On His Terms

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On His Terms Page 3

by Rachel Masters

  But she did as she always did in the diner, keeping her eye on the prize- she swallowed every ounce of pride that was busting at her seams.

  “Sorry about that, Mike. I’ll be back with your check in a sec,” she said.

  The obnoxious customer nudged his sidekick as she walked off to retrieve the check. He spoke just loud enough for her to hear him, “With an ass like that I’ll pay double if I have to.”

  She stopped dead in her tracks, contemplating the fifteen ways to avenge herself, then proceeded not to do any of them. “Your check, sir.” She attempted to hand the bill to the customer, but he wasn’t through with her yet.

  “What can you throw in if I toss an extra twenty in your tip?” he asked, licking his lips as he gawked at her thighs.

  “Here’s the check, Mike.”

  “How about you shake that tight little ass of yours for me and I’ll make it twenty percent this time?”

  A hand came out of nowhere and grabbed the rude patron’s shoulder.

  “How about you take the check that this hardworking lady is trying to give you and move on with your day?”

  Kallie looked up and saw a sight that blew her away.

  It was him.

  Mike stammered an apology. “Yes sir, Mr. Westbrook. I didn’t mean no harm to the lady.”

  Hale made a face of disgust. And his large, muscular frame was much more apparent in his street clothes. He remained calm, but clearly ready to rip this guy’s head off at any given moment.

  Mike’s hand shook as he fumbled through his wallet. After throwing down way too much cash, he bolted out of the diner.

  Ally could barely breath. All eyes were on her, including Hale’s.

  “Come on, I think you deserve a break,” he said, reaching his hand out to her.

  She looked over at Chef Denver who nodded in approval.

  Hale proceeded to whisk her away for a few minutes, finding a bench to sit on a couple of blocks from the diner.

  He looked at her softly, and it was all she could do not to burst into tears. It was the first time in her adult life that any man had ever defended her honor like that.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” she said.

  “Yes, I did. I told you Ally, you’re better than all of this.”

  His message was the same, only after the abuse that she took back in the diner, it was impossible to argue with him.

  “I want you to reconsider my offer. My intuition has never let me down Ally. And this time it sent me back to you,” he paused and pressed his lips together. His eyes locked in with hers. “I’m here, Ally, to try one more time.”

  She didn’t know if it was her head or her heart that made the choice, but suddenly she was anxious to take him up on his offer.

  Maybe it was just the fact that he’d helped her more in one week than anyone else had done in years.

  “I think maybe I’m willing to try too,” she said. She noticed his soft, flush lips hint at a grin. And his body… his white t-shirt stretched around his muscular chest and biceps. He reminded her of one those delicious looking men from the cover of GQ.

  She was willing to roll the dice.

  “You won’t regret it, Ally Shore.” He was pleased with her consent, but didn’t waiver in his focus. “I’ll pick you up at six tonight.”

  “I have class tonight,” she said.

  He smirked. “You don’t give up, do you?” he asked.

  “Neither do you, do you?” she replied as her lips curled up slightly.

  But when he gently wrapped his warm hand around her shoulder, she felt all of the tension in her body dissolve.

  “One night, Ally. I need you to give me one try.”

  Hell, what’s one class? She knew she had the tendency to be way too rigid, and it seemed like life had just given her a sign.

  “One night. One try,” she said.

  Ally walked back towards the diner and adjusted her apron. She knew that she would face a heavy burden of scrutiny the moment she returned to her shift. And for the first time ever, she could have cared less about the harsh world around her.

  * * *

  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d gone on a date. And somehow calling this a date seemed ridiculous. What am I getting myself into? She couldn’t remember the last time she did something so daring… and a night out with a billionaire was never in the cards.

  “Wow Ally, you look so hot! What’s the occasion?” Her older sister was completely baffled as she analyzed Ally’s attire- a sleek, black dress, high heels, her hair all done up. “I didn’t even know you owned those clothes.”

  Ally rolled her eyes. “I kind of forgot I did too. I’m going out,” she said, averting her sister’s eyes.

  “Yeah, I kind of figured that part out. With who? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

  “Sorry Jules. You do realize that I don’t need to run everything by you, don’t you?” she said, fiddling with her ear lobe.

  “Whoa,” Julie said, offering a sarcastic gesture of apology with her hands. “Sooooo,” her sister continued a moment later, pressing hard.

  “Sooooo what?”

  “Give me a break Ally. So who is the lucky guy?”

  She felt the sweat start to form in her palms. “Hale Westbrook.”

  Her sister almost dropped her coffee mug. “Hale Westbrook? You’re going out with Hale Westbrook?” The look on Julie’s face was a mix of shock, excitement, and crazy jealousy all wrapped into one.

  “The limo’s coming any second Julie. Where’s Gracie?” Ally looked around the apartment, more concerned with finding Gracie than the fact that her limo ride was about to arrive.

  Ally peered into her sister’s bedroom. Gracie was curled up on the floor with some markers and paper. “Hey sweetheart! What a great picture kiddo,” Ally said.

  Gracie beamed and handed Ally a picture of a rainbow. “Will you bring this to your work?”

  “You got it kiddo.” She landed a kiss on Gracie’s forehead.

  “Ally, your ride’s here,” Julie screamed out from the kitchen.

  “Gotta go sweetie. I’ll miss you,” Ally caressed Gracie’s temple and paused for a moment, staring at the child’s eyes.

  “I’ll miss you too, Auntie. Will you check on me even if I’m asleep when you get home?” Gracie’s words were like warm embers in Ally’s heart.

  “You got it kiddo,” Ally said

  She hustled out of the bedroom and darted through the hallway.

  “Are we still on for me watching Gracie tomorrow? It’s my only day off,” Ally said to her sister, adding a last second dash of perfume to her neck.

  “Oh crap, I’m taking her to the aquarium with Steve,” Julie said.

  “Julie, what the hell! We planned this weeks ago- it’s my only day off in the next couple of weeks,” Ally said.

  “Sorry Ally. I promised Steve.”

  Ally swallowed hard, as she always did whenever this came up. She knew she had no control over this situation, and it didn’t help her knowing that Hale Westbrook’s limo was waiting outside the apartment.

  * * *

  The limo driver opened the rear door with his white-gloved hand. Here I go, she thought to herself.

  “You look incredible,” said the billionaire. Ally flushed from head to toe.

  She stood speechless for a brief moment, then pulled herself together. “You look… handsome,” she said, embarrassing herself.

  “Thank you.” A tinted window rolled up that separated the backseat from the driver, providing both Hale and Ally with their own private world. “Wine?” he said, handing her a glass of white.

  “What is it with you always offering me wine?” she said, reaching for her glass. “I don’t know if I should let myself drink around you,” she said

  “I don’t know if you should either,” he said, and flashed a wicked grin.

  Ally leaned back against the black leather and took a sip from her wine glass. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, bra
cing herself for whatever might come next.

  “I have a stop to make before dinner,” he said, examining her attire. “Djd I mention that you look unbelievable in that dress?” His tone was romantic and sinful all at once. And she knew it. She crossed her legs, causing her dress to rise up her thigh.

  “I guess you call the shots,” she said.

  “Good, I like being in charge. We’re off to a good start,” he smirked.

  Ally had no idea what was going on as the limo pulled up to an enormous crowd standing outside of San Diego’s Hard Rock Café. “We have our work cut out for us tonight,” he said. As he grasped Ally’s wrist, her jaw dropped from the terror of whatever world she was about to get sucked into.

  “Us?” she gulped

  Hale and his date rose from inside the limo. He squeezed her hand tightly and leaned into her ear, “Welcome to my world, Ally.” She looked out into a sea of screaming supporters and cameras flashing. The two of them were immediately engulfed by Hale’s armed entourage that sprang from a fleet of black Cadillac Escalades. She couldn’t believe that he didn’t tell her about any of this ahead of time, but she was in way too much shock to feel any anger.

  “Mr. Westbrook, all systems are a go. The area has been secured. Whenever you’re ready, sir.”

  “Thank you, Charles,” Hale said. Then he looked at Ally, smiled, and whisked her through the relentless crowd.

  There she stood, on top of a stage with the potential governor of California, for thousands of mostly adoring fans. It was then that she began to realize what Hale was asking her to consider- a starring role in the most important campaign for governor in the country.

  The crowd hushed as Hale Westbrook raised his hand into the air.

  “California, the time for change is long overdue.” The crowd erupted into applause. “Together, we’re going to take back this state and show the United States of America how it’s done.” The crowd went berserk.

  He raised his hand once more to silence his fans. Ally stood just several feet away from the podium, as her heart beat wildly amidst the crowd’s quiet hush. Hale lifted his chin, and purposefully surveyed the entire crowd before he spoke again.

  “Together!” he shouted, causing a tidal wave of thousands of screaming voices to ripple through the San Diego evening sky.

  As the mass of people settled down, the media inched their way closer to the stage. “Mr. Westbrook! Mr. Westbrook!” A local TV reporter fought for Hale’s attention.

  Hale nodded in the reporter’s direction.

  “Mr. Westbrook!” the reported shouted, “how do you intend to meet the needs of most Californians when you yourself are not most Californians?”

  Hale turned away from the reporter and faced the crowd. Ally could see the annoyance in his eyes; she might have been the only person there that night that could see it.

  “California, I can assure you, I wasn’t born this way. I started off just like you, hard-working men and women with little to nothing left to spare once the last bill had been paid. And I will never, ever, forget where I cam from.”

  She wished he had given the crowd more of an answer, more of himself. Maybe he did start off like everyone else, she thought, but how can the people know that he still remembers what that feels like?

  A local reporter chimed from just in front of the stage. “Hale! Hale! Who’s the lucky lady to your right?” Ally’s heart sank to her feet.

  Hale looked over at her, then back to the reporter. “This is Ally, everyone!” He smiled at her. She was absolutely mortified as a flurry of flashbulbs swirled around her eyes.

  Charles appeared suddenly, as he seemed to do best, blocking Ally’s view from the crowd. She could feel the relief creep in as she sensed the show was almost over.

  A few more closing comments and one final rush of applause swept through the air, after which Hale and Ally were whisked through a tunnel of security men and safely into the black limo. As the limo pulled away from the Hard Rock Café, Ally collapsed into her seat.

  “You were great, kid,” he said, looking over at Ally.

  “Was I really? I didn’t feel great,” she said.

  “For real, you were great,” he said.

  “You didn’t tell me we were doing that,” she said.

  “If I had, you never would have left your apartment.”

  “Maybe you’re right, but at least it would have been my choice.”

  “You always have a choice, Ally. I didn’t force you up on that stage.”

  He had a point, which she didn’t like to admit to herself. But still, she felt manipulated and wasn’t all too thrilled. “I don’t know,” she muttered.

  “What I need most from you right now, Ally, is a little faith.”

  “Don’t you think trust has to be earned?” she asked, meeting his eyes.

  “I’m not asking for your trust, Ally. It’s your faith that I’m after,” he said. Hale’s eyes were burning as he placed his hand on her thigh. Ally took in a quick gulp of air. His hand sent a thousand waves of pleasure throughout every fiber in her body.

  But her head tried to ignore the pleasure that his touch caused her to feel. “I guess I still don’t get what you want out of me,” she said.

  “Charles will be meeting with you to go over the details of our arrangement.”

  “Charles? Why can’t you give me an explanation right now?” she asked.

  “In time, Ally—all in good time.” He handed her a glass of wine from the limo’s mini bar. “How about we get some food?”

  * * *

  They arrived at Il Formagi’s, the most upscale Italian restaurant in southern California. Anyone within a thousand miles of San Diego had eaten at Il Formagi’s.

  “Mr. Westbrook, so nice to see you again,” an important-looking dark-haired man in a black tuxedo escorted the billionaire and his date to a private table in the back end of the restaurant.

  Hale placed his warm hand on the small of Ally’s back as he helped her into the private booth. The table was lined with white cotton linen, and the velvety seating enveloped Ally’s petite frame. Hale slid into the booth, landing right by her side.

  He raised his glass of pinot noir. “Here’s to new beginnings,” he said. She smiled, almost distrustfully, as she raised her glass to meet his. She fought hard to not fall for his undeniable charm and allure, but she could feel herself slipping into the comfort and safety of his world.

  “What made you run for office? Haven’t you accomplished enough?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Hale wasn’t offended. “I thought I explained this to you, Ally. My success in business has been beyond noteworthy.. But I want to do more, much more. And when I imagine myself in the future, looking back on my life, I know I’ll have regrets if I don’t do more than simply make boat loads of money.” He sipped from his glass.

  “And why me?” she asked. He put down his glass of wine and looked into her eyes for what seemed like forever.

  “I feel different when I’m around you, Ally.” He softly lifted her chin with his large finger. She could feel a thousand butterflies dancing around in her belly. “And that’s a good enough place to start for me,” he said. Her face turned the color of their wine.

  “What about you? I can’t understand why you don’t have a boyfriend already,” he said.

  She smiled, devouring his compliment but not wanting to head in this direction. “I’ve been too caught up in my own life to even think about having a boyfriend.”

  She hardly even fooled herself with her own explanation. But she needed him off her back, quickly. “And besides, it’s even stranger that you don’t have a girlfriend. Or a wife.”

  “I guess I’ve been a little caught up myself,” he paused. “It’s amazing how easy it is to get off track in life. All it takes is one unexpected moment to throw you,” he said, letting his eyes wander towards the Giorgio Morando still life painting above the restaurant’s gas fireplace.

  “Well, I think you’ve do
ne a good job staying on the right track,” she said.

  “Thank you, Ally,” he smiled. He started to speak and then stopped himself, turning towards her eyes. “I hope you don’t take this the wrong way,” he paused, sipping his wine, “but I find you to be incredibly attractive.”

  Her cheeks, ears, and neck caught on flames at the sound of his words. He gently caressed the side of her jaw line with his large hand. Heat began to fill the depths of her entire body.

  “Easy governor, I have a job to do,” she teased. But she loved the attention, especially from him.

  The truth was, it had been so long since she let her guard down with another man. In fact, she’d never surrendered to another man’s desires in all of her adult life. But she couldn’t deny that he made her feel good, really good.

  “But thank you,” she added, blushing. She wanted more of what he had to offer, no matter how hard the rational part of her tried to fight it.

  Her body temperature rose steadily. And there was no place she wanted to be more than right there, right by his side.

  By dinner’s end, the two of them made their way through two bottles of wine. “Going home right after dinner is not an option for you,” he said with a wryly grin. “I’m going to need to make a pit stop.”

  “Says who?” she asked.

  He pressed his lips together and tilted her head back with his hand, “Says me. Are you arguing with me?” he asked.

  “And what if I was?” she replied.

  “I suggest you don’t test me, Ally,” he said. His voice was stern, and clearly laced with lust. She felt the magnetic attraction between the two of them grow stronger with each passing moment.

  As they slipped back into Hale’s awaiting limo, Hale called out to his driver. “Shelley Drive, Keith.”

  “Yes, sir,” the driver said.

  As the limo pulled away from Il Formagi’s and headed towards Hale Westbrook’s estate, Ally was grateful that she indulged in a good amount of wine. Her nerves were frazzled as it was.

  The limo pulled up to his mansion. Sensory lighting lit up the driveway and the entry doors to the billionaire’s home. As the limo drove off, Ally took comfort in the ocean waves lingering in the background. There was no denying the pit of fear in her belly, but she was thrilled beyond her wildest dreams at the same time.


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