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E=mc2 Page 6

by David Bodanis

  By the time Arouet went back to Paris, three years later, he had begun pushing his new ideas, in private letters and printed essays. In a world of clear, levelheaded analysis of true forces, his humiliation outside the gates of de Sully would never have been allowed. Arouet would support Newton's new vision accordingly his whole life long. He was a good supporter to have, for Arouet was only the name he'd been born with. He'd already largely put it to the side for the pen name by which he was better known: Voltaire.

  But even a skilled writer, however eager to push a particular thinker, can't shift a nation on his own. Voltaire needed to he able to place his talents within a switching center that could multiply them. The king's Academy of Sciences was too backward-looking; too locked into the old guard's way of thinking. The salons of Paris wouldn't do either. The usual hostesses were rich enough to keep a tame poet or two ("If you neglect to enroll yourself among the courtesans," Voltaire observed, "you are . . . crushed"), but there was no space for a real thinker. He needed help. And he found it.

  . . .

  He'd actually met her without realizing it, fifteen years before, visiting her father when she was just a girl. Emilie de Breteuil's family lived overlooking the Tuileries gardens in Paris, in an apartment with thirty rooms and seventeen servants. But although her brothers and sisters turned out as expected, Emilie was different, as her father wrote: "My youngest flaunts her mind, and frightens away the suitors. . . . We don't know what to do with her."

  When she was sixteen they brought her to Versailles, but still she stood out. Imagine the actress Geena Davis, Mensa member and onetime action-film star, trapped in the early eighteenth century. Emilie had long black hair and a look of perpetual startled innocence, and although most other debutante types wanted nothing more than to use their looks to get a husband, Emilie was reading Descartes's analytic geometry, and wanted potential suitors to keep their distance.

  She'd been a tomboy as a child, loving to climb trees, and she was also taller than average, and—best of all -since her parents had been worried she'd end up clumsy, they'd paid for fencing lessons for years. She challenged Jacques de Brun, whose position was roughly equivalent to head of the king's bodyguard detail, to a demonstration duel, in public, on the fine wood floor of the great Hall of Arms. She was fast enough, and strong enough, with the thrusts and parries, to remind any overeager suitors that they would be wise to leave her alone.

  Her intellect left her isolated at Versailles, for there was no one with whom she could share her excitement about the wondrous insights she was discovering through the work of Descartes and other researchers. (At least there were certain advantages in being immersed in equations—she found it easy to memorize cards at the blackjack table.)

  When Emilie was nineteen, she chose one of the least objectionable courtiers as a husband. He was a wealthy soldier named du Châtelet, who would conveniently be on distant campaigns much of the time. It was a pro forma arrangement, and in the habit of the time, her husband accepted her having affairs while he was away. There were a number of lovers, one of the closest being a onetime guards officer, Pierre-Louis Maupertuis, who had resigned his post, and was in the process of becoming a top physicist. Their courtship had begun in studying calculus and more advanced work together, but he was leaving on a polar expedition, and in 1730s France, no twenty-something young woman—however bright, however athletic—would be allowed to go along.

  Now Emilie was at loose ends. Where could she turn for warmth? She had a few desultory affairs while Maupertuis was ordering his final supplies, but who, in France, could fill Maupertuis's place? Enter Voltaire.

  "I was tired of the lazy, quarrelsome life led at Paris," Voltaire recounted later, " . . . of the privilege of the king, of the parties and cabals among the learned. . . . In the year 1733 I met a young lady who happened to think nearly as I did. . . ."

  She met Voltaire at the opera, and although there was some overlap with Maupertuis, that was no problem. Voltaire composed a stirring poem for Maupertuis, complimenting him as a modern-day argonaut, for his boldness in venturing to the far north for science; he then wrote a romantic poem to du Châtelet, comparing her to a star, and noting that he, at least, was not so faithless as to exchange her for some expedition to the Arctic pole. It wasn't entirely fair to Maupertuis, but du Châtelet didn't mind. Anyway, what could Voltaire do? He was in love.

  Emilie du Châtelet


  And so, finally, was she. This time she wasn't going to let it go. She and Voltaire shared deep interests: in political reform, in the fun of fast conversation ("she speaks with great rapidity," one of her earlier lovers had written, ". . . her words are like an angel"); above all, they shared a drive to advance science as much as they could. Her husband had a Château, at Cirey, in northeastern France. It had been in the family since before Columbus went to America, and now was largely shuttered up; abandoned. Why not use that as a base for genuine scientific research in France? They got to work, and Voltaire soon wrote to a friend that Mme. du Châtelet

  . . . is changing staircases into chimneys and chimneys into staircases. Where I ordered the workmen to construct a library, she tells them to place a salon. . . . She's planting lime trees where I'd planned to place elms, and where I only planted herbs and vegetables . . . only a flowerbed will make her happy.

  Within two years it was complete. There was a library comparable to that of the Academy of Sciences in Paris, the latest laboratory equipment from London, and there were guest wings, and the equivalent of seminar areas, and soon there were visits from the top researchers in Europe. Du Châtelet had her own professional lab, but the wall decorations in her reading areas were original paintings by Watteau; there was a private wing for Voltaire, yet also a discreet passageway conveniently connecting his bedroom with hers. (Arriving one time when she didn't expect him, he discovered her with another lover, and she tried putting him at ease by explaining that she'd only done this because she knew he hadn't been feeling well and she hadn't wanted to trouble him while he needed his rest.)

  The occasional visitors from Versailles who came to scoff saw a beautiful woman willingly staying inside, working at her desk well into the evening, twenty candles around her stacks of calculations and translations; advanced scientific equipment stacked in the great hall. Voltaire would come in, not merely wanting to gossip about the court—though, being Voltaire, he was unable to resist this entirely—but also to compare Newton's Latin texts with some of the latest Dutch commentaries.

  At several times she came close to jump-starting future discoveries. She performed a version of Lavoisier's rust experiment, and if the scales she'd been able to get machined had been only a bit more accurate, she might have been the one to come up with the law of the conservation of mass, even before Lavoisier was born.

  The Cirey team kept up a supporting correspondence with other new-style researchers; supplying them with whatever evidence, diagrams, calculations might be needed. The scientific visitors such as Koenig and Bernoulli sometimes stayed for weeks or months at a time. Voltaire was pleased that crisp, Newtonian science was gaining ground through their efforts. But when he and du Châtelet engaged in their teasing, their mock battling, it wasn't the case of a worldly, widely read man deciding when to let his young lover win. Du Châtelet was the real investigator of the physical world, and the one who decided that there was one key question that had to be turned to now: What is energy?

  She knew that most people felt energy was already sufficiently well understood. Voltaire had covered the seemingly ordained truths in his own popularizations of Newton: the central factor to look for when you're analyzing how objects make contact is simply the product of their mass times their velocity, or their mv1. If a 5-pound ball is going 10 mph, it has 50 units of energy.

  But du Châtelet knew that there had once been a famous competing view to Newton's, due to Gottfried Leibniz, the great German diplomat and natur
al philosopher. For Leibniz, the important factor to focus on was mv2. If a 5-pound ball is going at 10 mph, it has 5 times 102, or 500 units of energy.

  Which view was true? It might seem a mere quarreling over definitions, but there was something deeper going on behind it. We're used to science being separated from religion, but in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries it wasn't.

  Newton felt that highlighting where mv1 occurs would prove that God had to exist. If two identical beer wagons crash head-on, there's an almighty bang, and possibly some grinding as their bumpers crumple into each other, but then there's stillness. Right before they hit there was a lot of mv1 in the universe: the two speeding carts were each loaded with the stuff. One cart had been going full speed due east, for example; the other had been going full speed due west. After they hit, though, and had become stationary chunks of wood and metal, the two separate parts of the v1 were gone. The "going due east" had exactly canceled out the "going due west."

  In Newton's view, this meant that all the energy the carts had once possessed had now vanished. A hole had been created, leading out from our visible universe. Since collisions like this happen all the time, if we live within a great, coglike clockwork, that clock would always need winding. But look around you. We don't find that as the years pass, fewer and fewer objects are able to move. That's the proof. The fact that the universe continues operating was, in Newton's view, a sign that God's reassuring hand was reaching in, to nurture us and to support us; to supply all the motive forces we otherwise lost.

  For Voltaire that was enough. Newton had spoken, and who was he to argue with Newton, and anyway it seemed such a magnificent vision—and it was backed by such distressingly complicated geometry and calculus— that it was wisest just to nod in confirmation and accept it. But du Châtelet spent a long time in her room with the Watteau paintings, and then at the candle-edged writing table, working through Leibniz's contrary arguments for herself.

  Along with various abstract geometric arguments, Leibniz had also focused on the way that Newton's approach left gaps in the world. Diplomats can be sarcastic. He wrote: "According to [Newton's] doctrine, God Almighty wants to wind up his watch from time to time: otherwise it would cease to move. He had not, it seems, sufficient foresight to make it a perpetual motion."

  It turned out that concentrating on measurements of energy as being mv2 avoided this problem. The mv2 of a cart going due west might be, say, 100 units of energy, and the mv2 of a second cart going on a collision course due east might be another 100 units. For Newton the two hits canceled each other out, but for Leibniz they added up. When the two carts hit, all the energy they carried remained busily in existence, sending metal parts bouncing and rebounding, heating up the wagon wheels, generally creating an ongoing, reverberating jangle.

  In this view of Leibniz's, nothing is lost. The world runs itself; there are no holes or sluicegates where causality and energy rushes away, so that only God would be able to pour them back in. We're alone. God might have been needed at the very beginning, but no longer.

  Du Châtelet found some attraction in this analysis, but also recognized why it had languished in the decades since Leibniz had proposed it. This view was too vague; matching Leibniz's personal biases, but without enough objective proof. It was also, as Voltaire got great satisfaction showing in his novel Candide, a strangely passive view; suggesting that no fundamental improvements to our worldly condition could be made.

  Du Châtelet was known for being burstingly quick in conversation, but at Versailles that had been because she was surrounded by fools, while at Cirey that was the only way to get a word in with Voltaire. When it came to her original work, she was much more methodical, taking her time. After going through the first arguments by Leibniz, and then the standard critiques against them, she—and various specialists she brought in to help—didn't leave it there, but started looking wider, for some practical evidence that would help her make a choice. To Voltaire she was clearly "wasting" her time, but for du Châtelet it was one of the peak moments of her life: the research machine she had established at Cirey was finally being used to its full capacity.

  She and her colleagues found the decisive evidence in the recent experiments of Willem 'sGravesande, a Dutch researcher who'd been letting weights plummet onto a soft clay floor. If the simple E=mv1 was true, then a weight going twice as fast as an earlier one would sink in twice as deeply. One going three times as fast would sink three times as deep. But that's not what 'sGravesande found. If a small brass sphere was sent down twice as fast as before, it pushed four times as far into the clay. If it was flung down three times as fast, it sank nine times as far into the clay.

  Which is just what thinking of E=mv2 would predict. Two squared is four. Three squared is nine. The equation's operation really did seem, in some strange way, fundamental to nature.

  'sGravesande had a solid result but wasn't enough of a theoretician to put it all together. Leibniz was a top theoretician but had lacked this detailed experimental finding—his opting for mv2 had been a bit of a guess. Du Châtelet's work on this topic bridged the gap. She deepened Leibniz's theory, and then embedded the Dutch results within it. Now, finally, there was a strong justification for viewing mv2 as a fruitful definition of energy.

  Her publications had a great effect. Du Châtelet had always been a clear writer, and it helped that Cirey was looked up to as one of the few truly independent research centers. Most English-speaking scientists automatically took Newton's side, while German-speaking ones tended to be just as dogmatically for Leibniz. France had always been the crucial swing vote in the middle, and Du Châtelet's voice was key in finally tilting the debate.

  After publishing her work she paused—to take care of her family's finances and to consider what research topic to do next. There were travels with Voltaire, and she was amused that the new generation of courtiers at Versailles had no idea that she was one of the leading interpreters of modern physics in Europe, or that in her spare time she had published original translations of Aristotle and Virgil. Occasionally it would slip, when she did a burst of probability calculations for the gaming table.

  Time passed, and they went back to Cirey. The lime trees were growing ("in this, our delightful retreat," as she wrote), and she had even let Voltaire have his vegetable garden. And then, as she hurriedly wrote in a letter to a friend

  3 April, 1749

  Château de Cirey

  I am pregnant and you can imagine . . . how much I fear for my health, even for my life . . . giving birth at the age of forty.

  It was the one thing she couldn't control. She'd had children shortly after her marriage, but she had been twenty years younger, and even then it had been dangerous. Being this much older, survival was not very likely. Doctors of the time had no awareness that they should wash their hands or instruments. There were no antibiotics to control the inevitable infection; nothing like oxytocin, which can control uterine bleeding. She didn't rage at the clear incompetence of her era's doctors; she just said to Voltaire that it was sad leaving before she was ready. The length of time before her was very clear: the labor was expected in September. She'd always worked long hours; now she sped up, the candles at the desk where she wrote sometimes burning till dawn.

  On September 1, 1749, she wrote to the director of the king's library, stating that he would find in the accompanying package the now complete draft of a major commentary she was doing on Newton. Three days later, the birth began; she survived that, but infection set in, and within a week she died.

  Voltaire was beside himself: "I have lost the half of myself—a soul for which mine was made."

  In time the focus on energy as being proportional to mv2 began to seem second nature to physicists. Voltaire's polemical skills, passing on the legacy of his lover, helped give it an even stronger boost. In the following century, Faraday and others used mv2—this quantity that might transform but never totally disappeared— as they built up their visions of the conser
vation of all energy. Du Châtelet's analysis and writing had been an indispensable step, though in time her role came to be forgotten; partly because each new generation of scientists tends to be generally neglectful of their past; partly, perhaps, because it was unsettling to hear that a woman could have directed such a large research effort and helped shape the course of subsequent thought.

  The big question, though, is why. Why is squaring the velocity of what you measure such an accurate way to describe what happens in nature?

  One reason is that the very geometry of our world often produces squared numbers. When you move twice as close toward a reading lamp, the light on the page you're reading doesn't simply get twice as strong. Just as with the 'sGravesande experiment, the light's intensity increases four times.

  When you are at the outer distance, the light from the lamp is spread over a larger area. When you go closer, that same amount of light gets concentrated on a much smaller area.

  The interesting thing is that almost anything that steadily accumulates will turn out to grow in terms of simple squared numbers. If you accelerate on a road from 20 mph to 80 mph, your speed has gone up by four times. But it won't take merely four times as long to stop if you apply brakes and they lock. Your accumulated energy will have gone up by the square of four, which is sixteen times. That's how much longer your skid will be.


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