Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2) Page 32

by Scornavacca, Cleo

  We wrapped our arms around each other and stayed like this for awhile. He pulled the comforter over our bodies to keep us warm. He curled around me and I did the same to him. We faced each other and didn’t speak. I kissed him and he kissed me to fill the minutes in between the special silence that filled the room.

  “Now, baby, it’s time for me to feed you.”He smiled, but just barely.

  I think he was worried what might happen. We made love and yet we both knew it was off limits. I just couldn’t wait anymore and neither could he.

  “I’m okay, Dominick. I feel fine. I promise.”

  “Okay, but now we wait for Dr. Phillips visit. Deal?”


  “Good girl. Let’s get cleaned up and then we can eat.”

  “Oh yeah and speaking of deals, lets discuss the one you made with my dad. Shall we?”

  “I knew this was going to be the topic of our dinner conversation tonight.”He smirked.

  “Hey, don’t give me that look, Mr. Kane. You were the one who decided to do it, not me. Besides, I’m not upset about it.”

  “You’re not?”Dominick was thoroughly surprised.

  “No. I’m just wondering who could be doing this to my dad and the firm. Everyone seems so nice.”

  “People aren’t always who they appear to be, baby. You have to realize that.”

  “I guess so. It’s just so sad.”

  “I’m not saying that it isn’t, but it’s a fact of life.”

  We showered for real this time and dressed in warm comfy sweats. Then we ate in the kitchen with Anna and Joseph. The conversation was light and the tension didn’t seem as bad as before. It appeared Dominick was coming to terms with his past. Albeit slowly, he was trying. That was a huge step for Dominick and that’s all that mattered.




  February went by quickly and was a busy month for the everyone. Dominick was so wrapped up getting ready to further investigate what had been going on at my dad’s firm, he almost forget that our 14 week appointment with Dr. Phillips was today. He also had speak with everyone that worked for him and explain that the announcement that would be made tomorrow night at my photography show was just a formality. They would all be keeping their jobs. The firms were not consolidating. They were expanding. This would also be the golden bait to lore the rat out of his dark hiding spot in the Kane and Medici empire.

  Dominick told me that since he started to look into the situation at my dad’s firm, three of the big time clients that walked, joined Dominick’s firm. Dominick said the client’s stated that someone in the firm was leaking legal information to their competitors and ruining their business. The client’s also told one of Dominick’s partners that they had long standing relationship with my dad, but couldn’t risk their businesses for him. Which was understandable.

  No one seems to know who the rodent is, but Dominick says he intends to find out. He said that although Vincent wasn’t his real father, the firm is a legacy to our children and he would see hell freeze over before he’d let the business be destroyed by an outsider. This made me feel slightly better about tomorrow night. I had to announce in front of everyone; business associates, people in the photography world, family and friends, that Dominick Kane and Associates and Kane and Medici would be joining forces. It should make for interesting conversation.

  Tommy and I were busy with the show. Everything was set up and in place. The paintings were framed and suspended from the ceiling with thin, yet extremely durable cable wires. It gave the illusion that the artwork was floating in midair like clouds.

  The guests would be able to walk around and through the installation. It would make them a part of it. The food was buffet style with a twist. It would be little bites. Mini sliders, Tapas, Finger sandwiches and for dessert; chocolate covered fruits, cake bites and cookies. The guests would be able to dipped their selections under chocolate foundations placed strategically around the bar and serving areas.

  The music was big band swing and old standards. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Michael Buble, Adele, Tony Bennett and the likes. All in all I knew it would be an amazing evening, but with the added surprise of several announcements.

  February also found Michael and Raven trying to repair their shattered relationship. Good luck with that.

  Tommy took Maggie out a few times and they seemed to be getting along pretty well, but Tommy was very distracted lately. Maybe it was because of the show or the situation with Michael. I resigned myself to discuss it with him after the show was over this week. Although the opening was tomorrow, the entire show runs for seven days.

  My dad had progressed well, but his doctors felt that it would be better if he went to Capri on a hiatus of sorts. He didn’t go. He was at home driving Theresa nuts, which isn’t at all a good thing with their personal relationship.

  When the show was over and Dominick was busy with the firms, I may ask my dad to go out to Capri with me. My last visit with Dr. Phillips proved to be a good one. He lifted the band on me for flying and for having sex. I didn’t tell him about the night in the shower, but everything is fine. So that will remain my little secret.

  The Police had been in contact with us on a weekly basis. They said that many of the camera shots on the local buildings had come up too dark. They did say however that the driver was a woman with dark hair. Not black like mine or Raven’s, but a chestnut colored brown. They also said it could have been a wig. So for now the case was cold, but they would keep investigating it and would update us from time to time. Dominick nor my dad liked that response.

  Dominick took the day off from work today, so that we could head to Philly for our appointment with Dr. Phillips. On the way back we are going to swing around and get Daniel. Anna and Joseph were so pleased that he was able to come to the show as promised.

  “Dominick, let’s go. Otherwise we’re going to be late.”I yelled up the stairs.

  He came up behind me and slid his arms through mine and held my growing stomach.

  “I’m way ahead of you, baby. I started the car, so it’ll be all warmed up for when we have to leave.”He ended with a kiss on my shoulder.

  “Great! Let me just get my jacket and we’ll go.”

  We drove out to the hospital where Dr. Phillips office was. He looked as cute as ever. Dominick hated that about him. I loved it.

  After he went over a few basic things, he said my Thalassemia was in check and everything looked good. I asked him if it was okay to go to Capri with my dad at the end of March. Dominick seemed surprised by my question, but not at all angry.

  “Yes, Rain. I told you the last time you when were both her that it would be fine to fly. I would however suggest that you stay close to home starting the middle of June. Just to play it safe.”

  “That’s fine, Dr. Phillips. My dad was in an accident and he’s recuperating. I think he could use some R & R before he starts back to work in May.”

  “That’s fine. Are you ready to see your babies again?”The doctor asked.

  “Dominick smiled. I can’t wait to find out if they are a boy or a girl or both.”He was so excited.

  We found out that I was not having identical twins. That didn’t mean they would look closely a like, but there is the possibility of a boy and a girl.

  I was draped as before and the cold jelly was placed on my stomach. The doctor rolled the ultrasound probed firmly across my skin. There they were, my babies. Two little bundles, two little heartbeats. The doctor explained several positions and what he was looking for. Then he gave Dominick and I the results.

  “Well it looks like you're having a boy and a girl, Rain. Congratulations.”

  I stared at the screened in silence. Tears filled my eyes.

  “Baby, is everything okay?”

  “Everything is perfect.”I said as I looked back at him. That got me an award winning smile and a kiss on the tip of my nose.

  The doctor
left the room, so we could have a moment.

  “Happy Rain?”Dominick.

  “Yeah. You have no idea.”I choked back my tears through my answer.

  “Yeah, baby. I do. I know exactly how you feel. You feel happy, but overwhelmed. You wonder how we got this far in such a short amount of time. You’re excited, but at the same time scared. Am I right?”He questioned.

  “That’s exactly right. I think I’m just overwhelmed. Seeing the twins on the screen makes it so real. So important that I get it right. That I don’t screw up the way the adults did when we were kids.”I admitted.

  “Rain, nothing’s ever perfect, but it will all work out. We just have to take one step at a time. This is new for both of us. We’ve never been parents before and sure, we are definitely going to make mistakes, but that doesn’t make us bad parents. If we’re doing it for our children’s welfare; then thats all that really matters.”

  “You’re right.”I smiled.

  “Of course I am. Now go get dressed.”He grinned.

  I smirked and got dressed while Dominick left the room to make our next appointment. Then we headed off to pick up Daniel. It was great to see him. He seemed good. He said that the center added several more art classes for the students this semester and that he would be teaching them and also two more over the summer.

  We returned to the city and Dominick announced that we should go out for dinner. I said that I was tired and wanted to go home, but he and Daniel should go for dinner without me. Daniel had another idea.

  “Why don’t we drop Rain off and pick up mom and dad to get a bite to eat, Dominick.”

  “Daniel, I know what your trying to do.”

  “What am I trying to do?”

  “You’re trying to get us to go out as a family.”

  “Dominick, like it or not, we are family.”

  “I didn’t say that I didn’t like it. It just not that easy to get used to.”Dominick tried to explain his position.

  I stayed out of it. They were grown men and they could definitely come to a decision on dinner without my input.

  “Listen, Dominick. I get that this isn’t easy, but it won’t get any easier if you keep building a wall between you and them.”Daniel tried to reason with his brother.

  “Daniel, you have a different type of relationship with them. You knew them as your parents for your entire life. I knew the lie.”

  “True, but I didn’t get to live with them. You did. Whether you knew it or not, they knew you were their son and they were always there to protect you. To be there for you. Just remember that.”Daniel still seemed a little bitter.

  I finally spoke up.

  “Both of you have valid reasons for why you feel the way you do, but just remember that life is precious and it’s fragile. It’s never promised to you. Don’t put things off because you believe there will always be a tomorrow. There may be, but are you willing to take that chance.”I finished and both men were silent. Good. Think that over, boys.

  Once in the house, Dominick took the first step towards his future.

  “Anna, Joseph. I would like to take you both out for dinner with Daniel and myself. Would you like to come with us?”

  The couple looked at each other and smiled shyly.

  “We would love too. Thank you, Dominick.”She touched his face.

  He smiled a small unsure smile. Yet there was I brief hint of happiness that wash across Dominick’s face.

  They left and said they’d be back in a few hours and promised to bring me some dessert. I showered and made a Caesar Salad. There was some left over chicken from the other night so I warmed it up and added to the salad.

  Just as I was about to turn on a movie and have my dinner, my phone buzzed. I check the caller ID. It was Officer Stack. I immediately answered.

  “Officer Stack is there something wrong?”

  “Hello Miss Medici. I just want to let you know there was a man who came forward and said he witnessed who was driving the car that hit your father.”

  “Who was it?”

  “It definitely was a woman. The witnessed confirmed it, but he said it wasn’t a brunette. He said she was a redhead.”

  “Darian.”I spoke out loud.

  “Excuse me.”

  “I’m sorry. Darian Mann. She was Dominick’s interior designer. She dated him a couple of times, but it never led to what she was looking for. She and I had words on New Year’s Eve. I haven’t really seen her since then. Oh and she’s a redhead.”

  “I see. Do you know where I can find her?”

  “She lives and works out of Long Island. In the Hamptons.”

  “Great. I’ll check it out and get back to you.”

  “Okay, thank you again for calling me, Officer Stack.”

  “You’ll hear from me soon.”

  We ended our call. I eventually finished my dinner and headed for bed.

  Darian Mann. I knew that bitch was trouble. I just knew it. I just never thought she was dangerous.

  I woke up when I heard Dominick come home.

  “Hey, I have your dessert.”He said holding up a take out bag from the restaurant.

  “You certainly do, Mr. Kane.”I was sleepy, but my smile was wide.

  “Are we talking about the same thing, Miss Medici?”He was amused.

  “I think so. Dessert, right?”I continued to tease him.

  He stalked towards me and threw the bag on the nightstand. Once he reached me, he grasped my shoulders and laid me back against the pillows. His gaze scanned my face and settled on my mouth. He lean in and took my mouth with his. His kiss was warm and comforting. So much more decadent than chocolate.

  He pulled back and said,“I missed you.”

  “Dominick, you were only gone for a few hours.”

  “It was too long, Miss Medici.”

  Being that Dominick was comfortable and as relaxed as Dominick could be, I felt now was a good a time as any to tell him about what Officer Stack found out and about my theory of who the driver was. He wasn’t going to be happy about it, but maybe he knew something more about Darian that would give us the evidence that we needed to prove that she was the driver who tried to hurt my dad.

  “I have something to talk to you about.”I stated.

  “What is it, baby?”

  “Officer Stack called.”

  “What did he say? Did he find the driver?”

  Now I had his full attention. Not that I didn’t before. But now he was in attorney mode.

  “He said a witness came forward and described the driver as a woman, which confirmed what they had already knew, but he said the witness stated she wasn’t a brunette.”

  “Blonde?”He questioned.

  “No. A redhead.”


  “They’re not sure yet. I gave them as much information as I knew on her. They’ll probably call you tomorrow.”

  “I’ll call them in the morning. I’ll tell them as much as I know. She and I were never intimate enough for me to know her deepest, darkest secrets.”

  “Thank goodness for that.”I sounded jealous.

  “Baby, listen to me. No woman can be you. No woman can give me in a lifetime me what you’ve given me right here, right now, in the short time we’ve been together. Do you understand?”He wanted my response.

  “Yes, I do. It’s just that nothings been normal for you since I came into your life.”

  “Rain, I kidnapped you. You didn’t set any of this in motion. I did.”He stated with an astonished laugh, as he referred to what I had just said.

  “I know, but now Darian is trying to frame you for an accident that she committed. And she’s targeting my family. That isn’t sitting well with me.”

  “I don’t expect it to. She won’t get away with what she’s doing, if in fact it is her.”

  “C’mon, Dominick. Who else do we know that has red hair and is a woman and vendetta against you and my family?”

  “True. We don’t know anyone else, but wha
t’s her motive?”

  “Are you sticking up for that bitch?”I was annoyed.

  “No. Not at all. I just don’t get the connection with her and your dad. Does she know him?”He asked.

  “Not that I know of, but if she hurt him; then she hurt me.”

  “You seem convinced and you could be right, but let me talk to the police in the morning. For now we have more important things to focus on.”

  “And what would that be, Mr. Kane?”I smiled.


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