Godschild Covenant: Return of Nibiru

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Godschild Covenant: Return of Nibiru Page 1

by Marshall Masters


  Godschild Covenant: Return of Nibiru

  by Marshall Masters


  Science Fiction/Fantasy

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  Your Own World Books


  Copyright ©2005 by Marshall Masters

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  All Rights Reserved © 2002 by Marshall Masters

  3nd Edition—January 2005




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  Your Own World Books

  an imprint of Your Own World, Inc.

  Carson City, NV USA

  SAN: 256-1646



  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  To Morris for My Gift

  and to

  Aron for My Inspiration

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  Ancient voices from our distant past warn us that we of today may soon face the fearful challenge of a majestic but violent universe. With life as we know it hanging in the balance, we may find ourselves perched upon a fulcrum of evolution, de-evolution or worse yet, extinction. If a planet five times the size of Earth passing through our solar system does not threaten catastrophe, then certainly something else will. For this reason, this book is not about catastrophe. Rather, it is about the awesome strength of our own humanity and how it gives us the strength to carry on when all we have left is hope itself. In essence, this book is focused on the most important question of catastrophe—how will the human spirit survive?

  Godschild Covenant: Return of Nibiru is about the enduring strength of the human spirit and is based on a fictitious flyby scenario of the planet Nibiru in 2012, as described in the various works of the noted historian and scholar, Zecharia Sitchin. As this book goes to press, there are many who feel certain that Nibiru will again pass through our solar system sometime within the next decade. They further believe this next flyby will be as catastrophic as a previous passing that caused the “Great Deluge,” as the ancient Babylonians called it. For Western civilization, the “Great Deluge” is more commonly known as the Old Testament (Hebrew Torah) story of “Noah's Flood."

  Assuming you know little or nothing about Nibiru, you're probably wondering: Does it really exist? If so, when will it appear next and what would that mean for mankind?

  Without question, Nibiru is a historical fact, according to ancient texts, dating back to the earliest civilization of Sumer, in the region now known as Iraq, Syria and Iran. In terms of scientific fact, nothing conclusive in terms of credible astronomical observations of Nibiru has yet emerged. This is not to say that Nibiru does not exist. Any astronomer will tell you that failing to observe an object in space is not proof that it does not exist. So are astronomers still looking? They are—and until scientists can offer conclusive proof, all that we have are historical facts handed down to us from the ancients.

  What ancient texts tell us, according to Sitchin, is that with the exception of the Great Deluge flyby, the coming of Nibiru had always been greeted with great enthusiasm. Visible to the naked eye after dusk, the appearance of Nibiru in the night sky would prompt great parades and feasts in celebration of life. This was because our ancient forefathers held the firm belief that the coming of Nibiru brought with it dramatic technological and sociological advances.

  A previous flyby of Nibiru, as recorded by the ancients, has been inseparably linked with the Great Deluge as a time when the “gods” of Nibiru warned mankind of the impending disaster, in much the same manner as the Old Testament tells us that God warned Noah and ordered him to build an ark.

  From what scholars on the subject can gather, Nibiru passes through our solar system well beyond the orbit of Jupiter every 3,600 years. Some have expressed the opinion that Nibiru is actually a small captive planet of a collapsed star that orbits our system. This is not such a far-fetched idea as systems with two suns are more prevalent in the universe than our own single sun system.

  So could Noah's Flood have been caused by Nibiru, or perhaps by a collapsed star holding it captive? That depends on the positioning of the planetary bodies in our system, or simply being at the wrong place and at the wrong time. Other Nibiru scholars have expressed the opinion that during the Deluge flyby, the positioning of Earth relative to Nibiru was uniquely catastrophic. So, could another flyby of Nibiru through our solar system cause a repeat of Noah's Flood—during your lifetime?

  Be forewarned: contemplating this thorny question will net you many long and sleepless nights. While gazing upward from your bed at the little cracks in your bedroom ceiling, your mind will dwell upon horrific flyby catastrophe scenarios until exhaustion and sleep finally overtake you.

  However, there is an eventual bright side. At some point in the process, you will decide to put all these doomsday “what-if” catastrophe scenarios behind you and to focus on what really matters—the survival of the human spirit, no matter what comes. (And while you're at it, it probably wouldn't hurt to paint your bedroom ceiling, just for good measure.)

  The fact is that while the ancient Sumerian texts link the passage of Nibiru through our solar system to the time of Noah's Flood, they do not suggest or imply any causal connection, such as tidal gravitational forces being exerted upon the Earth by Nibiru. Simply put, Nibiru's flyby and Noah's Flood could have been a matter of coincidence and nothing more. Then again, the ancients did not possess modern technology as we know it, and so it is unlikely that they would have been able to establish such a causal connection.

  In the final analysis, the next coming of Nibiru is more likely to herald another celebratory event as the ancient texts suggest, as opposed to creating a modern day catastrophe for our lovely blue-green planet. Sadly, though the chances are remote, the risk of catastrophe remains.

  If the worst were to happen—another Great Deluge—that would certainly mean the end of civilization as we know it. A global catastrophe of that scope could certainly endanger the very survival of mankind if we blind ourselves to the threat. For this reason, the flyby scenario in Godschild Covenant, The Return of Nibiru, presents a level of catastrophe that falls somewhere between the Great Deluge and a harmless celebratory flyby as reported in the ancient texts.

  It is also important to keep in mind that mankind faces even greater threats than a catastrophic Nibiru flyby, such as a major impact similar to those portrayed in blockbuster movies Armageddon and Deep Impact.

  Is that
the worst the universe can throw at us? As terrible as those cinematic impact scenarios may seem, there are even more terrible things to consider. For example, if a star within twenty-five light years of Earth were to suddenly go supernova, the result would certainly become an extinction level event for mankind.

  In this context of all this, Nibiru, which is often called “Planet X,” is something we can survive! This is one of the reasons why I chose a Nibiru-based catastrophe scenario for this book, because it allows me to focus on the issue that is nearest and dearest to my heart—how will the human spirit survive?

  After years of study and deliberation, it has become my firm belief that a catastrophe, such as the one portrayed in this book, would become a catalyst for change. It would jar us out of our present self-serving, materialistic rut and force us to evolve into the more intelligent and compassionate beings to which we aspire. God willing, later generations would reflect upon our deep suffering as mankind's unavoidable price of admission into a millennium of peace, as foreseen in prophecy long ago.

  —Marshall Masters

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  The Godschild Covenant




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  Destiny finds those who listen and fate finds the rest.

  So learn what you can learn, do what you can do,

  and never give up hope!

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  2011: The Year of Lies

  THE WARM, MOIST night wind and driving rain, unusual for December in Berkeley, buffeted the windows as Dr. Justin Taylor tucked his 9-year old son Russell into bed. “Hey, Tiger, I wish I could read more of Moby Dick to you tonight but my eyes are killing me. I've been grading papers all day. Such is the life of an English professor, my son. I do dread the end of the semester."

  “That's OK, Daddy,” Russell answered. “I understand. There will be another time.” Born and raised for the early part of his life in Oklahoma, Justin Taylor had that rugged, tall Texan look and gentle accent similar to that of boy's biological father, Anthony Jarman.

  Standing up to his full height of six foot three, Justin looked down upon young Russell with adoring love in his deep blue eyes. “You're my hero."

  “And you're my hero too, daddy,” said Russell. Self-confident, slender and just over four feet tall, the boy had broad shoulders which made him look similar to Justin in many respects except one. While he decidedly shared his mother's facial features and black, curly hair, the difference was in the eyes. In this regard, fate had made Russell a perfect clone of Anthony Jarman, though the boy had never known the full truth of his lineage.

  While the secret of Russell's true biological father had been kept from him, his mother and stepfather often talked in hushed tones about Russell's intense, steel blue eyes. Like those of his biological father, they could pierce through you in a single glance, like a hot knife through butter.

  “Well, that makes us the dynamic duo, I suppose.” Justin replied with a proud glowing smile as he finished tucking the boy into bed.

  “You sleep tight, and don't let the wind bother you. It is just this crazy weather right now because of the sun activity, and it will pass in a few months. Or at least that's what the government says, and we must trust them for now."

  As he reached over to turn off the light, the young boy rose up from his bed and hugged him closely. “I'm afraid, daddy. My friend Ernie from school went with his father to some astronomy club observation event, and he said he saw Nibiru for the first time now that it is far enough away from the Sun to be seen through a telescope. I don't like this planet, daddy. I'm afraid of it."

  Justin held on to him, gently patting his back. “Everyone is, son, but NASA tells us that nothing major will happen except for these crazy weather patterns, like this rain and floods, which, thank God, we do not have to worry about. In a few months, all of this will pass and things will be better, so buck up. There are brighter days ahead."

  They sat like that for several minutes until Justin could feel his son sag into a deep sleep. With tender care, he laid the boy's head back upon his pillow, tucked him in again and kissed him gently on the cheek. Switching off the light, he carefully closed the door to Russell's room, adjusted his house robe and softly walked down the stairs to his living room and waiting wife, Roxanne.

  Curled up on the end of their massive couch in a matching robe, Roxanne had uncovered her shapely legs to a suggestive length, then unpinned her long, deep auburn hair and provocatively drew it over the front of her ample and shapely bosom. Even after nearly 10 years of marriage, the exotically beautiful five foot eight beauty could still arouse her husband with her enduring physical grace and delicate facial features. On the coffee table, she had set various tidbits of cheese, fruit and a decanted bottle of Justin's favorite Petite Sirah, a young but incredibly promising wine.

  As he drew close to her on the couch, she held up a box of natural tear droppers she'd acquired from Justin's optometrist earlier that day to treat the lack of tearing in his eyes he usually experienced under the crush of having to grade final exams. “I've got the drops for your eyes, so put your head on my lap, darling, and let mamma Taylor fix you up with some drops and a scalp massage."

  “You are my angel,” he sighed as he slipped his head onto her lap. “My eyes feel like someone took sandpaper to them. The damn shame of it is that I couldn't read to Russell tonight."

  “Hold still,” she commanded as she applied the drops to both eyes. “Now remember to keep your eyelids shut and to gently roll your eyes around a few times."

  “I'll just pretend I'm sneaking a peak at you in the shower and getting a good look at everything,” he teased.

  She play slapped him on the cheek. “You're a naughty boy."

  “Just the way you like them,” he flirted back.

  She sighed. “I've been found out. We'll need to discuss this in greater depth later on this evening."

  He felt pulsing in his groin. “Oh yes, in much greater depth, indeed."

  Roxanne giggled and play slapped him again. There had been a time in her life when she thought she could never be this happy but there she was, with a loving son and a devoted husband, the envy of any woman. The rain outside was driving in sheets across the large picture window facing the street in loud staccato pelts. As she began to massage his scalp, she casually asked, “So tell me, my adorable husband, is Russell sound asleep?"

  Continuing to keep his eyes closed, he turned his head slightly with the motion of her massage. “Yes dear, but he's terribly frightened by this Planet Nibiru flyby. The weather is pretty weird now."

  “I'll say. Last week, the FAA announced that they are going to extend their virtual cancellation of all daytime domestic flights because of the freakish wind shears that have caused those three horrible crashes last week. The airlines are scrambling to reschedule flights, but people are opting to take the trains."

  “Between this and the drop in air travel because of the Chinese-made Stinger missiles the Islamists used to down all those flights a few years back, it looks like the major carriers are not going to make it out of Chapter 11 this time."

  “Yes, I think they're their done for. The only planes in the air today are chartered jumbo jets with advanced avionics and military. Damn pity. I can remember when flying was easier than taking the bus. I guess the government will finally have to step in and nationalize the airlines after all."

  Justin snuggled his head deep into Roxanne's lap and slapped his thigh. “Oh darn me and these accursed papers. I forgot to tell you earlier, but you got a ninety-percent keyword hit on a Fox News report with Rose O'Hara. I was bus
y grading a paper when the notice popped up on the screen and I didn't bother to look at the TIVO listing. I just saved it under your favorites box and went back to grading."

  “Oh thanks; now you tell me. You know O'Hara is my favorite news reporter."

  “Yeah, I know; she's an all-American red-head with an attitude and brains. And, if I may add, a bodacious body."

  She play slapped him again. “You are really being a naughty boy, tonight."

  He ran his tongue across his lips. “Best of all, I get to stay behind after class is dismissed."

  She grasped his chin and shook it. “Open your eyes, and sit beside me. I'm just itching to see O'Hara's report.” As he sat upright, Roxanne switched on the wall size mural HDTV and thumbed her way to the report saved in the TIVO favorites folder for immediate playback."

  It began with the usual Fox news bumper and cut to a close-up of O'Hara standing in front of the Homeland Defense induction center in Reston, Virginia with a line of men and women behind her. As usual, O'Hara had pinned up her coppery light auburn hair, which she always let down while at home and shopping. A fiercely proud Irish-American from head to toe, she could roll with the punches like the best of them despite her smallish figure. Some in the media liked to think of her as much younger Christiane Amampour, but with a credible feminine side to counterbalance her biased and blistering intelligence. However, for the management at Fox News, she was simply nothing more than pure gold because she could connect with their audience like a stuck slot machine.

  “Good afternoon; I'm Rose O'Hara for the Fox News Channel, and behind me is the latest batch of draftees called up by the Homeland Defense for duty.” The facility was ordinary by military standards with the usual scrub pines set about the facility, which would be used to train inductees for immediate field commissions.


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