Diversion To Urasha (Space Era Book 1)

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Diversion To Urasha (Space Era Book 1) Page 26

by Laura Hopgood

  Remembering that three others were stood watching, Crystaline held her forehead to James’, releasing that frustration from her body, as she pulled herself away from him.

  James could only let out a weak little gasp, for he would not be able to articulate any words right now.


  James closed his eyes, dunking his head into the clear clean water. He could feel his head cleansing; all that sweat, all that goo was just emptying away from his exhausted body.

  Once James was sure that he’d ridded his hair of the purple gunk, the young space warrior released his hair from the water, giving it a little flick.

  The air up here was fresh, free from all that fog. Upon their successful ascent up this cliff, the group had traveled backwards, returning to the river, the smattering of purple grass, and most importantly, safety.

  Crystaline and her brother had been the first ones to wash themselves in the river. James had watched as the goo appeared to slide easily off their apparently water proof costumes. Once the siblings had finished cleansing themselves in the river, it had been the turn of the three humans.

  James had removed his pink t-shirt, shuddering at the very sight of Phil’s bare chest. Not wanting to have to suffer this sight anymore, the young space warrior had dipped his t-shirt into the water, wringing out all that goo. To James’ relief, his shirt was beginning to look greyer, and greyer. Grey was such a dull colour, but today, James was relieved to see the mediocre colour returning to his t-shirt. He watched as the billowing clouds of pink just jetted away into the previously transparent liquid.

  James lifted his t-shirt free from the water, delighted with the results of his wash. Not even a stain or remnant of pink or purple was left in sight. The young space warrior raised himself onto his feet, turning to face the two remaining Urashans, who were sat only metres away. James grinned, immediately noticing the look on Crystaline’s face as her golden eyes took in his bare chest. She was impressed, James could see it all over the princess’ stunning little face. Cheekily, the young space warrior made an unbuttoning motion over his own chest, inclining to Crystaline that she was free to go topless herself if she so chose to do so. The Urashan princess responded with a smile and raise of her eyebrow, patting her pocket where her sworsha was safely nestled. James placed his top back on, his grin growing past even his own cheeks.

  Now content that he was fully washed, the young space warrior wandered over to Crystos and Crystaline, sitting down on the grass next to them. James sighed, remembering the seriousness of the whole situation. He remembered how close both himself and Crystaline had come to perishing. James remembered Morcees, and the poor man’s death. Then there was the stone, and the very fact that the path to that stone had been destroyed. Did Crystaline have a back up plan?

  “So what’s next?” James asked the two siblings, hugging his own knees for warmth.

  Crystos shook his head,

  “I don’t know. I fear that this is getting too dangerous.”

  “We’ve already lost three,” Crystaline added, “we can’t afford to lose anymore.”

  “So what are you two saying?”

  “I’m saying, James, that this mission is over. We’re heading back to the city.”

  James shook his head, not quite able to fathom Crystaline’s words of defeat.

  “So the two of you...you’re just going to give up?”

  Crystaline sighed.

  “James, we were only left one map. There was only ever one route which Crystos and I knew to the stone. That one route has been destroyed. There is no other way.”

  “Isn’t there?” James whispered, looking into the defeated eyes of the princess. “I mean, surely, there has to be another way?”

  “Even if there was...James...we’ve lost too many. I don’t think I can do this, I really don’t.”

  James shook his head, shifting his eyes down to the grass in front of him. It didn’t really matter that the healing stone may not be obtained. After all, it was Cryston, the awful king, the awful father who so badly wanted the stone. It was just, it was just that James wasn’t a quitter. He never liked to give up, not on anyone or anything. Furthermore, James never liked to see other people give up, especially not those whom of which he cared for. Okay, so Crystos probably wouldn’t give a rat’s arse about finding this stone, but Crystaline, she would, James knew that she would. Wanting to somehow get his viewpoint across to Crystaline, James looked back into the princess’ regal eyes.

  “Crystaline,” he gently began, “if there was a way, a way to get to the stone, then would you? Would you go on?”

  Crystaline’s lips parted, whilst her eyes searched James’, as if she would find the very answer to the young space warrior’s question by just looking into his eyes. Just as her mouth widened, ready to give her answer, the Urashan princess spotted something up in the purple sky above her. There were creatures, flying creatures!

  Chapter 22

  Crystaline stood up, her face completely alert as she watched the group of winged creatures getting closer and closer, lowering themselves down through the sky until she could begin to make out their colours. The Urashan princess was shocked, shocked and relieved by what she could see. The creatures were not what Crystaline had initially feared; they were not gershers. Instead of piercing greens and reds, the Urashan princess spotted blues, pinks, and that all important shade of blue - baby blue!

  “They’re chuggas!” Crystaline whispered, awestricken by what she could see, as the rest of her group banded all around her, watching the skies in wonder.

  “Chuggas?” James whispered back, “are they? Are they heading straight for us?”

  Crystaline’s eyes remained focused on the sky up above her. James was right, the creatures were becoming clearer and clearer. They were! The chuggas were on their way over!

  “Yes,” she gently whispered, “I think they are.”

  James couldn’t help it, his mouth just grew into the hugest, most gargantuan, beaming grin! Crystaline was definitely right! Those creatures, descending through the skies were chuggas. There had to be four of them, no, not four, five. Five chuggas lowering through the sky. Three of them were dark blue, one was pink, then the other was familiar - baby blue.

  James watched as the creatures lowered themselves even further, hovering above the ground, close enough to practically touch it. Then, with only a gentle little flap of their wings, the five chuggas landed, right next to the traveling group.

  The baby blue chugga stepped forwards, with its shiny, glittery wings retracting back into their non-flight position around its smooth rubbery body. The creature’s neck was slightly longer than the neck of a baby chugga, and its body was a heck of a lot bigger, large enough for a person to sit on, and ride on. Yet this chugga, although markedly different, from baby Chugga-chugga, this creature was also very similar. It had those same, round shiny eyes, and that same warm, friendly indulgent expression on its face.

  As the creature took several more steps towards Crystaline, James began to wonder: Could this really be...?

  The chugga slowly bent its head down, using its mouth to dip into Crystaline’s hip, or more, her trouser pocket. When the baby blue creature raised its head, it carried something green in its mouth - Chugga-chugga’s green bandage!

  Crystaline’s mouth gaped open, just as her eyes began to well up, not moving even a millimetre away from the chugga in front of her.

  “Chugga-chugga…” she whispered, completely and utterly stunned.

  The creature smiled, stretching the bandage back onto its leg.

  Crystaline slowly proffered out her palm to the baby blue creature. The chugga slowly moved its head through the air, until its head met with Crystaline’s trembling hands. The princess’ lips curled up into a smile, just as her hand began to caress the chugga’s warm smooth head. The creature purred in delight, relishing Crystaline’s touch, just as it had done only days before. This was Chugga-chugga, definitely! Because of some marvellous mir
acle, this animal was alive! He had...he had evolved!

  “Chugga-chugga,” Crystaline repeated, her words more audible this time, “it’s really you, isn’t it?”

  The creature nodded, then graooouuuled. Yes - he had returned, he was Chugga-chugga!

  Crystaline chuckled, stroking her creature friend more rapidly, more comfortably.

  “I can’t believe it,” she went on, “I thought, we thought that you were dead? Chugga-chugga, I’m so sorry, I should have never shouted at you...you saved me...”

  Chugga-chugga moved his head even closer to Crystaline, hugging her, before turning his attentions to an equally stunned James.

  With his face brightly beaming, James enveloped his arms around the baby blue animal, relieved to see that the friend he thought he had lost, was in actual fact okay. Chugga-chugga was alive!

  “Hey, lil buddy!” James laughed, “you’re okay! How? How did you?”

  The chugga backed away from James, rejoining its fellow chuggas. The five of them appeared to be communicating with each other, until eventually, they stopped, separating out from each other. Then, without warning, Chugga-chugga flung himself into the pink chugga, wrestling the poor creature to the ground.

  “Wait!” James protested, “Chugga-chugga, what are you...?”

  Crystaline watched as the other three blue chuggas flew up into the air, and then her eyes returned to Chugga-chugga, realising what the group of creatures were doing.

  “They’re showing us.” she whispered. “Chugga-chugga and his friends, they’re showing us what happened. They’re showing us how he survived. Look, Chugga-chugga’s not really going for that pink chugga, it’s as if he’s having a play fight with her. But he’s showing us, he’s himself, she’s the gersher. Those three up there, they’re the boulder!”

  James canted his head back, allowing his eyes to look up at the other three chuggas. They had all clumped together, forming a sphere which floated in the sky. Then, only moments later, the three of them began to fall through the sky. The pink chugga ripped off Chugga-chugga’s bandage, and then flung it to one side. Then Chugga-chugga pushed himself free from the pink animal, just about managing to escape from his three friends who would crush him. The three dark blue chuggas landed on the pink one, whilst Chugga-chugga scampered away to one side. Before anyone had the time to worry about the welfare of the pink chugga, the three darker animals hovered free from her, landing next to the chirpy, and very much alive pink creature.

  So that was how it had happened. Crystaline had read it right. It was not Chugga-chugga’s blood which had seeped out from underneath that boulder, it was the gersher’s, the one who had attacked, and almost killed Crystaline. Chugga-chugga had gotten away, but not without a cost, for the blue guy had lost his bandage, leaving it for James and Crystaline to both retrieve. The two of them had wrongly assumed that Chugga-chugga had died, when in reality, the little, baby blue animal had escaped, and not only that, he had evolved, too, into his winged adult self!

  Crystaline walked over to the pink chugga, placing her palm on its smooth rubbery head.

  “You looked after Chugga-chugga for me?”

  The pink chugga nodded, and then gave Crystaline’s cheek a massive lick.

  Crystaline laughed with the others, regaining her composure to name her new chugga friend.

  “You’d suit the same Yullom,” she said.

  “Why?” James asked her, stepping towards Chugga-chugga, “is it because of the lick?”

  Crystaline nodded,

  “It’s because of the lick.”

  “Nice!” James grinned. “So what now?”

  Crystaline shook her head, her face straightening with curiosity as she searched the young space warrior’s eyes.

  “What do you mean? Nothing’s changed.”

  “Hasn’t it?” James whispered, looking intently into Crystaline’s eyes. “You said...you told me a story once. You told me that a relative of yours flew on the back of a chugga. Not once, but many times. Don’t you see, Crystaline, there are five of us, and five of those chuggas. What if they flew us to the stone?”

  Crystaline’s mouth dropped open, endeavouring to comprehend the young space warrior’s suggestion. Her eyes flitted briefly to her brother’s, and then back into James’.

  “Okay...you might actually be onto something here, Joyce. This might just work. This mission ends today.” Crystaline turned to face the five chuggas. “Chugga-chugga, Yullom, you three...I ask for your help. You see my friends and I, we’re out here looking for a stone, yet the only path which I knew to the stone has been destroyed. Without your help, the stone is completely unattainable. With your help, we could all be back in the city today.”

  James’ heart gave a little flip. Yes, as he had suggested, the young space warrior wanted to obtain the healing stone. But this mission ending today? Being back in the city today, maybe potentially even leaving this planet tonight? The thought was undesirable. Nevertheless, the young space warrior had no choice in the matter. He knew that this was the only option left, and not only that, it was the safest, too.

  Crystaline continued, her eyes sincerely pleading with each of the five chuggas.

  “I’ve never rode on the back of a chugga before, but I would sure like to. If you’ll just help us?”

  Yullom stepped towards Crystaline, giving the princess another sloppy lick. Then the female chugga bowed her head, inviting the Urashan princess to ride her.

  Crystaline’s face beamed into a smile, proudly climbing onto the back of her only female companion. Chugga-chugga walked towards James, replicating Yullom’s movements. With enthusiasm, the young space warrior climbed onto the back of his creature friend.

  As James sat waiting for his three remaining companions to each hesitantly climb onto the backs of the three remaining chuggas, the young space warrior’s eyes flickered over to Crystaline’s. Her eyes were like his, wild with elation, relief and excitement. James could not wait to have this ride.

  “We’re all going to need to remember to hold on very tight!” Crystaline called out to her group, just as Yullom began to flap her pink sparkly wings.

  James could feel Chugga-chugga levitating free from the ground. He could feel, and hear his little creature friend’s wings flapping into flight. In a subconscious movement to protect himself, James wrapped his arms even more tightly around Chugga-chugga’s neck. He and the baby blue creature were airborne now, with the ground beneath them seeming further and further away with each nanosecond that passed.

  As he felt himself continuing to rise through the air, James looked over to Phil and Zach, unable to prevent himself from smirking as he watched his human companions holding onto their chuggas for dear life. Unlike James’ fellow humans, Crystaline and her brother seemed completely at ease, enjoying their flights just as much as he was.

  James looked back down at the land beneath him, realising that it was nothing more than a blur of purples now.

  “Everyone,” Crystaline called out to her group, “follow mine and Yullom’s lead. It won’t take us long to reach the little island. And hold on, remember to hold on tight!”

  Just as Crystaline finished her words, James felt his entire body jerking suddenly forwards. Chugga-chugga had shot through the air, taking James with him! At first, it took the young space warrior a while to gather his bearings, and to fathom what had just happened. But once the young space warrior felt the adrenaline pouring feelings of joy and elation into his body, James let out a cathartic laugh! This ride, on the back of Chugga-chugga, it was absolutely insane! James could feel the breeze rushing past his cheeks. He could feel his stomach lurching ravenously forwards, hungry for more speed, more fun! This ride, it was the best - ever!

  As James began to get to grips with his flight, he began to look around for the others. Phil, Zach and Crystos were each behind him, but Crystaline, naturally of course, she was soaring on ahead of everyone!

  “Chugga-chugga,” James called out to his baby blue
friend, fighting against the constant rushes of air to make his voice audible, “we need to catch up with the girls. What do you say, buddy?”

  Chugga-chugga gave a determined graaaooouuul, before darting off into the air, endeavouring to catch up with Yullom and Crystaline.

  James let out another relieving laugh, watching as the Urashan princess and her pink chugga grew closer and closer to his view.

  “Crystaline!” James called out to her, once he was only a matter of metres away.

  Crystaline canted her head around, grinning at James who was now only metres to her side.

  “I thought I told you to follow my lead?”

  James beamed back at the Urashan princess,

  “Follow your lead? Why? When me and Chugga-chugga can keep up? Or lead you even?”

  Crystaline shook her head, still grinning.

  “That sounds like a challenge, Joyce?”

  “Maybe it is!” James agreed, “I’m not following when I can go faster than you.”

  The Urashan princess gave another little shake of her head, and then she muttered something to her pink chugga friend, before turning back around to face the keen young space warrior.

  “Oh, it’s on!” Crystaline proclaimed, just as her and Yullom began to pick up speed again.

  James didn’t even have to tell Chugga-chugga what to do, for the baby blue animal was already after Yullom and Crystaline, like a predator would be hunting down its prey. James felt the elation coursing through his body. He felt the little tingles of joy and excitement spreading through each and every little atom! James was on cloud nine - literally, he was soaring through the sky, on the back of his favourite creature friend, with a grin which reached both of his ears.


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