Cold Bastard (Dark Sparrow Novel Book 2)

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Cold Bastard (Dark Sparrow Novel Book 2) Page 18

by India Kells

  “Are you done? More coffee?”

  Zoe only nodded, and got to her feet, putting her dishes in the sink, and topped her mug. And what next? When she turned, Archer was making his way to the living room. Meaning they were going to have the talk. Another dead end.

  Archer was standing in front of the wall of windows overlooking Chicago. The day looked bright and beautiful, with a clear blue sky and a bustling city, but she wasn’t sure what to do, so she remained standing.

  “I meant it yesterday when I told you I don’t want you out of my sight. You’re coming to tonight’s event and you will be glued to my side. If that’s not possible, either Jones or Sorenson will remain with you. That’s not a request, it’s an order. As a matter of fact, I’ve increased security once more. And I have an appointment with Beatrice Dante for some last-minute details. In fact, she should arrive any minute now.”

  Now Zoe was royally screwed and had to sit. And there was no way out of it all. It was like every decision or action she had taken to protect everybody in this mess was now turning against her. Maybe Beatrice would act as if nothing had happened. Fat chance, but a girl could hope.

  A knock at the door brought her back to reality. Zoe got to her feet as if to answer the door, but Archer shook his head, putting his mug on the coffee table. Unable to sit still, Zoe followed him. When he opened the door, time froze. Beatrice was there, with Lazarus King, Archer’s half-brother. Hell was about to break loose and she would witness it, front and center.

  Chapter 24

  Zoe had seen the image of Lazarus King, but hadn’t ever met the man in the flesh. The build, coloring, and eyes were so identical to Archer’s, it was stunning. As for the other brothers she knew who looked different but with a family resemblance, the two men could have been twins, apart from Lazarus’s sporting a thick black beard.

  Beatrice glanced at Zoe before returning her attention to Archer, offering her hand. “I’m Beatrice Dante and this is Lazarus King. We’re here about the security details as well as the other assignment we’ve previously discussed over the phone.”

  Archer shook her hand and Lazarus’, but his eyes flicked over him with suspicion. Did he notice something? A familiarity? Without having time to delve into that, he stepped aside, allowing them to enter. “This is Zoe Somersby.”

  Lazarus took her hand and nodded. Beatrice offered her hand, but the look she gave her was pissed, a clear indication that she was in for a nasty dressing down.

  Archer led them to the living room, but Zoe was still by the door, debating what to do, when in fact, there wasn’t any other option but to follow. Lazarus and Beatrice declined a drink and sat on the L-shaped couch. Archer looked at Zoe and she walked in his direction, like a robot, sitting beside him on the sofa in front of them.

  “Thank you for agreeing to meet me and organize the security for tonight at such short notice.”

  Beatrice nodded. “I understand, Mr. Blackwood. You have the full cooperation of my organization. Purgatory normally doesn’t do security jobs, but these are special circumstances.”

  “According to my research, you normally do more elaborate rescue missions, isn’t that right, Ms. Dante?”

  Beatrice’s eyes slid from Archer to Zoe. “Indeed.” And her focus went back to him. “I know this is the worst possible timing, but at the same time, circumstances are what they are. After our discussion last night, your request to dig into certain matters, I thought best to come with Mr. King here to give you a complete and entire report on the situation.”

  Archer slid a little bit more forward on his seat. “I asked for a complete report. That’s what I’m paying for. According to your reputation, that’s what I’m expecting of you.”

  Beatrice looked at Lazarus who leaned forward, mimicking his brother. “We will give you all the information. All we request of you is to wait until you have all the information, all the data, before making any decision or taking any action.”

  Frowning, Archer clenched and relaxed his fists a few times. “I gather it’s not good news then.”

  Zoe’s felt her anxiety increasing as she didn’t quite understand where the discussion was going. Lazarus removed an envelope from his vest. “This is the first part of the information we need to give you.”

  Archer stood to take it. Taking out a few pages, he started reading, walking toward the windows. Zoe turned to Beatrice who shook her head. Lazarus didn’t remove his gaze from Archer, his hands fisted, his knuckles white from the effort.

  Time seemed to stretch indefinitely. Zoe couldn’t read Archer’s expression with his back to her, but the tension radiating from his body was undeniable.

  When he spoke, his voice was so low, it sounded like a growl. “Why give me this information now? Why?” Lazarus was about to stand up, but Archer shook his head.

  Lazarus racked his hair. “I never had any intention of telling you we were related. For years, I only searched for my siblings to make sure they were all okay.”

  Archer let the papers fall on the table between them. “And you want me to believe this? A piece of paper?”

  Lazarus stood, but kept a neutral posture. “I didn’t think you would believe any of this. But I assure you that it’s legit. From a renowned laboratory.”

  Archer shook his head. “How were you able to get a sample from me?”

  “Your last medical. You had a blood sample drawn. It was easy rerouting it to our lab. But I have more proof.”

  Handing him a piece of folded paper, Lazarus retreated once more. Archer’s face darkened as his eyes read the words. This seemed to affect him even more, and Zoe couldn’t keep her distance any longer. Going to him, she touched his back. It was a risky move, especially since she didn’t know where they stood with each other. He didn’t acknowledge her but didn’t pull away either.

  Before she could ask, he handed her the paper. It was a photocopy of a letter from a woman called Ruth Blackwood. At the name, she looked up at Archer. He wasn’t looking at her, but it gave her the answer. Lowering her eyes back to the letter, she read how Archer’s birth mother pleaded with a man whose name was cut out, for help and money as she was pregnant with his child and didn’t know what to do.

  “My mother always told me that meeting my father had been the best thing that happened in her life. I never understood why. We were poor, scrambling to get by in one of the worst parts of town. But I now see why she said that. It was not about meeting the man who brought me life, but the man who helped her bring me up. Even if I wasn’t his blood. And I looked nothing like him. And I mean so much that I’ve been bullied about it. Well, until I was big enough to defend myself.”

  Archer looked so pensive, it threw Zoe off. Beatrice and Lazarus looked closed off, waiting. Once again, he took the papers that lay on the table to look at them. A full minute of silence went by, until Archer looked back at Lazarus. “Why now? Why would you make contact now?”

  Lazarus looked weary. “Our father... he’s not a good man. And in the last few years, he’s done awful things. He kidnapped my mother, threatened me and now he’s starting to attack the children he sired. Our brothers. I can’t let that happen. He’s vicious and will use any weakness he finds in people, making them his puppets.”

  The words resonated through Zoe’s body, making her shiver. Fear spread through her limbs, forcing her to take a seat, unable to look up anymore. What Lazarus said described Finch perfectly, but the target was a bit off.

  Archer nodded. “You think the man would be fool enough to threaten me?”

  Beatrice shook her head. “He would never act up front but snake his way around your throat until he gets what he wants.”

  “But why attack me? Money? Power? What’s his goal?”

  Tension coiled inside Zoe to the point where she felt pain radiating. Tears pooled in her eyes and a couple of them fell on her hands. Images of Lucas popped into her mind, but she felt so helpless, and a traitor, it was becoming unbearable. What were her guarantees from Finch aft
er all? The man Lazarus painted would use her and stab her in the back without even blinking.

  “Information.” The word was out of her mouth before she could stop it, and did she even want to? The silence was deafening, and Zoe couldn’t move from the sheer weight of it.

  Eyes on her hands, she prayed for strength and for Lucas while she continued. “His goal wasn’t Archer, not directly. He needed... he needed my help to get information. All of this, was orchestrated by him, and we set it in place like well-played pawns.”

  Someone moved, and Beatrice kneeled before her. “Zoe. Talk to me.”

  Her throat closed off, and all she could do was retrieve her phone and show her a picture of Lucas.

  “I know, darling.” Putting the cell on the floor, she took Zoe’s hand in hers.

  Archer didn’t move from his place, but shifted on his feet, impatient. “You know her.” It was a statement that couldn’t be denied. And he took a step toward Lazarus. “You placed Zoe in my path.”

  Lazarus lifted his hands, shaking his head. “You needed an interpreter, Zoe is the best there is. The only purpose was to help you, and make sure you were safe. Zoe is not an agent but Beatrice’s friend.”

  Archer cursed low under his breath and started pacing the length of the room. “You made sure she was hired here so she could spy on me.”

  “No!” His accusation burned so deeply, Zoe couldn’t stay silent anymore. “I never spied on you or gave him any information about you. That’s not what he forced me to do.”

  Beatrice squeezed her hand, bringing Zoe’s attention back to her. “Listen to me, Zoe. Before Archer Blackwood called me and asked to dig into what was on your phone, who was threatening you, Hector Nazario contacted us. He had seen you and deducted a few things on his own. You stopped answering our communications, avoided everyone, disappeared. It was only a question of time before started asking questions. From the beginning, I never wanted you to take any risks.”

  Archer never stopped pacing and cursing, and Zoe feared he was about to leap out of his skin any minute now. “He... he sent me pictures of Lucas. Recent pictures of him, and told me that if I ever told anybody, he would...” Zoe shook her head, unable to say the words.

  “Who’s Lucas?” Archer’s voice so close, booming in her ears, making her jump, but she answered.

  “My little brother.” Gathering all the courage left in her, Zoe lifted her gaze to him. “I told you about my abusive father, well, abusive family, to say the least. Beatrice helped me escape them, hide and change my identity, build myself a new life. But I couldn’t leave Lucas behind, so she helped me gain custody and hide him too. And because of this, because of me, he’s used Lucas against me. If I don’t obey him...” Zoe lowered her head again.

  “I will protect him, Zoe. You have to believe in me and in Purgatory. I would never allow any harm to come to him.” Even with her sincerity, it was impossible to believe her.

  “You can’t be everywhere, Beatrice! How was I to know I was under surveillance from that monster? There’s supposed to be someone watching my every move, a silent ghost ready to strike if I disobey. Tell me what I should have done? I was trying to protect you, and Archer, and Lucas all at the same time! I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you! You’re too important!”

  Unable to sit still, it was her turn to pace. Looking at the floor, Zoe started describing what she had done from the moment she’d received the first threat. The other three people in the room stayed silent until the last word poured out of her. Shaking and walking at the same time, her anxiety didn’t lessen. “And now I’m waiting for this last assignment. At any time, and I don’t know what it is. And now that I’ve told you, I’ve put you in danger, all of you, including Lucas, and it’s unbearable. All I want to do is run, go to Lucas, grab him and disappear from the face of the earth. I know it’s impossible. That’s why you have to protect him, Beatrice, you have to take care of Lucas. I’m willing to put my life on the line for all of you, but I need to know you are all safe.”

  Someone grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around. At first, she was about to confront Beatrice, but when it was Lazarus’s eyes meeting hers, words failed her.

  “I never asked you to risk your life, Zoe. I only wanted you to keep an eye on Archer, so you could tell us if he was in danger.”

  Zoe closed her eyes and lowered her head. “I’m so sorry, I failed you all. I never thought someone would use my talents against me. I hate them, they’re a curse.” Lazarus took her into his embrace. “I’m cursed.” Her voice was muffled into his chest, but the words resonated clearly in her head. And with every curse, it could only get worse.

  Archer moved, his voice closer. “Who is our father, Lazarus? Who’s threatening Zoe?”

  It was Lazarus who spoke. “Jamieson Finch.” Again, no reaction. Archer stood there, processing so much, Zoe feared he might tear apart at the seams.

  Right on cue, her phone buzzed in her pocket. Zoe jerked away, and avoiding everyone, went into the kitchen before looking at her screen. It was a simple text message. A picture of Lucas taken from the street, through the windows of the house he was living in. With one simple word. “Remember.” She heard the trio talking from a distance, but she was numb, unable to do anything but look at her brother. When she finally shut the screen off and took a deep breath, there was nothing else to do but do damage control. She returned to the living room where Lazarus looked defeated, as was leaning against the wall. Archer was standing eerily still, his eyes lost through the windows and Beatrice looked at her with concern on her face. Zoe only shook her head.

  “Only a threat, nothing definite indicating his intentions. I still have to wait.” Licking her lips, she straightened her shoulders. “I’ll go back to my apartment. The less I’m seen with Archer, the better it will be when everything explodes in my face and the police come for me.” Beatrice stood, but Zoe shook her head. “I know Purgatory can offer protection, and I will take it, but I won’t risk Blackwood Corp’s reputation. Not at this critical moment for the company. I’ll send a formal resignation letter through the legal channels, and to the State Department. Beatrice, I’m sure there is a way to transfer this phone line to another phone that doesn’t appear in any way linked to Blackwood.”

  As Beatrice nodded and was about to say something, another voice, cold, deep and authoritative, filled the air.

  “You won’t do any such thing.”

  Archer’s order was undeniable, even if he was still not looking at her. Instead of bowing down, Zoe grew taller. She knew all the hardships and sufferings this man had to overcome to build his company. He was mistaken if he thought she would allow its destruction. Fire built deep inside her belly and it felt good. It was her own power coming back, and it was something she had control over. Zoe reveled in the feeling as her eyes stopped on the wide back still turned on her.

  Beatrice stood by her side. “Zoe’s right. With the last negotiation phase, your father can use what he knows about her to discredit your company. You could lose a lot in this.”

  When Archer finally turned to look at them, the resolve in his posture was evident. He wasn’t about to give in, and a warm feeling turned her heart to mush. She loved this man, despite the short time they’d had together. It was as undeniable as it was impossible, and that’s what gave her strength. He may not have the same feelings for her, but at least she had the capacity to make sure he was well and safe until this madness ended.

  Standing tall, determined to stand against him, Zoe nodded. “I agree with Beatrice. The less Blackwood is implicated, the better it will be.”

  “And I will never kneel in front of bullies, whoever they may be.”

  Lazarus came to stand beside his brother. “I agree with him. It would only give him more power over us.”

  Beatrice sighed and shook her head. “You’re not reasonable. Neither of you!”

  Zoe crossed her arms. “He’s not a bully. He’s a dangerous monst
er. You should protect what’s yours, Archer, as he has the ability to destroy it all.”

  Crossing his arms in turn, he stood before her. “And that’s exactly what I’m doing.”

  It took a few seconds to wrap her mind around the words not believing them. “I won’t allow you to be brought down with me, Archer. You won’t win this argument.”

  Ignoring everyone else in the room, he came even closer, but she wasn’t about to be sidetracked by his body or his fascinating eyes. “I have one argument that will make all your good intentions come crashing down.”

  “I doubt that, Mr. Blackwood.”

  And again, he inched closer. His familiar scent filled her nose, and images of his naked skin flashed into her mind. What kept her steady was her decision to keep him safe.

  “You’re mine, Miss Somersby. You and yours.”

  What was that nonsense? “Your employment contract didn’t say anything about that.”

  He uncrossed his arms before her, and he was now the center of her world. “No, indeed not. I won’t have you take a hit for me, Zoe. I won’t bend the knees to a man threatening you or your brother. I will make him pay for putting that fear in your eyes, for making you go against your principles, for forcing you to lie. You and yours are mine, Zoe, because I love you.”

  Hearing the echo of her own feeling coming from his lips was like a punch in the gut. Both unbelievable and dreamlike. She wanted to say the words back, but if she did, it would be irrevocable, and Archer would be set with defending her. To confronting his own father.

  “You can’t love me.”

  At her statement, Archer smiled, the most adorable one she had ever seen. “Try again, Zoe. Because if your next words are because it would put me in danger, I only have one answer for you.”


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