Diversion To Urasha (Space Era Book 1)

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Diversion To Urasha (Space Era Book 1) Page 14

by Laura Hopgood

  My relative had always recalled that moment, stating that it was probably the best memory of his life. That relief, that euphoria to know that the chugga, his friend, was okay, nothing could ever top that. Not even the thought of returning home, to the city.

  Much to Crysteich’s reluctance, the chugga did return my relative to the city. The prince had initially been apprehensive about the idea, begging the chugga to stop as it had began to take off into the air, with him clinging onto its back. My relative was worried that the Urashans would open fire, that his people would assume that the chugga was a gersher. Crysteich’s protests did not stop the chugga, and soon, the pair reached the city. As the prince had expected, they were met with Urashan weaponry, as men tried to blast the ‘flying beast’ out of the sky. The chugga however, was very skilled, and very agile. It successfully dodged fire after fire, until as if by some miracle, the fire suddenly stopped. The chugga circled around in the sky for a bit, and as the creature did this, Crysteich heard the cries of recognition sounding out below him. It was over, the whole ordeal was over. Crysteich had made it, he had made it home with the help of his best friend. The people of Urasha were extremely thankful to the chugga. The king was so grateful to have his son returned to him.

  My people learnt something that day: they learnt that creatures were intelligent, and many of them, harmless. They would forever cherish the chugga, and seeing a chugga has now become a lucky omen for my people.

  Crysteich went on to continue a lifelong friendship with his chugga friend. The two would travel the Urashan skies together, exploring Urasha at her very best. Crysteich was always at his happiest whenever he rode on the back of his chugga.”

  As Crystaline’s words slowed into a complete halt, James looked down at the baby blue chugga in front of him. Gently, he rested his hand on its rubbery body. He used his finger to softly feel the slits on its back. Would this be where the wings would grow?

  “Is that where his wings will be?” James softly whispered, still caressing the chugga. “Our chugga? He’ll grow? He’ll develop wings, too?”

  “Yes, that is the idea.”

  “When?” James could barely contain his enthusiasm. “I mean er, do you know how long our chugga has until he grows his wings?”

  Crystaline shook her head sideways.

  “No. It could happen any time. I mean, he’s more or less developed appropriately now, so really, it could happen tomorrow for all we know.”

  “Will he get sick? Like Crysteich’s chugga?”

  “Possibly.” was all Crystaline answered with.

  James could no longer contain his grin. Not that he’d been doing a great job of containing his awe-inspired smile anyway.

  “So er, what do you reckon we should call him? Chugga two?”

  Crystaline shook her head, pouting her lips wryly. Her eyes were smiling.

  “No, Chugga two is rather lame. I prefer Chugga-chugga.”

  James’ grin widened.

  “I like that. It suits him.”


  After the lack of bickering on what would be a fitting name for the chugga, James had continued to restrain the creature as Crystaline had continued to clean it. Once done with the cleaning, Crystaline had advised James to rejoin the others, claiming that the young space warrior needed something to eat. With reluctance, James had followed Crystaline’s wishes, relieved that Morcees and Borcees had already turned in for the night. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for Phil. Upon seeing James’ return to the fire area, Phil had stood with Zach by his side, his expression bitter, admonishing.

  “Everything all sorted?” Phil had asked, unable to mask the lack of concern in his voice.

  “What do you mean? With Chugga-chugga?”

  Phil’s breath hitched, furrowing his brows as he eyed James with scrutiny.

  “So you’ve named him now, have you? Don’t get too attached, James. That thing won’t last out here.”

  James let out a half laugh and a half gasp.

  “Chugga-chugga will be fine! Crystaline’s healing him right now as we speak.”

  “Good. When she’s done, we can release the chugga back where he belongs. He doesn’t belong with us, James.”

  “No?” James had squared up to his captain, his muscles tensed ready for action. “Crystaline doesn’t seem to think so. I’m sure the chugga will be coming with us, all the way.”

  “Don’t be stupid, James!”

  Before either James’ or Phil’s tempers could get any worse, Zach intervened, placing a firm hand on his captain’s shoulder.

  “C’mon, guys, do we really have to do this? Now? That creature ain’t no danger. If he comes with us, he comes with us. If not, then I’m sure he’ll be fine out here where he belongs. We can’t argue about something so meaningless, guys, seriously.”

  Both James and Phil calmed. Neither of them wanted to drag Zach into their bickering.

  “Have you had something to eat yet?” Phil asked, his voice softened.

  “No, that’s what I came here to do.”

  “Right. Good. That bruc is nice you know, and it’s sated me for the night. I’m taking my furleave now, as is Zach. Don’t be too long, James, you’ll need your energy for tomorrow.”

  James nodded his head, silently complying to his captain’s wishes as he watched the pompous git and Zach selecting their furleaves. When the young space warrior turned around to face the fire, he was surprised to see Crystos sat around it with his head down, fully concentrating on his bruc. It was funny that, the prince had been sat there all along, yet James had not noticed the golden eyed Urashan until now.

  As James crouched down opposite Crystos, taking a piece of bruc in his hand, the young space warrior felt a pang in his chest. He’d never had the chance to speak to Crystos like this, one on one, man to man. The prince was such a quiet man, only speaking when necessary, avoiding all conversations possible.

  ‘Still waters run deep.’

  That was the phrase, the one which James had aligned to Crystos’ calm tranquil nature. The man rarely spoke. Instead the prince would brood. Over what? James had no idea. Something about these Urashans still completely mystified the young space warrior. Perhaps now, he would find his answers, if he could get Crystos to talk.

  Instead of diving carelessly into conversation straight away, James just gave the prince an occasional glance. This was partially because the young space warrior had no idea how to start a conversation with the timid man. But also, James was silenced by the bruc in his mouth. The food tasted exquisite, and far nicer than the fruit. The bruc reminded James of cake, freshly baked sugary cupcakes that his mum used to bake for him. The bruc was crunchy in all the right places, and it tasted eggy, sweet-scrumptious-cake-eggy. James could definitely get used to eating this bruc. Maybe this would be a good way to initiate conversation?

  “Hey er...this stuff’s really good. Will we encounter more of it?”

  Crystos raised his head, eyeing James like a cautious, timid little animal.

  “Yes,” the prince eventually answered, his voice gentle. “Bruc is abundant here in the wilderness. Your captain asked me the same question earlier.”

  James felt a pinch of agitation. He didn’t want to be likened to Phil in any slight way. Even if Crystos wasn’t technically likening him to the goon.

  As if sensing James’ change of mood, Crystos nervously continued.

  “You don’t seem to like that captain of yours very much, do you?”

  James closed his eyes and sighed.

  “No, I don’t. Phil and I, we don’t get along. At all.”

  “M-may I ask why?”

  James shrugged.

  “To be honest, it’s hard to pinpoint the exact reasons. I mean he smothers me for one thing. Then he’s seeing my mother too.”


  “Yeah, he’s er, he’s with her...you know?”

  “They’re sexually involved?”

  James shuddered, immediately
feeling the need to gag. He did not want to think of his mother or Phil in that way, but, well, yes. James just nodded, swallowing down his vomit.

  “I see,” Crystos continued, contemplating James’ reasoning. “So your captain, is he your father?”

  “No!” James was quick to correct. “God no. He might like to think of himself as a father figure now, but no. I’m not related to that man - thank god! It’s complicated. He knew my father. They even traveled through space together. Then my father, he er, he died...”

  Crystos’ eyes shot down to the ground.

  “Right,” he choked, “I’m sorry. I see, I understand. My mother, she passed on too.”

  It was James’ turn to choke, even though he’d suspected this unfortunate circumstance.

  “Oh, I er, I’m sorry. I’d wondered why I’d not been introduced to the queen, and then, and then I’d assumed...you know?”

  “Easy assumption to make.”

  “Yeah,” James was subconsciously wincing, “I er...your father? I can’t help but notice that the two of you don’t get along?”

  Crystos’ face blanched, his lips forming a hard line.

  “No. I hate that man.”

  “Why?” James whispered, feeling the apprehension sweeping through his body as he stared at Crystos’ changed expression. The prince had tensed himself into a tumultuous ball of agony, glaring at the one person stood tending to the injured chugga, Crystaline.

  Crystos took a while to respond to James. At first he continued to stare at Crystaline, and then he looked away from her into the burning flame in front of him. His fists were now clenched tightly together. It looked as if he would crush his own fingers through the sheer force of his anger.

  Chapter 12

  “Hate,” the prince whispered, still tensed as he eyed Crystaline. “It is such a strong word, isn’t it? Many people, they use that word carelessly, they use it to describe things they do not hate, but instead, they merely dislike. I hate Cryston, I hate him with every single atom in my body. I mean look at her, look at Crystaline. See how she’s helping that chugga, tending to its injuries with such a gentleness. You know, so many people look at my sister, and they dislike her, they judge her. They think she’s cold, emotionless, cruel. If they could see her caring for that chugga now, maybe then they would not be so quick to judge, maybe then, they would see her for the pure, kind princess she truly is.”

  James gazed towards Crystaline, feeling his throat tightening, and a lump forming.

  “My father is destroying her,” Crystos continued, “encasing that pure, caring heart of hers into a shell, a shell of pain, sorrow, and hate. That shell continues to grow stronger and stronger every day, hiding that compassionate heart of hers. Soon I fear that her heart will be completely lost, trapped in a never ending darkness.”

  James could feel that lump in his throat continuing to grow, wreaking havoc against his vocal cords.

  “I don’t get it, what does he do? I mean Crystaline and her father, they seem close? Or they appear to get along at least?”

  Crystos scoffed bitterly, oozing out his resentment.

  “They get along, yes. Crystaline would never ever defy her father...no matter what he makes her do.”

  “And what does he make her do?” James’ voice was a strained whisper, his eyes watching as Crystos’ fists clenched together into a tight ball. Even both of those big strong fists put together, they were not as big and as menacing as the massive lump expanding in James’ throat.

  “He makes her...” Crystos’ voice was hoarse, displaying how broken he was. “He makes her, he forces her to get involved in his affairs. A king needs popularity. He’s powerful, yes, but he needs people to like him. Cryston is a corrupt man, using bribery to bring on side some of the most influential men on Urasha. His weapon? Crystaline.”

  James could feel his lips trembling, and his insides vibrating with apprehension. The feeling was very unpleasant, sickening even. The thought occurred to James, he remembered that night, what he’d seen. Could this be? Could this be what Crystos was referring to? Crystaline, forced to bribe men? In that way? No, surely not? Surely a father could not make his own daughter? James wanted to vomit.

  “A weapon? I er, what do you mean exactly?”

  Crystos continued to stare at Crystaline, blinking rapidly to restrain his tears.

  “He sends her to...he arranges for her to...he forces her to please those vile evil men. Crystaline’s an attractive woman, adored by many men, and Cryston uses that.”

  James’ head was spinning, making him nauseous. This was wrong! This was disgusting! Cryston, how could a man, a father force his own daughter into that?

  “He makes her have sex with those men? Those pigs? How? How can anyone inflict that on their own child? And Crystaline, why does she do it? She seems so strong, so audacious, so able to stand up for herself. Why?”

  “Through love!” Crystos was barely able to fight away his tears, “Crystaline adores her father. She’s always had so much love to give. She was doted to her mother, our mother. Then Crystie died, and it damaged all of our souls. My father transformed, his blood being replaced by a potent black venom of hatred. He sunk his fangs into Crystaline, injecting her with his poison, dragging her down into oblivion with him, all because she had a gaping void in her heart. Crystaline dealt with the emptiness by filling her heart with yet more love for her father. She doesn’t like what he makes her do. She doesn’t want to comply to such ghastly arrangements, but she does, Crystaline would never dare defy her father. She doesn’t care that she suffers, Crystaline just wants to make sure that Cryston suffers as little as possible, so she acquiesces, giving herself to these chauvinistic fools. If it were up to me, I would destroy my father, ridding this entire Universe of him.”

  “Then why, why don’t you?”

  “Can you imagine what it would do to Crystaline to have her father taken away from her? To have him killed? She would not understand, she would not be able to cope. She would never ever recover from such an ordeal. As her brother, someone who should be protecting her, I feel...I feel like I’ve failed her.”

  “No!” James disagreed, leaning further towards Crystos. “You’ve not failed her. I mean, you’re here, looking out for her. You’re faced with an impossible decision: You either kill Cryston and completely obliterate Crystaline’s heart, or you allow him to live, salvaging what’s left of your sister. She’s good, Crystos, I can see that.”

  Crystos’ expression eased, his emotion’s mildly placated by James’ words of comfort.

  “I had...I had noticed that you talk to my sister? You make the effort to speak to her?”

  “Yeah,” James nodded, allowing a reassuring smile to take over his desolate expression, “I think Crystaline’s a woman worth getting to know. She has a good heart, and if I can see that, then that warm heart of hers is still beating strong.”

  Crystos looked shyly to the ground, his lips curling into a bashful smile.

  “Thank you, James.”

  “What for?”

  “For listening, for understanding, for not judging my sister like so many others. I never realised that talking...” Crystos’ words halted, his mind trailing off into uncertainty.

  “That talking helps? That getting feelings, emotions, problems out into the open helps?”

  Crystos nodded tentatively.

  “It’s helped me all these years. I don’t where, or who I’d be if it wasn’t for Lottie. She’s always been there to listen, and I her. That’s what friendship is.” James proffered out his hand to the prince. “You’re an admirable man, Crystos, I’d like to offer you my friendship, my ear, my help. I’ll do the same for Crystaline when I think she’s willing to accept my offer. You don’t have to bottle up your thoughts buddy, not now, not ever.”

  Crystos’ golden irises assessed James’ gentle indulgent expression for a moment. Then the prince grabbed James’ hand, shaking it, forming a brand new sensation, a bond with the human. Crysto
s had made his first ever friend.


  After his intensely harrowing conversation with Crystos, the last thing James felt like doing was sleeping, despite the fact that Crystos had retreated away to his very own furleave. James’ head was spinning, his insides reeling. There was still plenty of fruit and bruc left next to the fire, but James, he felt sick, nauseated by what he’d been told.

  Crystaline was still with the chugga. James had no idea if the princess had managed to yet heal the little creature or not. The truth was, the young space warrior could barely even look at the princess right now. Every inside of his would quiver whenever he even thought of her. How could a father subject his daughter to that? It was wrong, wrong on every single level.

  Feeling pained and frustrated, James ran his fingers through his golden hair, staring at the purple flame in front of him. There was a chill to the air tonight, and even this flame’s gentle little licks of heat wasn’t enough to keep the chill at bay.

  As he noticed Crystaline’s shadowy silhouette crossing his field of vision, James felt his heart pinch. Tentatively, the young space warrior raised his head, eyeing Crystaline as she sat down opposite him, taking a piece of bruc in her dainty little hands. Those hands! So deft, so fragile. Her body, it was so beautiful, so supreme. You wouldn’t know it if you looked at her body. The princess’ body was sublime, healthy, showing no signs of damage or abuse. James eyed Crystaline’s face surreptitiously. Her face was perfect, the exact definition of beauty. Yet those eyes, although exquisite with their regality, those eyes would tell quite an opposing story. James got it now. He understood why the princess was so cold, so aloof. He understood why Crystaline would just look so blank, so hollow, her face and her body completely taut with impassiveness. Those eyes on the other hand, they would reveal a different story. It were as if the princess was disconnected away from her divine body, trapped in some harsh prison elsewhere. A world where nothing but pain, darkness and anguish existed. James felt his heart searing, and a few tears battling against his eyeballs. It was difficult to even swallow.


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