The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3] Page 4

by CJ England

  She gave an unladylike snort. “Not that I'd ever do such a thing,” she mumbled around a dainty pastry made of sugar and air. “Ridiculous ... that would be."

  "What would be ridiculous?"

  Embarrassed color touched her cheeks. How had he snuck up on her? She must be more tired than she thought. Turning, she started to make a smart remark about minding his own business, but then she was struck dumb. She barely had the presence of mind not to drop her plate.

  Standing before her was one of the handsomest men she'd ever seen. Tall—he towered over her—he was easily over six feet. He was lean, but with a firm muscular body. She could see the well-defined chest and arm muscles even in his flowing robe. He had aristocratic features, with a high forehead and cheekbones, sensuous lips and a strong jaw that kept his face from being too pretty. Long, white-blond hair cascaded down over his shoulders to his waist.

  But it was his eyes that caught her. Eyes, a deep mystical blue, the color of sapphire, filled with a wisdom that defied knowledge. She shook off the feeling they had met before.

  "Holy Mary, Mother of God,” she whispered. “They do grow them nice here in the states."

  Danolas felt his cheeks warm at the appreciation he saw in her eyes. He sighed inwardly, wishing he could return the compliment, but there was nothing remarkable in the woman who stood gaping at him.

  She was short, a little smaller than Kira, and in the rumpled over-sized clothing, he couldn't tell if she was nicely formed or not. Her face was pleasant enough to look at, he supposed. But her upper lip was slightly bigger than her lower lip and her nose leaned toward stubby. She did have high cheekbones and beautiful porcelain skin to balance it, but a myriad of freckles spoiled the effect.

  Her hair was the color of mud, without any highlights or feminine tricks. It was stuffed messily under a paint splattered baseball cap, and eyes the same dull color peered up at him. But he smiled anyway. The moment she'd spoken, he knew who she was. He'd expected a messenger to let him know when the powerful witch from Ireland was coming. Now he understood the power he'd sensed.

  "Thanks,” he said finally, accepting the compliment on his looks. “I take it you're from Ireland."

  Her lopsided mouth broke into a grin and surprisingly, he felt a pull, low in his body. She cocked her head and stuffed another sandwich into her mouth.

  "What gave me away, then?"

  He chuckled. “Gallegar's the only one around here with an Irish accent."

  She nodded and looked over to where the vampire stood with Kira in his arms. They were supposed to be dancing, but they were barely moving as they held each other close. “He's the groom?"

  "You weren't here for the ceremony?"

  "Bloody airports,” she snarled, snatching a glass of champagne off a passing tray. She tossed it down in a way that told him she was very familiar with spirits of the liquid kind. “They wanted to bleed me dry just for a ride in one of their little yellow taxis."

  Danolas grinned down at her. “Expensive, huh?"

  "Aye, took me time to bargain them down to a reasonable amount."

  The fact they had come down at all amazed Danolas. “You should have called. Someone would have come to get you."

  She fixed him with a glare. “Oh, I did call. Spoke to Himself, even. Promised me he would take care of it, but no ... I was left high and dry. Can't say much for the hospitality around here.” She took another healthy bite of food and chewed thoroughly. “Although, the food is severe."

  "Severe?” The word distracted him from the insulting comment.

  Brianna rolled her eyes. “Ahhh ... forgot. You Yanks don't know proper English. Severe means great ... excellent."

  "I see."

  Poking her new friend with the end of her fork, she glanced around. “Where is he, anyway?"


  "Himself. The High Priest. I've come a long way to see him and though he hasn't been very friendly, I should make myself known to him.” She looked around the room and leaned in close. “I'm told he's a snobbish one. Doesn't mix with the regular folks. Is that right?"

  "Excuse me?"

  She grinned. “Oh, that's good. You sound just like I think he would. So glacial and precise. Still...” she muttered as she grabbed another drink. “He's said to be very powerful. Maybe that's why he's so rude. All that magick, maybe he's forgotten how to be a real person. After all, he is very old."

  "Now just a min—"

  "Wait ... who is that?” She grabbed his arm unthinkingly and jerked him around. “The big dark guy standing next to the shapeshifter. I don't recognize his magick.” Brianna pointed across the meadow.

  Danolas drew in a deep breath. She was as rude and careless as she looked. Pulling on his arm, spouting opinions when she didn't even know him. And he was sure he'd never spoken to her before. He would have remembered that voice. He grabbed onto his patience with both hands. “That is Benjamin. One of the Chosen. He's what's known as a Suprahuman."

  Her eyes narrowed and he could almost see her filing it away for later. She might be irritating, but her eyes held a gleam of intelligence.

  "The man with the sad eyes. Is he a Chosen, too?"

  He looked at her with a raised brow. “Why do you say he has sad eyes?"

  She shot him a speaking glance. “'Tisn't hard to see, if you look close enough. Who is he?"

  "Lucas Kane and yes ... he too, is Chosen."

  "There must be something in the water here."

  "I beg your pardon?"

  "Look at all these fine specimens of men. She waved at Benjamin, and with a slow grin, he waved back. They don't grow them like this in Galway. Damn me, if I haven't stepped into the fine."

  Something dark and unreasonable shot through Danolas at her words. “They are a little busy to flirt with you."

  "With the war."

  He looked at her fully, but she was munching on still another meat sandwich. “What do you know of the war?"

  "Enough to know the High Priest has made bloody bullocks of the whole thing.” She shook her head. “He should have asked for help. Thick fool."

  Danolas’ jaw clenched, as he tried to fight back the sudden fury. “You don't know what you're talking about."

  She looked suddenly apologetic. “Hell. You aren't his acolyte or something, are you? I should learn to keep my opinions to myself."

  "In that, I would agree."

  "It's just ... I've read all the reports. He needed more powerful witches on his side from the beginning. I'm sure this Peacekeeper is strong, but it's obvious she needs someone to guide her. And this Danolas person isn't doing it."

  "Kira has her Chosen to help and guide her,” Danolas growled. He could feel his control leaving him a bit at a time. Any second now, the others would sense there was a problem. “Does Aebh feel as you do?"

  She dropped her eyes. “No,” she answered, surprisingly honest. “But the High Priestess trained him. She probably wants to think the best. Doesn't want to believe he's just mucking it up."

  His patience snapped. “He hasn't mucked it up at all!” Danolas roared. In his mind, he felt the others come to attention. They all turned to look at him, but he ignored them, his eyes focused on the irritating woman in front of him. “We won this last war and we will continue to win, and we don't need some envoy from across the water to criticize."

  Brianna blinked and then her quick temper erupted. She tossed her head. “I'm entitled to my own opinion, aren't I? In fact, ‘tis why I was sent here. Aebh felt I could help the Peacekeeper and no underling witch is going to stop me.” She poked the handsome man in his chest, and was unwillingly impressed when he didn't give an inch. Those beautiful blue eyes had turned to midnight in fury and she wondered briefly, what it would feel like to kiss that angry mouth. Excited heat flared inside her. Totally inappropriate ... but then, she'd learned desire rarely played by the rules.

  "How dare you?” he growled at her. He grabbed her hand and tossed it away from him, making her drop her empty
plate. “Go back to Ireland. We don't need someone like you here. We'll wait for the one Aebh sent."

  "You bloody gobshite!” she snarled back. “I am the one she sent!"

  His mouth dropped open and she snarled again, when she saw it didn't detract from his good looks one bit. The fact he was shocked, angered her as well. She was damned tired of men underestimating her. If his people did it, what would the High Priest do when he met her? Kicking at the fallen plate bad temperedly, she turned away. “I think it's time I introduced myself to the Peacekeeper. Goddess knows, talking to you has been a complete waste of time!"

  Danolas stared after her as she stomped away. This was the powerful witch he'd been waiting for? The one whose magick and knowledge would help win the war? This opinionated, short-tempered, ill kept ... woman?

  It couldn't be.

  He wasn't sexist, but he'd never met a truly powerful female witch before. At least, not since he'd studied under Aebh, herself. When he'd received word she was sending the most powerful witch in all of Ireland, he'd naturally assumed it to be a man.

  Frowning, he made his way after her. He didn't care she was female. Not really. What angered him was the opinion she had of him and the others. That he couldn't ... wouldn't tolerate. He had to admit, part of his fury was the knowledge she'd made him lose control. No woman had ever made him act like that before. Knowing the Chosen and Kira were aware of it, made his loss of control even more humiliating.

  Then he smiled slowly. But, he wasn't the only one who'd been unaware of the identity of the person they were speaking to. Her embarrassment when she found out just might make the last few moments worth it.

  Chapter 2

  Brianna muttered furiously to herself as she crossed the meadow. She was so intent on her destination, she didn't even notice the music stop or the group of men who made their way to slowly circle behind her. Shrugging her backpack off her sore shoulders, she strode past the dance floor, to the beautiful woman who stood next to the tall dark man she'd been told was Gallegar, King of the San Francisco Vampires.

  They both watched her. The woman's eyes were curious, almost welcoming, while the vampire's were cool and suspicious. Brianna nodded. That was good. She was an unknown. At least someone worried about security around here. It had been much too easy for her to get in. Once she talked to the High Priest, she'd get that taken care of first thing. Bloody fool! What was he thinking, letting anyone behind the shielding so easily?

  When she reached them, she stood awkwardly for a moment, then dropped a short curtsy, not knowing what else to do. The woman smiled, her golden eyes glowing, but the man lifted a dark brow as he considered her.

  "Be ye the Peacekeeper?” Brianna asked. She let the backpack fall to the ground. She was suddenly exhausted. The long flight, the argument at the tables, all of it, made her long to lie down and sleep for a week.

  "I am Kira, the Peacekeeper.” The pale beauty gestured to the man next to her. “And this is...” she grinned suddenly, “my mate, Gallegar. Welcome.” She gave a giggle. “That is the first time I have been able to actually say it."

  "Get used to it,” the vampire said with a chuckle. “I am, and will always be your mate.” They stared at each other, the love and desire swirling around them.

  Brianna shifted restlessly. Too much of that and she'd have to go find a willing man to take care of things. It was too bad the gorgeous guy at the buffet had turned out to be such an idiot. He would have suited her nicely. “I give you congratulations on your ... marriage?"

  "Mating,” Kira corrected gently. “Vampires call it a mating ceremony, but thank you."

  "Have we met?” Gallegar inquired. He hadn't missed the music of home in her voice. It soothed him in a way he'd almost forgotten.

  "Nay, I don't think so. Unless you've been in Galway in the last century."

  He shook his head. “I left Ireland many years before that. By the look of you, you've just arrived."

  "Aye,” she nodded, unaware of the tiredness in her face. “My name is Brianna Muldoon. I have been sent by the High Priestess, Aebh, of Dunguaire Castle."

  Kira frowned. “You are the powerful witch Danolas has been expecting?"

  Brianna bristled like a hedgehog. “Aye. So?"

  Her crankiness was ignored as the Peacekeeper came forward and took her chin in her small hand. The two women were almost the same height and Brianna found it nice not to be looked down on. She stood still as Kira's glowing golden eyes searched her own. Suddenly, she realized whatever had happened with the war in the past, it wasn't because the Peacekeeper wasn't strong enough. Her power flowed over Brianna, and the young witch was almost overwhelmed. It wasn't a sensation she was used to.

  She was even more surprised when Kira smiled again and took her into her arms for a long hug. “I have been waiting for you,” Kira whispered. “I am glad you are finally here."

  When she was free, Brianna stared at the golden-eyed woman warily. “Are you now? That's nice ... I think. Ummm ... I do have words to speak with you, but first, I should make my greetings to the High Priest of this city. Can you tell me where he is?"

  "Oh, this is going to be good,” smirked a brown-haired man who was floating nearby.

  An Ethereal. From the power she felt emanating from him, she'd bet he was another of the Chosen. She frowned at him, then turned back to Kira. “Did he come to the wedding ... I mean mating?"

  Gallegar grinned. “He officiated."

  Kira smiled in commiseration. Because of the joining, she'd been privy to the whole conversation. “I believe you two have already met.” She pointed behind Brianna.

  Turning, Brianna met the gaze of the man who she'd argued with at the buffet table. His eyes were still furious, but he'd changed into pristine white robes and he now held a staff in his hand that pulsated with magick. Her eyes widened when she saw his stone of power shone stronger than any she'd ever seen before. She closed her eyes as understanding shot through her. She'd insulted the High Priest to his face.

  "Oh, for fuck's sake,” she muttered, rubbing her eyes. She didn't notice the Peacekeeper goggle at her, or the men surrounding her begin to laugh. She was too busy trying to figure out how to extricate herself from the mess she'd gotten herself in. As usual, she chose a good offense over a poor defense. Turning to Danolas, she put her hands on her hips.

  "Sorry about that, but you did deserve it."

  His blue eyes flared with anger. “Would you like to explain that apology a bit more?"

  She shrugged. “Not really. Besides, don't you have a ceremony to do here?” She frowned. “Or do you Yanks do it differently?"

  Danolas stared at her half infuriated, half amused at her daring. He glared at his brothers who were all snickering loudly. “I welcome you on behalf of the San Francisco Society of Witches and their High Priest. I am Danolas. Cead mile failte romhat. One hundred, thousand welcomes."

  "I thank you for your hospitality. Such as it is,” she muttered under her breath. When he narrowed his eyes, she bit her lip and he knew she'd not meant that remark to be heard. She cleared her throat. “Sorry ... again."

  "Are you?"

  She tossed her head in annoyance, and the baseball cap came off. Lucas bent and picked up, handing it to her with a smile. Her lips curved up in response, and Danolas had the sudden impulse to pull her away from the big man. “I asked you a question!"

  Looking back at him, she cocked her head. “Did you, now?"

  Grinding his teeth together, he took several deep breaths. “Apparently,” he said to the rest of the company, “this is the witch Aebh thinks can help us."

  Koran shifted his stance and his eyes glowed with his own power as he surreptitiously checked Brianna's magick. “She is very strong. Why did we not know she had arrived?"

  "That, I can't answer,” Danolas replied. He looked back to Brianna. “Just how did you get behind the shielding?"

  She gave a little snort that made Lucas grin. “'Twas easy. I adjusted my personal shiel
ding to resonate with yours."

  Koran's eyebrows shot up into his hair. “How did you get the frequency?"

  The Irish witch rolled her eyes. “I was given the magick. Aebh told me before I left. She didn't want me to be caught unawares."

  "You should have warned us you were coming,” Benjamin muttered.

  "Don't blame me.” Brianna put her hands up and sent another glare Danolas’ way. “I called. He promised to pick me up, but then, never showed."

  "I did not make that promise,” Danolas growled. He bent down and glared at the brown-eyed witch. “I have better things to do than run a taxi service for rude tourists."

  Brianna put her hands on her hips and went toe-to-toe with him. “Are you calling me a liar?"

  "I guess I am. Because I know I haven't taken a phone call all day!"

  She tossed her head again. “At your age, it's a wonder you can even remember!"

  The others watched in fascination as Danolas struggled with his temper. He was usually so calm and serene; to see him lose his control was almost shocking. Gallegar stepped in before the High Priest did something he might later, regret.

  "With the mating ceremony going on, I would hazard a guess it wasn't Danolas who answered. It has been a busy day around here. Perhaps whoever answered, just forgot.” He smiled at Brianna. “Our apologies. We've been looking forward to meeting you."

  Brianna nodded, slightly mollified. She had to admit, it made sense, especially knowing what had gone on that day. She turned to Danolas. “He's probably right. Aebh said the number I called would send me straight to you. Honestly, I can't remember if you gave your name or not. You just sounded all hoity-toity, so I assumed it was you."

  Lucas choked back a laugh. “Hoity-toity?"

  She shrugged, striking a pose with her little finger sticking out. “You know ... all la-te-da and I'm-so-important sounding.” She narrowed her eyes at the High Priest. “It did sound like you do."


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