Steel Love: Alpha BBW Motorcycle Romance

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Steel Love: Alpha BBW Motorcycle Romance Page 13

by Rider, P. J.

  When he had emptied himself completely inside her his arms gave way and Ash landed heavy on top of her. When he felt Maggie’s hands brushing through his hair he lifted himself groaning as his cock slipped from her. Ash moved to lay at her side, putting one arm under his head he wrapped the other around her.

  “I made you sweaty. You’ll have to take another shower.”

  Maggie laughed and turned to face him. “It’s ok, it was worth it.”

  Ash propped his head up on his hand, elbow bent against the bed. “That was amazing Maggie.” He whispered as he bent down to kiss her. “Why don’t you come take a shower with me? I’ll get you all cleaned up.”

  Maggie giggled and looked up at him. All the worry and anxiety that clouded her features earlier was gone. “That sounds lovely.” Maggie replied.

  Chapter 17


  During their shower they took their time washing each other and making out. Afterward they went downstairs and finished their coffee with a couple slices of toast. Ash asked Maggie what she thought her day would look like, and Maggie told him all the while marveling at a man who actually wanted to know about her. Ash laughed and confessed to wanting more fodder for his dirty librarian fantasies. This instigated a toast fight when Maggie threw her crust at him which ended in a very hot make out session with Maggie pressed into the counter.

  When they finally made it outside they found Prentice sitting on the porch swing and staring at them. Maggie had forgotten about Prentice. When she saw him she turned to Ash’s chest to hide her blushing face. Ash gave Prentice instructions to follow them back to the bar where Ash had left his bike the night before.

  When they got to the bar Ash leaned over in Maggie’s car and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Got any plans tonight?”

  Maggie smiled at Ash and shook her head. “Nope, I usually just hang out at home. I’m not normally one for going out you know?”

  Ash nodded his head and reached out to smooth her hair back. He loved that he could touch her so easily now. After all those weeks watching her and wanting so badly to touch her but not being able to. Finally he could. “I was thinking maybe I could take you out for dinner. And then we could go back to your place after? Watch a movie or something?”

  Maggie smiled at him in response. “That sounds great. I would love that.”

  Ash’s lips quirked up at the sides, “I’ll meet you at the library and follow you back to your place, and then we can go from there, ok?”

  Maggie nodded and Ash stepped from the car and headed over to Prentice who was parked in front of the bar. “I want you to follow Maggie to the library and wait until she’s inside. You don’t have to stay there all day, but I would appreciate it if you would stop by and just check on her a few times. She’ll be done around five. I’m gonna meet her there at four thirty so try to make your last visit no later than three thirty.”

  Always a man of brevity Prentice nodded his understanding as he started his bike and took off after Maggie’s retreating car. Ash watched them drive away until they were out of site before heading inside the bar. He made his way over to a seat noting the other people already in the bar starting their drinking early. A few of the old cronies that had been hanging out at The Hole since it opened thirty years earlier, and the piece of ass Jamie.

  As soon as Ash settled on a stool at the bar Jamie started making her way over to him. Ash narrowed his eyes at her causing the girl to pause about five feet from him before deciding it was worth it to test his temper. One thing he could say for Jamie, she was a brave girl.

  “Hey Ash. I didn’t see you last night after you took off. Where’d you go?” She asked perching on the edge of a bar stool next to him.

  “When did that become your business Jamie?” Ash growled as he ordered a coffee from the bartender who cocked his eyebrow at Ash’s tone and the fact that he was ordering coffee and not beer.

  Jamie also looked surprised at his order, but ignored it in pursuit of her question. “It isn’t. I just saw you dancing with that girl last night, and then it kinda looked like you was goin’ after her. I just didn’t realize you was gettin’ serious with someone is all.”

  Ash frowned at the girl’s hand as it stroked up his thigh from knee to groin. He grabbed her wrist and threw it off of him with a sneer. “I’ll ask again, when exactly did that become your fucking business?”

  Jamie jumped when he twisted her wrist. He hadn’t hurt her seriously. Just caused enough pain to make her understand. He wanted it clear that she was stepping out of her place in the club. “Sorry Ash. I guess it’s not. I’ll leave you alone.”

  Ash watched as she hoped off the stool and walked away from him shaking his head. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and searched for the number of the local gym. He dialed the number then signaled the bartender for a pen and paper. When someone picked up he asked to be transferred to the juice bar, he was on hold for a moment before a high feminine voice answered, “This is Kim in the juice bar. How can I help you?”

  “Is this the blond girl? The one that’s friends with Reef?” There was a pause before the girl responded with a hesitant yes.

  “Thanks” was Ash’s reply before he disconnected the call. He wrote down Kim on the paper, as well as juice girl and the name of the gym. Then he motioned the bartender over.

  “You know anything about the juice girl at that gym outside of town. Names Kim. Blonde and petite?”

  The bartender shrugged at him, “Not really. She’s been in here a few times, but she’s not a regular. She’s a cousin of a friend sort of thing.”

  “You tell me if you ever see her in here ok? Don’t wait; call me right away got it? You got my cell number right? And I want you to take note of any men with her. Don’t approach them, don’t speak to them, just tell me if you see them.” The bartender nodded his understanding and confirmed he had Ash’s cell phone number. Ash drained his coffee cup then moved to the front door and outside.

  Ash jumped on his bike and headed for the gym across town. When he got there Ash didn’t go inside. Instead he parked in the far corner of the lot under a dense copse of trees and waited, watching the front of the building. He sat there about an hour before he saw the girl walk out the front door. She headed for the side of the building away from the front windows. As she walked she pulled a pack of cigarettes from her pocket.

  Ash left his bike in the shade and walked toward the girl. He was about fifteen feet from her when she noticed him. Her eyes got wide and he could see the wheels turning in her head trying to figure out if she could run back inside the gym before he got to her.

  “I’m not here to hurt you, I just want to talk. I promise” As he spoke Ash raised his hands in the air. Ash wore his club cut along with a thin white t-shirt and faded jeans. He had a gun tucked in to the waistband of his jeans at his lower back, but it was hidden by his leather.

  “I didn’t know he was going to try to run you off the road I swear. I don’t know what the hell is going on between you two, but I don’t want to get involved.”

  When Ash was only a few feet from her he noticed the split lip she sported and the bruise on the arm that held the cigarette. He motioned toward her arm and lip and asked, “He do that?”

  The girl’s color left her face leaving her pale and sick looking. “Yeah. I’m not planning on seeing him anymore if that was your next question. I never had a guy hit me before. Son of a bitch.” She spit on the floor like a bad taste had flooded her mouth.

  “My friend wanted me to press charges, but then someone else said sometimes that makes guys like that even crazier. Like maybe if I had him arrested he would come lookin’ for me ya know?”

  Ash nodded at her words. “Yeah, I hear you. He did the same to a friend of mine, and he knows I’m lookin’ out for her, that’s why he tried to run me down the other day. Listen, don’t tell him we talked got it? I’m keepin’ an eye out. So I just want you to know, soon he ain’t gonna be bot
herin’ you no more. Ok?”

  The girl looked at him a moment, took a long drag off her cigarette and nodded her understanding.

  “I’m Kim by the way.” She said, smiling at him from under her lashes as she blew her smoke out. Now that she knew he wasn’t here to hurt her she was suddenly ready to flirt.

  “Yeah, I know who you are. I’m Ash. You see Reef around anymore you come to The Hole and let me know ok? You know where that is?”

  She nodded again and smiled at him.

  “You ever been to his house? Know where he lives?”

  She shook her head, “Naw, he never took me to his place. We went to dinner once, and then we fucked in the back of his car.”

  She gestured to her arm and lip, “This happened after he tried to run you off the road. I was screamin’ at him to stop. When he finally did I told him what a fuckin’ idiot he was. Asked him if he knew who the fuck he just tried to kill, and I told him your club wasn’t gonna let that slide you know? He started loosin’ his shit, and then he hit me. Motherfucker…”

  She took another drag off her cigarette, inhaling deeply, and continued, “Anyway, when he took me home I jumped outta the car and ran inside my neighbor’s apartment. I saw her light on so I knew she’d be home and her door would be unlocked. I was worried he would try to follow me into my place and that I wouldn’t be able to get my door unlocked fast enough. So I ran into hers and locked the door behind me. He was bangin’ on the door screamin’ at me to let him in. I told him I was gonna call the cops if he didn’t get the fuck outta there and leave me alone. He did leave eventually.”

  “Good thing your neighbor was home. You let me know if he comes around again ok?”

  The girl shifted against the wall until she was leaning against it with her shoulder instead of her back and pushed her hip out to show off her curves. “Yeah, I’ll call you.” She said her voice deep and lusty.

  Ash cocked an eyebrow at her before turning and leaving. He felt like he had his bases covered now. He had Prentice at his back. He had the smoothie girl under wraps. He headed back to his bike and pulled out his phone searching for the number to the computer nerd the club kept on the payroll. Now he just had to find out where Reef was staying so he could track him down and kill him.

  Chapter 18


  Reef parked his car behind a dumpster in the lot next to the gym. He leaned against the trunk and waited. It was the perfect place to watch the corner of the building where he knew Kim took her cigarette breaks. He needed to talk to her. He needed to make sure she didn’t go to the cops or anything. He needed to make sure she understood what he would do to her if she talked to anyone.

  He sat up when he saw her exit the gym. Before he could push off the trunk he saw the biker walking toward her. Shit. What the fuck was he doing here? First this motherfucker fucks his wife. There was no doubt in his mind Maggie was now sleeping with this douche bag. He was surprised she hadn’t invited the one on the porch in. She was not the girl he had always thought her to be. Now he’s here talking to Kim.

  What the hell did Reef have to do to get rid of this piece of shit? If he were a real man he would be able to control these aspects of his life, like his father. His wife wouldn’t be cheating on him. She would be home taking care of him and their home. And now the man his wife was fucking, the man who humiliated him by beating him up in front of Maggie, was talking to Kim. His entire life was crumbling down around his head and he couldn’t get control of anything.

  He needed to stop this. He needed to set Kim straight, get Maggie home, and get back at the fucker who seemed to be at the center of this entire mess. Reef watched the biker and Kim until they were done talking then turned and got in his car. He would go back to his house and start planning. He was done waiting for Maggie to decide she was ready to come home. He needed to take control. Put his foot down. Show her who was boss. He needed to be a real man like his father. Maggie was coming home whether she liked it or not.

  Chapter 19


  Maggie stood in her bedroom getting dressed while Ash waited downstairs. She looked at herself in the mirror after swiping on some mascara and pulling her hair up into the high bun that she knew Ash liked. She left some tendrils down to dangle on her neck, knowing it would drive him crazy. Maggie couldn’t believe how lucky she was. Ash was so amazing, so strong, so beautiful, and he wanted her.

  Maggie did a little turn in the mirror. She wore a sparkly tank top that was tight over her breasts but a little loose around her belly. She checked out her butt in the tight black jeans. She’d had these since she was in high school, but back then she wore her clothes loose. She hadn’t been as comfortable in her skin back then. Since high school she’d definitely put on a little weight, so now the jeans that had been baggy on her fit her like a glove. She knew Ash liked her ass but she still couldn’t help worrying about the size of it. Maggie ran her hands over her hips and back up her butt cheeks. It was rather massive, but Ash did seem to love it. The way he had caressed her that morning... It gave her goose bumps thinking about it.

  It worried Maggie a little that she was again relying on the opinion of a man to make her feel better about her figure. It was unfortunate that Reef had torn her ego down so much. She tried to see herself through Ash’s eyes. Her curves were sexy. Her ass, that Reef would have called Fat, she now saw as luscious. It wasn’t so much that Ash was saving her from Reef’s abuse, but that he was helping her to save herself.

  “If you don’t stop touching yourself like that we’ll never make it to dinner.”

  Maggie gasped and jumped, spinning around to find Ash leaning against the doorframe. His arms were crossed over his chest and his tight black t-shirt showed of his bulging biceps beautifully.

  “JESUS! Ash you scared the shit out of me. How long have you been standing there?” Maggie put her hands on her hips and frowned at him.

  “Just long enough to see you molesting yourself. Long enough to get my dick up to half mast.” Ash chuckled and ran his eyes over her. He narrowed his eyes and looked pointedly at her hips.

  “You know, when you put your hands on your hips like that it really shows off your curves.” Ash said as he pushed off the doorframe and started moving toward her. Maggie suddenly had the very distinct feeling that this is how a gazelle in the African plains would feel being stalked by a lion.

  “What… what about dinner?” Maggie stuttered over her words as she backed away from Ash. Her knees hit the bed and she barely kept herself upright as he reached her. Ash lifted a hand and reached out for one of the little curls she’d left out of her bun. Maggie laughed a little at that.

  “I knew you would like the curls on my neck.” Maggie explained.

  “Mmmmm.” Was Ash’s reply as he bent his head to kiss her neck. Maggie’s arms lifted and wrapped around his shoulders before she even realized what she was doing. This prompted Ash to wrap his hands around her torso and reach down to the globes of her ass squeezing and pulling her close. She couldn’t help but sigh as his mouth worked at her throat and collarbone.

  “Ash. What about dinner?”

  Ash grunted and moved his right hand to the front of her. He pushed his hand between her thighs, rubbing against jean material that covered her sex. He let out a frustrated growl at not being able to get to her. “What’s with the jeans? Don’t you usually wear skirts?”

  Maggie laughed and moved her hands to his shoulders to push him back. He resisted at first, but then let her shove him away. “It’s like trying to push at a brick wall.” Maggie thought to herself.

  “I want dinner. I want a date. And yes I do normally wear skirts, but I thought we were going on the bike tonight? And besides, I thought my ass looked cute in these.”

  Ash’s face split in a grin. “Oh yeah baby. Your ass looks fucking amazing in these.” He said as he moved to wrap his arms around her again.

  Maggie put her hands on his chest and shoved with all
her might, only succeeding in moving him about a foot. “Stop it Ash! You promised me dinner. We can play after. Come on.” Maggie said as she sidestepped him when he tried to reach for her again. As she moved past him he swiped at her ass making Maggie giggle. She reached behind her to swat at his hands as she bent to grab her ankle boots from the closet.

  When she stood and turned he was right behind her. “Ash, please. I really want to go out. You don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve had a nice evening out.”

  Ash frowned, his eyebrows coming together. “I’ll take you out Maggie. I’ll take you out every night of your life to make up for that shit.”

  Maggie smiled and leaned into Ash, resting her head on his chest. “Ash.” Her voice was a whisper filled with every emotion she couldn’t put into words. Gratitude. Respect. Appreciation. And she was surprised to find Love resting there like a flower blooming through a crack in the concrete of her hardened heart.

  Ash held Maggie for a long moment his chin resting on the top of her head. “Come on. Let’s go get dinner.” Ash said as he moved his hands down her arms to clasp their hands together. He pulled her behind him making his way downstairs and out the front door of the house.

  Prentice was sitting on the porch swing again. Leaning back looking relaxed. “We’re heading to dinner now. Follow us on your bike and then you can either grab a seat at the bar or take off and I’ll text you when we get the check.” Ash said in a tone Maggie had not heard from him before. It was a tone that said Ash was in charge and he didn’t expect to hear shit from Prentice about it.

  “Sure thing boss. I’ll stay at the bar.” Prentice said as he stood and stretched. Maggie stared at him as he stretched. This was probably one of the biggest men she’d ever seen in her life. When she felt Ash’s hand tug hers slightly she turned her head to find him frowning at her watching Prentice. Maggie just smiled and shrugged at him as if to say, “What do you want me to say? The man is huge. How can I not look?”


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