The Nurse's Secret Love (BWWM Romance)

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The Nurse's Secret Love (BWWM Romance) Page 5

by Violet Jackson

  “This is almost unbelievable! You are healing faster than you should in your condition. I would like you to come in for x-rays and MRIs in a few days. Have you been doing anything differently to cause such rapid healing?”

  “Yes, I have,” Mark said. “I’m eating right, laughing, and I have the best care available. I’m happy.”

  Mark looked at me with that sparkle in his eyes. I was so happy to hear him say those words. I still loved him.

  After the doctor left we sat in Mark’s bed and watched yet another funny movie. We sat and laughed together then Mark turned and looked at me.

  “I wasn’t joking about what I told the doctor. You are the reason I’m healing so well. It’s all you, Latoya. It’s always been you,” he said then brushed his lips on mine and kissed me.

  My whole body felt alive with his touch. My skin was searing hot and I had chills running through me. His tongue swept across my neck and down to the tops of my breasts. He lightly trailed his tongue on them and slowly made his way to my nipple. He pursed his lips together and grabbed the tip of my nipple in his mouth. He lightly tugged on it and then pressed his tongue flat against it. I closed my eyes and moaned and enjoyed his sensual and slow movements. It was then that I remembered he couldn’t do much with his hands.

  “Here,” I said.

  I put my hands on his chest and laid him down. Then I straddled on top of him. Since he wasn’t able to do much I would take charge.

  Mark’s muscular body radiated heat, to the point where it seemed like steam was coming off his skin. Our eyes locked as I hovered on top of him. His eyes softened as he looked at me, he was compassionate. He moaned at my touch. I took my time and trailed kisses over every inch of his body. I didn’t want this to be sex. I wanted to make love. I ran my hands all over him. I put his hands above his head on the pillows so that they were out of the way. I pretended in my head that I had tied him to the headboard. Then he said something that shocked me.

  “Can we just make out a little? I don’t want to have sex,” he said.

  I was stunned.

  “You don’t? Why?”

  “Because I don’t feel like a whole man right now. I want to touch you with my hands and take charge and make love to you the way you deserve.”

  His words were touching to me. It’s all I wanted to hear for so long. It was everything to me. My eyes watered over and then I finally said, “Okay.”

  We kissed for hours and it was soft and sensual. I fell asleep on top of his chest and it was very fulfilling. It was enough for now. I didn’t know what the future held for us, but this was good for now.


  Later in the week, I went with Mark to the doctor’s office. The doctor had great news. Mark was healing better than they thought. It seemed that he would be back to one hundred percent. Which meant that he could go back to work as a surgeon. Mark was so excited and happy. At this point he was almost fully healed and he didn’t have the other nurses coming to the house anymore. He was able to do things for himself, but he kept me coming to the house almost daily even though he didn’t need me for my nursing skills. He wanted my company.

  After the doctor’s appointment, I paced Mark’s million-dollar apartment. I needed answers but I was scared to ask questions. I had spent the last few weeks nursing Mark, but it turned into so much more than that. It had been the best days of my life thus far. Everything had been going perfectly so far and I was living in a dream world. What had I gotten myself into? I talked myself out of overreacting and stayed calm. Eventually Mark would explain. I was sure of it.

  Later that evening, he said something I was not expecting.

  “So that was great news, wasn’t it?” Mark said as he sat next to me.

  I wasn’t going to hold back. What’s the worst that could happen? He would be done with me and kick me out of the apartment, that I could handle.

  “Yes, actually it scared me a little,” I said.

  “And why exactly is that?” I asked.

  “You don’t need me anymore,” I said.

  He laughed a little. “That is not true. In fact I was thinking we could get away for a few days, at least the weekend. You’ll have to drive of course, but I will pay for everything.”

  “Yes, that sounds lovely,” I said.

  “Great, whenever you are ready,” Mark said.

  “Oh! Now?” I said. He laughed and said, “Yep, now. Tonight.”


  “Now, can you help me pack?” he laughed.

  “Of course, where are we going?” I asked.

  “A beach house. It’s already all set up,” he said.

  “Oh is that so? How did you know I would say yes?”

  “I just knew,” he winked at me.

  I packed his bag. Even though he was using his hands now and all the bandages were now removed, I didn’t want him to do anything that could strain them. So when I could do things for him, I went ahead and did them. Then we stopped by my apartment and I packed a bag quickly. We were on our way. We made our way out of Atlanta toward the Georgia coast. It had been a long time since I went to the beach and I did miss the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. It was a fun drive and we played car games like children and sang to our favorite songs. This felt right. This was meant to be. I didn’t understand how someone like Mark could be married to a frigid person like Karen. She was not fun at all. I couldn’t imagine what they had to talk about, if they ever talked.

  I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and just enjoyed myself.

  Late in the middle of the night, we arrived at a large sprawling beach mansion. It was absolutely stunning. It was settled between high sand dunes and large patches of beach grass. It was made of white stucco and it almost matched the sand. There was a large deck that extended out from the house with beach lounge furniture and a hot tub. It was a luxurious beach house. Inside, the wooden floors were a glossy white. It was decorated in a shabby chic beach theme with lots of blue and white. There were paintings of sailboats and fish net material on the walls. A large fireplace with a plush rug was laid out, beckoning to be used at night with a bottle of wine.

  “This place is beautiful! How did you find it?” I asked him.

  “It’s the vacation house of one of my patients. I saved his life in surgery and he’s let me use it ever since.”

  “As he should,” I said winking at him.

  I loved that Mark saved lives. That always made him my personal hero. It was what attracted me to him to begin with. It was one of the reasons I ended up crossing that line from friend to lover so long ago. Now, as I realized that I loved him even after he couldn’t be a surgeon anymore, I knew it was so much more than that. That I loved him for more than just saving lives. He was my best friend for years, and it slowly became romantic. I couldn’t imagine myself with anyone other than him. It was something that made me sad to think about because I would never know if we would ever truly be together. I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and just enjoyed the now, and the moment.

  “Should we go to bed and get an early start on the day?” he asked.

  “Hmm…I think it is too beautiful a night to not enjoy it. Let’s go sit out in the sand,” I winked at him.

  I walked passed him to the large glass French doors. I threw them open and the ocean breeze hit me. It felt delicious on my skin. I turned my head over my shoulder and gave Mark my best grin. He laughed a little and followed me out onto the deck. The large wooden deck had steps that led onto the sand. I took my shoes off and walked into the cool sand. It felt good between my toes.

  “This is amazing. We have the entire beach to ourselves,” I said.

  “Yes, the next house is very far down in that direction. We are all alone out here. The ocean is ours,” he said.

  “Oh Mark, that is so poetic. Are you a poet now?” I joked and teased him at his attempt of being romantic.

  “Shut up,” he laughed.

  “Come on, let’s walk. Then I’ll tease you some m
ore,” I laughed.

  He laughed too. We always had this kind of interaction with each other. We were very comfortable cracking jokes at each other’s expense. It was part of what we did. We did it for years and at work, and then more and more as our friendship progressed.

  We walked side by side taking in the view. The moon was full and reflecting off the calm waves. It looked like glitter on the water as it sparkled. It was a warm night and it was perfect. We walked and explored the shore in front of the house. I picked up a few shells and examined them in the moonlight and then placed them back in the sand. I looked over at Mark. He was so beautiful in this light. His blonde locks swept across his face with the ocean breeze and his tall figure was just as attractive as ever. Lying in bed for a long period of time made him lose some weight and muscle, but not much.

  The enchantment of the night caught my attention and the sounds of the sea made me feel hypnotized. I wanted to soak in every second of it. We stopped and sat in a sand dune and stared out at the ocean. The crashing of the ocean waves was very relaxing. I leaned back in the sand on my back. The cold feeling swept through my body and it was like melting into a soft bed. The soft sounds of the ocean made me feel like I could sleep right there, but I wanted to play instead.

  I stood up and looked at my surroundings. There was the vast darkness of the ocean and the sand in front of us, and behind us the large beautiful beach house. I looked at Mark. He smiled at me. Then something came over me, a feeling of wild abandon.

  I reached down to the hem of my blue dress and grabbed it and pulled it over my head. Now I was completely naked. I turned my head over my shoulder and opened my mouth a little. I didn’t even bother to look at him. I didn’t need to. I wanted to play, and tease him. I laughed a little, shook my hair out and then ran away to the ocean. I was going to go skinny-dipping. I didn’t care if he joined me or not. I was doing it for me, an experience all to myself.

  CHAPTER 9 - Ocean of Feeling

  I ran into the water jumping over the waves as they came in. Once I was waist high I dove in. The water was cold and it made my nipples instantly hard. The water caressed my skin and made my hair drag behind me. I felt like a mermaid. I swam under the water for as long as I could hold my breath. I tumbled under the water doing circles. I finally came up for air. The moon reflected off the water like glitter and I felt like I was in an enchanted ocean. I flung myself backwards and did the backstroke letting my breasts stick out from the water to touch the night air. It was glorious. I stared up at the moon as I floated along.

  I stood up and saw Mark on the shore taking his clothes off. It seemed my tease worked. He ran into the ocean completely naked. He dove under the waves and came toward me. We played and frolicked in the water like children. We splashed and worshipped the moon. I felt like nothing would make me feel so good as combining the natural body of water and the moonlit night.

  Then things got a little more heated and intense. Mark stood in front of me kissing me and touching me. This coupled with the waves of the ocean tickling my legs as the water went in and out was the most enjoyable feeling. I picked my arms up and wrapped my hands around his neck.

  I lavished in this attention. It was pure magic. We came out of the water and made our way into the house. I knew exactly what was going to happen. I had waited so long for this. He guided me to the bedroom and laid me down on the bed. Now that his hands were almost healed he was keeping to his promise. To make love to me the way I needed to be made love to.

  His breathing was faster and heavier. He ran his hands all over my body. I melted in his arms. He moved his head down and began to lick me. I gasped. He moved his tongue from the top of my cleft down to the center. Then he moved his tongue inside me. Penetrating me. I was in ecstasy. I could barely handle my aroused state. He moved his tongue in and out of me while he moaned. I couldn’t believe what was happening.

  My mind was racing with thoughts until he moved his tongue to my clitoris, and all thoughts vanished from my mind. His tongue moved over it slowly, licking it like a lollipop. I closed my eyes and let him take me higher. I started to move, as I couldn’t contain myself. His movements got faster and I was on the brink. Faster and faster he flicked with his tongue until I arched my back up and tensed. Then my whole body shuddered as I released into an explosive orgasm. I yelled out and grabbed onto the bed tightly. I needed it to steady my dizzy head. He stood up and towered over me. I looked up at him, feeling excited. My breathing grew heavy. I was helpless to stop him. His gaze went from my head to my toes like he was scanning me. I felt vulnerable.

  He stood naked in front of me. I felt like I was looking at a Viking warrior from the past. His broad shoulders were strong and well defined. His arms were strong and his chest was chiseled. His cock was large and perfectly pink and smooth. He grabbed it and stroked it a bit. I was entranced.

  He reached down and took my nipple in his mouth. He sucked and licked it gently.

  He stood up and placed his body on top of mine between my thighs. My eyes widened, this was happening. He grabbed his cock and placed it in my opening and slowly pushed it in. I yelled out. He filled me entirely. He reached deep inside me. He put his mouth over mine and kissed me. A passionate long kiss, then he started pumping his hips. He went in and out of me slowly and lovingly. He locked eyes with me and looked at me with deep emotion.

  I widened my legs opening them wider and wider. His skin smacked against mine. I was so aroused by him inside me, mixed with the strangeness of it all, that I was almost on the brink again. He moaned and jerked his body left and right inside me. Then he paused and kissed my breasts before moving in me again.

  Mark concentrated all of his efforts and energy and moved his shaft in and out of me. We moved in perfect rhythm with each other. He softly put his mouth around my breast. His tongue circled around the outside of my nipple. All my senses were being stimulated. I begin to shake as I neared the heights leading to climax. I moaned louder and writhed under his weight. I couldn’t take it anymore. I exploded in ecstasy and yelled out. A yell that seemed to echo across the room and bounce off the walls surrounding us.

  I relaxed and breathed heavily, but Mark wasn’t done. He moved slowly and leisurely in and out of me. I was extremely sensitive at this point, but it was bearable. I bit my lower lip at the feeling and sensations with every move he made. Now he was moving faster, pumping hard. I opened my legs wide allowing him to move even faster as he penetrated me. Pounded me. It was happening again. I was reaching orgasm. His face changed and I could tell he was almost there too. I got there first again. My whole body shook. Then with two final thrusts, he exploded. It was suddenly silent and still, but the energy was buzzing past us. Mark lay back in bed and held me. We drifted off to sleep.


  The next morning we woke up late. I pulled on a thick cotton robe and made my way to the kitchen. I cooked a vast breakfast buffet of stacks of pancakes piled high. I made a fresh pot of coffee and cut up all sorts of fresh fruit to start the morning. I cooked scrambled eggs topped with cheese and sliced bell peppers. I put all this on a tray and took it to the bed. We sat in the late morning eating breakfast in bed and looking out at the ocean. It was perfect. But something still bothered me. Now that I experienced making love with Mark again, I couldn’t help to think that I was still the other woman. He and Karen were not divorced. In fact he was clueless as to what was going on, because she had completely disappeared.

  The rest of the weekend was complete bliss. Mark and I were like a married couple. We played on the beach and made love at night. It was perfect. Then we headed back to the city. I went with Mark to his apartment. I went upstairs to make his bed and put his clothes away. Then he came upstairs.

  “Latoya?” he said in a whisper.

  “Hey, why are you whispering?” I asked.

  “Karen is here. She’s downstairs.”

  I stood frozen, speechless, and in shock. This was a nightmare.

  My life had changed dras
tically in only a few weeks and it seemed that it was going to continue to spiral out of control. It was proceeding rapidly, and more happened than I could ever imagine.

  Now, in this moment Karen was here in the house with us. She was downstairs while we were upstairs. I never thought that something out of a romance novel could happen to me, yet here I was experiencing that exact cliché thing.

  “She’s here?” I sternly whispered to him.

  “Yes, I don’t know why. It is technically still her house too and she is my wife.” He whispered back.

  “Why is she here? I can’t believe this is happening. What should I do exactly? Does she know?” I asked. Hoping the answer would be no.

  “About what?” he asked.

  “About us. Did you tell her about that? Or is it still our secret?” I asked feeling angry and hurt.

  “I haven’t really had a chance to. She disappeared, remember? Look I’ll go down and get rid of her. Just stay here.”

  My eyes grew wide. I did not want this to be happening right now. Suddenly I was in a tough spot.

  “Just remain here for a while. Don’t move.”

  He opened the door and paused in the doorway. He looked over his shoulder at me and said in an almost sad voice, “Just trust me. I didn’t ask her to come here. I would never do that to you. I hope you believe me.”

  Then he closed the door behind him. Those last words really touched me. I believed those words that things just were not what they seemed. Maybe I was stupid, but I usually had a good gut instinct for these things, and Mark seemed genuinely sensitive toward treating me well.

  Now I was a prisoner in their bedroom. This continued to be more and more like a fairy tale. I opened the shutters and looked down at the street. It now represented freedom to me. I was locked in a tower like a princess. I laughed at that thought.

  I didn’t have any choices here. I desperately wanted to run away, but there was no other way out of here than to go downstairs. I couldn’t leave the room, which meant I couldn’t leave the house. Unless I tied sheets together like a bandit and shimmied out the window. That was absurd! I laughed but I glanced over at the sheets anyway.


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