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Sworn to a Highland Laird

Page 27

by Sky Purington

  “That’s what Grant said,” she murmured.

  “And Grant would know better than any of us,” he replied. “This is his grandson we’re talking about.”

  “I know,” she whispered. “Doesn’t mean I don’t still worry.”

  “Aye, lass,” he whispered and brushed his lips over hers again before they left the tent.

  “Where are we going?” she said.

  “Now that the Sassenach have fled south and ‘tis safe enough, I thought you might like to go to Stirling Castle.”

  “I would,” she exclaimed but stopped short as a voice drifted through the forest. “Andrew Moray’s speaking to his men.” Her eyes went to his. “I’d really like to hear what he has to say.”

  Adlin nodded, and they headed that way. His cousins and Jim were already there standing on the outer rim of a sizeable crowd. Though his skin was drawn and pale, Moray stood with his arms crossed over his chest in front of a roaring fire. Wallace was at the ready in case he needed assistance. Aðísla wasn’t too far off either.

  “I have never been prouder of ye than I was today, lads,” Moray said, his voice loud and clear as his eyes went from man to man. “Ye were clever, and patient then fought with the heart of true Scotsmen.”

  Men roared with triumph, most still covered in blood as whores came alongside, ready to help them transition from battle lust to another type of lust entirely.

  Moray unsheathed his sword and eyed it with fondness. “This has cut down many a Sassenach and traitor alike, but I’m afraid ‘twill no longer do so at my hand.” He held the hilt out to William. “Might ye carry on my blade’s legacy and see more Sassenach blood stain its steel.”

  A heavy sadness settled over the men as they realized what was happening. As they realized their commander’s battle wound was far worse than he let on.

  “Aye, my friend, ‘twould be my honor.” Wallace lowered his head as he took the blade. “Might I wield it as well as ye did.”

  “Och, I dinnae doubt ye will.” Moray clasped his shoulder and met his eyes. “It has been a true honor fighting alongside ye and yer men, Wallace. Might ye and yers always fight for Scotland’s freedom as ferociously as ye did today.”

  Another roar went up far and wide as not only Moray’s men responded but William’s.

  “Ye’ve followed me for a long time, and I’m grateful, but I’ve two more things to ask of ye, lads,” Moray called out to his men, his voice still strong, though he kept a firm hand on Wallace’s shoulder, likely for support.

  When his men nodded, many replying ‘anything,’ Moray continued. “After this night, I willnae be yer commander anymore.” He shook his head. “I willnae be amongst the living.” Again, he looked from man to man, speaking more directly to some than others. “Promise me ye’ll spread rumor that I still live for as long as possible so that we dinnae appear weakened.” His eyes went to William before sweeping over the crowd again. “And swear yer allegiance to William Wallace here and now. Fight for him as ye fought for me.”

  There was no hesitation but a roar of approval.

  These men had been devoted to Moray and would fight just as hard for Wallace.

  As it turned out, they would also keep Moray alive for some time after this battle with rumor alone.

  After the cheers died down, Moray grinned at William. “Now that we’ve settled all that, I believe ye promised me the perfect ending to a bloody good victory, Wallace.”

  “Aye.” Wallace met his grin as Cressingham was dragged forward and shoved to his knees. “That I did.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  MILLY SIGHED AS she stood on one of Stirling Castle’s battlements and stared down on the River Forth. The sun was setting, its rays as red as the blood-stained ground. “So everything went as it should.”

  It had been unbelievable walking through the castle. To step foot in it during this day and age. Heck, she had walked its halls hundreds of years before Mary, Queen of Scots would. It was a humbling and powerful feeling. All of this was.

  “Aye, lass,” Adlin murmured as he stood behind her and rested his hands on her shoulders. “History, as it should be, is on the road to recovery.”

  “History as it should be,” she murmured and turned in his arms. “It’s hard to imagine after what I saw today that things could go wrong.” She pressed her lips together. “Though I know they will...there’s a lot ahead for this country.” Her eyes fell to his chest so she would not by chance see any dreaded truth. “And for my friends, it seems.”

  “Milly.” He tilted her chin until their eyes met again. “You have to know at this point that whether fated to be together or not my kin will protect your friends with their life. They willnae let anything happen to them nor will I.”

  “Assuming you’re there,” she reminded. “Assuming we’re both there.”

  “Either way,” he said. “I truly believe they will be well protected. More than that, based on what I saw of Lindsay, I believe they can handle whatever’s thrown their way.”

  Milly flinched. “Maybe Christina but Jessie...I just don’t know.” She shook her head. “She’s so fragile. And on her own page.”

  “Does at least half if not all my kin strike you as being on their own page as well?” He offered a lopsided grin. “Do I not?”

  She couldn’t help a small smile. “You are one of a kind, Adlin.”

  “Aye.” He kept grinning, clearly trying to cheer her up. “Would you like to return to the future and check on your friends?”

  “Do you think Lindsay is there?”

  Adlin shook his head. “Not with any certainty.”

  “What about creating one of your Highland Defiances and taking a peek?”

  “’Twould be unwise,” came Grant’s soft voice before he appeared on the battlement alongside Jim. “The less magic right now, the better.”

  When Adlin perked a brow at him, Grant said, “’Tis best that Jim returns to the future to check on the other lasses and mayhap prepare them for what’s to come.” His eyes went between Milly and Adlin. “Though ‘tis clear other rings are at work, you’d best be prepared to attend future battles. To assist if need be.”

  “Of course,” Milly replied, not frightened in the least by the prospect. “Where and when?”

  “The Action at Earnside Skirmish and the Action at Hepprew,” Grant replied. “Both in our Lord’s year, thirteen hundred and four. Seven years from now.”

  “Will William be at both?” Milly asked.

  “Aye.” Grant nodded. “Wallace at both and Robert the Bruce at Hepprew.”

  “Robert the Bruce,” Milly whispered. “Now there’s someone I look forward to meeting.”

  “As if you didnae enjoy meeting Wallace,” Adlin commented, grinning.

  “And Moray,” she agreed, saddened as she thought of his fate. He might have a hard personality, but he was an admirable man. His death would be a great loss for Scotland.

  “He’ll die in Aðísla’s arms with an eye to the sun setting over his homeland,” Adlin said softly. “He’ll die with a mighty victory under his belt and great hope for his country.”

  “I know,” she whispered, blinking away unexpected tears before she looked at Jim. “So you’re heading home? What about...” She gestured at Blair as she headed their way. “You know.”

  “I intend to go with him,” Blair answered, her eyes narrowed on Grant. “He should not face time travel alone. ‘Tis unpredictable.”

  “Is it now?” Jim looked at her with amusement. “I think I can handle whatever the twenty-first century throws at me.”

  “Ye barely managed what I threw at ye.” She gave him a don’t-you-remember look before her eyes went between Adlin and Grant. “I’ll see the lad kept safe, aye?”

  “I managed what you threw at me just fine which wasn’t much, sweetheart, for all the teasing you did.” Jim snorted and shook his head. “So don’t sweat protecting me. I know how to defend myself.”

  Milly smirked at both the banter
and the ludicrous declaration. Jim didn’t know shit about protecting himself against magic or medieval time travelers that could pull a blade on him. Which, as she gave it more thought, made her nervous.

  “I agree with Blair,” Milly said. “Sending Jim back to the future undefended doesn’t sound like a good idea at all.”

  Jim perked his brows at Milly in surprise as Blair nodded and said, “There ye have it. I should go.”

  “Who will protect MacLomain Castle then if Adlin’s off on another adventure?” Graham asked as he joined them. “Me?”

  “Aye,” Blair said, pleased with the idea. “Ye’ve enough practice considering all the riffraff country folk yer always seeing to. Many say ye’d make a good laird if ye saw fit to set out on yer own and start yer own clan.”

  Milly eyed Graham, surprised by the revelation.

  “Ye cannae just start yer own clan,” Graham muttered under his breath. “It doesnae work that way.”

  “Be that as it may,” Blair started before Grant smoothly intercepted.

  “I think mayhap ‘twould be a good idea for Blair to travel with Jim and for the rest of us to go back to MacLomain Castle where we began.”

  “Aye,” Bryce agreed as he joined them. “I could use some time at home before I go in search of Lindsay, who may verra well be my mate.”

  Milly looked at Jim. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”

  “Do you even need to ask?” He gave her a solid hug and a wink. “I mean how can I go wrong with a woman like Blair along?”

  Milly glanced at Blair, shook her head and grinned. “Good luck and thank you.”

  “Aye, lass.” Blair embraced her then met her eyes. “I’ll see ye soon enough, friend. Until then, love well. Ye cannae hope for any better than Adlin MacLomain.”

  “Don’t I know it.” Milly smiled and met Adlin’s eyes moments before he pulled her close, and everything started swirling around them. The pressure dropped then readjusted quickly as the wind died and they once again stood in MacLomain Castle. This time they were not in the dungeons but on a wall walk overlooking a peaceful loch.

  “Lass, ‘twas truly a pleasure meeting you,” Grant murmured as he embraced her. “Thank you for all your help. I will see you again soon.”

  Milly nodded and smiled, thankful for all the comfort he offered her during the battle. “I look forward to it, Grant.”

  Graham didn’t bother with words but embraced her, kissed her on the cheek then whispered in her ear, “Love Adlin and love him well. No one deserves it more. But then you already know that, aye?”

  Surprised that he had finally said ‘you’ instead of ‘ye’ she started to respond, but he was already gone.

  “Milly, it would have been a privilege to claim you as my mate had Fate allowed it.” Bryce held her hand and stared so intently at her she swore she saw a flash of golden catlike eyes. “Laird MacLomain is a verra lucky man.”

  She smiled, charmed despite his intensity. “Thank you, Bryce...Laird MacLeod.”

  Then, like Graham, he was gone, and she and Adlin were alone.

  The Battle of Stirling Bridge was again fifteen years in their past.

  Milly tried to stay strong as she stared out at the horizon. As she felt how lost in time William Wallace and Andrew Moray really were now.

  “They will always be here,” Adlin said softly as he pulled her close, his blue eyes even lighter than usual as they searched hers. “They will always be part of this land and part of our hearts, lass.”

  “I know,” she whispered. And she did. Now more than ever and she suspected even more before this was all said and done. She had been given a glimpse inside history. She had met its heroes and seen its battles, both known and unknown.

  More than that, she had been part of it.

  Would continue to be part of it.

  “Soon,” Adlin murmured before he scooped her up, a sparkle in his eyes. “But first we’re going to spend some time in my chamber...quite a lot of time.”

  “And then what?” she whispered as she wrapped her arm around his neck and smiled.

  “Need ye ask?” Adlin smiled as well. “I’m going to make ye Lady of the Castle then get busy making some wee bairns to fill it up with.”

  Children had been the last thing on her mind before traveling back in time and meeting Adlin, but now it seemed like the most natural concept in the world. Life would change, she would adapt, but she knew with a man like Adlin she could do anything she wanted here...once they conquered evil and saved Scotland’s history that is.

  But that was for another day.

  Right now, as Adlin lay her down in bed and eyed her with adoration, she lived in the moment and pulled him down after her. Strife was ahead and the future unpredictable, but it was more promising now that they were together.

  They had found power and strength in love.

  A chance to have what they were denied before.

  So as the sun dipped below the horizon on a day that would never be forgotten, Adlin and Milly finally started over.

  One life was behind them, and another had just begun.

  The End

  Coming Soon

  Taken by a Highland Laird

  CAUGHT IN AN OBLIGATORY kiss at the Battle of Stirling Bridge, Conall and Lindsay end up in the last place they expect...behind bars in the dungeons below Hamilton Castle. Worse yet, a particular section Conall sealed off years ago because his grandfather had once been imprisoned there. Trapped, it doesn’t take long for them to turn on each other. Conall tries to remain noble but ends up frustrated and blunt. Lindsay doesn’t bother putting on an act but tells him where to go.

  Though finished with one another in little time, Fate has other plans, and they end up escaping only to travel back in time to 1304, better yet to the Action at Earnside Skirmish and the Action at Happrew. Having Lindsay and her antics in their midst is more than Conall would wish on his worst enemy. Or at least he feels that way until she and Robert the Bruce lay eyes on one another and the game changes.

  Determined to hate each other, but pulled closer as they try to ensure Scotland’s history remains on track, Conall and Lindsay navigate a powerful connection neither saw coming. Will it be enough to destroy an evil enemy and save the fate of a nation? Find out in Taken by a Highland Laird. Coming December 18th, 2017. Available now for pre-order.

  The MacLomain Series

  A New Beginning

  Sworn to a Highland Laird (Adlin’s story)

  Taken by a Highland Laird (Conall’s story)

  Promised to a Highland Laird (Graham’s story)

  Avenged by a Highland Laird (Bryce’s story)

  Previous Releases-Best Reading Order

  ~The MacLomain Series- Early Years~

  Highland Defiance- Book One

  Highland Persuasion- Book Two

  Highland Mystic- Book Three

  ~The MacLomain Series~

  The King’s Druidess- Prelude

  Fate’s Monolith- Book One

  Destiny’s Denial- Book Two

  Sylvan Mist- Book Three

  ~The MacLomain Series- Next Generation~

  Mark of the Highlander- Book One

  Vow of the Highlander- Book Two

  Wrath of the Highlander- Book Three

  Faith of the Highlander- Book Four

  Plight of the Highlander- Book Five

  ~The MacLomain Series- Viking Ancestors~

  Viking King- Book One

  Viking Claim- Book Two

  Viking Heart- Book Three

  ~The MacLomain Series- Later Years~

  Quest of a Scottish Warrior- Book One

  Yule’s Fallen Angel (spin-off novella)

  Honor of a Scottish Warrior- Book Two

  Oath of a Scottish Warrior- Book Three

  Passion of a Scottish Warrior- Book Four

  ~The MacLomain Series- Viking Ancestors’ Kin~

  Rise of a Viking- Book One

  Vengeance of a Viking- Book Two
/>   A Viking Holiday- Book 2.5

  Soul of a Viking- Book Three

  Fury of a Viking- Book Four

  Her Wounded Dragon- Book 4.5

  Pride of a Viking- Book Five

  ~The MacLomain Series: A New Beginning~

  Sworn to a Highland Laird- Book One

  Taken by a Highland Laird- Book Two

  Promised to a Highland Laird- Book Three

  Avenged by a Highland Laird- Book Four

  ~Calum’s Curse Series~

  Sister series to The MacLomain Series. Can stand alone, but is best enjoyed after The MacLomain Series (Books 1-4) which includes The King’s Druidess.

  The Victorian Lure- Book One

  The Georgian Embrace- Book Two

  The Tudor Revival- Book Three

  ~Holiday Tales~

  Yule’s Fallen Angel

  + Bonus Novelette, Christmas Miracle

  A Viking Holiday

  ~Forsaken Brethren Series~

  Independent series unrelated to The MacLomain Series

  Darkest Memory- Book One

  Heart of Vesuvius- Book Two

  Family Trees

  Click HERE to view Family Trees.

  About the Author

  Sky Purington is the bestselling author of over thirty novels and several novellas. A New Englander born and bred who recently moved to Virginia, Sky was raised hearing stories of folklore, myth, and legend. When combined with a love for nature, romance, and time-travel, elements from the stories of her youth found release in her books.

  Purington loves to hear from readers and can be contacted at Interested in keeping up with Sky’s latest news and releases? Either visit Sky’s website,, sign up for her quarterly newsletter, or sign up for personalized text message alerts. Simply text 'skypurington' (no quotes and all lowercase) to 74121 or visit Sky’s Sign-up Page. Texts will ONLY be sent when there is a new book release. Readers can easily opt out at any time.


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