Playing Stacy

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Playing Stacy Page 4

by Jenn Hype

  My vagina was feeling pretty smug right about then, and even I had to concede that maybe she’d made the right call on this one. Sure, it would most likely backfire on me - and boy, had it - but I mean, why the hell not? Life is short. So what if I was harboring some serious animosity towards the man? He was too damn delicious to not be tempted, and his random act of kindness weeks back at Joe’s had my opinion of him so murky that I couldn’t think straight.

  So when he pinned me against the wall and held my hands above my head, my vagina did a little victory dance in the form of creaming my panties. I was so turned on that the world got fuzzy, and my vagina was throbbing so hard that she started issuing death threats, saying if I didn’t give her some relief then she would murder me in my sleep.

  And I believed her.

  Death by vagina. Hysterical. My headstone would read:

  Twenty-six years should have been enough

  For Stacy to learn not to mess with her muff

  She had it coming, so don’t feel distraught

  Karma’s a bitch. - Sincerely, her twat

  That moment, pinned up against the wall with Chad’s mouth on had been life altering. Then some idiot I wanted to strangle ruined my chances of having hot alley sex. If I had balls, they would have been blue.

  What would the female equivalent of blue balls be? I spent another few minutes staring at that damn door that had slammed in my face, mulling over what to call my lady hard-on I was sporting. I finally settled on “cliffy” - or clit stiffy - before remembering why I was standing there in the first place.

  Damn that asshole and his propensity for humiliating me. Never in my life had one guy made me feel so desired and disposable at the exact same time. Seriously! I knew he felt what I felt during that kiss. Because I really felt it…felt it grinding all up in my nether region.

  I wasn’t sure what Chad’s problem was, but I was way past the point of putting up with his constant rejections. He was clearly attracted to me, so at that point it felt like he was really going out of his way to make me feel like shit. So what was the whole point in being nice to me at Joe’s? Was it just a game? Maybe he just wanted to get me to let my guard down long enough for him to strike again.

  Well played, Chad, well played. He had just dropped the gauntlet and blew the air horn and whatever other metaphors there were for starting a war. He had done them all.

  Game on.

  “Your partner is a dick,” I snapped as I plopped down on the empty bar stool next to Joe. Some guy sitting to the right of me gave me a questioning look, and normally I would have at least flirted with him a little because, well, I was a relentless flirt, but I wasn’t in the mood. Joe was too busy flirting with some bimbo to hear me, so I got up and walked to the other side of him where she was standing.

  “Excuse me, Bambi, can you shoo along now please? I’d like to talk to Joe.”

  She just stood there staring at me like I’d just asked her to explain the theory of unifying gravity and quantum mechanics. (No, I’m not a genius. I just watch a lot of Big Bang Theory.) So I started with shooing her with my hands until she finally got the hint and left, but not before calling me a bitch.

  I looked at Joe to see if he was mad about me scaring away a potential lay, but he was just shaking his head and laughing.

  “What did he do now?”

  “Rejected me. Again. I don’t know why either, because I know he went home with a serious case of blue balls. If he hadn’t been hard as rock while he was dry humping me then I’d accuse him of being gay. What kind of guy passes up the opportunity for hot, dark alley sex?”

  Joe coughed on his beer and I started smacking his back. “Wrong pipe, buddy?”

  “Stacy, that was a whole lot more information than I needed. Chad’s my partner and I did not need to hear about him dry humping you. That’s an image that I never, ever wanted to have in my head.”

  “Oh, get over it, prude. He’s hot, I’m hot. Don’t act like the thought of him nailing me up against the wall with my legs wrapped around his waist doesn’t turn you on. Twenty bucks if I grabbed your crotch right now you would be rock hard.”

  “First of all, there’s a decent chance at any given time during the day that if you grab my crotch my dick will be hard. I’m a guy with a healthy sexual appetite, so I think about sex a lot. Second of all, you’re right, that does sound pretty hot. Need me to finish the job?” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down at me.

  “Shut up,” I laughed as I playfully punched his arm and yanked his beer out of his hand, taking a swig. It felt like I’d known Joe for years even though we’d just met about a month ago.

  “No, I don’t need anyone to finish the job but myself. I’m going to head home and spend some quality time with Gerard.” He raised his eyebrows in question. “My vibrator,” I clarified for him. He just gave me a nod of understanding and waved bye as I made my way out of the bar and toward my car.

  My ego had taken a serious hit tonight, and that didn’t happen easily. I had no idea why Chad was fighting his attraction to me so hard, but no matter what he did now, I already knew the attraction was there. I’d just have to use it against him. How I would do that I wasn’t quite sure yet, but one thing I was certain of was that I was going to humiliate him as much as he had humiliated me tonight.

  This bitch was on a mission.

  Chapter 6


  Fuck, I was exhausted. Right when I was supposed to be done with my shift, they called all available law enforcement to a bar brawl that had made it’s way out to the street. When I arrived, over fifty big ass bikers were in the middle of the fucking street, beating each other’s faces in. If I wasn’t already fried from my eighteen-hour shift, then having to restrain men twice my size who looked like they could unhinge their jaw and swallow my head whole would definitely have done me in. It took thirteen cops, two fire trucks and three ambulances, but three hours later, despite the four news crews drawing attention from the rest of the block, we managed to calm down the scene.

  I still didn’t know what caused the fight and I could fucking care less. The more I knew, the more paperwork I would have to do. Right then, all I wanted to do was go home, piss for like an hour because I hadn’t been able to stop for more than two minutes at a time all day, take a hot shower and pass out on my bed.

  I hadn’t gotten more than a few hours of sleep at a time since kissing Stacy that night at Petey’s over three weeks ago. The more I thought about her the more pissed off I got about not being able to stop thinking about her which made me even more pissed, and so went the cycle. I found myself wishing constantly that I could go back to the night I took the call that ended up turning my life upside down. I was already supposed to be off work. When the call came in about a stolen purse, I was right down the street and it sounded like a quick job, so I volunteered. Still regretting that one.

  Joe had been my partner for over two years now. He knew more about me than pretty much anyone, and while he drove me fucking crazy most days, I couldn’t deny that he was a good friend. I’d die before telling him that, but it was the truth. Sure, everyone at the precinct knew about my past, but no one talked about it. It was the constant elephant in the room, but I’d grown to ignore it.

  Joe had gone with me to my dad’s parole hearing. I had told him over and over not to come, even threatened his life, but he showed up anyway. Afterwards we went back to Petey’s and he just sat there in silence while I drank my weight in liquor, then listened intently while I revealed the whole sordid story in my drunken stupor.

  We had never talked about it again. Joe was nosy and pushy and annoying as fuck, but the fact that he never brought that day and everything I’d confessed back up and we were able to go on pretending as if it hadn’t happened was really what cemented our partnership. I could trust him. That was important out in the field.

  He’d managed to get me to open up about other things a time or two, always careful never to bring anything up twice, but
for the most part our friendship was a casual, surface level type of thing and the heavy weighted conversations didn't happen very often.

  “Don’t forget about the party tonight, man. This shit’s gonna be awesome. There is gonna be some hot ass, plenty of pussy for you to choose from.” Remember how I just said Joe was fucking annoying? That stupid shit he just said to me? That’s why.

  “Do you have to talk like a fucking teenager who just learned how to work his dick for the first time? I enjoy a hot piece as much as the next guy, but there is more to life than sticking your dick in anything that will let you.”

  “Okay pops, I’ll tone it down.” His mocking tone and dumb as shit nickname annoyed the piss out of me, and I was already in a seriously bad mood. I was only four years old than him for Christ’s sake! I wanted to turn and give him the look that usually made the rookies shit their pants, but Joe had always been immune to it. I’d done everything I could to put the fear of my wrath into him since we’d been partnered up, but he was stubborn and too cocky for his own damn good.

  “Call me that again and I’ll put my fucking boot up your ass. And don’t worry, I’ll be there. I just need to run home and grab a shower first. I smell like sweat, cigarettes and biker balls. Seriously, why did that guy not have any pants? Where did they go? Who sees a bar brawl and thinks ‘hey, I want to hop in and join this mess, but first, I should take off my pants.’ What the fuck is wrong with people anymore.”

  Finally, we pulled into the station. Normally I would change out of my uniform there and either head to the gym or Petey’s afterward, but I couldn’t wait to get home and rip off my gear before I could be forced on another call.

  Joe called out some smart ass comment in my direction as I practically ran from the cruiser to my car, but I couldn’t hear him. All I could think about was finally getting to relax for a night and not have to worry about hairy biker balls for once. Sometimes I couldn’t believe this was my life.

  Parties at Joe’s place were usually pretty awesome. His house was pretty big and sat on a decent amount of land just outside the city. A year back I’d bought a little fixer upper not too far from him, so the distance between us wasn’t too bad. It was far enough from the city though, that we both ended up buying vehicles. Driving in the city was a bitch, but it was too expensive to take a cab that far to work every day. Not to mention there were times when we got called in for emergencies and needed to be readily available.

  Joe loved any excuse to have a party and his house was well equipped for them, too. His backyard came equipped with a large, heated in ground pool and the back of his property was lined with trees that gave privacy.

  If I’d known Joe ten years ago when I was still into all the juvenile bullshit then I probably would have enjoyed his parties a lot more, but even then I’d never been much of a partier. My life had never been easy enough for me to just fuck off and be selfish. And if I were being totally honest, I’d have to admit that sometimes the constant flow of naked chicks at Joe’s house was actually pretty pathetic. Personally, I’d never really been into girls who just gave it away like sex was a form of currency and your affection could be bought with it.

  I’d never really had a long term relationship, and never really wanted one, but I still didn’t want to spend any amount of time with a girl with such low self esteem that she just spreads her legs for any guy who will give her the smallest amount of attention. It was one of the reasons I’d been so put off by Stacy at first, when she’d thrown herself at me and all but offered herself up on a silver platter the instant I’d gotten out of my cruiser. Only the more time I spent with her, the more I was starting to feel like my initial assumptions about her were most likely way off.

  Aside from the debauchery, Joe’s parties always had a seemingly endless supply of good food and beer. He had inherited the house and a ton of money from his parents. I didn’t know exactly how much money, but I did know he really didn’t need to work. I asked him once about it, and though it clearly made him uncomfortable and he didn’t elaborate, he just shrugged and said he loved being a cop and that it wasn’t about the money. He earned a hell of a lot of my respect that day.

  Not to mention I got to reap the benefits of his wealth anytime I wanted, not that I would ever take advantage. One of Joe’s quirks was his open door policy. Literally. He never locked his doors. For a cop he was seriously a dumbass, but he had always refused. There was almost always someone at his house, even if he wasn’t home. It was like a fucking halfway house. I knew one day I’d walk in and there would be homeless people squatting in his living room.

  By the time I made it over to his house, the party was in full swing. I was only about an hour late, but half the people there were already blitzed, and there were at least six nude people in the pool, which I seriously hoped contained a lot of chlorine.

  There was a big bonfire going halfway between Joe’s house and the woods that lined the back of his property. I saw about ten people I recognized, and about twenty that I didn’t. That wasn’t unusual for his parties. Joe made friends everywhere he went, and it was on rare occasion when I’d actually get to meet one of them twice. Did I mention that most of his friends were female? Yeah, the male to female ratio was always severely skewed whenever Joe was involved. The ladies fell for his charm and boyish good looks every time without fail, and the guys appreciated Joe’s laid back personality and the constant flock of women that surrounded him.

  I made a couple rounds, saying quick greetings to the people that I knew, then made my way into the kitchen to get the hamburgers and hot dogs out of the fridge. I always manned the grill at Joe’s parties. It made it easier to avoid small talk with people I didn’t give a shit about, plus I was damn good at it. I grabbed a bottle of beer and made my way over to the grill, supplies in hand.

  As I lit the match and got the grill fired up, a petite little brunette approached me. I’d met her maybe a couple of times before hanging around Joe. She was one of the few who had been around more than once. Shit, what was her name? Lisa? Lilly? Laney?

  “Hey there, handsome,” she purred as she stroked my arm. She was pretty stunning up close with olive skin, straight, dark hair that hung all the way down her back and dark chocolate eyes. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out she was a model; she was that beautiful. And I bet she was a firecracker in bed. The little ones always were.

  “Hey yourself, kitten.” Kitten was my go-to nickname when I didn’t know a girl’s actual name.

  “Hey Leelah! Grab me a beer while you’re over there!” A friend yelling her name saved my ass from having to spend all night trying to remember what it was.

  “Well, it’s good to see you, Chad. I’m going to go over to the fire and roast some marshmallows. Come find me later if you find you’re in the mood for something…sweet.” She winked and walked away. Before you ask, of course I looked at her ass when she left. What hot blooded male wouldn’t?

  I pulled my eyes off of Leelah’s tight ass and started to turn back to the grill, but stopped halfway when my eyes met with the face of the blonde I hadn’t been able to get out of my head for weeks.

  Chapter 7


  I knew Chad was going to be there. I’d been dreading seeing him ever since Joe invited me to the party. I’d pathetically spent the entire day reminding myself over and over that he was an ass and that I hated him. It was my lame attempt to prevent me from doing something stupid again, but as soon as I saw him I knew it had been a waste of my time. Apparently what I should have been preparing myself for the jealousy I would feel when I saw Chad flirting with another girl.

  I told myself it was just because I’d hoped to even the score tonight, and the slut bag was standing between me and revenge. Yeah…I’d never been really good at lying to anyone, especially myself, and seeing him stare at her ass as she walked away only made me angrier. Was I the only one that felt something the other night when we were kissing?

  I could have sworn I felt sparks ign
ite when his body was pressed firmly against mine. I mean, it didn’t feel as strong as when I’d stuck my metal hair clip in a light socket when I was six, but I still felt a pretty strong jolt. And I remember Mr. Lopkins, my seventh grade science teacher, saying that a strong electrical current could result in heat, and it was pretty damn hot when we were kissing.

  And the look he was giving me? Whew, talk about smoldering. It felt like there was a direct connection from his eyes straight to my lady bits, and the electricity passing between us was giving me twinges in all the right places. Forget sticking a fork in me, because those flames he was shooting in my direction had me way past done.

  It wasn’t until Chad smirked at me that I realized I was actually fanning myself. Next thing I knew Joe was running over to me and throwing me over his shoulders. With a loud thwack to my ass, he jogged toward his pool while I bounced around like a rag doll. “Saw you fanning yourself and thought maybe I could help you cool down.”

  “I will seriously kick your ass if you throw me in that pool! Don’t even think about it. Besides, based on the looks of everyone else in there I’m clearly too overdressed to be swimming,” I yelled, squirming and kicking, trying to break free. Joe chuckled and sat me down on my feet, but I still punched his arm anyway.

  “Dammit, Joe! Do you have a bionic arm? That fucking hurt,” I whined as I tried to shake the pain out of my hand.

  “Nope, I’m all man baby,” he said with a cocky flex of his arm. I leaned up to kiss his cheek and made eye contact with Chad again, who had apparently been watching the little show. He looked away as soon as he saw me notice him, but I could have sworn I saw his jaw clench.

  Hmmm, maybe I wasn’t the only one feeling a little jealous.

  The thought of Chad being jealous was enough to give me hope. I mean, hope for my plan, of course. Hope that I would be able to pull off my plan. You know, the plan to…what was I planning again? Oh right, revenge. That plan.


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