The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3] Page 6

by CJ England

  Kira giggled and wrapped her arms around him. “Yes, but I would rather miss the show, than miss out on our honeymoon. We have so much time to make up for."

  Gallegar's emerald eyes darkened. Cradling her face in his hands, he kissed her long and deep. “Our life together is just starting, A Ghra ... Every second we were apart will be smoothed over by an eternity together."

  * * * *

  "Well, Brianna, we're here.” Danolas’ voice was testy as he tried to smother a yawn. They were crowded into the foyer of A Crown of Thorns, the vampire's club above Sanctuary. “I don't know why we all had to be here for this."

  She rolled her eyes. “Get over yourself. You can crawl into bed soon enough. ‘Tis a gift from Aebh. She asked you be here for it. While it's for Gallegar and Kira, you'll all be benefiting from it."

  "Gotta admit, she's got me curious,” Lucas put in. “Not even the Black Stuff has blunted that."

  "A good Guinness is a thing to behold,” Brianna intoned with a smile. “But it has made many a memory go bad."

  Benjamin and Lucas sniggered loudly. They'd both partaken of the strong brew and were definitely feeling no pain.

  "While I find this very amusing,” Gallegar interrupted. “I do have a mating night to get to."

  Brianna pursed her lips. “Right-o.” She winked at him. “Sorry, but before you go at it, I think you'll want to see this.” She held out a small box wrapped in wrinkled brown paper.

  "Nice wrapping paper,” Danolas mocked as he waved his staff over the box. “Nothing harmful in there."

  "Why, you bloody idiot.” Brianna saw red. “You think I'd—"

  "Brianna.” Kira stopped the tirade firmly. “Everything is checked, no matter who brings it in. That is the rule.” Her face was haunted for a moment. “Have one of the Chosen tell you about some demons we met recently. An incubus and succubus. They can disguise themselves in a myriad of ways.” When Gallegar pulled her into his arms, she went gladly. “You will learn we have reasons to do what we do. Do not forget that."

  Suitably chastised and wondering what put the look of pain on the Peacemaker's face, Brianna only nodded. Saying nothing, she handed the box to Gallegar. As the box touched his palm, it was spelled into one with gaily-wrapped paper. At his smile, she also grinned. “I can,” she said pointedly, “take care of things when I choose to."

  "What is it?” Patrick asked, craning his neck to see. They held their breath as Gallegar opened the gift.

  "It's a ring box,” the vampire murmured. His gaze sought Brianna's. “But why would Aebh—"

  "Just open it,” Brianna interrupted. She was almost dancing with excitement. “I want to see if you know what it is."

  Frowning, he flipped open the lid and all the breath left his lungs. His eyes widened, and he squeezed his eyes shut before opening them again. “It cannot be.” Reverently, he touched the small silver ring in the box. It was unremarkable, only a simple silver band, dark with age, its surface worn by the touch of many fingers. Nothing about it looked important. “I thought ... I thought it was ... only ... a legend."

  "Nay,” Brianna answered him softly. “'Tis real, and a gift from the High Priestess to you and yours."

  "Gallegar?” Kira touched his sleeve, her eyes widening when she saw a tear trail down his dark cheek. “What is it?"

  His head snapped up, pinning her with eyes filled with an indecipherable emotion. “What is it? A Ghra ... This ... this is freedom!"

  "She must do it for you,” Brianna reminded him.

  "I do not understand.” Kira looked back and forth between the two of them. “What are you both talking about?"

  "I think we'd all like to know what the hell is going on,” growled Lucas.

  Ignoring him, Gallegar handed Kira the box with hands that shook. “Remove the ring, my love. Put it on my finger."

  Her brow furrowed, but she obeyed. When she pulled the silver circle from the box, it glowed briefly, making all who watched aware this was no ordinary ring.

  Suddenly, Danolas gasped. “It is the Lumis Patronum. By the Goddess! It's real? Where did you find it?"

  "Will someone please tell us what's going on?” Benjamin roared. “Don't leave us in the dark!"

  To his surprise, Gallegar started laughing. “That is absolutely correct. With this ring, that will never happen again!” He held out his hand to Kira. “Please, beloved. Put it on."

  Everyone stayed silent as Kira slowly slid the silver circle onto Gallegar's right ring finger. For a long moment, nothing happened. Then, all became aware of a humming noise. Slowly, the ring began to glow. Brighter and brighter it became, until all had to shield their eyes from the dazzling light.

  "What is happening?” shouted Patrick over the joyous humming that filled the room.

  Brianna clapped her hands in delight. “The ring has accepted him."

  "I wish,” Koran complained, “someone would please tell us what is happening!"

  The glow from the ring faded. Kira's gasp of surprise had everyone crowding forward.

  "The ring.” Lucas grabbed the vampire's hand and turned it back and forth. “Where the hell did it go?"

  "Look closer,” Danolas whispered.

  They did, gasping when they saw the ring had cut itself deep into Gallegar's finger. It was so deep, only the outline remained, looking like a silver tattoo against his flesh.

  "I do not understand.” Kira took his hand and cradled it against her breast. “Why did it do that? What is going on?"

  Gallegar bent and kissed her. “Do not worry, A Ghra ... It did not damage me. The ring has done exactly what it is supposed to. Now to test it."

  Now, Danolas frowned. “My brother ... are you sure? I mean...” His gaze slid to Kira's worried face. “If something should go wrong..."

  The vampire grinned. “It is what you think it is, Danolas. This, I know. Don't worry."

  Benjamin shifted back and forth uneasily. “Worry about what?"

  "Brianna is right, you know,” Gallegar said, taking Kira's hand in his. “This is a gift for all of us.

  "Son of a bitch,” snarled Lucas, his short temper suddenly exploding. “Will you stop all the cryptic crap and tell us what the fuck you're doing?"

  Gallegar grinned, ignoring the bad tempered werewolf. His face was filled with a secret joy. “I'm going for a walk. Care to join me?” Without waiting, he strode to the outside door, flung it open and for the first time in over six hundred years, stepped into the light.

  Chapter 3

  Kira's scream sounded in the cool morning air. With shouts of their own, the Chosen poured through the door, terrified at what their leader had just done. They arrived in time to see Kira try to toss a golden ball of protection around Gallegar, but he slapped it away with a flick of his hand.

  "No!” she cried as she leaped on top of him. She tried to cover his big body with her own. “Help me, please! He will be burned alive. We must get him back inside! The ring has driven him insane!"

  "Stop! A Ghra ... ” The vampire pulled her off him and held her struggling body tightly. “It is all right. I am undamaged. Look for yourself. I am standing in the light of day, yet I am not burned!"

  "Holy Mother of God.” Patrick crossed himself as he floated closer. “How can this be?"

  Koran's face filled with understanding. “It is the ring. It can be the only explanation."

  Lucas stared at Gallegar, his big hands clenched at his side. “But ... he's a vamp. He can't be outside in the daylight. It's impossible."

  "Not for me ... not anymore.” Gallegar took Kira's face in his hands and kissed her. “I am all right, beloved. The ring protects me."

  Kira's golden gaze searched his face. “I do not understand. How can a ring protect you?” She reached up and touched his face. “I am afraid."

  He kissed her hands. “Don't be frightened. I can come to no harm. Not any more. Now you see why I said this ring symbolized freedom."

  "Wearing the ring makes you immune to the effects of
sunlight?” Benjamin scratched his head as he tried to understand.

  Brianna giggled. “The ring protects him from the sun. It's as if he was a human."

  Danolas chuckled once, and then laughed out loud. “I remember when the vampire demon took Kira out from under our noses. You said you wouldn't let Kira fight without you again. Having this ring makes that so much simpler."

  "Aye.” Satisfaction wreathed the vampire's dark face. “We are no longer forced to work only at night. Not any longer.” He pulled away from Kira and closing his eyes, he lifted his arms at his sides. “Do you know how long it's been since I felt the sun on my face? Since I could breathe the early morning air? He turned in a slow circle. “I have been a vampire over six centuries. I'd almost forgotten what the daylight looks like ... feels like.” He opened his eyes again, tears racing down his strong cheeks. “This gift ... I cannot begin to express my gratitude."

  Brianna sniffed back tears of her own. She had met vampires in the past, but they were all brooding and sullen. None were like Gallegar. No wonder the Peacekeeper had fallen for him. “It is a present we are glad to give to you."

  Kira shook her head, awe replacing her earlier fear. “We are all in your debt, Brianna. Yours and Aebh. You were right. This gift means the world to us all."

  "So just where did this ring come from? What did you mean when you said it accepted him? Who made it? Where did you get it?” Questions tumbled out of Koran's mouth.

  They all laughed at his eagerness.

  "I can answer some of your questions,” Brianna said with a laugh. “We have had the ring for several centuries. It has been under Aebh's care. When the war started and she knew there was a vampire involved with the Chosen, she felt the ring might be of use. She removed it from where it was hidden and sensed it was time ... time to give it away.” She looked over at Gallegar who was still standing in a beam of light, soaking up the sun's rays. “We didn't know if you were the right one, until the ring accepted you."

  "What do you mean, accepted him?” Lucas said with a frown. “It's not alive, is it?"

  "Not in the way you think, brother,” Danolas answered. “It isn't sentient, but it is aware. It is said only the pure of heart can wear the Lumis Patronum. Gallegar was acceptable. As we all know, his heart is good."

  "My heart is Kira's,” Gallegar whispered. “It is for that reason alone, I am worthy."

  Kira shook her head. “You are worthy for many other reasons, Mo Chridhe ... This, we have seen."

  "This ring decided Gallegar was okay, so it ... fused itself into his flesh? Is it permanent?” Benjamin looked at his own finger as if imagining a ring on there.

  Brianna nodded. “Aye. The ring came to us because the vampire who wore it was murdered by people who did not understand the truth about his kind. When the ring sinks itself into its new owner's finger, it can't be removed."

  "You said the old vamp who had it was killed and so that's why the ring came free?” questioned Patrick.

  Gallegar took Kira's hand to pull her close. “I am immortal, but I can be killed. As we discovered in the fight against Adrian ... stabbing me through the heart will destroy me."

  Kira shuddered at the memory of the golem who'd taken Gallegar's place. The wizard's staff had neatly punched a hole right through its heart. If it had been the vampire standing there, he would have turned to dust.

  "I've heard beheading will also kill a vampire,” Koran interposed. “Is that also true?"

  The vampire king nodded. “Aye. There are three main ways to kill my kind. A stake through the heart, beheading, or sunlight.” He raised his face to the glow of the sun. “For me, that number is dropped to two."

  "Can we stop talking about this part, please?” Kira shuddered. “It is our mating day. I would prefer to think about something else."

  "Apologies, Peacekeeper,” Brianna said quickly, as Gallegar dropped a kiss on Kira's pouting lips.

  "What about the rest?” asked Patrick. “Where did it come from? Who created it?

  "The legend of the Lumis Patronum, or the Ring of Protection, is an interesting one.” Danolas rubbed the top of his staff as he thought.

  "Not a legend,” Lucas corrected, eyeing the silver band carved into Gallegar's finger.

  Danolas inclined his head. “Agreed. A truth with a fanciful history."

  "Tell us,” Brianna begged, forgetting to dislike him for a moment. “We didn't know the whole story back at the castle."

  "It's said the ring was created by a Romani magician, close to a millennia ago. The tale goes, there was a good man ... a teacher of the faith, who was well loved by the townsfolk. He was kind and just, and his people were good people, loving and generous to others.

  One day a caravan of Romani ... gypsies, came into town. The townspeople were frightened of the strangers, as this race was new to the area. As we all know, ignorance begets fear, and before anyone knew what was happening, the town took up arms against the newcomers. They were ready to chase them all out of town, when the teacher interceded.” Danolas paused for breath.

  "What happened?” Benjamin asked eagerly.

  "The teacher—his true name is unknown to us—pleaded with the town. Told them just because the Romani were different didn't make them bad. He invited the gypsies to stay in his Church, to break bread with him and his flock. He was able to calm the townsfolk down."

  "What does this have to do with the ring?” Lucas growled.

  "Patience, shapeshifter.” Danolas smiled at him. “I'm getting to that. The teacher, who Romani stories say they called Kako, as a term of respect, showed the town the gypsies were not frightening. They worked, played and loved, just as they did, albeit with more enthusiasm than the staid townsfolk."

  "Grand, that's what that is,” Brianna murmured.

  Danolas grinned, but then immediately sobered. “The Romani had been with the teacher for several weeks when another outsider came to town. This one was different as well, but not in the same way. He came in the night, and the Romani who saw him called him Magherdo."

  "Unclean,” Gallegar murmured. His sensuous lips turned up in a self-mocking smile as he saw their surprised looks. “I know the gypsy term regarding vampires."

  "This time the town was right to be afraid. When the teacher found out what the creature was, he got together a group of men and tried to hunt it down. But even with the gypsies’ help, the vampire got away. It returned a few days later and killed several children."

  "How awful.” Kira held tightly to Gallegar. “What did the town do?"

  Shaking his blonde head, the witch snorted inelegantly. “Not a thing. They were all too frightened. But the teacher couldn't bear the thought of more deaths, so he set out alone to kill the monster."

  "I bet I know where this is going,” Benjamin groaned.

  Danolas nodded. “The teacher tracked the vampire into the woods, but when he came upon it, it was already feeding off another child. The sight was so horrific the teacher attacked the creature, forgetting all the Romani had taught him about killing one. He was easily overpowered. But instead of killing the man, the vampire decided to make sport of him. He played with him, forcing him to watch him murder and mutilate the little girl he was feeding on. Then, after torturing the teacher as well, the vampire finished him off."

  "He killed him?” Patrick's voice was incredulous. “After all that?"

  "The vampire didn't kill him. He left the teacher to die, but the gypsies—who had followed their Kako once they learned what he was doing—found him in time. Unfortunately, they couldn't heal the terrible wounds the vampire had given him. So instead, they saved him the only way they knew how."

  "What did they do?” Kira's voice was very quiet.

  Sighing, the tall witch looked off into the distance. “They knew the only way to keep him alive was to make him a vampire himself. They hoped Kako would be as good a vampire as he was a man. One of them slit his wrist and fed the teacher blood. It took time, but he did become one of the un-dead

  "And they truly thought that was better than death?” Brianna inquired skeptically. “No offence, King Gallegar, but I'm not sure I would."

  "No offense taken, little witch.” Gallegar was used to that way of thinking. “How did Kako take the news of his change?"

  Danolas grimaced. “The story says he wasn't happy at all. He believed he was now a monster as well and didn't understand why the Romani would do it to him. But they quickly explained. They gave him a silver sword and told him it took a monster to kill a monster."

  Understanding filled Lucas’ eyes. “They let him turn, so he could kill the vamp?"

  "Yes, and when he realized why they had kept him alive, he agreed. That night, Kako set out to kill the vampire."

  "And did he?” Brianna asked breathlessly.

  "It was a long and terrible battle, but in the end, Kako was victorious. He cut off the vampire's head and gave it to the Romani to take back to the town to prove the creature was dead. But the gypsies refused to take it."

  "Why?” they all chorused.

  Grinning, Danolas rocked back on his heels. “They wanted him to do it. When he explained he couldn't go back, because the townspeople would never accept what he'd become, one of the gypsies, their Vaida or chief, told him there was a way.” Danolas reached over and touched the ring on Gallegar's hand. “The Vaida, who was a magician, pulled that ring from his own finger. He and the others in the group used their life energies to craft a spell to change the ring to what it is now. When they were done, the chief put it on Kako's finger himself, because he loved the man like a brother. It acted the same way it did with Gallegar, sinking deep into the flesh and becoming a part of him."

  "I'll be damned,” Benjamin breathed out. “And did it work for him? Did the town let him stay after what they'd been through?"

  "It's been said he never told them what he was. He went back and told them of the victory over the monster and took his place among them as if nothing happened."

  "But...” Lucas frowned, “didn't he have to drink blood?"

  "Yes, but he was able to keep his secret for many years. He finally had to move when comments were made about him not aging. He joined the Romani and stayed with them from then on."


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