The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3] Page 14

by CJ England

  She tried to pull his head back to hers, but he ignored her. Instead, he lifted her off her feet and clamped his hungry mouth to her breast.

  Glorious! The shock that snapped through her was an electric sizzle that stunned her, ripping through her blood and flesh with such power she screamed. Her heartbeat went into overdrive as Danolas sucked hard, bringing all the sensation in her body shooting right into her breasts and then lower, sending a burning heat between her legs. She let her head fall back, enjoying each nip of his teeth, the feel of his strong chin, the slide of his tongue as it teased her nipple into full arousal.

  His hands slipped around and caressed her back, sending even more shivers down her spine. He traded one breast for the other, and Brianna moaned loudly, threading her fingers through his long hair to pull him even closer. He laved at her, sending the heat inside her flaring higher and higher. Whimpering was all she could do as she felt her insides liquefy.

  Needing to touch him as well, she pushed him away, pulling his white tunic over his head. Under it, she was surprised to discover a warrior's tanned body, with the muscles, strength and scars of someone who'd been in battle. She ran her hands up his smooth chest and grabbed him by the hair once again, dragging his mouth back to hers. The heat of flesh against flesh chased through her like a firestorm.

  Danolas battled needs he never even knew he had. When she touched him, his body ignited in a blaze of lust and desire. As her naked breasts teased his hard chest, his mind went utterly blank. Cursing under his breath, he tore at her ragged jeans, working them over her slim hips and slender legs. Cherry colored lace panties came next, and the feel of silk on her soft skin nearly sent him over the edge.

  When finally, she was naked in his arms, he roughly spread her legs apart. His fingers found her and plunged deep inside. She screamed again and the scent of her passion surrounded them as she bucked against him. His hand was drenched with the evidence of her need and he had to clamp down hard on his own desire so he wouldn't explode then and there.

  He teased her, hard and fast, feeling her tighten around him. His blood sang with the agony of waiting. No hunger had ever been like this ... so edgy and keen. She was destroying him, bit by bit and he knew if he didn't have her soon, he would die from waiting. He wanted to be inside her, feeling her clench around him as she gave in to the feeling. He kissed her harder, his breath panting in her mouth as he sensed her getting closer to the edge.

  Somehow, he held on, and a few moments later, she jerked her lips from his and screamed out his name. He felt the climax, the delicate muscles clenching around his hand ... felt the convulsive shuddering of her body as she gave into the powerful pleasure he'd given her. He watched, his eyes blazing blue sapphire as her face showed her shock and delight. It was that look that sent him over the edge, and with an oath, he ripped his own pants open and removing his fingers, drove himself deep inside her still quivering body.

  She cried out again and wrapped her legs around him, pulling him even deeper. He groaned at the feeling of her, knowing instantly, it had never been so good with anyone else before. But then, she moved against him, and he stopped all thinking. Toeing off his own shoes, he used one hand to push his cotton slacks and underwear to the floor. Stepping out of them, he held her tightly, and turned, walking over to the rug in front of the fireplace.

  Brianna moaned again as they fell to the floor. She felt the rug beneath her, the soft fur tickling her back like a lover's caress. Danolas’ mouth was desperate on hers again, and all she could do was hold on tightly. Her blunt nails scrapped down his slick back, then up again until she could slide her hands around his neck. She rubbed her sensitive breasts against him, feeling his growl of passion at her movement.

  His fingers dug into her hips as he pulled her legs tighter around him again. She could sense his need; feel his frantic heartbeat as he began to thrust heavily into her, moving with lightning quick motions that themselves told the story of his loss of control. Her breath left her, and her heart almost stopped. In that instant, she was as helpless as he was, abandoned to the emotions filling her.


  He moved then, his mouth leaving hers to taste greedily of her breasts, her throat and shoulders, anywhere he could touch as they moved together in that merciless, pounding rhythm. Then he rose up, high above her. His long, moon-pale hair flowed down around them, and the glowing embers in the fireplace reflected on his intent, handsome face. His eyes glowed so brightly sapphire, she could barely look at him. His very beauty, the way he'd touched her, made her heart and body explode in unison and she shattered in his arms. Rainbows of color, intertwined with beautiful blues and violets shot through her, and then into him. The colors picked her up, enveloped her, then fused with her body, making her cry out a second time, the pleasure so great she couldn't take in all she was feeling. Danolas swelled inside her, growing even bigger than before. He groaned out her name, and wrapping his arms around her shaking body, pressed his lips back to hers and with a shudder, joined her in the rainbow world of sensation.

  They stayed that way for a long time, clutched together and shuddering. Time was lost to them both. Finally, she felt his grip loosen and he took a deep breath. Rolling, he drew her with him, so they were still joined, and she was sprawled over the top of his chest. She sighed and kissed his flat masculine nipple. “Sure, and that was ... incredible."

  He didn't say anything, but his arms tightened around her. His heart still pounded under her cheek, and she had the mad urge to do it all over again. “You know,” she said. “I never thought High Priests had a sex drive, until you."

  His voice sounded rusty ... unused. “Know that for a fact, do you?"

  She could have told him she'd never felt so in tune, so close to a man before as with him, but she didn't see the point. He'd made it clear what this was, so the past had no bearing on anything. So she just shook her head. “Most of them were so much older than me. Couldn't see them rolling around on the floor having wild monkey sex."

  His chuckle sounded beneath her ear. “But you could, me?"

  Brianna laughed, feeling incredibly content laying there in his arms. “Not until you kissed me that first time. Lord, my brain drained right out my ears. Almost dragged you upstairs, then and there."

  He was silent, and she lifted her head up to look at him. His slightly mussed hair and eyes darkened by satisfied passion made her mouth water and she wanted him. Again. Just like that. Experimentally, she moved against him and to her delight, he hardened within her.

  "Brianna,” he growled hoarsely, as she flowed over the top of him.

  "Danolas,” she answered, feeling her own body tighten in response to the heat throbbing inside her. “Now ... ‘tis my turn.

  * * * *

  Later, they slept, still lying naked on the rug in The Loft's main room. Their arms and legs tangled together, their hearts beating in a special rhythm known only to lovers. Far away, on the psychic plain, two power colors joined, blending to create a brand new magick. It slipped into the sleeping lovers, filling them with something special and unique. Then it spread, touching others as it moved through the night. Something extraordinary had happened. Something that would change them all, forever.

  * * * *

  He stared down at her sleeping face, ignoring the urge to trace those pouting lips. His body still shook with an aftermath of passion such as he'd never felt before. Brianna was as honest in her lovemaking as she was in her speech ... and as uninhibited. A flicker of unease shot through him. She'd made him the same way. Taking her against the wall, where anyone could have walked in and seen them.

  Danolas thanked the Power the two protectors assigned to Brianna that night were Suprahumans and not shades. The Loft rooms had been soundproofed back when Kira had first moved in, so they hadn't heard anything, and there was no reason for them to come upstairs. He wasn't sure he could have handled knowing they'd been seen. When he'd calmed a bit, he'd put a protection spell around the main room, but even s
o, he was way past uncomfortable. He shook his head at himself. He'd lost control ... taken her on the floor, not just once, but twice. Wild monkey sex, as she called it, was not his style, and tossing a woman around like he'd done Brianna was definitely something he'd never done before.

  He laid back and stared at the ceiling. He wouldn't lie and say it hadn't been the most incredible sex in his life. It had been wonderful. Intense pleasure that even now made him long for her again. But they'd shared more than their bodies, and that's what scared him right down to his toes. He hadn't meant to, but he'd shared his inner self with her, allowed her into a place no one had ever been before. Kira had come close, when they'd joined. She'd seen the rainbow colors of vision and light that permeated his soul, that made up who and what he was, but even she had been barred from that innermost sanctum. But not Brianna. She'd slipped inside him with barely any effort at all. They'd made something special between them. And when it was over, and she'd left that part of him, it felt like he wasn't whole any more.

  But it wasn't to be and he had to remember that. She wasn't the woman for him. He knew what he was looking for, and no matter how much he enjoyed Brianna, she wasn't it. If she'd been a little less earthy and more elegant. If she cared more about her looks and less about her appetite. If her tongue hadn't been so tart and her temper so quick. Guilt curled in him as he realized how shallow that all sounded, but it was better to be honest ... with her and himself.

  Which meant this type of thing couldn't happen again. No matter his body still cried out for hers, or the thought of never tasting her again made his very soul shrivel inside him. It wouldn't be fair to either of them to pretend otherwise. And even though they both understood the meaning of a casual affair, he knew now making love to Brianna would be anything but casual to him.

  Carefully, he rose to his feet and tiptoed into the office for his staff. He felt better, more in control with the extra power humming in his hand. Standing over her, he spoke a silent spell and the air around her shimmered and her body faded from sight. He followed her on the psychic plain until she arrived safely in her bed upstairs. Tenderly, he used his magick to pull the comforter over her.

  Dressing quickly, he spelled all of Brianna's clothes back upstairs. Then, casting one longing glance up the circular staircase, he strode swiftly to the elevator and left The Loft.

  * * * *

  Brianna woke up with some very pleasant aches in her lower body. Remembering what put them there made her smile widely. She turned to reach for the object of her thoughts, but her groping hand met an empty pillow. Opening her eyes, she discovered she was still naked, but lying beneath the cover of her own bed ... alone.

  Sitting up, she glanced around the room. “Danolas?"

  She cast out her thoughts and felt only emptiness. He was gone. Sighing, she flopped back down on the bed. Damn. She'd been hoping for another round. Her new lover was as virile as he was handsome, and the connection they'd discovered only made her long for more. She hugged herself in delight. By the Goddess, he was everything she'd expected him to be. Loving and generous, and his obvious need of her was a turn on all by itself. Her quim dampened and she shivered. She wondered if it would be too much to pop in over at The Keep and ask for a private consultation.

  The idea made her giggle out loud, and she stretched like a satisfied cat, feeling every one of those new aches in muscles not used to such activity. If Danolas knew how long it had been, he wouldn't have made those rude comments about her sex life. She thought back. The last lover she'd had was ... that Italian tourist. His dark eyes and liquid tongue had made her shiver and the two weeks he'd spent in Galway had been wonderful. But that had been—my goodness—over a year ago? She laughed again. So much for her reputation as a bed hopper!

  Crawling out of bed, she was surprised her legs were so rubbery. Making her way to the shower, she grinned. Brianna couldn't wait to tell Danolas about what had happened between her and Lucas. Then they could both have a good laugh over his unnecessary jealousy. And then ... maybe they'd even make it upstairs to the bed this time.

  * * * *

  She arrived at The Keep in the back of the limo, the two Suprahuman protectors by her side. Robbie—who was a true chameleon in that his power was to shift into anything at all—kept her guessing as he'd morph into something in the vehicle and she'd have to decide where he'd hidden himself. Bart, who was more brawn than brains, but a man you could count on to get things done, watched with a simple smile on his face. Brianna was in such a good humor, she made the protectors smile as well, so when she finally walked into the room, they were all laughing.

  "Well, Irish.” Lucas grinned at her and handed her a beer. “Looks like you're in a great mood."

  "I am,” she declared. “And I'll be even better when I have some of Louie's great food."

  "You guys should get married,” Patrick teased. “You both think with your stomach."

  There was a long silence and everyone tensed, then Lucas and Brianna burst out laughing. Her eyes danced as she kissed the werewolf soundly on the lips. “Aye, that we will. We'll send you an invitation."

  Moving to the table, she went straight to the man who'd held her thoughts for most of the day. Danolas sat coolly at the head of the table, his hair pulled back in two braids to tumble down over an elegant white robe covered in Celtic protection symbols. Bending, she touched her lips to his. “Hi, there,” she said throatily.

  She stiffened when he jerked away, refusing to meet her eyes. “Good evening, Brianna. It's good to see you again."

  Brianna stared at him, confusion clouding her eyes. “You just saw me a few hours ago."

  He still wouldn't look at her. “I believe Louie is ready to serve, if you'll be seated."

  She slowly sat down, her gaze not leaving his face. “Is there something wrong?"

  His smile looked forced and he'd yet to meet her eyes. “Of course not."


  Louie's arrival cut off Brianna's words, and there was an uncomfortable silence as the chef and his minions filled the plates with food. A quick Bon Appétit and they were gone.

  Brianna stared at the delicious food before her, her appetite suddenly non-existent. Her stomach knotted. He was mad at her. What had she done this time? She wracked her brain, but couldn't come up with anything she'd done in the last six hours since they'd been rolling around on the floor together. Then her heart stopped. Was that why he was acting this way? Was he embarrassed he'd been with her?

  Her head snapped up and she looked hard at him. “Tell me what's wrong."

  Danolas took a deep breath. He should have known she wouldn't make this easy. He met her eyes with difficulty, not wanting to see what would be hidden there. “Nothing is wrong, Brianna. We will talk about it later."

  Her eyes flashed a curious purple-blue. “Oh ... so I'm something to be swept under the rug, am I?"

  The other Chosen stopped eating, their silverware halfway to their lips. He tried a smile, but it came out more like a grimace. “I said, we'll talk later."

  "You think so?” Her voice was deceptively quiet. “I'm a thinkin’ you don't want your friends to know what you and I did."

  His stomach clenched at the fury and pain in her words. “Not now, Brianna."

  "Oh ... I think now is the perfect time.” She slammed her beer on the table so hard the bottle shattered. “You bloody bastard. I'm fine for a fuck if you can keep it quiet, but I'm too embarrassing to be seen with, is that the way of it?"

  Patrick dropped his fork and Lucas choked on his steak. The others just sat, frozen.

  "Brianna!” Despite himself, his voice rose at her words. “This is between you and I!"

  "Is it, now?” She shot to her feet and put her hands on her hips. “You think I'd have made love to you if I'd have known you wouldn't even admit it to your dearest friends? I know you said I wasn't the woman for you, but I didn't think you'd be ashamed of me."

  "Damn it!” he shouted. He stood, towering over her.
“I'm not ashamed of you. I just don't think we have to tell everybody that we...” His voice trailed off as his face went red.

  Her mouth tightened. “That we had wild crazy sex on the floor of The Loft where everyone and God could've seen us?"

  "Jesus...” Benjamin reached for the whiskey.

  "Enough!” Danolas grabbed her arm. “Unlike you, I don't feel the need to share my personal life with everyone. Have a little self respect."

  Tears welled in her eyes. “I have plenty of respect for myself, but I'm fast losing any I might have for you. Are you saying you wanted to keep our affair secret? Even from our friends?"

  "There is no affair!” he roared, losing his temper once again. He tried to count to ten but was unsuccessful. All he could see were Brianna's hurt filled eyes and the condemning faces of his brothers. Ignoring them, he looked straight at Brianna. “As I said ... we should talk about this later."

  "I don't think so.” She tossed her head and stared at him. “I want you to tell me now. What exactly happened last night?"

  "A mistake,” he bit out before he thought.

  Brianna wondered if they could all hear her heart break. “A mistake,” she repeated dully. “Our making love was a mistake."


  "No.” Her single word interrupted Patrick's cautioning voice. “I want to hear this.” She looked at Danolas. “Tell me why it was a mistake."

  The blonde witch cursed under his breath and dropped her arm as if it was too hot to touch. “I told you, Brianna. We are too different. I would have never touched any other woman the way I touched you last night. It's not in me."

  Hurt was fast being drowned out by anger. “Oh ... and how did you touch me?"

  It was obvious now Danolas had forgotten his brothers. All his attention was on Brianna. “You made me act like an animal. I took you so hard and fast I couldn't even think. You made me lose control. I've never done that before. Damn it, I could hate you for that alone."

  "Could ya now?"


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