The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3] Page 30

by CJ England

  She started to run to the lake's edge, but saw immediately, if she tried to go in, one of the evil faeries would move to stop her. An idea came to her and she cringed. It might work, but it wouldn't be fun. Seeing no other choice, she sighed and turned back to the huge demon that was methodically hurting the man she loved. Taking a deep breath, she wrapped herself in a transparent shield, and then praying for a miracle, she sent the rest of it in a purple battering ram right at the demon's back.

  It hit him, hard enough to rend the leathery skin and make him drop Danolas. With a growling curse, he turned to her, his eyes shining a deep angry red in his simian face. Brianna swallowed ... hard. Danolas always said she could piss off a saint. Hopefully, it would be easier with a sinner. She cleared her throat.

  "Sure, and you're the ugliest thing I've ever seen,” she shouted at him. “Its no wonder you liked Labraic's pretty face. Being stuck with that one would make an angel weep."

  "Bitch witch,” it growled. “You think to mock me?"

  "Brianna ... no.” Danolas’ weakened voice made her tremble. Another time she couldn't obey. She ignored him, keeping her gaze on the angry demon.

  "Ahhh ... but ‘tis truth, isn't it? Do lady demons shudder when you slink by? Is that why you like being human?” She took a step closer as if asking a personal question. “Can't get laid, can ya?” Brianna shook her head. “'Tis a sorry thing for a man or beast, I'm a thinking. And you being so tiny, and all."

  Labraic's eyes bugged out of its head. “WHAT! You dare? You don't know what you're talking about!"

  Brianna snorted. Seemed even demon males were worried about their size. “Sure, and that's why you hide behind the smoke.” She shook her head again. “Pitiful ... just pitiful. Why I'll bet you couldn't get a woman in your bed, even if you put a spell on her.” She pointed to the area where his genitals would be as she delivered the cou de gras. “'Course you still couldn't get anything to happen once she saw you and started laughing."

  "Whore! Bitch! Worthless female!” Labraic swelled even taller. “I will kill you where you stand."

  Brianna pretended to look disgusted, even as her heart pounded crazily. “I'm a betting you can't even get it up for that."

  Wham! That was all it took. The demon sent a wave of power at her. It hit her so hard, it dented the shielding around her. Brianna knew if she hadn't used it, she might be dead now. Thank the Goddess she learned one of Danolas’ special lessons, even though her lover hadn't been the one to teach it.

  She screamed, and faked a faint, but she added her own magick to the momentum of the demon's strike and allowed it to carry her out and above the lake. When she thought she was close to where the Sceptre was hidden, she let the magick go and she fell with a loud splash, into the icy black lake.

  Even used to the cold seas around Dunguaire Castle, she gasped at the freezing water. She knew even her witch powers couldn't keep her warm forever, so twisting her body, she swam downwards, hoping, beyond hope, she could do what she'd set out to do in the beginning.

  Find the Sceptre of Power.

  * * * *

  "Brianna!” Danolas’ shout rocked the cavern. Struggling to his feet, he stared out over the water that had swallowed her without a trace. He pushed himself off the wall, fury lending strength to his weak and beaten body, as he staggered toward the lake, his only thought to get to her.

  "Not so fast, High Priest.” Labraic blocked his way, its face twisted with satisfaction. “We aren't finished yet."

  "You bastard! She couldn't hurt you.” Emotion burned deep inside him. “You didn't have to do that!"

  The demon shrugged. “She angered me. Must be something about your family."

  Pain and rage made it hard for Danolas to concentrate. “I will kill you. I swear it on my grandfather's name."

  Labraic smirked. “Which one?” It sent a stab of power back at the witch, but this time Danolas deflected it. “Well now ... got our strength back a bit, do we?"

  Danolas wasn't about to tell him he was so weak he could barely stand. It was only his anger over Brianna being attacked that kept him on his feet. He started to mind-call his brothers, but they were still fighting the pookas and cluricauns. One of the rock men had been destroyed by Lucas and Benjamin, but the other was threatening Gallegar and Kira, with the hound worrying Koran and his elven men. He couldn't ask for their help.

  He looked back at Labraic's smug face. “It's not over yet, Labraic. You will pay for what you've done."

  The demon loomed over him, its eyes glowing in its hideous face. “I've waited eight hundred years to have my revenge on those in your family. You will die ... slowly and painfully."

  * * * *

  Deep in the frosty depths of the lake, Brianna searched frantically for the elusive Sceptre. Her magick gave her the ability to swim without breathing, but the cold was making it hard to concentrate. She'd gone over the section where she thought she'd seen the Sceptre several times, with no luck. Tears burned her eyes. Would she fail at this, too?

  Kicking hard, she went all the way to the bottom. Her long hair flowed out around her, giving her the appearance of a redheaded mermaid. The light she'd conjured and attached to her hand, glowed fitfully as she passed over the hard rocky bottom. Nothing moved here, nothing lived. No fish, no plants, no life at all. The water was clear, pure and as cold as the other side of eternity. A shudder went through her, and Brianna knew she was running out of time. If she didn't get out of the water soon, she would freeze.

  "Help me.” The whisper of longing tore through her before she could stop it. But her eyes closed and she shivered again. “Please, Cyric. Help me save him."

  It was so faint at first she didn't see it. She kept swimming, her teeth beginning to chatter as her body worked at producing the needed heat to live. Brianna blinked when she caught a glimmer of movement to her right, and she jerked around, her mouth dropping open at what she saw.

  It was a ghostly apparition of a man. She could see through him, could see the rocks on the bottom on the other side of his body. His long flowing brown robe floated around him. Long auburn hair touched his shoulders and he stared at Brianna with eyes the same violet as her own.

  "Cyric,” she mouthed.

  The spirit smiled and pointed to his heart. Then up to the top of the water.

  "I don't understand."

  He frowned at her, then reached beneath his robe. Brianna gasped as he pulled out the Sceptre of Power. The beautiful weapon shone brighter than the sun. Cyric again pointed to his heart and then the surface of the lake.

  Brianna's eyes filled with tears. “I'm sorry. I'm not as smart, or brave or loyal as you are. I don't understand. I don't know where the Sceptre is."

  Cyric's face gentled. He nodded, pointing at his heart, and he pointed to hers. Then he motioned above him and closed his eyes. Not knowing what else to do, Brianna closed hers as well. For several long seconds nothing happened. She waited, fighting back the impatience and the mind-numbing cold. Then, like a film moving in slow motion she saw it ... a vision from the past. Her eyes popped open as Cyric, his face filled with anguish and fear, ran down the same cavern tunnels she and Danolas had traversed earlier. He came to the side of the lake, and after a moments hesitation made a cushion of air so he could continue across and find his way up the passageway above.

  Her eyes widened when the evil ones raced from the passage. Brianna screamed, water filling her mouth and making her choke when the hunters sent an arrow at Cyric, piercing his chest. She saw his triumph when he turned the weapon on them and they collapsed into dust. She felt his pain and tasted his bitterness when the Sceptre of Power slipped out of his bloodied fingers and fell into the lake below.

  Watching as it lazily circled down, she saw the gems winking all the colors of the rainbow, and the crystal still shining as bright as the sun. Only when it fell to the lake floor, and was still, did the colors dim and the light fade away. Looking back up, she saw Cyric make it to the other side of the lake before
collapsing from loss of blood and exhaustion. After watching him use the weapon, now twice, she was surprised he'd lived to begat another generation of O'Maoilduans.

  Turning back to look at him, she tried to understand what he was saying. According to the vision, the Sceptre had fallen right where she was standing. So where was it? She looked around in frustration. It was here ... she felt it. Then, without warning, the verse she and Danolas had found leapt into her mind.

  I set a guard, no harm to thee.

  I speak this spell, ‘tis destiny.

  To keep you safe, this promise binds,

  Any man or beast, evil entwines.

  Hidden from sight, so no one can see,

  A promise kept, so mote it be.

  Your time will come, to rise once more,

  Your power and strength, to win the war.

  This prophecy will come to pass,

  When truth and love come at last.

  Progeny of power, the chosen shall be,

  Whose honor and faith will set you free.

  But for now in the silence of blackness, hide,

  To find the treasure, the heart will guide

  And so I pray, in peace remain

  Until that time, to fight again.

  I cast this spell, my protection for thee

  So I say it, so mote it be.

  Her head jerked up as her heart pounded. “I understand Cyric. You gave me the clue and I didn't see it. My heart ... it will be my guide."

  Cyric's handsome face broke into a smile. He pounded on his heart with a clenched fist and nodded. Then he kissed his fingers and held them out to her...

  And was gone.

  Tears overflowed from Brianna's eyes, flavoring the pure water with salt. She floated down to her knees on the hard lakebed. Holding her hands out in front of her, she allowed the violet glow of her power to spread out around her. Taking a deep breath, she recited the words of the verse, and willed her very soul to bring the Sceptre of Power to light.

  "In the silence of blackness, it shall hide,

  To find the treasure, your heart will guide."

  There was a sound ... a faint, almost musical humming. Like joyous triumphant music; muted or far, far away. The noise resonated through the water, making Brianna's hair wave as if tossed by an offshore breeze.

  Before her astonished eyes, the cave lakebed flickered and shimmered with colorful light. Brianna's heart pounded as the Sceptre of Power slowly came into view. She stared at it, barely believing the weapon was lying in front of her. It was just as beautiful in real life, as it had been in the visions. Glowing with gold and rich silver, the five colored gems twinkled in the light of her power. The crystal, she now could see, was a soft azure color and her eyes filled again, tears burning and running down her cheeks. It was Danolas’ color. The same crystal he carried in his staff.

  Any doubt she may have had was erased, and reaching out her hand, she wrapped her fingers around the Sceptre. Power shot through her, making her gasp and choke. Stubbornly, Brianna lifted the weapon, holding it to her chest, uncaring of the magick that sang around her. She had to get it to Danolas. Now ... before it was too late for them all.

  Pushing off from the bottom, she swam to the shoreline, keeping just under the surface of the water. Her heart was pounding so hard, it hurt. She was freezing cold and her head ached from holding her breath for so long, but if she was seen, finding the Sceptre would be for naught. Stealth was what was needed here. That ... and a bit of Irish luck.

  * * * *

  Slowly and painfully. It had been the promise and the demon delighted in keeping it. Danolas was so weak; he was leaning against the cave wall, barely able to deflect the shots of red poison the enemy was sending his way. Labraic was playing with him, like a cat would play with a dying mouse.

  Kira and the others were still fighting furiously, but as more cluricaun and pookas appeared in the cavern, the odds worsened. Bodies of the dead were strewn everywhere and while the company was holding its own, it was apparent they were tiring. He knew it was his fault. Danolas could see the wagon wheel of powers on the psychic plain and knew his spot on it was weak and failing. If they didn't work together, they weren't as strong, and his battering by the sadistic demon made them all vulnerable.

  He glanced over at his staff. If he could just get to it...

  "I think not.” Labraic flicked a finger and the rod went spinning across the chamber. “You are easy to read, High Priest. I find it enjoyable tormenting you. But then, I always did like a good bit of torture.” He bared his sharp pointed teeth. “Some of the devices used centuries ago were my idea. I particularly liked the heretic's fork. That one gave me hours of pleasure."

  Danolas shook his head as red spots began to obscure his gaze. “You ... are a monster.” He leaned back against the wall. If he could only get his breath.

  Labraic smiled. “Ahhh ... compliments now. You must be tiring. I have to admit, as much as I enjoy the taste of immortal flesh, I have other things to do. Like find the Sceptre. Perhaps, I'll have the Peacekeeper fetch it for me.” He glanced at Kira and licked his rubbery lips. “Naked."

  "You won't touch her!"

  The demon laughed. “And who will stop me? You? You couldn't even protect the young witch. She died because you were too weak and stupid.” Labraic's eyes narrowed. “I am tired of you. Time to end this, witch!” He stepped backwards. “Give my regards to your grandfather!” Lifting his hands, the hellspawn summoned all his powers into one tight beam.

  Danolas knew it was over for him. Even his immortality couldn't hold out against the powers of Hell when aimed in such a concentrated burst. Grief rolled through him. His blindness would cost him not only his own life, but with him gone, the Chosen and Kira could fall as well. And Brianna. Tears filled his eyes and trickled down his bloody cheeks. He'd been a fool. Love had been offered to him, but because of his own prejudice, he'd turned away. Now, he would give anything to have her in his arms one more time.

  Labraic's scream of triumph sounded through the chamber. It was so loud, it stopped the fighting for a long moment. Everyone watched ... frozen, as the demon gathered his powers and threw the full force of Hell against Danolas.

  No one saw the small figure climb from the lake. No one noticed the bright shining rod in her hands. No one observed until too late, her stumbling run from the water, and not a single being, good or evil expected her to throw herself as a shield in front of Labraic's victim just as the stream of power reached him.

  Danolas’ arms wrapped around Brianna to push her away a heartbeat too late. The poisonous beam of red magick speared through her.

  "NO!” he screamed.

  She gave a gasping cry and her head was flung backwards on her shoulders. Red power streamed out of her gaping mouth and widened eyes. Danolas looked down in horror, but the death ray never touched him. Instead, it shot through her back, out her chest, and was deflected by the shining crystal weapon she held cradled between her breasts.

  Brianna had found the Sceptre of Power.

  "Sweet Goddess!” Danolas cried. “No, Brianna ... Leannan!"

  The Hell magick went on and on and Danolas couldn't do anything to prevent it. It was killing her ... tearing away at her life force as easily as a flood can wash away anything in its path. He tried to help, but he was too weak, too close to death himself. He could only watch as Brianna's life drained away before his eyes.

  Then, as suddenly as it began, it was over. Brianna slumped against him, her face pale as a shade's, her breathing almost non-existent. Danolas cradled her against him, cupping her icy cold cheek in his hand. “Brianna ... please ... you must hold on.” Tears rolled down his ruined face. “Don't leave me A Stór ... Not now ... I need you.” He glanced quickly at Labraic, who floated there, openly gloating. “You have given me the means to destroy him. Stay with me. Don't give up."

  Her eyes fluttered open, but the beautiful violet color was gone. All that was left behind was the darkness of an empty soul.
Her lips moved and he bent to listen, his whole body tensed as if he could will her to stay alive.

  "Dan ... o ... las.” Her eyes closed and then opened again.

  "I'm here, leannan. I'm right here."

  "Use ... the ... Sceptre. Avenge our ... families."

  "I will, Brianna. And you will help me."

  "I ... I found it."

  "You did.” Danolas was openly crying now, his tears falling into her wet, tangled hair. “You finished the quest."

  She coughed and a trickle of blood stained her lips. “No ... you are ... the chosen ... one. Kill La ... braic. Protect ... your ... people. Finish ... finish it ... for me."

  "I will. I promise. Just stay with me."

  Her eyes closed. “Too ... late ... for me. But ... not for ... you."

  Danolas gasped as his whole body was lit from the inside with a burst of healing energy. He'd felt it only one time before. When Brianna and he had made love and she'd cured him and restored his life force. He felt the same way as he had then ... strong and able. That time she'd done it unknowingly, this time she did it intentionally through the connection that was always between them. His heart almost burst with fear as he pulled slightly away. She was giving the rest of her life force to him, so he could fight. “No, Brianna ... stop!"

  A smile touched her lips as she open her eyes one last time. “I ... love ... you ... Danolas. I do ... this because I ... love you. Her eyelashes slowly fluttered shut, and she went limp in his arms.

  He stared down at her, feeling as if his heart would shatter if he moved. Even as she died, she loved him. She'd offered her life for his and then given him not only the tool, but the strength to destroy the one who'd killed her and threatened their very existence. Cold, icy rage grew within him, mingled with a grief that was made even bitterer, because he'd admitted too late the one thing she'd wanted him to say.

  He was in love with her.

  Chapter 14


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