The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3] Page 23

by CJ England

  Gallegar watched them both and smiled. “Having Brianna privy to our mind-speak could come in handy."

  "She should practice,” Aebh murmured, also studying the pair with pleased eyes. “As much as possible."

  Danolas smiled and took Brianna by the hand. “I think that can be arranged."

  * * * *

  Over the next few days, they all kept busy at various tasks. Lucas, Patrick, Benjamin and their men worked at gathering the supplies for their journey. They wanted to keep themselves unseen by enemy eyes, so they couldn't use their powers to get them to their destination. Instead, they arranged for another bus that could hold the entire company. And knowing conjuring food, camping gear or anything else they might need could bring unwanted attention, the men took a trip into Galway to pick up all necessary items.

  Kira and Gallegar spent a great deal of time with Aebh. The old witch had a great many questions about the war and what happened in the past. Knowing information given to an ally would benefit them all, the Peacekeeper and her First Chosen were more than happy to oblige. There might come a time where a call would be made for reinforcements. Having the strength of the Irish Witch Society, with all their history, traditions and knowledge behind the company, made the vampire and his lady even more confident for the future.

  Koran, Danolas and Brianna spent their time in the archives. They pored over dusty documents and sifted through literally a ton of parchments and scrolls. Piece by piece, they found tidbits of information about Labraic. Where he lived ... what he did, and the havoc he'd left behind.

  To their consternation, they found his cult hadn't been destroyed when he'd been banished back to Hell. Rather, it had gone underground, feeding on the fears and superstitions of the ages to slowly gain strength. Now, the organization had become visible, calling itself The Church of the Fallen and recruiting new members to its folds.

  The Church had its base in Labraic's old estate, near what is now modern day Enniskillen. Kept intact by obviously magical means, the buildings had stood the test of time, becoming modernized and able to house a veritable army. If financial reports were any indication, the organization was well funded and on its way to becoming very powerful. All very unsettling news. If they were correct, and the Church was responsible for the attacks on Brianna, they would be walking right into the enemy's camp.

  They found little information about the Sceptre itself. Some descriptions of the weapon, tales of how it was used against the demon, but mostly, just bits and pieces of song or poem. It had been a great victory, and all the bards wanted it known. Some were just doggerel, some seemingly more serious, but never did they have the whole piece ... save one. They found it tucked away in a bible, dusty and battered with age.

  I set a guard, no harm to thee.

  I speak this spell, ‘tis destiny.

  To keep you safe, this promise binds,

  Any man or beast, evil entwines.

  Hidden from sight, so no one can see,

  A promise kept, so mote it be.

  Your time will come, to rise once more,

  Your power and strength, to win the war.

  This prophecy will come to pass,

  When truth and love come at last.

  Progeny of power, the chosen shall be,

  Whose honor and faith will set you free.

  But for now in the silence of blackness, hide,

  To find the treasure, the heart will guide

  And so I pray, in peace remain

  Until that time, to fight again.

  I cast this spell, my protection for thee

  So I say it, so mote it be.

  It was touted to be a song about the Sceptre's hidden location, but it was hard to tell. It did mention the part about a descendant ... that was certain. Although it was definitely mysterious, and made the three magick welders curious, it wasn't specific enough to help them find the item they were seeking. But, just in case, they added it to the pile of documents they gathered.

  Danolas was no closer to understanding his feelings for Brianna than before. In fact, kill her or kiss her became the familiar refrain over the next few days. He'd thought he'd gotten a handle on things at the dinner, discovering Brianna was the woman in Kira's vision for him. He was confused, yes, and overwhelmed by the knowledge she was who he was supposedly destined for, and he knew he had some more thinking to do. He thought he'd made Brianna understand he wanted to be with her, but she seemed to have gone in the opposite direction.

  She spent a great deal of time with the other Chosen, practicing the mind-speech as Aebh had suggested. He knew, because he could hear every single word she said whenever the practicing took place. His erstwhile lover hadn't yet learned how to control her shielding. It was frustrating and irritating that she preferred their company to his.

  In fact, in his opinion, she was more contrary, more rude and opinionated than she'd been before. It was an experience, hearing her go into a tirade about where and how to look for the Sceptre while she looked so soft and ladylike in her robes. He'd grown used to her looking another way. Gotten used to the threadbare jeans and crazy T-shirts. They were as much a part of her as her temper. When he saw her in her witch's garb, he still did a double take.

  And she knew it. He had the sinking feeling that was why she was acting the way she was. Perhaps it was a test ... a way for her to see if he really meant what he said. Problem was, he didn't know what he meant. Even though he ached to be with her, to kiss and feel her body beneath his as he buried himself deep inside her, his mind still couldn't get past the idea of such an earthy mate. She wasn't what he'd thought of for himself, wasn't the lady he'd imagined by his side, ruling his Society, and it showed by the hesitation in his actions.

  But none of that stopped him from wanting to spend time with her. Danolas followed her to the local pub on several occasions—dressed more appropriately this time—just so he could see her. He'd sat down at the bar with her, and even tried to stomach the dark, thick brew she so enjoyed. She'd smiled politely, and then before he knew it, he was surrounded by local farmers and dairyman all talking about the latest football score. Brianna would be nowhere in sight. After it happened for the third time, he knew it was deliberate. She was treating him the way he'd treated her in San Francisco. All form and no heart.

  Why? That question beat at him as he went through the day. She said she loved him. She said she'd give him a chance to think things through. Was that what Brianna thought she was doing? Danolas wanted to break through the privacy shield on her room and shout at her that wasn't what he'd meant. He needed her, and after the closeness they'd shared the one night, he found the separation ... intolerable.

  Of course, he didn't force the issue. That would be a loss of control he wouldn't allow. Instead, he responded in kind, becoming more and more autocratic and arrogant. Soon, the verbal battles between the two of them became legend as they fought about everything from what information was important, to the color of the bus they were riding in. Koran—being an intelligent faerie—bowed out early in the skirmishes. He made a note to himself not to get involved with a woman who had a temper.

  It took a week before all was ready. The company was itching to go, if for no other reason than they hoped Danolas and Brianna would quit fighting once they were on the move. Aebh, came to see them off, her wise face still smiling, as she watched the two younger witches bicker over who sat where.

  "Do you still think you were correct in throwing them together?” Gallegar asked as he watched Danolas’ face redden at something Brianna said. “I expect we will see blood soon."

  The old woman chuckled. “They are both as stubborn and thick-headed as a donkey. But underneath, lies love. They just have to accept it."

  "Brianna loves him.” Kira slipped under Gallegar's strong arm and snuggled against him. “But she is not acting like it."

  "Aye ... she loves him true, but she is hurting and so hides the hurt and love behind temper. ‘Tis something she always did."

>   Gallegar looked up at the afternoon sun. “We are getting a late start. We will barely make Enniskillen by dark."

  Kira kissed Aebh goodbye. “We will scry-call if we need you."

  As Aebh hugged the smaller woman back, her gaze was on the two obstinate people she loved more than her own life. “They will be all right. Danolas just needs to break through the wall Brianna's thrown up.” She sighed and looked up at Gallegar. “Perhaps a push from one who has already been through it."

  The vampire raised a dark brow. “I always knew who I belonged to. I never had a doubt."

  "Then perhaps it is I who should speak with him.” Kira smiled at her mate. “Can you do without me for a short while?"

  "If I must."

  Aebh smiled broadly. “Think of it as a sacrifice for true love."

  Gallegar gave a loud snort. “With those two? It wouldn't be for love, but for a bit of blessed peace."

  * * * *

  "My seer.” Kira slid into the seat next to Danolas and smiled. “Is your journey going well so far?"

  Danolas looked away from the passing scenery and shot a quick look over at Brianna who was sitting with Lucas. She was laughing at something the werewolf said. “If he hadn't told me they were like brother and sister..."

  Kira chuckled. “Why do you worry? She is not for him, Danolas. This you know."

  "I can't help it.” He leaned back in the seat and sighed. “Are you saying you never felt jealous with Gallegar?"

  She smiled. “No ... I cannot claim I have never been jealous. But I always knew he loved me. That made it much easier."

  "Brianna said she loved me, but...” Danolas shook his head. “I don't know anymore.” He lifted pained eyes to Kira's. “My hesitation has made her hate me."

  "Oh, no.” Kira took his hand in hers. “She does not hate you. She is hurting and confused. She does not understand. Have you explained about the vision?"

  "I tried, but I can't get her alone long enough. She's avoiding me."

  "You must tell her. You must be honest with her."

  He shook his head. “Too much honesty is what got me into this mess. I told her from the beginning she and I were too different to be together. How can I tell her now, she is the one of my vision? Especially, when I still can't accept we are meant to be mated?"

  Kira's golden eyes narrowed. “Are you telling me you do not wish to be with her? Are you refusing your destiny?"

  His heart twisted in his chest. “I ... I don't know what I'm saying. I want her. More than I've ever wanted anything. What I feel when we are together...” His voice trailed off and he reddened. “I mean ... she satisfies a hunger I didn't even know I had."

  "Yet, still you hesitate."

  Danolas rubbed his eyes tiredly. He hadn't slept well since the last time he'd been with Brianna. “You know who my parents were. Leaders of the San Francisco Society, and then later the first witch ambassadors?"

  She nodded. “I remember you telling me about them."

  "You know my father is dead."

  Kira squeezed his hand. “Yes, I am sorry you lost him."

  "He was a great man. A natural leader and a very strong witch.” He sighed. “Very big shoes to step into."

  Frowning, Kira cocked her head. “Why do you want to put on his shoes?"

  Her confusion lightened his heart a bit and made him laugh. “It means I have to work very hard to be as good a witch as he was."

  She still looked confused. “You are yourself, Danolas. Why must you be like your father?"

  "Why, indeed,” he murmured. Kira's sweet naiveté about things did make him look at the situation differently. “I guess it is because I wanted to make him proud of me, so I was patterning my own life after his. A powerful mentor, taking over the Society he founded, and...” Danolas sighed. “Finding a wife who was as elegant and capable as my mother."

  "And you do not think Brianna is like that?"

  Danolas laughed at the thought. “She is the polar opposite. Dylona—my mother—was the perfect ambassador's wife. Soft-spoken, perfectly dressed, even tempered ... always a lady. Even now, she teaches etiquette and proper policy to up and coming ambassadors. She is perfect."

  "And perfect is what you want?"

  He stared at her. “I ... I don't know. That's what is driving me half-crazy. I thought it was ... but now...” Glancing over at Brianna again, he shook his head. “Now, even though I can't see Brianna in the role, I can't see anyone else as my mate either."

  "My seer, perhaps you are thinking too much?"

  "What do you mean?"

  Kira sighed. “If I had followed my instincts and told you all the truth when I found out what the Gatekeeper had planned, so much pain would have been prevented. Perhaps, I could have saved some of those who were killed, or at least made it so the battle would have been easier to win."

  "You don't know that,” Danolas remonstrated.

  "No ... and I never will.” Kira smiled sadly at him. “It will always be something I must wonder about. But my point is, I thought too much ... worried about things that were not just mine to worry about. I did not allow those who loved me to be a part of the decision making and so I hurt us all.” She pressed Danolas’ hand. “You must not make the same mistake."

  "Kira ... the decision to accept Brianna is mine and mine alone."

  A golden brow lifted. “Is it?” She gave a little huff of irritation. “I do believe there are two of you involved in this.” She slid out of the seat and looked down at him. “If you are not careful, by the time you make your decision, Brianna will have already made hers and whatever you decide will no longer matter. Perhaps, you should think on that!"

  Turning, the Peacekeeper stalked away to sit down next to Gallegar. The vampire's arm immediately encircled her in a soothing manner, and their eyes met, as they mind-spoke together.

  Danolas groaned. Great ... now he had both women on the journey angry at him. He stared at the back of Brianna's head. Kira was right about one thing. He had to tell Brianna the truth about the vision. Maybe then, the other witch would see his concerns had been valid. Firming his jaw, he got up and walked over to where Lucas was trying to teach her how to thumb wrestle.

  "Sure, and it's just a matter of being quicker,” Brianna was saying as he stopped behind them. “And we both know I'm more agile than the likes of you."

  "Is that so?” Lucas narrowed his eyes, then just as swiftly jerked around to stare at Danolas. “I guess you could answer that better than I could, eh, Danolas?"

  Brianna's face flamed red. “Oh ... for fuc—"

  "I'd like to talk to Brianna if I may,” Danolas interrupted, refusing to be baited. “Alone."

  Lucas grinned and opened his mouth to argue, but then his silver gaze went unfocused as he received a mind-call. He gusted out a mocking breath and lifted himself out of his seat. “Since Kira wants to talk to me, I'd say Brianna's all yours."

  "Thank you."

  "Sit down, you great fool.” Brianna tugged on his arm. “Now you've got everyone looking at us."

  Danolas sat down and surveyed her embarrassed face with interest. “I just want to talk to you."

  "Well, then ... quit your staring and have at it!” Brianna watched as his lips moved, silently counting to control his temper. She was almost ashamed of herself. She knew she was being obnoxious, but she just couldn't seem to help herself. Making him angry was one way of forcing him to show his emotions. Since she knew she couldn't have his love, it seemed fury was the next best thing. It didn't make much sense, but ... there it was.

  "I've been trying all week to talk to you,” Danolas said in a controlled voice. “At least here, you can't run away from me."

  Brianna bristled. “The day I run from you will be the day the Irish leave the island."

  "Keep your voice down,” he hissed. “You've been avoiding me all week, and when you weren't avoiding me, you were shouting at me."

  "Well...” Brianna tossed her head. “Since I can't avoid you no
w, I guess I can do some more shouting! You thick-brained idiot. I'll—” Her words were cut off when his mouth swooped down on hers. In an instant ... all the fury, all the words she was about to speak, flew out of her mind as if they'd never been there.

  Desire took their place. Curling heat and hungry need that happened only when this one man touched her. She was tossed into a cyclone of emotion that whirled her around until she was dizzy. Every sense was assaulted and conquered by the one fact she had no power over...

  She loved him.

  After it seemed a lifetime had passed, he released her, and she stared at him mutely, her eyes huge with confusion. He grinned down at her with a very male, self-satisfied look, totally ignoring the curious eyes pointed their way. “Now that I have your attention..."

  Brianna blew out her breath dizzily, but she couldn't think of a single blessed thing to say.

  Danolas figured there would never be a better time. She was a little off balance and for a change ... quiet. “I want to explain about what you heard when Kira and I were mind-speaking. Wait...” he urged as she made to protest. “I need to say this to you. Please."

  She subsided, but he could already feel her pulling away. To combat it, he grabbed her hands in his own. “Brianna, I've handled this all wrong from the beginning, but it isn't completely my fault."

  "Has this to do with why you push me away, then? I've been a trying to give ye the space you need."

  He nodded. So he'd been right about why she was staying away from him. “I told you I belonged to another. One I'd not met yet."

  Her chin lifted. “Sure ... you told me. And I told you I wouldn't be around when she came."

  Grinning at her, he dropped a kiss on her pouting mouth. “Too late."

  She froze and lifted her stricken gaze to his. “She's here?"

  "Leannan...” He leaned down and touched his forehead to hers. “She always has been."

  She withdrew from him even more. “I don't understand."

  Danolas sighed. “What I didn't tell you was when Kira and I first joined together, I thought she had been sent to be my mate."

  "Oh, you did, did you? And how did the vampire like that bit of news?” Brianna's eyes flashed purple at him.


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