Madison Pierce

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Madison Pierce Page 12

by Christina Persaud

  "So, now you want her to die? I think the only person who should die here is you then the whole of London will finally have some fucking peace."

  Security came after a nurse called them. "Don't fucking touch me." She spat as the two well-built men took her by the arms. "Where are you taking me?" She kept yelling as they dragged her out of the building.

  "She is really turning into a mad woman." Gregory sighed taking a seat. Victoria walked over to the seat next to him and sat.

  "She is a crazy bitch. I guess her dislike for me has made her this way."

  "Don't say that. You're not at fault for all her wrongs. I have contributed to her becoming this way by not sticking up for Madison." The regret evident on his face. "That's why she can't know about Charles, at least for now. She'll have a mental breakdown." He placed his head in the palm of his hands.

  “Sooner or later the truth will be revealed, just know that it won’t hurt less the longer you take to tell her.” Victoria sighed and got up from seating. She could only think of one place to give her comfort while she continued to wait.


  As she sat on the cold wooden bench with her hands clasped and her eyes closed, she prayed for the one person she had ever loved. Prayed for the surgery to go well, for Madison's happiness, for Amanda to accept her daughter and for her to be able to give Madison the love she deserved.

  She opened her eyes and threw her head back on the bench getting lost in thought once more.

  Meanwhile, Melody was entering the hospital with Troy when she saw security guards dragging her mother out.

  "What the hell is going on?" She yelled walking up to them. They stopped and stood in place, but still had a firm hold on Amanda.

  "I am going to sue this hospital and both of you will be fired if you don't let me go."

  "Ma'am, please calm down. You are restricted from entering this hospital until further notice, enter this building and we will have you arrested."

  "Arrested? I have a right to be in here. My daughter..." The tears started to pour down her face. "She is in there. I need to see her." She sobbed as Melody pulled her in for a hug. "Where is she?" She asked Melody as the woman escorted her mother to a bench outside.

  "She is fine mom. She must be sleeping or something."

  Amanda shook her head, "I went to check on her and she wasn't there, and no one will tell me where she is." The older woman choked out.

  Melody furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. ‘Where was Madison if she was not in her room?’ She knew that Victoria wanted some time alone to speak to her and as for her father, she didn't know where he was.

  "Troy," Melody called her fiancée. He walked over stopping right next to her.

  "Yes, love." He said looking at the mother of his child.

  "Stay with mom. She can't enter the hospital. Take her home." She looked at her mother, "mom, let Troy take you home and I will make sure to find out what's going on. You will be the first to know." Melody knew her mother loved Madison but had awful ways of expressing it. Though her mother went about things the wrong way, and her perspective on how others should live their lives may have been a little skewed. She knew the woman was only doing what she thought was best for her children.

  Melody walked into the waiting room, spotting her father sitting with his legs crossed at the ankles and his elbows propped up on his thighs as his face rested on the palms of his hands. "Dad, where is Madison?"

  "She is in the surgery." Melody furrowed her eyebrows.

  "Why?" She questioned, thinking of the worst.

  "They found a donor heart. It happened so quickly, they couldn't waste any time and I forgot to call you. It's just that so much is happening." He took a deep breath, as he silently thanked the woman whose heart was going to save his daughter’s life.

  "That's great. I knew God would come through for her," Melody smiled. "Why was mom being dragged out by security?" She then questioned wanting some answers.

  "She started hitting Victoria. One of the nurses called them, but I think it is best for her to stay away for now." He said sighing.

  "I know. She isn't handling everything so well. I am going to go check on her, Troy took her home. Call me when Madison gets out of surgery."

  "How are you getting home if Troy already left?" Gregory asked concerned.

  "Oh, I will just take a cab." He shook his head and took his car keys out of his pocket.

  "Here, use my car." Melody smiled and took the keys from her father's hand.

  "Thanks, dad. Make sure to call me if anything happens."

  "Will do."


  Victoria sat rapidly opening and closing her eyes, checking the time on her wristwatch every few seconds. She was wanting to know what was taking so long, but she knew she had to be patient.

  She thought of the last time she saw Madison, how the two kissed, how much she loved the feeling of Madison's lips on hers. A feeling she wanted every day for the rest of her life. She couldn't stand the thought of ever being apart from Madison again, it would literally send her into depression.

  She heard the ringtone from her phone and took it out of her pocket, she answered without looking at the caller ID. "Hello," she greeted.

  "Victoria, it's Lena."

  "Hey, Lena. What's up? Everything okay with the bridal shop?" She left her assistant in charge so that she could be with Madison. There was not much to do anyway. Sometimes she wondered if it was the right business for her. She wanted something more adventurous in life.

  "Yes, everything is fine. Miss Willis came for her dress fitting earlier. Had some problems with the measurement, but we got it sorted out. The shipment of bridesmaids' attires has arrived, and I signed for it. I already took the liberty to display them for you. Don't worry, I have everything under control and take as much time as you need."

  "I know darling. Just call me if anything goes wrong or you need anything. I will try to come over sometime soon. Not today though, so make sure to lock up."

  "Okay, I will, don't rush. Have a nice day."

  "Same to you, talk later." They hung up and Victoria placed the phone back into her pocket.

  She got up and walked towards the door, turning to look back once more, "Save her." She whispered.


  Amanda fidgeted in her seat but still held her composure like any refined housewife. Troy was sitting in the chair horizontal to her as he heard the door open and footsteps followed. "Melody?" He guessed right before she appeared in visible sight. Her smile was the brightest it had been in days. Had something happened to make her mood become so jolly?

  "Yea, It's me. Mom are you okay?" Amanda looked at her daughter as she took a seat next to her.

  "Madison..." She swallowed uncrossing her legs.

  "It's a miracle mom. She is receiving a donor heart." The older woman's eyes lit up.

  "I knew God would protect her." Amanda preached, "now Madison has to repay him by giving up her sinful ways." The woman smiled. Melody looked at her and shook her head.

  "Mom, she can't just change who she is." Melody tried to defend but her mother yelled at her.

  "So, you accept that she is basically worshipping the devil." Amanda snapped, the anger building up once more.

  "Well if she is worshipping the devil, I don't care. She is my sister and I will love her no matter what. I can't believe that I just told you about Madison fighting against all odds and actually has a chance at surviving and here you are again criticizing the way she lives her life."

  "Melody, don't talk to your mother like that," Troy said and Melody arched her eyebrow.

  "So, Prince charming does speak. You fucking agree with her." She pointed to her mother, "Seemingly I am gay too because I am going to marry my fucking mother."

  He rolled his eyes and got up from the chair. "Call me when you stop being a fucking idiot."

  "Don't count on it." She spat as he walked out the door and slammed it behind him.

  "You shou
ldn't fight with the father of your child." Melody swallowed knowing the truth no one else knew.

  "It is none of your fucking business."

  "When you threaten to become a dyke, it is my business."

  "And what if I am, it is my life, not yours."

  "I knew that your friendship with Victoria was a wrong choice."

  "And what is that suppose to mean?" Melody crossed her arms.

  "That bitch is making my entire family just like her," Amanda yelled getting up from her seat. "Your father is gay, Madison is gay, and you might be gay. What has this fucking family come to?"

  "I should say the same, but then again you have been this way all our lives, never accepting and always criticizing everyone. You should look at yourself in the fucking mirror. Being gay is not wrong but what you do to Madison is. You know why Madison went to New York? She was trying to get away from you. Her life was hell because of you. You made her believe that she was useless, no matter what she did, you..." she pointed to her mother, "would never be satisfied and she was right. I'm glad I was the one who encouraged her to leave and you know something, I should have done the same." Melody screamed.

  "Don't yell at me. I am your mother. You better apologize, or I swear God will strike you down."

  "Oh, so now you know what God will and will not do. Are you sure you are not fucking God himself? I am not going to apologize. You know what? I am done with you and all of your shit." Melody got up as her anger got worse. "And you know what mom, Troy is not the father of my child."

  "That's impossible. What garbage are you blabbing?" Melody tried to calm herself down.

  "It is the truth. I did a DNA test a few weeks ago. He doesn't know but I am going to tell him."

  "If you give the child up for adoption maybe he will still marry you."

  "Fuck no! What kind of mother are you, telling me to give away my child? The baby might not be Troy's but still is mine."

  Amanda clasped her hands behind her head. "Well, then you can't tell him. The wedding will be canceled, and you are pregnant... Who is the father of the child?" Amanda questioned thinking that maybe she could have married that guy instead since it was his child anyways.

  "I can't marry him." She said knowing her mother's intentions already.

  "You have no other choice. He is the father of your child." Amanda stated.

  "You can't tell me what to do mom. I have done everything you have asked me so far, but you don't know how I really feel. You don't care about anyone but your fucking self." Melody got up and walked out of the house slamming the door behind her. She got into her father's car and drove back to the hospital in need of someone to talk to.


  Victoria walked back to the waiting room to see Gregory still sitting in the same position. "Are you okay?" She asked as she took a seat opposite him.

  "No, I'm worried." He admitted closing his eyes and leaning his head upwards.

  "Aren't we all?" She questioned taking a deep breath.

  "Yes. I just hope everything goes well." He sighed, his eyes still closed. "I know it is hard for you as well." He opened his eyes looking at Victoria. "I know you love her, if... I mean when she gets through this promise me you will take good care of her."

  That got Victoria thinking. She wanted to do everything she could for Madison. Even if it meant going against her own wishes and beliefs.

  "I will." She said as silence filled the room. Was she capable of giving Madison the love and care she deserved? She hoped with all her being that she could.

  She then saw Dr. Hanes walking over which meant that they were finally finished with the surgery. Both Victoria and Gregory rose from their seats.

  "Did everything go umm..." Gregory fought back the tears as a bright smile formed on Courtney's face.

  "The surgery went well." She finally said as Melody entered the waiting room.

  "Dad, why are you crying?" She asked worried that something awful happened.

  "She is going to live Hun," Victoria said turning to the doctor. "Thank you, Dr. Hanes."

  Victoria then placed her hand on Courtney's shoulder and led her to a space in the room a little away from Melody and Gregory.

  "Thanks for everything.”

  “No problem, I’m happy everything went well.”

  Victoria sighed leaning against the wall. “When can I see her?” Victoria questioned wanting to feel the warmth of Madison's body against hers and tell the beautiful woman how much she loved her.

  "She is resting at the moment, but you can still go in. Anyone would be happy to wake up next to you..." Victoria followed the young doctor a short distance to Madison's room seeing that Gregory and Melody somehow were already there, "I mean, I know she will love that." Courtney finished.

  Victoria ignored the awkwardness and walked into the room. Gregory was sitting in a chair next to Madison's bed looking at his daughter while Melody stood looking like she was lost in thought.

  "Dad, I am not marrying Troy," Melody said making his head pop up.

  "What do you mean?" He asked confused.

  "He is not the person I thought he was. I tried to be content, faking the smiles and the happiness even in front of you guys, but after everything that has happened in the past few days..." She took a breath looking at her father. "I can't live like this."

  "Okay, why didn't you tell me this sooner?" He asked more concerned about his daughter's well-being unlike Amanda.

  "You know why." She sighed rubbing her temples, "the baby is not his either. I had a one-night stand. I don't know who the guy is so don't ask me." She said the last part a little more angrily.

  "Darling, I don't care about that. I just want you to be happy and if Troy cannot make you happy then I have no objections against what you want to do, though I am not pleased with you having a one-night stand and bearing a child out of it... How do you even know it is not Troy's? I mean kids these days don't wait till after marriage..."

  "I did a DNA test okay. Fuck dad, don't remind me that I actually slept with that bastard."

  "Wait, did he ever hit you? If he did..." Gregory grumbled feeling the rage build up.

  "No dad he didn't."

  "Good. I know enough people to make his murder look like an accident."

  "Hold up dad. I think you are going a little too far with this."

  "I am your father. It is what I do."

  "So, Melody, may I cancel everything for the dresses. I will give you a refund since..." Victoria tried to change the conversation.

  "No refund. Let that asshole pay for it and dad, I am sorry you wasted so much money on the wedding."

  "It's okay honey. Money is nothing. Once you're happy, I am happy."


  Within a few hours, Madison had awoken, and Victoria never left her side even for a moment. Everyone left Amanda on her own, allowing it to be her punishment for her continuous misbehavior. If it was one thing she hated, it was being left alone. It served her right in everyone's mind.

  No one told Madison about recent incidents that happened with Amanda, not wanting to stress her out and make her worry.

  Madison didn't question the absence of her mother since it was nice to finally have some peace. "Baby, how are you feeling?" Victoria asked tracing abstract patterns on the palm of Madison's hand.

  "My lips are hurting," Madison said pouting her luscious lips. She pointed to it and sniffled, warming Victoria's heart.

  "You are so adorable, and I would love to kiss you, but your dad is right over there," Victoria whispered not wanting the man to hear what she was saying.

  "But I am in pain," Madison whined like a child trying to pull off puppy dog eyes.

  Victoria looked at Gregory seeing that he was facing the wall in front of him, she leaned down and gave Madison a quick peck on her lips.

  "No fair. I can't heal with pecks."

  Victoria groaned as she just decided to give into the woman's demands knowing that her father would most likely see.
She cupped Madison's cheeks and joined their lips.

  Madison pushed her tongue through Victoria's lips but before she could have gotten any further into the kiss, Victoria pulled away. The redness on her cheeks evident as she saw that Gregory got up and left the room while Melody stood there her arms crossed and smirking.

  "You two lovebirds can't keep your mouths to yourselves?" She questioned.


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