The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3] Page 27

by CJ England

  He turned away and his eyes were bleak as he gazed out into the dark forest. “I thought I could ... I honestly wanted to, but I can't do this anymore. I must have some sort of control over what happens to me.” Danolas looked down at Jorad and his expression hardened. “You came close to killing someone I protect, because you lied to me. You wouldn't admit you needed help controlling your magick, and you wouldn't listen. I don't want that type of woman in my life, and we can't have that in this company. When this is over, I will release you to Aebh as you requested. Perhaps, then, we can both find peace."

  Danolas took a deep breath and looked at Koran. “My brother, if you would see to my acolytes’ healing?"

  Koran nodded, his amber eyes sad and serious. “I will."

  The witch ignored the stricken Brianna, and turned to Gallegar. “I will patrol the outer forest for any of the creatures. If I see one, I will contact you."

  The vampire looked from Danolas to Brianna and then to Kira, who nodded slightly. “Aye, brother. Make it so."

  Without another word, the High Priest banged his staff on the ground. A heartbeat later, he disappeared from sight.

  Kira moved immediately to Brianna's side. “If you give him time—"

  "No.” Brianna's face looked as if it had been carved in marble. “He's right. I'm too bloody proud and should have listened to him.” She shook her head. “I almost cost Jorad his life and I could have hurt the rest of you. I'm sorry."

  "When we want an apology, we'll ask for it,” Lucas growled. His teeth had withdrawn into his mouth, but his eyes were still wild. “Anyone can make a mistake."

  The young witch gave him a trembling smile. “Thanks for that, but I'm a knowing we've no time for mistakes. Not now, and definitely not ones that could have been prevented had I been honest.” She blinked back tears and glanced over at Gallegar. “I was embarrassed, and so I hid my problem, but that was stupid and ... and it means he was right. I didn't trust him. I didn't trust any of you. I was afraid you'd send me away."

  "Brianna—” Benjamin tried this time.

  "Please ... don't be nice to me. I don't deserve it.” She sniffed and looked at the ground. “I'd like some time, if I may. Would it be all right to use a bit of magick to fashion myself a tent?"

  The vampire frowned at the unusual meekness in her voice, but nodded. “Aye. We've a while before we move on. There's healing and clean up to do here."

  Brianna's face whitened. “I should help ... I mean if you'll allow—"

  "Y'all don't have to ask,” Patrick broke in, “but I think some time to yourself might be better.” He came forward and gave her a hug. “Don't worry. Go rest."

  Her shoulders drooped and she nodded. Turning away, she sent a beam of purple magick toward a flat area just outside the camp. A small tent appeared. Without looking back, Brianna ducked underneath the door flap and disappeared inside.

  "I'm going to kill Danolas.” Lucas clenched his fists as he stared after her.

  "No, my wolf,” Kira disagreed. “This has nothing to do with us or the war. Danolas and Brianna are right. This is about them and what they are to each other. If they cannot work this through, then no matter what I have seen, their destinies will come unraveled.” She gazed at all her Chosen. “We know how important trust can be. They must be able to find it, on their own. We cannot interfere."

  The big man sighed. “Can't I just pop him once? On the chin?"

  Patrick chuckled. “Y'all know that won't help."

  Lucas bared his teeth at his friend. “It'll help me."

  * * * *

  It was a quiet company that set off towards the higher mountains at daylight. Danolas had returned, bringing with him a brooding silence that showed his anguish and pain. He'd looked at the tent, and actually took a step towards it before shaking himself and turning the other way.

  When it was time to go, Brianna's tent vanished. She stepped out, her hair drawn back in a tight braid, wearing a clean pair of jeans with her ever present T-shirt announcing her mood. The men all gritted their teeth at the bald words, Sorry for the stupidity. It started before I was born.

  She'd taken the chastisement from Danolas hard, but like the strong woman she was, she'd admitted her wrong. Unfortunately, it didn't change the facts. Neither she, nor Danolas trusted each other, and without trust, love couldn't survive.

  Since the enemy knew where they were, using magick wasn't a problem. Instead of carrying all the gear, the witches magicked it away until it was needed again. They were able to move faster that way, but even so, it was difficult to get the correct direction. No matter how hard Brianna concentrated, she couldn't pick up on the trail. She'd lost it once they'd left the campsite.

  Finally, she called a halt. She wouldn't look at Danolas, knowing, yet again, he'd been correct. She'd let them all down. “I need a moment ... please.” Without waiting for an answer, she walked away to a slight rise. Taking a deep breath, she tried to concentrate on the trail she'd once seen so easily.


  Back at the group, Kira stepped over to Danolas’ side. “She needs you."

  He glanced up at Brianna, and his lips tightened. “She will find it. Brianna doesn't need anyone."

  The Peacekeeper shook her head. “I disagree. Now is not the time to be stubborn, my seer. Brianna's emotions are all churned up. How can she focus on anything right now when she is hurting about losing you?"

  Danolas’ heart twinged. His jaw worked as he stared up at the slumped figure on the small hill. He knew Kira was right, but he didn't want to go to the other witch. Knowing the truth about what was between them had devastated him as well, especially since there was nothing he could do about it. He hated that feeling of helplessness.


  "Fine,” he bit out, giving up. Grasping his staff in his hand, he left the group and walked up behind Brianna. Her soft scent teased his nostrils and he tensed. He wondered briefly if he would ever really get over her. “Brianna?"

  She jerked and glanced back at him. Danolas drew in his breath when he saw the hopeless look in her eyes and the tears on her cheeks. She stiffened and turned away.

  "You were right. I'm not experienced or strong enough. I can't find the trail. I haven't seen it since ... since we made camp last night."

  He walked around so he faced her fully. “You can find it. You did before, you will do so again."

  Brianna shook her head. “No ... it's gone. I can't feel anything.” She blinked rapidly, but more tears flowed. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come. I've ruined everything."

  Her words speared into his heart. No matter what was between them, she was still necessary for the quest, and he couldn't allow her to think otherwise. “You are important, Brianna. It is only you who can find the Sceptre. But I fear our argument is to blame for your problems. You can't concentrate on anything, but what has happened between us."

  She wiped her cheeks and shrugged. “I can't help that. ‘Tisn't part of my nature to be able to forget so quickly. I loved you. Won't disappear in a day, that won't."

  His stomach jerked at the past tense, but he forced himself to ignore it. “That ... that isn't it. You may not have the strength to do it on your own. Strong emotions can steal away our energy."

  Thinking about that, she finally met his eyes. “Aye. So what do I do?"

  Danolas tried a smile. “Let me help."


  "Let me give you some of my energy.” He realized, suddenly, just how badly he wanted her to say yes, but he refused to acknowledge that emotion as well. “For the good of the quest."

  Her eyes darkened. “Sure, and the quest is all that truly matters."

  Fighting back his own strong emotions, Danolas held out his hand. “Will you let me?"

  Brianna stared at the proffered hand for a long moment, then sighed as she realized she really didn't have any other choice. “Aye. I don't want to fail at this as well.” She slipped her hand into his, and then lifted her gaze. Her violet ey
es met his. “You have my thanks."

  It came so quickly, she actually started and dropped his hand. A brief flash of crystal power off to the right and behind her. She grabbed his hand and turned again to look. About a half mile back, and off to the right she could see it, shining brightly, inviting her to follow.

  "Do you see it?” she whispered.

  "Yes.” He glanced at the vision, then back down at her. “And now, I believe, I may know the answer to why you couldn't find it earlier."

  Startled, she let go of his hand. “What?"

  "Think of yesterday. When you first got the vision of the Sceptre's trail, and then all during the day.” He smiled wryly. “Where was I?"

  She frowned as she thought. “You ... you were with me at the Keep. And then later...” Her eyes widened, as she understood what he was saying. “Each time ... you were holding my hand."

  Danolas nodded. “I held you when you were first shown the trail. I think the magick came to you and saw my power mingled with yours. Now, it will only show itself to that mingled aura."

  Brianna's heart sank. Even now, the fates conspired to force them together. “I'm sorry. I guess you'll not be rid of me quite yet."

  "It isn't your fault, Brianna. Don't take on more than what you deserve. It is the way of it. At least, now we know."

  "Aye...” she said sadly, as she looked over the hills to the higher mountains beyond. “Now we know."

  * * * *

  It was easier after that. Danolas stayed close by, and whenever Brianna needed to check the direction, she'd touch his arm. The simple contact lit up the psychic plain and the trail would immediately come into view. They followed it for most of the morning before they stumbled out of a large group of trees and found themselves on the side of a highway.

  "Is that what I think it is?” Benjamin elbowed his brothers out of the way and stared down at the paved surface. “A road? We've hit a goddamn road?"

  Gallegar chuckled. “I do believe it is a public thoroughfare.” He glanced up as a car pulled over and stopped. “With people and all."

  "I don't believe it,” the Suprahuman grumbled. “You led us to a road?"

  Kira ignored his histrionics and stepped forward to speak to the occupants of the car. The window rolled down and a good-looking young man in his mid-twenties poked his head out. He looked at the Peacekeeper with masculine appreciation.

  "Well, hey there,” he said jovially, his accent pegging him as a fellow American. “What are you all doing out here? On a hike?"

  "Yes,” Kira answered politely. “But we are not sure exactly where we have ended up. Can you tell us where we are?"

  "Sure, honey,” the man grinned. “You just hit the road that takes you through the Geopark into the Cuilcagh Mountains and on to the Marble Arch Caves. It's just a couple miles away now.” He looked Kira up and down and licked his lips suggestively. “If you want, I'd be happy to take you the rest of the way. ‘Course ... I don't have room for everyone.” He winked at her. “Just you. Wanna party, sweet thing?"

  The traveler's face went pasty white when—their eyes glowing with fury—both Gallegar and Lucas stepped forward to flank Kira. Their growls knocked the smile right off the man's face. Putting his arm around Kira's slim waist, the vampire leaned forward and bared his fangs at the would-be lothario in the car.

  "Mine,” was all he had to say.

  Giving a strangled shout of alarm, the driver hit the gas and the car fishtailed as it made its way back up the highway. Gallegar looked down at Kira, frowning at the giggles she couldn't control. “I can't take you anywhere,” he complained.

  Meeting his gaze with loving eyes, Kira placed her hand on his heaving chest. “Yes, but ... you always know it is you who will be taking me home."

  He chuckled and bent to capture her pink lips with his own. “You do have a way of making my anger disappear, A Ghra..."

  "I love you, Mo Chridhe ... No other makes me feel as you do."

  "Ahem,” Benjamin interrupted. “Hate to break up all this ... romance stuff, but do you know where the hell we are?” He didn't wait for an answer. “I do. See that sign? We're only about twelve miles or so out of Enniskillen.” He glared at the others. “I remember seeing this road on the map. We could have driven here, damn it!"

  Brianna tried to stop the giggle, but it trickled out anyway. Benjamin turned his ruby-eyed glare on her. “Oh ... you think this is funny?"

  Lucas gave a snorting laugh, his good humor restored. “Actually, yeah ... I do."

  "I expected Danolas to be the one complaining, my brother,” Patrick drawled. “But y'all are the one having a time of it."

  Benjamin put his fists on his hips. “So I want to take the vehicles we have. What's wrong with that? What good is magick when it won't get us where we're going?"

  "My sovereign.” Kira fastened amused eyes on him. “We couldn't use magick, remember?"

  "And we don't know where the trail leads. It's hard to leap ahead when you don't know the destination.” Danolas grinned at his disgruntled friend.

  "Yeah, yeah,” the Suprahuman moaned. “Still ... what a gyp."

  Shaking her head, Kira turned to the smiling Brianna. “Do you still see the trail?"

  The witch put her hand on Danolas’ sleeve, and a moment later, nodded. She glanced apologetically at Benjamin. “It doesn't follow the road. It heads off that way.” Brianna pointed straight across the road from where they stood.

  "Of course it does.” Benjamin gave an exaggerated sigh. “But promise me this...” He glared around the circle. “Next time we have a quest, I'm the one who gives the directions."

  * * * *

  It felt somehow, like they were close to the end of their search. Anticipation built as they climbed a steep mountain, and then followed a wide gurgling stream to the edge where a beautiful waterfall plunged into a grotto below. Koran and Danolas levitated them all down, and they trudged along the wider river until it disappeared into a culvert pipe deep in the ground. Pushing their way through the tall bushes surrounding it, they found themselves at the edge of a large parking lot.

  "I am so not going to say anything this time,” groused Benjamin as he gazed at the neat line of parked cars. “Where are we now?"

  Brianna pointed to the sign at the far end of the lot. A tan sign with the outline of a boat and the words Marble Arch Caves European Geopark gave them a clue to their destination. She gazed at all the tourists milling about and her heart sank. “The trail heads down toward the cave. How do we get in with all these people around?"

  "We don't,” answered Gallegar as he watched a small boy throw himself to the ground and scream for a lolly. The longsuffering parents completely ignored him. “We can't afford an attack with all the humans around.

  "So what do we do?” Patrick floated over. “Set up camp again?"

  "I think Brianna and I should see exactly where the trail goes, before we decide anything,” Danolas answered. He grabbed the other witch's hand. “If the trail leads around, there would be no need to wait."

  Brianna cleared her throat, and tried not to hurt as she felt the strength of his fingers intertwined with hers. “I ... I think he's right. I can only see to the other side of the car park. We should be able to get closer."

  Gallegar nodded. “Make it so, but carefully. Try not to draw attention to yourself."

  "How about this?” Danolas waved his staff and Brianna morphed back into the drab brown haired woman they'd all first met. A second wave altered his striking looks, giving him short, dirty blonde hair and a scruffy beard. They both wore jeans and yellowed T-shirts.

  Staring at his changed face, Brianna shook her head. “Sweet mercy. Is this what you felt when you saw me different that first time?"

  Danolas inclined his head. “Shocking, isn't it?"

  All she could do was nod. His masculine beauty was hidden by the unkempt beard, and wearing sunglasses, his vivid blue eyes couldn't be seen. “Aye. I wouldn't know you."

  Koran stepped
up. “Make sure you tone down your magick. They know we're around, but they don't need to know where exactly."

  The High Priest nodded, and with a sure movement, changed his staff so it looked like a hiker's stick. “You ready?"

  Brianna took a deep breath. “As I'll ever be.

  * * * *

  They were back within a few minutes with the news. Cyric's trail went right into the yawning mouth of the Marble Arch Caves. They'd have to wait until dark to be able to go any further. They made camp, back along the flowing stream, and waited.

  Brianna made a point of sitting next to Jorad and apologizing for the mistake that had gotten him injured. The acolyte was somewhat receptive, but she could tell he didn't like her. Whether it was because she'd screwed up and he was hurt, or he didn't like how she treated Danolas, she didn't know. But his feelings were easy to read, when he got up in the middle of her speech and disappeared into the bushes.

  Danolas watched her as she apologized, saw his acolyte's reluctant acceptance, and sighed. He wished straightening things out with Brianna would be as easy for him, but instead of the truth setting them free, it had made them see how impossible it was for them to be together. But it didn't stop the ache in his gut for her. All he'd said was true, but knowing it was over didn't make the truth any more palatable.

  It was dusk when the last car disappeared from the park. Patrick popped over and checked things out, then returned, his face serious. “All clear."

  Gallegar turned and gazed at Danolas. “They will come,” he said quietly. “If the Sceptre is in the cave, as I believe it is, and they have somehow found us again, this will be their last chance to stop her.” His green eyes reflected the last rays of the sun. “You must get her where she needs to go. It will be our responsibility to make sure you have the time to do so."

  The High Priest nodded and then grasped the vampire's extended arm. “I will keep her safe. We will find the Sceptre.” He turned to a pale-faced Brianna. Her purple eyes shone in the moonlight like violet stars. “Are you ready?"


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