Miller_Kings of Denver

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Miller_Kings of Denver Page 7

by Sheridan Anne

  “Already?” I ask with a smirk.

  She leans down and kisses me gently. “No,” she says regrettably. “I’ve got a lot of work to do with the calendar. I better go.”

  “Fuck the calendar.”

  “No, can do Captain,” she says with a wicked grin, getting me hard all over again.

  “Go out with me?” I ask.

  “We’ve been over this,” she tells me.

  I smirk and rub my hand over her perfect ass, this time giving it a damn good squeeze. I roll her under me and hover over her. “I know, but one day you’re going to say yes.”

  She smiles up at me. “Let’s just hope you’re still interested when that time comes,” she says.

  “Don’t doubt it for once second,” I tell her, running my hand down her body, she shivers and I watch in amazement as her nipples harden under my touch, I bring my lips down on her, giving them the relief they so desperately crave.


  I get home late afternoon and push through the door to find Tank sprawled on my couch, eating my food, drinking my beer and watching my TV. “What the fuck, dude?” I ask, dropping my shit at the door.

  He glances over his shoulder, gives me a nod and turns back to the TV while he shovels a handful of potato chips into his mouth. “Where ya been?” he smirks as I flop down into the opposite lounge.

  “Gym,” I lie.

  He scoffs as he downs another handful of chips knowing exactly where I’ve been, after he left me at the rink, half-naked with Dani. “Funny, I was just at the gym, didn’t see you,” he tells me, flicking through the sports channels until he finds ESPN.

  “You know you shouldn’t be eating that shit,” I tell him, indicating to the packet of chips that sits beside him.

  He ignores my comments and goes straight for the dig. “You like this chick more than you’re letting on,” he says as if it is a hard, well-known fact, turning in his seat to face me front on. Great. The bastard wants to talk.

  I sit in silence for a short while going over all my time with Dani and realize that yeah, this is definitely more than just trying to get in her pants, I want to get to know her, be with her, wake up with her warm body curled around mine. Hell, I even want to be the guy she comes running to when her day has gone to shit, the sorry dickhead who gets sent to the shops when she’s run out of tampons. Fuck me.

  “Yeah, man,” I admit, looking him in the eye. “I do.”

  He nods his head and gives me a smile that clearly says ‘I told you so’. “So, what are you waiting for? Ask her out.”

  “I freaking have,” I groan. “Twice already. She keeps shooting me down.”

  Tank lets out a loud booming laugh. “Shit, I never thought I’d see the day the great Miller Cain was rejected.”

  “Shut up,” I tell him. “It’s not like that,” I say giving in and reaching for the chips.

  “What’s it like then?”

  “I don’t know man. It’s obvious she’s into me, but she was burned by her ex and isn’t ready to start anything,” I explain. “And she is pretty damn certain that I’m going to break her heart.”

  “Well, are you?” he asks. “You’ve only known this chick for two weeks, are you sure it’s not just something physical?”

  “Trust me, if I do, it wouldn’t be intentional,” I tell him. “She draws me in. I thought it was just about sex at first but I can see it’s more than that,” I explain. “Hell, I freaking crave her, she is the first girl in a long time who’s left me needing more.”

  “I know the feeling man,” he tells me with a smirk, referring to Sophie. “Give her the time she needs. If she is as serious about this as you are, she’ll come around when she’s ready.”

  “Since when did you start getting all soft?” I joke.

  He scoffs but answers anyway. “Since I realized I’m leaving this place at the end of the year and I’d do whatever it takes to have that girl come with me.”

  “Fuck,” I say, shocked at his admission. “You’re in as deep as me.”

  “Yeah, I know, man,” he says. “At least Dani is the relationship kind of girl. Sophie is hard as Ice when it comes to getting her to admit anything.”

  “Well, don’t stress man,” I say, getting up and clapping him on the back. “You’ve got all year to convince her.”

  “Nah, I’ve got to lock her down before she gets bored and moves on,” he laughs. “Now what do you say we actually head down to the gym then over to Mickeys for a beer.”

  “Sounds like the best fucking plan you’ve had all day.”

  Chapter 9


  “Check this one out,” I laugh as I flick through the photos from the shoot on my laptop with Sophie and Jared.

  Jared leans over my shoulder to get closer to the screen, stealing the mouse and zooming in on Shorty’s crotch. “Is that his willy or his thumb?” he asks.

  Sophie snorts her wine all over the screen but leans in for a closer look. “I’d say it’s his willy,” she laughs. “No wonder they call him Shorty.”

  “Alright, you idiots, backup,” I demand, wiping the spattered wine off the screen. “I’m not going to be able to look at the kid again after seeing that,” I say, hitting delete on the image.

  I had promised Coach Harris, that all photos will be respectable and any slip-ups would be permanently deleted as to not land his skaters in hot water, though I didn’t promise that I wouldn’t have a viewing party in my room while I worked on it.

  We spend a good portion of our afternoon flicking through the images, fixing up the lighting and contrast in Photoshop as we go while making sure to delete anything that shows a little too much skin, no matter how attractive that skin may be.

  I continue working on the images with Sophie and Jared ‘oohing’ and ‘ahhing’ beside me. I’ve got a good selection of images that would work perfectly when I get to the shots of Tank and Miller, shirtless on the ice and I must say, these are easily going to be my favourites. The boys look amazing under the spotlight. I touch up a few of the photos and email a shot of Tank to Sophie who tells me the image is required in her spank bank, or whatever the female version of that is.

  I add my favourites to the growing pile of images in the ‘maybe’ pile and my heart breaks knowing I’m going to have to narrow it down.

  I click next and come to the image of Miller in the weight room, popping the button on his jeans. “Wowza,” Sophie says, getting close and personal with the screen. “Holy Hell. This photo is definitely making it in the calendar.”

  “Look at his eyes,” Jared says. “He wasn’t posing for the camera here, he was doing this for you.”

  My cheeks flush as I refuse to say anything and get back to editing the image.

  “Yeah, something definitely went down in that room,” Sophie says, giving Jared a high five behind me.

  I flick to the next image to see Miller’s perfect ass looking back at me. “Fuck me,” Sophie whispers. “Email me that.”

  “Where are you all?” Ashton calls from the kitchen.

  “Dani’s room,” Jared responds.

  Two seconds later Ashton makes his appearance in my doorway, his eyes immediately going to the screen that we all hover around. “Sweet baby Jesus. Is that Miller Cain’s ass?” he asks, his eyes widening in excitement and turned-on shock.

  “That it is,” I say, physically unable to remove my eyes from the screen. I go about saving his ass images to another folder when Sophie takes over and saves her favourite as the desktop background.

  “Yeah, that is exactly where that image belongs,” she comments, but hey, who am I to disagree with her?

  We go about editing the rest of Miller's images, making sure to save a few more in my Miller folder. By dinner time we have narrowed the selection down to the final 12 images and formatted the rest of the calendar.

  We sit back on the couch and farewell Jared and Ashton who head out for their Wednesday night date night while we order in. We get cosy in our pyja
mas, which pretty much consists of a tight singlet and undies and flick on a movie. Twenty minutes later there’s a knock at the door. I get up and grab our dinner, giving the guy a show as I stand before him in nothing but a singlet and undies. I pay him and give a tip, just because I’m feeling generous and head back into the lounge room, detouring by the kitchen for some forks.

  I put our dinner down on the coffee table and hand Sophie a fork. She slides off the couch, down to the ground beside me and we begin inhaling our dinner straight from the takeout containers.

  “Spill the beans,” she demands when we finish with dinner.

  “What beans are you talking about?” I ask, getting up off the floor and sliding back onto the couch and swinging my feet up over the armrest.

  “Don’t play dumb with me, babe,” she says. “Something happened in that weight room and you need to give me details.”

  “Ok, fine,” I laugh. She squeals in excitement and makes a show of getting ready for story time on the couch. I begin giving her the steamy details of my morning, making sure not to miss a thing.

  There’s a knock at the door and we look at each other in confusion. “You expecting anyone?” She asks.

  “No. You?” she shakes her head and I get up. “Come on,” I say holding my hand out for her. “If it’s a murderer, then we’re going down together.”

  “Fair point,” she nods, taking my hand and walking with me to the door.

  We pull the door open to find Miller and Tank both smirking down at our bodies in hunger.

  “Hey, Miller,” Sophie says. “I heard you eat pussy like a pro,” she laughs. Fuck. My cheeks flame instantly as Tank burst into laughter beside him, with Sophie looking pretty damn proud of herself.

  His eyes flick to mine immediately as he smirks. “Like a pro, hey?”

  “Oh, you know, you were ok.”

  “Really? It didn’t sound ok when you were screaming for more. Maybe I need to jog your memory,” he suggests.

  I smirk at him as heat rushes through me. God, I would love for him to show me again.

  “Eyes are up here, Big Guy,” Sophie says, cutting off my response. She focuses her attention on Tank who studies her body like he might die without it. Sophie smirks and pops out her hip, loving the chance to show herself off.

  My eye’s cut back to Miller who hasn’t stopped watching me. “What are you doing here?” I ask.

  “We were heading to Micky’s for dinner and a few drinks and thought you ladies might like to come,” he explains.

  “Hmm, I always like to come,” Sophie comments.

  I ignore her and get back to Miller. “You wouldn’t be trying to trick me into a date would you?” I laugh.

  “Not at all,” he says, his eyes hooded.

  “We just ate,” Sophie cuts in. “But we were going to have a movie night if you guys wanted to join?” she suggests.

  “I’m in.” Tank says, marching forward and grabbing Sophie, lifting her off her feet. She giggles as her legs wrap around his waist and he begins walking her down the hallway, a moment later we hear a door slam followed by a loud moan.

  Miller laughs at their display but looks back at me a little unsure. “Sorry, if I’d know they were that bad, I would never have brought him here.”

  “It’s ok,” I say, knowing Sophie is going to be occupied for the rest of the night, there goes the movie idea. “So, you were serious about hanging out?” I ask.

  “Yeah,” he smiles.

  I step back and let him in, which he does instantly, rubbing past my body on the way. He makes his way into the lounge room and takes a seat at my favourite spot. “Do you want something to eat? We have leftover Italian,” I ask, moving past the lounge room and into the kitchen.

  He gets up and follows me into the kitchen. “Sure,” he says. I go about pulling food out of the fridge and grab him a drink. He looks around our small kitchen, his eyes landing on my laptop that sits on the bench. “Is that my ass?” he asks with a smirk. Shit. May as well own it.

  “Yep,” I confirm, pulling my laptop across the bench. “Sophie decided it was an ass worthy of my background.”

  “Good to know,” he says, not embarrassed in the slightest.

  A dull moan comes from down the hallway and I cringe as I pull up the pictures of him and Tank on the ice and flip it around to show him. “Check these out,” I say.

  He looks over the images and raises an impressed eyebrow. “Wow, these are awesome,” he says. “Can you send me these?”

  “Sure,” I say pulling my laptop back around and bringing up my email. “Which ones did you want?”

  He gets up and joins me on my side of the bench while he skims over the images again, pointing out the ones he likes. He puts in his email address and hits send.

  “I finished the calendar,” I tell him. “I just need Coach Harris’ approval before we get it made up. Then we can start selling it at your games.”

  “Really? Already? Show me,” he says. I pull up the calendar and hand over the laptop for him to scroll through. “Geez, it’s weird seeing the guys like this,” he laughs.

  “I know, but trust me, the girls will love it,” I say as Sophie screams out for Tank to take her harder.

  He continues scrolling and stops when he gets to the image of himself in the weights room. “Fuck, I look good.” he grins, then looks up at me. “Why August?” he asks, curiously.

  “My birthday is in August,” I smile, a little embarrassed at being caught out.

  He grins back at me as his dark eyes dance with amusement. “You’re really good at this,” he says.

  “Thanks,” I say. “I love photography.”

  “So why aren’t you studying photography?” He asks. He finishes with his dinner and washes his plate in the sink. He grabs my hand and leads me back into the lounge room, taking a seat on the couch and pulling me down on his lap.

  “I am but it’s more like a hobby rather than want I want for a career,” I explain. “PR is just so much more exciting.”

  “How so?”

  I lean over and grab my phone off the coffee table and bring up my Facebook app. “Take this for instance,” I say, logging into the Dragons Facebook page I created earlier in the week. “I created this page for you idiots a few days ago and shared it a few times and got 1,500 followers. I added a sneak peek of the calendar about two hours ago and now you’re up to 2,000 followers,” I explain. “I guess I like working on something positive and physically being able to see the results.”

  “Whoa,” he says, taking the phone from my hand and looking closer at the page. “We really have 2,000 followers already?”

  “Yeah,” I laugh. “Imagine when the season actually starts, let alone when you win the championship.”

  “You’re too good for us,” he tells me.

  I give him a big, satisfying grin. “Yeah, I probably am,” I laugh, taking the phone back off him and giving it another look, updating the screen as I go to find another 25 followers. “I’ll probably do some promos and giveaways on here, but would be cool if a few of you guys post every now and then.”

  “Consider it done,” he says.

  “Oh, and I’m going to convince Coach Harris to let me take over the website, it needs some serious work and a few updates. Maybe I’ll put a merchandise page and then fans from everywhere can buy your calendar,” I smile. “Sophie and I are going to ace this assignment.”

  “You really do love this stuff, don’t you?”

  I nod my head enthusiastically. “Yeah, I’m practically living a dream this year,” I tell him.

  “Me too,” he says, slipping his hand around my neck and bringing me down on top of him. He presses his lips to mine, kissing me gently at first then begins to really move as he deepens the kiss.

  I adjust myself on his lap so I straddle him and feel him harden beneath me. His hands slide up the back of my singlet, roaming over my skin as he explores my body and I begin to grind against him. His hand works its way down my body
and into my panties finding me wet and waiting. He easily pushes his fingers inside me as I continue to grind down against him.

  He continues his assault on me until he forces me over the ledge. “Come for me,” he demands.

  His words are my undoing as I find my release. My body collapses against his and I close my eyes as I wait to come down from the high.

  We hear Sophie and Tank exiting her room from down the hallway. Miller slides his fingers out of me and smirks as I climb off his lap. “Good timing,” he tells me with a wink, that drives me crazy with need.

  Sophie and Tank round the corner and join us in the lounge room. “So, how about that movie?” Sophie says awkwardly, taking a seat on the opposite side of the room to Tank. Hmmm, I wonder what’s going on there.

  Miller looks from Sophie to Tank, then back to Sophie, with the same curious expression that I’m sure is covering my face.

  “I’m thinking Micky’s,” I say.

  Chapter 10


  It’s game night. The first match of the season and my guys are pumped. It’s a home game so the stadium is packed, and I’m pretty sure that has something to do with all Dani’s promotions, I mean, before Dani and Sophie started this assignment, we were still pretty hated guys around here after last season’s fuck up. Don’t get me wrong, we have our loyal die-hard fans that we love, but the rest, they like to go with the flow.

  I briefly wonder how Dani is doing with the whole calendar thing tonight, she said she had quite a bit of interest in it so far and had stuck a few freshmen at a table, putting them in charge of making sales so Dani could watch the game.

  I stand with my boys as Coach gives us his first pep talk of the season. “Alright boy’s, you need to get out there and show those guys who owns this ice,” he starts, his face turning red as he pumps us up. “This is our season, our house and nobody comes between us and victory. We will wipe the floor with them. Show them how to play like men,” he hollers, looking each of us in the eye. “We have a reputation to win back. We know we deserve it, but they don’t. So go out there and take what’s ours.”


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