Dalton, Tymber - Fire and Ice [A Triple Trouble Prequel] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dalton, Tymber - Fire and Ice [A Triple Trouble Prequel] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 25

by Tymber Dalton

  “Jan and Rick Alexandr, my mates, are also distantly related to the Lyalls, and to Maureen. As am I, through my father. So you see, this really is a family matter.”

  Zack stared at her. “Fuuuck me, kiddo. Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I didn’t know for sure until that very last vision in Seattle. Lacey told me back when I first met her that it was a possibility, but she wasn’t sure.”

  Liam looked confused. “But why are ye telling me all this?”

  “Because you need to get your ass back to Florida, to the Lyall ranch. Major shit is going to happen soon, and they are going to need your help. Specifically, your daughter is going to need your help.”

  “Do the Abernathys know who she is yet?”

  She shook her head. “Not yet, but she’s going to meet the Lyalls really soon. That’s when they figure out who she is. I can’t see everything, unfortunately. I only see what the funky vision fairy, or whatever it is, lets me see.” She smiled to lighten the moment. “Besides, your daughter deserves to have her dad give her away at her wedding.”

  * * * *

  Liam shifted into his wolf form and led them safely down the trail until they were only a hundred yards away from the church. Lina knelt down to stare into his eyes. “Go soon. The sooner, the better. The Abernathys are in too much disarray now to track your return. By the time they know you’re back, they’ll have already located your daughter. And then she and her men will need all the help they can get. Okay? We’ll see you again really soon. You can trust the Lyall clan, I swear it.”

  Liam nodded. He nuzzled her hand and let out a soft chuff of thanks before turning on his heels and sprinting back up the trail.

  Lina sighed and let Zack lead her the rest of the way out of the jungle. Back in the Rover and heading toward San Miguel, Zack shook his head. “Jan and Rick are not gonna believe this.”

  “Especially since you can’t tell them. Or Kael, or Uncle Andel, or any of them.”

  He looked surprised. “What the fuck? Why not?”

  “Because they can’t know. Any of it. Not yet, anyway. Only you and I are strong enough to keep this secret. If any hint of Liam’s whereabouts gets out, his life is in danger. He has to get to Florida safely. The cockatrice are already plotting their next move. If the Abernathys find out too soon how deeply we’re aligned with the Lyall wolves, it could bump up their timeline. We can’t have that happening. That’s still the one biggest advantage we have over them and the cockatrice. The cockatrice think the Lyalls’ pack involvement is limited because of the stuff that happened with Bertholde and Lenny back at Yellowstone.”

  “Then why couldn’t Liam come back with us?”

  “It’s not the right time. He has to make the journey on his own.” She settled back in her seat to try to nap. She felt a little nauseous and chalked it up to misplaced morning sickness. Dammit, she couldn’t even enjoy being pregnant without all this bullshit.

  “Then when is the right time?”

  “After the Highland Games.”

  “The what?”

  Lina felt exhaustion suddenly take her over as her adrenaline rush of the past several hours sent her crashing. “The Arcadia Highland Games. That’s when they meet Elain. Now get me the hell out of this place. I need a Big Mac and a latte, stat.”

  “And who is Elain?”

  “She’s their One.”

  “Okay, ask a stupid question—”

  “Zack, please!”

  He let out an aggravated sigh. “Sorry. Fine. I’ll drop it.” He went quiet.

  She glanced at her left palm. In the dim light from the dashboard, she could just make out the faint lines of the ancient scar Baba Yaga had etched into her flesh so many lives ago. She rested the back of her hand against Zack’s thigh as he drove. He reached down with his right hand and laced his fingers through hers, with their palms pressed together. She felt a slight, pleasant tingle pass between them.

  Somewhere, in the distant recesses of her mind, Lina thought she heard the crone’s pleased cackle.

  Chapter Four

  Lina sat on a bench in the baggage claim area at Tampa International and waited with their luggage while Zack retrieved their car. Thank goodness they’d brought his car to the airport and left it in long-term parking instead of having Rick or Jan or even Kael drop them off.

  That reminds me. She pulled off all the luggage tags from Bolivia, routing them through Miami International on the return trip.

  That would be hard to explain. She dumped the tags in a garbage can next to the bench.

  Zack pulled up and shooed her into the car. “I’ll deal with the bags, Momma Goddess. You go sit and look pretty.”

  She groaned. “I have to tell the guys.”

  “That’s not a bad thing, you know.” He dumped their bags into the trunk, climbed behind the wheel, and pulled out into traffic to exit the terminal.

  “They’re going to want to baby me.”

  “Again, that’s a bad thing how?”

  She shot him a dark look. “Since when do I like being babied?”

  “True. But I’d be willing to bet after a few months you’re going to enjoy the crap out of it.”

  She put her hand on her still-flat belly. “Why’d it have to be twins?”

  He grinned. “I get to be an uncle! Spoil them rotten, get them all wound up on sugar, then hand them back off to you.”

  “Whose side are you on, anyway?”

  “The side of fun.” He grinned.

  They reached the house an hour later, just after dark. Rick, Jan, and Kael all walked out to greet them and help with the bags. “I made dinner,” Kael said.

  Jet lag and leftover morning sickness nearly upended Lina’s stomach. “Thank you, sweetie. But I think I just want a shower and lie down for a while.”

  Jan frowned. “Are you all right, lovely?”

  “Yeah.” She took a deep breath. Fuck it, might as well get it over with. “No.”

  “What?” Jan and Rick said together.

  “I’m pregnant.” She shot a look at Zack. “Twins.”

  Jan and Rick’s eyes widened. “What?” they exclaimed together.

  “Pregnant. Twins. What part didn’t you understand?”

  They immediately engulfed her in a hug that nearly smothered her. She finally pulled free. “Seriously, guys. I’m sorry, but I’m not in a lovey-dovey mood right now. I’m sweaty and tired and my stomach’s not doing so hot. I need a shower and a few minutes to myself. Okay? Please?”

  “Okay,” they both echoed. But they hovered inches behind her all the way up the stairs to their room and were annoyingly attentive.

  When she stripped to get in the shower and they both started getting naked, too, she held up a hand. “Guys, seriously. Please? Just ten minutes alone? Okay?”

  They both looked crestfallen, but nodded. She kissed Jan, then Rick. “I don’t think either of you want me throwing up on you,” she tried to add for humor.

  She stepped into the shower and scrubbed, shaved, and washed her hair. Then she stood there and let the water sluice over her. It felt so good to be home.

  She found both of them sitting on the bed when she emerged from the shower with a towel wrapped around her. She felt bad about being so short with them before.

  “Guys, I’m sorry I’m in a bad mood. It’s not y’all’s fault.”

  “Aren’t you happy you’re pregnant?” Jan asked.

  “Yes, I am. I’m just tired and it was a shock.” Okay, need a better explanation than that. “Going to Seattle was emotional. I needed to do it,” she quickly added, so they wouldn’t bust Zack’s balls for the trip, “and I wanted to do it. And it was sort of a shock learning about my pregnancy from a vision.”

  Rick frowned. “What kind of vision?”

  Sin of omission. “Stuff is about to start happening again in a couple of months. We have a lot of things going on, and I guess it just wasn’t the fairytale revelation I’d thought it might be.”
  She hugged and kissed Rick, then Jan. “I love you both. Yes, I’m happy we’re having…babies.” She sighed. “That was a shocker, too. I wasn’t expecting twins.”

  “Twins run in our family, lovely,” Jan said. “We told you that.”

  “I know. I just wasn’t expecting it to happen to me.”

  “Can we get you anything?” Rick asked.

  “Some peppermint hot tea and a grilled cheese sandwich would be nice, if it’s not too much trouble.”

  Both men jumped up to do it, making her laugh. “Please don’t hurt yourselves fighting each other to take care of me.”

  “We’ll be right back,” Jan said.

  She smiled and stretched out in their bed after locating the remote. The shower had gone a long way toward making her feel better. Truth be told, she’d missed the heck out of her guys and did want some snuggle time.

  Ten minutes later, she heard them pounding up the stairs. Rick carried her sandwich. Jan had her tea, made exactly the way she liked it.

  She sat up and gave them a smile. “Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it.” She had to fight not to giggle as they intently watched her while she ate.

  When she finished, she set her plate and mug on the bedside table before patting the mattress on either side of her. “Come here, boys.”

  Rick launched himself over her and landed on the far side. Jan stretched out next to her.

  I am a lucky woman. Despite the difference in their hair, eyes, and skin tone, they were nearly identical hunks in build. “Don’t you think you want to undress?” she playfully asked them.

  They both jumped out of bed and shucked their shorts and T-shirts before returning to their previous positions.

  She grinned. Both of their generous cocks stood erect from their bodies. “How about we start out slow,” she suggested. “I think I’m in the mood to scratch an itch.”

  Rick grinned. “One itch scratched, coming right up.” He crawled down the bed until he reached the juncture of her thighs. Jan wrapped his arms around her and nibbled on the side of her neck while cupping her breasts in his hands.

  Rick’s warm hands pushed her thighs apart. His eyes turned deep amber in color, smoky from passion, as he flicked his tongue out and drew lazy circles around her clit.

  She let out a little whimper. He loved to tease her, to make her beg for it. Jan’s cool hands found her sensitive nipples and started tugging on them, drawing them into taut peaks, serving only to fire her need.

  “Does that feel good, lovely?” he whispered in her ear. He nibbled on her earlobe.

  “Mmm hmm!”

  Rick used his thumbs to part her pussy lips. His took a long, slow swipe along the length of her clit with his scorching tongue, making her moan. She felt her juices flowing, between what Jan and Rick were doing to her.

  She tipped her head back so Jan could kiss her. She eagerly let his tongue part the seam of her lips. Hooking an arm around his neck, she arched her back, pressing her breasts into his hands.

  “You like that, don’t you?” he asked.

  “Uh huh!”

  Rick chuckled between her legs. “You’ll like this even more.” He grabbed her clit between his lips and lightly sucked on it. At the same time, he pressed two fingers inside her wet pussy, slowly finger-fucking her with them.

  She spread her legs even wider. “Yesss!” she hissed.

  Jan’s erection pressed against her ass. She wanted them both tonight, at the same time.

  Rick continued sucking on her clit, alternating sucks with flicks from his tongue that finally drove her screaming over the edge to orgasm, with the walls of her cunt sucking at his fingers. Jan smothered her cries with his mouth as he pinched her nipples the way she loved, only serving to increase the sensation.

  When she finally came down, Rick sat up and licked his fingers clean. “How was that, sweetie?”

  “Uh huh!” She grabbed him and kissed him, tacking him back on the bed and mounting him. He laughed until she got his cock lined up and sat down on it, hard, with a satisfied moan.

  “Oh, baby!” he groaned. “You’re in a mood, aren’t you?”

  She looked over her shoulder at Jan. “What are you waiting for?” she asked. “Get the lube!”

  He grinned. “Of course, lovely.”

  While she waited for him, she started rocking back and forth on Rick’s cock, hard, slamming down on him the way he loved.

  He held on to her hips. “Slow down,” he said through gritted teeth as he tried to maintain control. “I’ll explode if you don’t.”

  Then she felt Jan’s hand in the center of her back. He pushed her down flat on top of Rick, who could finally get his arms around her.

  She squirmed against him. “Fuck me!” she whined.

  Jan laughed. “Hold on. Let me get ready.” She fell still as he drizzled lube down between her ass cheeks, then pressed a cool finger through her rim.

  Lina closed her eyes and moaned. “Yes!” The two of them together, filling her, riding her, always gave her an explosive orgasm.

  Usually gave her a vision, too, but she wouldn’t complain. She was suddenly so horny she couldn’t see straight.

  By the time Jan had worked three fingers into her ass, she was begging him to fuck her. Finally, he withdrew his fingers and lined the head of his cock up with her puckered rim.

  “Hold still,” he playfully chastised. Then he grabbed her shoulders and slowly pressed forward.

  It was only Rick’s arms around her that held her still. She wanted to be fucked and fucked hard. It wasn’t until Jan’s cock was completely buried inside her ass, his balls touching her, that they finally let her move.

  “Okay, sweetie,” Rick said. “Use us as your sex toys.”

  She pushed herself up on her arms and started moving. The men let her set the tempo, and when they started moving in time with her, she felt her orgasm quickly building.

  “Yesss!” she softly hissed.

  “Ride us,” Jan said. He reached around her again and started pinching her nipples.

  That was all it took. She closed her eyes and felt her pussy contract as the first wave hit her, squeezing their cocks inside her and intensifying the orgasm as she started riding them even harder. It felt like her body would turn inside out when the second wave hit her, making her shudder.

  Then the vision hit. She opened her eyes and the world looked tinged in blue. She was no longer in bed with the men, but at a wedding. She turned around, but before she could tell whose wedding it was, another orgasm slammed into her and she was back in bed and riding the waves of her climax.

  Rick grabbed her hips and thrust up hard into her, letting out a deep, satisfied grunt. She felt his hot seed filling her a second before Jan’s cock swelled in her ass, grew hard, and then his cool and soothing juices filled her ass.

  Panting and now sweaty, she collapsed on top of Rick and tried to catch her breath.

  “Wow,” she whispered.

  Rick kissed her sweaty brow. “Yeah, wow is right.”

  Jan laughed, but was slow to move. “Holy crap wow is more like it.”

  Exhausted, she was about to drift off to sleep when she felt Jan finally withdraw. He went to the bathroom and came back with a washcloth to clean her up.

  “I’m not moving,” she mumbled.

  Rick laughed. “You have to, sweetheart. I need to use the bathroom.”

  She groaned in protest, but let Jan help her up off him and into his arms, where she comfortably snuggled against him.

  He kissed her forehead. “Good?”

  “Great,” she whispered with a smile.

  She was barely aware of Rick crawling back into bed on her other side. She’d almost dropped off to sleep when his voice came to her.

  “What’d you see, sweetheart?”

  She sighed, sleepy. “A wedding.”

  “Whose?” Jan asked.

  “Don’t know. Don’t care right now. Hasn’t happened yet.” She was almost asleep again
when the answer hit her. “Oh. Probably Brodey and his brothers. Hasn’t happened yet. It was blue.”

  Although, somehow, that didn’t feel quite right.

  “Not ours?” Jan teased. They understood she didn’t want to get married on principle, because she couldn’t marry both of them.

  “Shut up,” she growled.

  “Sorry, lovely.”

  She was almost asleep yet again when Rick’s voice came to her. “We’re going to need a bigger house.”

  “No, we’re not. This house is fine.”

  “But if you’re having dragons—”

  “Go. To. Sleep.”

  Jan chuckled. “She’s pregnant, brother. I wouldn’t piss her off.”

  “You’re a wise man,” she said. “What he said, Rick.”

  Rick chuckled. “Sorry, love. Please, just don’t fry our balls in the delivery room.”

  “No promises.” But she smiled as she drifted to sleep. She was going to be a mom. And they were going to be good dads.

  And how many kids were lucky enough to have a bunch of wolves as adopted uncles?




  Tymber Dalton lives in southwest Florida with her husband (aka “The World’s Best Husband™”), son, and too many pets. She loves to hear from readers. Please feel free to drop by her website and sign up for her newsletter to keep abreast of the latest news, views, snarkage, and releases. (Don’t forget to look up her writing alter egos Lesli Richardson, Tessa Monroe, and Macy Largo!)



  Also by Tymber Dalton

  Ménage Amour: Tripe Trouble 1: Trouble Comes in Threes

  Ménage Amour: Triple Trouble 2: Storm Warning

  Ménage Amour: Triple Trouble 3: Three Dog Night

  For all other titles, please visit


  For titles by Tymber Dalton


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