea what the Urashan weather pattern was like. It was a comfort to see that neither Phil nor Zach had bothered to bring their jackets either.

  As the final wall grew near, James was finally able to make out the shapes of the blackly clothed Urashans, standing before a wall which practically camouflaged them. Their pale white skin was the only thing which gave them away. They were all here: King Cryston, Crystanaphy, Morcees, Borcees, Crystos and Crystaline.

  “Ah! My dear humans! You have arrived at last!” As usual, the king was a little on the over enthusiastic side. “I gather you are all ready for the day? You have remembered your sworshas?”

  James felt his left trouser pocket, yes, he had remembered his sworsha.

  The young space warrior took a moment to study his best friend, wondering what she was thinking as she stared into t
he hard purple ground. The sounds all around James were muffled. That was until the king had to go and say those words: “Say your goodbyes.”

  Saying goodbye to Lisa and Karl wasn’t exactly difficult. James would miss Karl’s calm approach and his wisdom. He would miss Lisa’s gutsiness, and yes, he would worry for their safety, but they weren’t his best friends. They were awesome people, but they weren’t Lottie. A gentle fragile woman who was scared out of her brains. She meant the Universe to him.

  As James took a big breath of oxygen into his lungs, the air felt heavy, as if it would crush his throat before it even reached his air breathing organs. Gently, he took Lottie’s arm, leading her to the most secluded area he could find.

  “Are you okay?” He asked her. What a stupid question.

  “I’m fine,” Lottie whispered, visibly shaking, “really I’m fine. You? Are you ready for your big adventure?”

  James laughed, releasing away some of his nerves.

  “No, not really. I didn’t expect this. I didn’t expect to have to leave you.”

  “You’ll let Phil and Zach look out for you, won’t you?”

  “As long as you let Karl and Lisa do the same for you?”

  Lottie managed to raise an eyebrow over her anxiously frozen face.

  “I’m not exactly the one in danger, am I?” she mumbled. “Then again,” she began to trail off, “I really don’t like it here...”

  “Will you look after this for me?” James interrupted, holding out his father’s necklace to his best friend.

  Lottie’s mouth gaped open.

  “What? James? No! This is yours, it was your father’s! I can’t take this!”

  “I need you to,” James begged. “You know how much I miss my dad, what it means to me to finally be able to take a piece of him with me wherever I go. I don’t know what the terrain is like out there. I’m really worried that it could get lost. If I leave it here with you, then I know it will be safe, resting above that warm heart of yours. There’s no one better to look after it for me. I know remember,” he said, gently stroking Lottie’s cheeks, “you’ve looked after me all these years, haven’t you?”

  Lottie could feel her cheeks reddening, warming, burning.

  “You really want me to take this?” She gulped.

  “Yeah, yes I do. Please?”

  “Okay, but you’ve gotta come back for it, right?”

  James grinned, carefully placing the necklace around his best friend’s neck.

  “Of course I will, and until I do come back, you’ll always have a piece of me resting above your heart.”

  Lottie cupped her palm around the gorgeous green jewel. It still felt warm, just like James. She made a rare bold move, throwing her arms around her best friend. She could feel his arms wrapping around her body, encasing her, protecting her, loving her.

  “I need you to come back,” she whispered, eventually letting James go.

  “I will, I promise. I love you, Lottie. I always will.”

  Lottie’s heart screamed at her, desperate for her to fight through her emotional barriers, and to show James that same level of affection. Her lips froze into a grateful smile, unable to speak an affectionate word. Instead, she found herself looking over to an impatient looking king and princess. Her lips would only allow her to speak her final words of warning.

  “Just stick with Phil and Zach. There’s something about those Urashans, James. I don’t trust them. I really don’t trust them.”

  James looked behind him, noticing how fierce Crystaline’s eyes looked as they tore into him. Lottie was an intuitive woman, and there was definitely something about Crystaline. James couldn’t yet work out if it was good or bad. Despite his inner softness towards the Urashan princess, James promised Lottie that he would keep his wits about him.

  Once Phil had finished bidding his own farewells to Lottie, Lisa and Karl, the man turned to Cryston, displaying his readiness.

  The king’s lips curled smugly, as he handed over full control of the situation to his daughter.

  “Well, my dear, I shall leave them all in your capable hands.”

  Crystaline’s grin was sickeningly vicious. Her smiling lips and her piercing eyes couldn’t look any less symmetrical right now as she watched Phil.

  “If you’re quite done blathering out your farewells to one another, then let’s get started shall we, Phil? You’re no longer the captain of this mission.”

  Phil felt his very own tongue sharpening. He refrained from letting it win, maintaining a certain level of politeness with the princess as he agreed to start the mission.

  As James stepped through the last wall’s exit, he turned around one last time to look back at his best friend. This couldn’t be the last time he would ever see her. He had to make it through this.

  Chapter 8

  As Morcees and Borcees closed up the wall behind them, James felt the heavy sounds reverberating through each and every core in his body. One last closing boom created the final sonic-boom in James’ ears. This was it now, there was no turning back.

  James took a tentative step forward, feeling the grainy purple ground beneath his hesitant feet. His eyes looked straight ahead of him, to the dry, barren scene all around him. The place looked empty, with only the plum coloured boulders to keep it company.

  For the first few moments of travel, a heavy silence loomed over the newly formed group. As James had expected, Crystaline had taken up the frontmost position, leading her companions across the spacious landscape. As the team wove between boulder after boulder, James couldn’t help but notice Crystaline’s obvious intent to stick as close as she possibly could to the large rocks.

  James watched as the boulder’s tiny sandy debris rubbed off against his dry hands. The young space warrior was thirsty.

  “Hey er, is there any water?” He asked.

  Crystaline tilted her head back, not looking at James to answer his question.

  “Either Morcees or Borcees have it.”

  James looked warily over to the gruesome twosome, feeling his voice getting weaker as he watched Morcees’ lips curl up into a horrible grin.

  “Borcees has the water.” He snarled.

  James eyed Borcees nervously, watching as the pale man removed his black bag from his shoulders. Without saying a word, the Urashan removed a brown cylinder container, and threw it over to James. The young space warrior caught the container with ease, opening it up to drink the refreshing water inside it. If James had truly listened to his body’s needs, he’d have drank the whole lot right now. Instead, James figured that the water here might be scarce, so he drank sparingly, returning the bottle to Borcees once he was finished.

  “Will we be able to refill those bottles?” A rather concerned sounding Phil asked.

  “Yes,” Crystaline answered, “easily. We won’t be traveling on this terrain for long.” The princess pointed to a dark band straight ahead. “You see that dark strip there, those are trees, lots of them. We’re heading straight for the forest.”

  “Won’t the forest be more dangerous?” Phil’s concern was turning into fear.

  “The forest will have more creatures, yes. But where there are creatures, there is food and water. The trees are filled with fruit, and a long river runs right through the entire forest. And besides,” Crystaline continued, glancing up nervously towards the sky, “being amongst the trees is actually a lot safer than being out here.”

  “How so?”

  “Out here we are exposed.”

  “Exposed to what?” Asked Zach.

  “Flying beasts!” Morcees growled. “The sky is teeming with them!”

  Whilst the creature’s beastly name emphasised its danger, James found his ears listening attentively to Crystaline’s own explanation of the ‘Flying beasts’. The princess was quick to correct Morcees, referring to the flying beasts as gershers, their real name. The gershers roamed the skies, and they used to attack the people of Urasha. After all, what good would a wall do against a fl
ying creature?

  As Crystaline had continued her explanation, her expression had grown darker, more lament, as she explained how the Urashan people had no choice but to defend themselves against the gershers. Many creatures were killed, until eventually, the gershers stopped flying over the city. The city was now safe, but the wilderness was not, a gersher, or more usually, a whole group of gershers could attack.

  “And that is why the trees are safer,” Crystaline concluded. “We have cover in the trees, places to hide. Out here we only have the boulders. Not that they’d even be of much help.”

  “So what if they attack now?” Zach’s voice sounded a little squeaky. “What would we do?”

  Morcees cackled, feeling his sworsha nestled safely within his tight black trouser pocket.

  “What do you think we’d do? We’d fry the beasts!”

  “Only if we have to,” Crystaline intervened. “we run first.”

  “Oh, Princess Crystaline! What is it with you and creatures? Beasts? Just live a little, kill!”

  Crystaline’s eyes grew fierce

  “I’ll kill you in a minute, Morcees! No innocent creature is dying on my watch!”

  James felt surprised, pleasantly surprised by Crystaline’s apparent affection towards animals. She’d seemed so vicious before, blood thirsty, and even Lottie had imagined her killing anything in sight. James loved animals, too, and he felt that he needed to say his piece.

  “I happen to agree with Crystaline. Where we live, on Earth, humans and animals live peacefully together. We should only harm an animal if we absolutely have to. Even then, couldn’t we just stun it with the sworsha or something?”

  James’ eyes flitted over to the princess’. Her expression was unreadable, yet soft as she gazed back into him, nodding to show that his idea was a worthy one.



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